The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 47

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_Gentlemen_--At the age of eight years I became afflicted with "Hip-joint Disease." For a year I suffered as much as it was possible for a human being to suffer. My physicians told me I would have to wait patiently, but my father procured me some of Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and I found my falling health restored.

I can cheerfully say that I believe I owe my life to the use of that valuable medicine.

Your true friend, EDWARD J. RUSH, Elizabeth, Harrison Co. Ind.


[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Ridgley.]

MISS MARY E. RIDGLEY, of _Gales Creek, Was.h.i.+ngton Co., Oregon_, when only three years old, had lameness in one of her lower limbs but the use of liniment and Dr. Pierce's Pellets relieved her, and she got better.

When six years old the trouble developed into hip-joint disease, so p.r.o.nounced by her physician. She lost the use of the limb. Was three months under the doctors, but got no better. She complained of great pain in the limb, especially in the knee and hip. The limb wasted away, becoming small and short, and her back became crooked. She had no appet.i.te; was very weak. Hip and knee were very tender to the touch.

Physician's treatment not helping her, her mother began to give her "Golden Medical Discovery." Four months afterwards she wrote Dr. Pierce as follows: "She is growing fast, and never complains of any pain or ache. She sleeps well, and eats heartily. Her leg has filled up, and is as big as the other. She plays around all day with the other children.

Everybody is astonished to see how she has improved."

In the margin we print Miss Ridgley's picture as she appears twelve years after this treatment, at the age of eighteen. The young lady herself, writes Dr. Pierce as follows: "Your medicines are worth their weight in gold. I was cured of hip-joint disease by the "Golden Medical Discovery" and "Pellets," and I feel sure that they can cure the worst cases if given a chance."


P.O. Box 128, Gagetown, Tuscola Co., Mich.


_Gentlemen_--When I began taking your medicines I was in bed, nothing would relieve me, my hip being swelled seemingly ready to burst. When I began to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and "Pellets," the swelling gradually decreased; when I had taken one bottle I was able to be up. I don't know how long I will remain well, but I am satisfied that it is the medicine that did the work: I take it right along; as long as I can keep the way I am now, I am satisfied. I have recommended your remedies, and will continue to do so.

Yours truly, H.F. Giron



[Ill.u.s.tration: Master Sumner.]

_Gentlemen_--I am willing and pleased to have you publish anything I have written in regard to the cure of my little son of Goitre (that a surgeon of N. Adams said could never be cured).

I do hope that by so doing some little one may escape the misery my little one suffered for over a year until I began the use of the "Golden Medical Discovery." I followed your directions found in the little book around the bottles. Before the first bottle was gone, he could eat and sleep without that coughing and choking that, before the use of the "Discovery," was impossible.

The tumor began to lessen in size, and after the third bottle I would never have known he ever had a tumor there. He is now hearty and healthy. Sleeps as good as any child and is full of life. He does not take anything to prevent a return, and has not for over a year.

I have one of your Common Sense Medical Advisers, and found it worth five times what I gave for it; I have helped others to get it and the "Medical Discovery" and "Favorite Prescription" have brought relief to many through me I use the "Prescription" off and on; it has given me strength; I think I should have been an invalid long ago without it.

Every one here knows the truth of this letter, and I would tell it to the world if I could. Respectfully,

MRS. ANNIE SUMNER, Heartwellville, Bennington Co., Va.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Miss Rachel Mann.]

Miss ELLA A. HOUGHTON, of _Theresa, Jefferson Co., N.Y._, was cured of Thick Neck, Nervous Prostration, Weakness and a complication of ailments by Dr. Pierce's "Discovery" and "Favorite Prescription." She says: "My health is now as good as it was before I was sick. The swelling (goitre) has all gone from my neck. I don't have any bad feelings. My grat.i.tude for the benefit I have received from your treatment has induced me to recommend you to all whom I know to be sick." "I have known of two or three middle aged ladies residing near here, who have been cured by your 'Favorite Prescription.'"



[Ill.u.s.tration: Miss Rachel Mann.]

_Dear Sirs_--I can say that your medicine has done its work well in the case of my sister, Miss Rachel Mann. She is entirely well of Goitre and throat trouble. I am glad to say that we can recommend your medicines very highly.

Very truly yours, MARY J. MANN, for sister Rachel Mann, Romola, Center Co., Pa.




[Ill.u.s.tration: Col. T.U. Fogg.]

_Gentlemen_--For about eight or ten years my father was laid up with carbuncles, the worst that I ever saw. He tried everything he heard of, and his doctor did everything he could for him, but nothing did him any good. Had six or seven carbuncles at a time, as large as a hen's egg; he got so weak and suffered so much he could not walk a step. It was in the summer of '72 or '73 that he had his bed put in the middle of his chamber and got on it to die. No one expected him to get well. Looking over the newspapers, he saw your "Golden Medical Discovery" advertised, and the good it had done. There was not any sold then in the country, so he sent to Richmond--forty-five miles--and got a bottle. When he began to take it he was nearly covered with carbuncles--little and big together. Before he had taken half-a-bottle they began to go away.

Before he had taken two bottles he was entirely cured, and he has never been bothered with them since. Every time he sees any sign of them, he gets a bottle of "Golden Medical Discovery" and it cures them. My father, Col. T.U. Fogg, lives in West Point, King William Co., Va. He is now seventy-eight years old, and enjoys good health.

Yours truly, Mrs. NANNIE GOULDMAN, Beulahville, King William Co., Va.


Thick neck, or goitre, also sometimes called bronchocele, consists of an enlargement of the thyroid gland, which lies over and on each side of the trachea, or windpipe, between the prominence known as "Adam's apple"

and the breast bone. The tumor gradually increases in front and laterally, until it produces great deformity, and often interferes with respiration and the act of swallowing. From its pressure on the great blood-vessels running to and from the head, there is a constant liability to engorgement of blood in the brain, and to apoplexy, epilepsy, etc. When the enlargement once makes its appearance, it continues to increase in size as long as the person lives, unless appropriate treatment be resorted to. It never disappears spontaneously.

These tumors are much larger than those not familiar with them would suppose from their outward appearance, as they extend under and are bound down by the muscles on each side of the neck, so that they become embedded in the cellular tissues underneath, while the sides of the neck retain, to a considerable extent, their round and even appearance, whereby the real magnitude of the tumor is not apparent. Figure 7 represents the appearance of the neck of a person afflicted with this disease. The form of protuberance varies materially with different persons, that shown in the engraving being the shape which it ordinarily a.s.sumes.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 7.]

The causes of the affection are not well understood. The use of snow-water, or water impregnated with some particular saline or calcareous matter, has been a.s.signed as a cause. It has also been attributed to the use of water in which there is not a trace of iron, iodine, or bromine. A writer in a Swiss journal, _Feuilles d' Hygiene_, states that the disease is often due to an impeded circulation in the large veins of the neck, from pressure of the clothing, or from the head being bent forward, a position which is often seen in school children, when the muscles of the back of the neck have become fatigued.

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