Constitution of the State of North Carolina and Copy of the Act of the General Assembly Entitled Part 10

Constitution of the State of North Carolina and Copy of the Act of the General Assembly Entitled -

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Counties, commissioners divide, into districts; 7 3 Districts have corporate powers as towns.h.i.+ps; 7 4 Majority of voters necessary to levy taxes, etc.; 7 7 Money, how drawn from its treasury; 7 8 Officers enter on duty, when; 7 10 Of towns.h.i.+ps; 7 5 School districts; 9 3 Fund; 9 5 Taxes to be ad valorem; 7 9 Towns.h.i.+p trustees a.s.sess property; 7 6

County treasurer; 7 1

Courts to be open; 1 35 Kinds of; 4 2

Criminal charges, answer to; 1 12

Criminal and civil actions; 4 1 Courts for cities and towns; 4 14 Prosecutions; 1 11

Deaf-mutes provided for; 11 10

Death punishment; 11 2

Debt does not affect homestead; 10 3 County, city or town cannot contract, except by majority of qualified voters; 7 7 Imprisonment for; 1 16 In aid of rebellion, void; 7 13

Debt, restrictions upon increase of public, etc.; 5 4 What bonds declared invalid; 1 6 Declaration of rights; 1

Department of agriculture; 3 17

Divorce, general a.s.sembly does not grant; 2 17

Disqualification for office; { 6 5 { 14 7 Dueling disqualifies; 14 2

Education, board of; 9 8 Officers; 9 9 Expenses; 9 13 County school fund; 9 5 Encouraged; { 9 1 { 1 27 First session of; 9 11 Power of; 9 10 Property devoted to; 9 4-5 Quorum; 9 12

Election of officers by general a.s.sembly, viva voce; 2 9

Elections, by people and general a.s.sembly; 6 3 Contested, returns of; 3 3 Free; 1 10 Frequent; 1 28

Electors, oath of office of; 6 4 Qualifications of; 6 1 Registration of; 6 2

Eligibility to office; 6

Emoluments, exclusive, none; 1 7 Hereditary; 1 30

Entails to be regulated; 2 15

Enumeration of rights, not to impair others retained by people; 1 37

Equity suits and actions at law, distinction abolished; 4 1 Pending when const.i.tution took effect; 4 20

Evidence against himself, criminal not compelled to give; 1 11

Executive, attorney-general advises; 3 14 Department of; 3 Distinct; 1 8 Officers; 3 1 Compensation; 3 15 Duties; 3 13 Reports of; 3 7 Terms of office of; 3 1 Seal of state; 3 16 Vacancy in, how filled; 3 13

Exemption; 10 1 By reason of military duty, etc.; 12 4 Property of _feme covert_ not liable for husband's debts; 10 6

_Ex post facto_ laws; 1 32

Extra session of general a.s.sembly; 3 9

Feigned issues abolished; 4 1

_Feme sole_, property of, not liable for husband's debts; 10 6

Fines, excessive; 1 14

Freedom of the press; 1 20

Fundamental principles, frequent recurrence to; 1 29

General a.s.sembly, acts, style of; 2 21 Article seven may be modified or repealed by; 7 14 Bills and resolutions read three times; 2 23 Compulsory education may be enforced by; 9 15 Election by; 6 3 Entails regulated by; 2 15 Extra sessions; { 2 28 { 3 9 Journals kept; 2 16 Protests entered on; 2 17 Members of; 2 24 a.s.semble when; 2 2 Election for, when held; 2 27 Office a disqualification; 14 7 Terms commence with election; 2 25 Vacancies, how filled; 2 13 corporations controlled by; 7 14 Names, personal not changed by; 2 11 Officers of, election, viva voce; 2 9 Pay of; 2 28 President of senate; 2 19 Speaker of house; 2 18 Powers of; 2 22 In relation to divorce and alimony; 2 10 Representation apportioned by; 2 4-5 Revenue; 2 14 Schools provided by; 9 2 University to be maintained by; 9 6-7 Yeas and nays; 2 14-26

Government, allegiance to U. S.; 1 5 Internal, of state; 1 3 Origin of; 1 2 Seat of, remains in Raleigh; 14 6

Governor, commands militia; 3 8 Commutations, pardons, reprieves; 3 6

Governor, compensation 3 15 Duties of 3 12 Extra sessions called by 3 9 Impeachment of 3 12 Justices of peace appointed by, when 7 11 Lieutenant, qualification of 3 2 Oath of office 3 4 Officers appointed by { 3 10 {14 5 Qualification of 3 2 Residence of 3 5 Vacancy in office of 3 12

_Habeas corpus_ 1 21

Hereditary emoluments 1 30

Homestead and exemption 10 2 Benefit of widow in 10 5 Exempted from debt 10 3 Laborer's lien attaches 10 4 Privy examination of wife to dispose of 10 8

House of correction 11 4 Orphans 11 8 Refuge 11 5

House of Representatives, representatives, apportionment 2 5 Officers of 2 18 Term begins when 2 25 Qualification for 2 8 Ratio of 2 6

Husband can insure life for benefit of family 10 7

Idiots provided for 11 9

Immigration, department of 3 17

Impeachment 4 4 Court of 4 3 Of governor 3 12

Imprisonment for debt 1 16 Except by law, wrong 1 17

Indictments for crimes committed before const.i.tution took effect 14 1

Inebriates 11 9

Inferior courts 4 12 Officers of 4 30

Insane provided for 11 10

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