The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 55

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Twelve years later, Mrs. Vansicklin writes: "My health still continues _perfect_. I now weigh 148 pounds. Your book--the Common Sense Medical Adviser is a treasure in our home." Yours truly,

MRS. H.H. VANSICKLIN, Brighton, Ont.



[Ill.u.s.tration: J.A. Henson, Esq. ]

_Gentlemen_--Two years ago I thought I had consumption, and was continually coughing day and night, and not able to work. I bought six bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and it did me more good than all the other medicine I ever took, and now I am feeling all O.K., and I weigh 165 pounds. Two years ago I weighed 145 pounds. I can fully recommend Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery to any person that has consumption. I remain, Yours truly,

JOHN A. HENSON, South Bosque, McLennan Co., Texas.



[Ill.u.s.tration: A.D. Simmons, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--In 1872, when living in New York State, my health was very poor. I was clear "run down." Pain in my lungs, right side and in my bowels; had been ailing for nearly two years; my feet swelled during the day so I could hardly stand it till night, as I was on my feet the most of the time.

I wrote you and you sent me special medicines, which brought me around all right. I have weak lungs, and when I get run down I usually take a few bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which always builds me up. We have used your "Discovery" in our family with the best results.

When living at Blue Mound I was very sick with inflammation of the lungs from taking cold. When I took cold I was at Clinton, Missouri. Was confined to my bed for a few days. I said to the doctor that I must go home; he advised me to stay where I was, but I started for Blue Mound with my pulse at 140. When I arrived home I was glad to get in bed, and called in Dr. ----. He said my lungs were in a bad condition. Well, I was very sick for three weeks or more, and when I got around I was not well, and at that time Dr. ---- came to Blue Mound, stopped there two weeks, gave free lectures and had lots of patients. He examined me and said I needed treatment, and he could cure me.

I was suffering all the time with pain in my right lung. He wanted $50.00 for treatment, and would cure. So I let him pa.s.s along and wrote to your a.s.sociation for advice, which was to take the "Discovery," and I took one-half dozen bottles which "filled the bill." Yours respectfully,

A.D. SIMMONS, Emporia, Lyon Co., Kansas.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Smith.]

_Gentlemen_--It is my pleasant duty to you and to suffering humanity to acknowledge the benefit I received from Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. About seven years ago I became troubled with my lungs--consumption in its first stage. Some of my friends in Ontario had been using your medicine before I knew anything of it; and after coming to this country, I commenced taking it, and I think it has done wonders for me. I am positive, that if any one will persist in taking it, it will do all you say. It has done so much for me that I feel it my duty to testify to its wonderful curative properties. Respectfully,

MRS. JESSE K. SMITH, Baldur, Selkirk Co., Manitoba.


DR. PIERCE, Buffalo, N.Y.:

[Ill.u.s.tration: J. Larson, Esq.]

_Dear Sir_--I had been very badly troubled for many years with dyspepsia, also nasal catarrh, and got so bad and weak that I could not work. I could hardly eat anything without vomiting; had a pain in the stomach and a burning sensation coming into the throat. I took Dr.

Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and "Pleasant Pellets," and can truly say these medicines have helped me wonderfully. I improved right along from the very beginning. I stopped taking medicine in the latter part of May and then felt as well as ever in my life. I am pretty well now, for a man of sixty-three years. I can eat all kinds of food and it doesn't cause me any pain in the stomach as it always did before I took Dr.

Pierce's medicines. I can cheerfully say to the public that they need not hesitate in taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for dyspepsia; it will eradicate and cure the disease if anything will.

Yours truly, JOHN LARSON, Ashby, Grant Co., Minn.


Dr. R.V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N.Y.:

[Ill.u.s.tration: J.J. Hume, Esq.]

_Dear Sir_--I cheerfully make the following statement: In February, 1893, I was attacked with a severe illness. It came on very gradually, and was attended with a severe cough and expectoration; also had pain in the lungs; had chills and night-sweats; was much reduced in strength.

After trying for relief in different directions without success, I was induced to apply to your eminent Staff of Physicians at 603 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y., and I am happy to say that my improvement began as soon as I began the use of the medicines which were prescribed for me at that time. The improvement has been continuous, until I now feel my lungs are entirely cured; have no cough, no expectoration in the last month, and my usual weight of 183 pounds has been restored. Have been able to do a fair day's work any time during the past two mouths without unusual fatigue. I can cheerfully recommend your Inst.i.tution to persons similarly affected, and will authorize you to refer any one making inquiry to me.

Yours respectfully, J.J. HUME, Corfu, Genesee Co., N.Y.


Vanburen, Kalkaska Co., Mich.


_Gentlemen_--Your medicine is the best I have ever taken, I was not able to do hardly any work at all; had pain in my left side and back, and had headache all the time. I tried your medicine and it helped me. Last spring I had a bad cough; got so bad I had to be in bed all the time. My husband thought I had consumption. He wanted me to get a doctor, but I told him if it was consumption they could not help me. We thought we would try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and before I had taken one bottle the cough was stopped and I have had no more of it returning.

Respectfully yours, Jennie Dingman



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Jewell.]

_Gentlemen_--I want to say a word in favor of your medicine. I can not do it justice by mere words.

I was taken sick the 5th of July; I called a doctor but did not receive any benefit from him. I was going into quick consumption. Had a terrible cough, raised a great deal of phlegm; had pain through chest, was very weak and all run-down." I told my husband to get a bottle of "Golden Medical Discovery;" he did so; I commenced taking it and I began to get better. I was not outside of the door yard, from July 5th, until August 22d. I only took two bottles, and the first of September I was able to do the work for boarders, and have had boarders ever since. It is the grandest medicine ever invented.

Respectfully, Mrs. CHARLES JEWELL, (P.O. Box 89), Rockford, Kent Co., Mich.


Olanta, Clearfield Co., Pa.


_Gentlemen_--I can truly say that your "Golden Medical Discovery" and "Pleasant Pellets" have been the means of saving my life. When I began taking your medicines I thought my time was short. I have not spit up blood now for about four months, and am feeling much better. Our home doctor says my temperature and pulse are all right now; and that I do not need further medicine, and that I will get all right again. I feel that your medicine has done wonders for me. I would have written sooner, but I was waiting to see if the improvement Would be permanent.

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