The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 70

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Having successfully treated thousands of invalids who have suffered from this chronic affection, we possess abundant evidence of the curability of the disease, but we have only s.p.a.ce to publish a few letters from persons who have been under our care, or who have used our medicines, purchased from druggists.


Health depends very largely upon the regularity of the bowels. There should be proper alvine evacuations every day. There are few persons who have not suffered at some period of their lives from constipation of the bowels. Inattentive to the calls of nature, or a neglect to regularly attend to this important duty, sooner or later, produces disastrous results. Furthermore, it is essential to the comfort of every individual, for, when this function is not performed, there is derangement of the mental as well as of the bodily organs.

Constipation, or _costiveness_, as it is sometimes termed, is a functional derangement of the large intestine. This intestine is about five feet in length, and consists of the caec.u.m, colon, and r.e.c.t.u.m. It serves as a temporary reservoir for the excrement.i.tial residue of alimentary matter, and for the effete materials excreted by the glands contained in its mucous coats. It is distinguished as the _large_ intestine, because of its great size.

Habitual constipation produces many derangements, resulting from _sympathy, irritation_, or _mechanical obstruction_. By referring to Figs. 4 and 9, the reader may observe the anatomical relations which the large intestine sustains to the other abdominal organs. The ascending colon arises in the caec.u.m (Fig. 4), at the lower part of the abdomen, and over the kidney on the right side, where it begins a circuitous route around the abdominal cavity, comes in contact with the inferior surface of the liver, proceeds behind and below the large curvature of the stomach, emerges on the left side, and downward in front of the left kidney, where it dips into the pelvic cavity, and ends in the r.e.c.t.u.m.

If fecal matters are retained until they are decomposed, great injury follows, since the fluid portions are absorbed, conveyed into the blood, and, of necessity, corrupt it with their impurities. In this way, constipation may be the source of general derangement, but _such_ disorder is seldom attributed to the torpid state of this intestine.

There is little doubt but that it thereby imposes a great tax upon the functions of the liver, and, frequently, the fault is attributed to that organ instead of the large intestine. Sometimes the blood becomes so charged with fecal matter that its odor can be detected in the breath of the subject.

An overloaded condition of the large intestine may cause inflammation of the liver or dropsy of the abdomen. When the colon is distended, it becomes a mechanical impediment to the free circulation of the blood in other organs, and causes congestion of the portal system, predisposing to chronic inflammation or cirrhosis of the liver. This latter is a structural affection, and may, in turn, give rise to abdominal dropsy.

In a word, the acc.u.mulation of feces in the colon irritates both the large and small intestines, thus causing congestion of the bowels, liver, or stomach.

The protracted presence of feculent matter deadens the sensibility of the intestine, so that great stimulation is required to provoke it to action. The contents become dry, solid, knotty, and hard, and very difficult to evacuate. If drastic, irritating physic be taken, only _temporary_ relief is afforded, and it must be repeatedly resorted to, and the dose increased, to obtain the desired effect.

SYMPTOMS. One diagnostic symptom of a loaded state of the colon, is an abundant secretion of urine, as limpid as water. The direct symptoms relate to the hardness of the feces and the great difficulty of voiding them. The influence of constipation upon the functions of the liver, is indicated by the sympathy displayed between that organ and the mind. The patient manifests apprehension, mental depression, taciturnity, and melancholy, all indicative of hypochondriac dejection, induced by constipation.

We have treated patients, who, from this cause, had renounced their bright hopes, lost their buoyant spirits, and, becoming subject to superst.i.tious fears, had given themselves up, night and day, to devotions and penance. It often happens that the victims of this deep dejection and morbid feeling of self-abas.e.m.e.nt, are persons not only of good moral character, but of high religious attainments, and their painful exhibitions of fear, distrust, and gloom, originate in _physical_ rather than in spiritual causes. It is interesting to witness this strange perversion of the imagination, this morbid debas.e.m.e.nt of the religious faculties, and dejection of mind, due to causes disturbing the functions of the liver and other vital organs.

Young girls, as they approach the age of p.u.b.erty, seem possessed with the idea that the unfrequent action of the bowels is a desirable habit.

They do not a.s.sociate with the duty a proper regard for health, but consider it as an inelegant and repugnant practice. The consequence is, that at this susceptible period, constipation, induced by neglect, arouses a latent hepatic or pulmonary disease which has been lurking in the system.

How many girls ill.u.s.trate the truth of this statement by their complaints of dizziness, throbbing pain in the forehead and temples, flus.h.i.+ng of the face, transient flushes of heat over the body, while at the same time the extremities are cold. At other times, they manifest the evils of such a course by their stupor, drowsiness, and deep sleep, although upon arising in the morning, they are still tired and unrefreshed.

The constipated condition of the bowels, often leads to congestion of the uterus and leucorrhea, followed by uterine debility, prolapsus, excessive menstruation, anteversion or retroversion of that organ. The infrequency of the habit, incorrectly supposed to be desirable by a young woman, becomes nearly, if not quite disastrous to all her desires and bright prospects. Complications arise, and neither the inexperienced girl nor her solicitous and afflicted parents know where to look for remedial aid. If they seek an asylum from these sufferings, they find many private inst.i.tutions, where flattering expectations of speedy recovery are aroused. At such inst.i.tutions, these uterine disorders are generally treated merely as local diseases, while the causes are overlooked, and, consequently, a permanent cure is not effected. Having spent nearly all the money at her command, the patient returns home utterly disheartened. After such failures, many of these unfortunate individuals have applied to us and received treatment, and by persistently following our directions, have in due time been restored to health, amid all the comforts of home, and among friends, who rejoiced with them in the unexpectedly favorable turn of affairs, accomplished at a comparatively trifling expense.

We have seen infants, and also young children, in whom constipation was obstinate. It therefore seems that it is often hereditary. In some persons, this affection continues from childhood, with but little variation, until bleeding pile tumors are developed. Habitual constipation of the bowels for a long period of years will generate a cla.s.s of diseases, which are often very serious in their results.

CAUSES. We have already alluded to a sense of false modesty which prevents a response to the calls of nature, and we may mention other reasons, equally trifling, which deter many from fulfilling its demands.

Some are in the habit of temporarily postponing their visits to the water closet, until, when they do go, they find themselves unable to evacuate the bowels. Sometimes the closet is a damp, uncomfortable out-house, situated at a distance from the dwelling, or the access is too public, and, hence, there is an unwillingness to visit it at the proper time. Some appear to be too indolent to attend to this duty.

Others are too energetic, and think they cannot take the time, until they have finished some self-imposed task or attended to a pressing engagement.

Inactive life and sedentary occupations are also causes of constipation.

Active exercise promotes all the bodily functions, and helps to regulate the bowels. Those who are engaged in literary pursuits, find that mental occupation determines the blood to the brain, thus drawing it from the extremities; the temperature falls below the natural standard, and there is almost invariably congestion of the bowels. The inmates of boarding-schools, factory girls, seamstresses, milliners, employes in manufacturing establishments, and all who sit and toil almost unremittingly twelve hours in the day, do not get sufficient exercise of all the muscles of the body, and are often troubled with obstinate constipation.

Food prepared according to the modern modes of cookery, is one of the causes which favors the developement of this derangement. People live too exclusively upon bolted wheat flour. The branny portion of a kernel of wheat consists of various nutritive elements, with more than five times the amount of phosphate of lime contained in fine bolted flour.

Those who daily use boiled cracked wheat are not troubled by constipation. There is no dryness or hardness of the feces, and the bowels are evacuated without discomfort.

TREATMENT. Prevention is always better than cure; hence, a few hygienic directions may not be amiss. Do not disregard the intimations of nature, but promptly respond to her calls. If there is constipation, overcome it by establis.h.i.+ng the habit of making daily efforts to effect a movement of the bowels. Taking regular exercise by walking, and lightly percussing or kneading the bowels for five minutes daily, help to increase their activity. The habit of early rising favors the natural action of the bowels. Drinking a gla.s.s of water on rising exerts a beneficial influence. The food should be such as will excite the mucous secretion of the large intestines, and arouse its muscles to action. For this purpose, there is no one article that excels coa.r.s.ely-cracked boiled wheat. Graham bread, mush, cakes, gems, and all articles of diet made from unbolted wheat flour are valuable auxiliaries, and may be prepared to suit the taste. Take the meals at stated hours; be punctual in attendance, regular in eating, and thoroughly masticate your food.

Irregularity in the intervals between eating, disturbs the functions of the intestine. The use of ripe fruits, such as apples, pears, grapes, figs, and prunes, in proper quant.i.ties, is sometimes very beneficial.

Trivial or unimportant as these hygienic suggestions may appear, yet were they observed, constipation, as well as most of the diseases incident to it, would be obviated. A large proportion of the cases will yield to the foregoing hygienic treatment without the employment of medicines. Should it be necessary, however, to employ an aperient to relieve the constipation, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will act most congenially, and will be followed by no constipating reaction, which invariably occurs when drastic cathartics are employed. Its operation is mild, bringing about a healthy action by promoting the biliary and other secretions, thus aiding nature in establis.h.i.+ng normal functional activity in the bowels. Recourse should be had to it before employing any thing more strongly cathartic. However, should it prove too mild in its aperient effects, small doses of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets may be employed daily to a.s.sist it. Unlike other cathartics, they produce a secondary tonic effect upon the bowels, which renders their influence more lasting than that of other purgatives. We cannot too strongly discourage the injurious custom which many people have of frequently _scouring_ out their bowels with strong cathartics. It is a bad practice, and cannot fail to do injury. The greatest benefit is derived, not from cathartic doses, but from taking only one or two of the "Pellets" per day, or enough to keep the bowels regular, and continuing their use for several weeks, in connection with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, strictly carrying out the hygienic treatment heretofore advised.

The medical treatment of individual cases sometimes involves many considerations relative to the particular circ.u.mstances and complications presented. The peculiar susceptibility of the const.i.tution, as well as the diseases incident to constipation, must be taken into account. Symptomatic derangement should not be treated as primary, although it is by inexperienced physicians. If the patient be afflicted with uterine disease, piles, nervous affections, falling of the lower bowel, or fistula, they should be treated in connection with this disease. For these reasons, we would advise our readers to submit all complicated cases, or those that do not yield to the course heretofore advised, to a physician of large experience in the management of chronic diseases, and not a.s.sume the great responsibility and the dire consequences which are very liable to arise from the improper treatment of such cases. We have been called upon to treat thousands of cases of this troublesome affection, and as a result of our vast experience, and in consequence of our original and improved methods of diagnosis, it is not generally necessary that we should see and examine the patient in person. We can almost always determine the exact nature of the patient's malady, and its stage of advancement, without seeing the subject in person.


There are few maladies more common than this, and few which are more annoying. Piles consist of tumors formed within the r.e.c.t.u.m and about the a.n.u.s, by dilatation of the hemorrhoidal veins and thickening of their walls. Sometimes, when attended by considerable inflammation, or when the attacks are very frequent, there is thickening of the adjacent cellular and mucous tissues.

There are two general forms of this disease, the external or blind piles, in which the tumors are outside the a.n.u.s, and the internal or bleeding piles, in which the tumors are formed within the sphincters, although after their formation they may protrude. The external piles are commonly made up of thick tissues; upon one side, the skin forms the covering, while on the inner surface is the mucous membrane of the bowel. It is this surface which is most tender and irritable and liable to inflammation. The internal form of the disease is situated from a half an inch to two and a half inches above the sphincter muscle of the a.n.u.s. The tumors are usually round, oval or cylindrical in form. They may be scattered over the surface of the bowel, or cl.u.s.tered together.

The ill.u.s.trations (Figs. 1 and 2) show the two forms of the disease. The two protruding tumors in Fig. 2, ill.u.s.trate the usual form of prolapsing internal piles, whilst the one highest up in the bowel shows the form most commonly met with. It is seldom that one pile tumor is found alone, there usually being two or three, and sometimes as many as five or six, in a cl.u.s.ter. Fig. 3 shows the manner of distribution of the veins in the rectal region. The small venous loops, or bulb-like terminations of the veins H. _i_., are the points at which the piles most frequently occur.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 1.

Swollen External Piles.]

CAUSES. Whatever tends to favor an undue acc.u.mulation of blood in the hemorrhoidal veins predisposes to piles. For this reason the affection is frequently a result of diseases of the heart and liver, which cause an obstruction in the circulation of the blood through the portal vein.

Mechanical pressure from tumors in the abdomen, pregnancy, or an enlarged or misplaced uterus, is not infrequently a cause of the disease, by keeping the hemorrhoidal veins over-distended. Those diseases which provoke much straining, as stricture, inflammation or enlargement of the prostate gland, and stone in the bladder are also active causative agents. The most common cause of all, however, is constipation; and persons of indolent, sedentary and luxurious habits of life are the ones most frequently affected with this derangement. The following are also prolific causes of piles, viz.: pelvic tumors, violent horseback exercise, indigestion, pregnancy, habitual use of drastic cathartics, diarrhea, dysentery, sitting on heated cus.h.i.+ons, long-continued standing posture, diseases of the liver, worms, the wearing of tight corsets, eating highly seasoned or indigestible food, and the use of alcoholic stimulants. No age is exempt from piles, nor is the disease peculiar to either s.e.x. Aside from the serious inconvenience and pain which are experienced with most forms of piles, there is a tendency to fistula, and to cancer in the rectal region. It is important, therefore, that the disease should not be allowed to run on unchecked.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 2.

Piles: internal and protruding. ]

SYMPTOMS. The most common symptoms at first are slight uneasiness, such as a little soreness or itching at the verge of the a.n.u.s, and at times lancinating pains. These sensations are more severe as a rule if the bowels are constipated. If the piles are external they frequently become inflamed, swollen and painful, and in some instances they suppurate, which usually results in relief. When internal piles have increased to any considerable extent, or have become inflamed, they produce not only itching at the extremity of the bowel, pain in the back, etc., but also a sensation of fullness in the r.e.c.t.u.m, as though some foreign body were present, and, on action of the bowels, there is a sensation as though a portion of the faeces had not been expelled. When the internal piles become large, they frequently come down with faecal matter from the bowel, as ill.u.s.trated in Fig. 2, and this prolapsus becomes more and more marked with the progress of the disease, until, in many cases, the tumors are forced down at each action of the bowels, causing excruciating pain until they are properly replaced. Usually, in the early stages, they recede spontaneously; however, after a time it becomes necessary for the sufferer to press them back, but in some instances this is impossible. Frequently during the protrusion one of the hemorrhoidal veins gives away, and this is followed by a free escape of blood, and ulceration may ensue. Not infrequently with this disease the patient loses strength and flesh, and the face becomes pale and puffy, a.s.suming a waxy appearance. Many times there is nausea, with vertigo. Is consequence of the relaxation, the bowel may descend when on the feet, or with some extra muscular effort, especially when stooping.

These symptoms may not all be present in one person, and, indeed, sometimes are somewhat obscure; when such is the case, an examination by a competent physician will always determine the true character of the complaint at once.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 3.

H. _i._ Internal hemorrhoidal veins. H. _m._ Middle hemorrhoidal veins. H. _e._ External hemorrhoidal veins. S. _i._ Internal sphincter muscle, S. _e._ External sphincter muscle. ]

TREATMENT. Notwithstanding the well established fact that piles are readily cured by the appropriate treatment, hundreds of thousands of people suffer untold tortures from them because of the popular impression that they cannot be cured. All cases are not, however, amenable to the same form of treatment, for various unhealthy conditions of the system are often concerned in their production and perpetuation, and must, of necessity, be remedied by appropriate treatment, before a cure of the piles can be expected. It will, therefore, become apparent that the avoidance of causes is of paramount importance. Some of these causes are external, and wholly under the control of the patient, while others depend upon diseases that are curable; it frequently happens that while other diseases are being remedied, the piles disappear Without any special attention.

Diseases of the urinary apparatus, as stricture of the urethra, enlargement of the prostate gland, and stone in the bladder, dysentery, diarrhea, and constipation,--all cause piles, by the irritation, and determination of blood, which they induce; these difficulties must be removed by appropriate treatment.

Some years since, we ascertained that we were using in our practice remedies which, in addition to other virtues, possessed a direct specific influence upon the vessels concerned in the formation of piles.

These agents enter into the composition of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which, consequently, will be found exceedingly efficacious in the treatment of this disease. This remedy, therefore, in removing the disease upon which the piles depend, as a congested or torpid liver, constipation, etc., and in exciting a direct curative control over the piles themselves, exerts a double influence. It may be aided, when the bowels are badly constipated, by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, taken in the morning, to secure a regular and easy evacuation of the bowels each day. All stimulating food and alcoholic drinks should be abstained from. The cold bath is beneficial in these cases, provided there is not great debility. The affected parts should be bathed frequently with cold water, and, if prolapsus exists, it is well to inject a little cool water into the r.e.c.t.u.m, and allow it to remain a few minutes. As a soothing, astringing and healing application to the affected parts we prepare an Ointment that has acquired great fame for the prompt relief which it affords in all ordinary cases. This we do not sell through druggists but can send by mail, on receipt of price, $1.00 per large box, postage prepaid. The persistent use of this Ointment, at the same time keeping the bowels regular by the use of "Golden Medical Discovery," with an occasional laxative dose of "Pellets," will generally cure all ordinary cases of piles.

THE RADICAL CURE OF LARGE PILE TUMORS. In cases in which the tumors have become indurated and very large it is impossible to effect cures by the foregoing or any other medical treatment. Various methods have been in use by the profession for the relief of the most severe cases. The most common is excision with the knife or scissors. Reference to the large vessels, shown in Fig. 3, which are affected in this disease, will at once show the sufferer the dangers of this method. The sudden removal of a tumor, which is connected with one or more of the large hemorrhoidal veins, is sure to be followed by severe hemorrhage, and many times painful ulceration, and a fatal result. To avoid this it has been the practice of many physicians to apply caustics or to burn off the base of the tumors with a red-hot iron. A more barbarous and painful method could not be devised. When it is considered that in many cases, this severe and painful treatment is followed by ulceration, and occasionally by the developement of cancer, the matter should be carefully weighed before any such dangerous procedure is attempted. Another common method of treatment is to crush the base of the pile with a clamp, and then cut off the tumors with scissors. After this it is also necessary to apply the hot iron to prevent hemorrhage. Formerly, applications of nitric acid were in common use by physicians as a means of cure, but it was found that while this treatment would give temporary relief, yet in no severe case would it effect a cure. By what we term palliative treatment alone more cures are effected than by the old process of treatment with nitric acid. Still another form of treatment is strangulation of the pile by means of a ligature, and this is often more painful than the application of hot irons, inasmuch as in cutting off the return flow of blood from the piles, a large tumor is left for days fully distended and extremely painful. It does not slough off for a considerable time, and we have seen the strongest men suffer intensely, to whom the use of scissors in removing the tumors was a positive relief in comparison with the torture of the ligature. A treatment that has been highly recommended by some physicians and condemned by others, is the process of injection with carbolic acid. This method of treatment is not very painful but, unfortunately, it is dangerous. The injection of the tumors with a fluid which causes coagulation of the blood, and which does not completely shut off the return current of the circulation through the tumors, has proved fatal in a small percentage of cases. The clots which are formed by this treatment become detached and are carried into the general circulation and conveyed to the liver, lungs and even to the brain, where, by plugging up the vessels of those organs, they cause abscesses which terminate life. Serious inflammation of the veins is another accident which often follows the injection of carbolic acid.

This treatment is, therefore, now seldom resorted to except by physicians who do not appreciate its dangers.

A MORE SUCCESSFUL METHOD. Fortunately for suffering humanity, a method of treatment has been perfected and thoroughly tested in our inst.i.tution, in which all such trouble and danger as above described are avoided. This consists in bringing down the tumors, cleansing them and making application, of certain chemical preparations, that cause the tumors to speedily shrivel up, and in a very short time, say ten to fourteen days, disappear entirely. These treatments and applications cause _no pain whatever_, for by first applying a weak solution of cocaine to the parts they are speedily rendered entirely insensible, so that the most sensitive, nervous lady experiences not the slightest suffering from the application of our remedies.

Having now at our command means so positively certain in their action upon pile tumors, we do not hesitate to say that the very worst cases, no matter of how long standing, can be promptly cured, if we can only have the patient for a few days under our personal care. Considering the very distressing character of pile tumors, it is a great boon that we have at last found safe, painless, and positively certain means for their cure. The news will be hailed with joy by a large cla.s.s of sufferers.

Probably no other discovery in modern science is destined to be the means of conferring greater blessings on a large cla.s.s of sufferers than that of a painless and positive method of curing the largest pile tumors in the brief time required by our system of treating them.

It seems to us that there is no longer an excuse for any one to endure the tortures inflicted by pile tumors, provided the afflicted one can command the little time and moderate amount of means necessary to secure the treatment indicated. Piles are not only in and of themselves very painful and annoying, but often greatly aggravate and even cause other grave and painful affections, and should, therefore, not be neglected.

When large, they never get well without proper treatment. We have seen many cases in which the long train of diverse and distressing symptoms caused by piles led the sufferer, and even the family physician, to suppose that other diseases existed, but all of which annoying symptoms were speedily dispelled by the cure of the piles. We have no doubt that neglected piles, fistulae, and other morbid conditions of the lower bowels, frequently degenerate into cancerous disease. We have the eminent authority of J. Hughes Bennett, of Edinburg, and many other close observers, for saying that benign or ordinary tumors often degenerate into real cancerous disease, and our own extensive observation convinces us that this is not infrequently a result of neglected rectal disease, as piles, fistulae and fissures. How important, then, to give prompt attention and skillful treatment to disease of these parts. When the ordinary palliative treatment, with ointments and with laxative agents to keep the bowels soluble, does not _completely and perfectly_ subdue the malady, lose no time in securing the most skillful appliances, that every vestige of the affection may be promptly removed. We have treated many thousands of cases with uniform success, and our patients write to us expressing the greatest degree of satisfaction, and recommending our method most highly.

Reports of a few cases, selected at random from the large number which we have cured, are given below to ill.u.s.trate our success in curing them.


This disease is _more dangerous_ than piles, though, after once formed, not so painful. It sometimes commences with intense itching about the a.n.u.s, accompanied with a little discharge; or the first symptom may be a painful abscess, like a boil, which finally breaks. The soreness then in a measure subsides, leaving a fistulous opening, with a continuous discharge of matter. This unnatural opening, with its constant drain upon the system, sooner or later is certain to ruin the health or develop consumption or other maladies, and destroy life.

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