The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 98

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_Gentlemen_--This is to certify that I had the neuralgia several years, and was not able to perform labor nor attend to business. I was induced to try your medicines, which I took and they effected a permanent cure.

I am now well and hearty, and able to do a good day's work, and weigh one hundred and eighty pounds,--and thanks to you for it. I used your medicines three months and was cured.

Yours truly, AUGUST HABENICHT, Fort Pierce, Brevard Co., Fla.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Mann.]

_Gentlemen_--I will say that your Inst.i.tute is all that you claim for it, and more too. The Doctors are courteous gentlemen and the best Physicians I have ever met with in my life. My treatment while at the Inst.i.tute did me more good in one month than all the doctors everywhere else combined. My ailment was Paralysis and Female Weakness. Your treatment did me good while at the Inst.i.tute, and I have also been greatly benefited by the home-treatment I have received from you since.

I am much better than I was; I am able to do considerable work now. When I came to you I could not do anything.

I herewith send you my heartfelt thanks for all you have done for me, and should I need more treatment I will write you as before. I would advise all people who have chronic diseases to go to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Inst.i.tute for help, for it is a grand place and prices are reasonable. We use your Family Medicines--your "Pellets" and Golden Medical Discovery--and find they are all you claim for them.

Again I thank you and remain, your friend,

MRS. S.B. MANN, Sutton, Clay Co., Neb.


Buffalo, La Rue County, Ky.


_Gentlemen_--I am still having very good health. I value Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and his "Favorite Prescription" very highly and often recommend them to others. I do not think I would ever have got well if it had not been for your medicines. I was in a sad condition. My bowels and half of my body (the left side), was nearly paralyzed, besides nearly my whole system was out of order. I suffered all the time; but after taking six bottles of "Golden Medical Discovery" and the same of "Favorite Prescription," and using two bottles of Sage's Catarrh Remedy as an injection, I felt like a new person. I have never seen anyone suffering in the same way as I did. If anyone with female trouble of any kind will use your medicines I am satisfied they will help them.

Yours truly, Mary A. Sallee.


WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL a.s.sOCIATION, Ltd., No. 3 New Oxford Street, London, W.C.:

[Ill.u.s.tration: C.F.G. Castleman, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--In the latter part of 1890, I was struck down with that terrible--and by many members of the medical profession p.r.o.nounced to be, incurable disease, locomotor ataxia. My family doctor declared that nothing could be done for me, but for the sake of satisfaction advised me to go to London, and see an expert, whom he named. I did so, with the result of being told as above. This was in November, 1890. The symptoms were first numbness in hands and feet, which soon extended as far as the thighs, joined with the most intense feeling of cold that it can be possible to imagine. For six months I felt as though I had stood in ice up to my thighs. I soon became unable to walk or to stand, and crawled up stairs on my hands and knees, I thought for the last time, as I then thought I should die. Stomach troubles then set in, and for more than three months, I endured the utmost agony. Night and day sweats absorbed my little remaining strength, and I became helpless. I had taken leave of my family, not expecting to last the day out, when I was seen by a young doctor, who is fast becoming an eminent man, who said he thought he could alleviate my sufferings--though he did not expect to cure me.

He commenced to treat me, and in about one month I began to improve, though very slowly. This was in February, 1891, and before the end of the year I was able to walk down stairs again. It was in March, 1892, that I began taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and on sending to you for a bottle in reply to your inquiry, I began your special treatment, with the happy result that I gradually improved in health and strength; and on the 26th of October, 1892, I was able to call on you in London, and you advised me to continue your treatment, and use a battery as well, which I did until April, 1893, when I could walk about quite nicely, and I now enjoy better health than for the past eight years. I am thankful too, that my eldest daughter has derived the greatest benefit from Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. She took it for painful menstruation, and is now well and healthy. I am

Yours very truly, C.F. GOODWIN CASTLEMAN, Bursledon, Southampton, England.


From the records of the WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL a.s.sOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.:

[Ill.u.s.tration: F.M. Brasher, Esq.]

This gentlemen had a severe attack of grip in January, 1890. His health gradually declined until June, at which time he was taken very much worse. Had nervous shocks three or four times a day. Slight paralysis of lower limbs. Respiration and pulse slow and irregular. Bowels constipated and tongue coated. Indigestion. Ringing in the ears. Legs wasting. Dimness of vision. Lost flesh rapidly and reduced to "skin I and bones." Chills and sweats; dizzy. Had great distress in bowels. Pain about the heart. Had been confined to his bed 46 days, at the time the case was submitted to us. We sent only one month's course of special medicines. He writes us afterwards:

"I am at regular farm work, after my doctor here having told me that I must die and that Dr. Pierce was a gigantic humbug."

Yours truly, F.M. BRASHER, Homer, Logan Co., Ky.


WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL a.s.sOCIATION, No. 663 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y.:

[Ill.u.s.tration: Miss Swinehart.]

_Gentlemen_--My daughter, Sadie, is eighteen years old; has been afflicted with that dreaded disease, Epilepsy, for fourteen years. She received treatment from seven different doctors without any material benefit. She has only had one spasm after commencing with your treatment, now almost two years. Three boxes of epilepsy medicine, followed up with your "Favorite Prescription" cured her. She took about six months' treatment in all.

This places us under a world of obligation to you as the instrument of our great relief under a kind Providence. Should there be any signs of it returning we would with unshaken faith send for more medicine. You can use her or my signature as you wish.

Yours truly, GEORGE SWINEHART, Lake, Stark Co., Ohio.



WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL a.s.sOCIATION, Ltd., No. 3 New Oxford St., London.:

[Ill.u.s.tration: G.H. Plumbstead, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--I have great pleasure in announcing to you my heartfelt thanks for the benefit derived from your treatment, having suffered from epileptic fits for six years. I have experienced as many as five and seven fits a day, some lasting two hours at a time. I am glad to say since trying your medicine which is now five months, I have not had one.

Thanking you for your kindness.

Gratefully yours, GEO. HERBERT PLUMSTEAD, 67 Fishgate Street, St. Edmunds, Norwich, England.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Master Johnnie Maxwell]

_Gentlemen_--I desire to express my grat.i.tude for the wonderful results of your treatment with my little son John. He was very bad, as we thought, for the physician could do nothing for him any more, and I got discouraged and went to my daughter, Mrs. D.T. Knappenberger, of Jeannette, Pa., (who has been a terrible invalid and was cured at your Inst.i.tute), for advice. 'Oh, father,' she said, 'don't doctor here, but go to Dr. Pierce. So the result was I gave her money and she sent for medicines. You sent two bottles of medicine and he never has taken a drop since and is perfectly well and never had a spell since. I do not know what you call the disease, but we called it spasms or fits. With my experience I can heartily recommend the Invalids' Hotel, and think if a case can be cured at all, you can cure it. And unless they can cure or greatly benefit the patient, they will not undertake it; this is my experience with the World's Dispensary. My daughter, Mrs. D.T.

Knappenberger, and my son Johnnie, feel very grateful toward the Dispensary for their cure.

Yours truly, D.A. MAXWELL, Greensburgh, Westmorland Co., Pa.



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