The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 143

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I would not be a true man If I did not acknowledge at this time (as I should have done long ago), with words of grat.i.tude, the wonderful relief I received at your Inst.i.tution five years ago. It affords me the greatest pleasure to say to you and to the world at large, that the treatment and operation I received at your Inst.i.tution was an entire success and a miraculous cure. After twenty-five long years of suffering such as few people endure, caused from exposure while in the military service of the United States, I contracted kidney and bladder disease, which shortly afterwards resulted in the formation of a calculus or stone. I experimented with medicines. Special Prescriptions, etc., from some of the most eminent physicians in the world, in fact everything that promised relief and help for my kidneys was used, but received no relief, until the bladder discomfort became unendurable. As a last resort, knowing full well that life with me would be very short unless I could receive immediate relief, I went to your famous Inst.i.tute, where I was treated and operated upon and a large stone was removed from the bladder. The old method of cutting, which is so dangerous, was not employed, but the new and painless process of crus.h.i.+ng; this process was an agreeable surprise to me, no pain and no risk, as in the old method of cutting. From the day of the operation I began to improve, and in a few weeks thereafter I returned home to my wife, family and friends, a well and happy man, and I have spent the last five years with ease, comfort and pleasure--a living, walking testimonial for your renowned Inst.i.tute. Believe me, when I say that words fail me to express to you my sincere grat.i.tude for your marvelous and almost miraculous cure effected in my case. I feel sure no invalid could receive more skillful and kindly attention anywhere in the world. I would urge every sufferer to take treatment at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Inst.i.tute, believing it to be the most skillful, and feel sure that it is the most advanced of the age.

Sincerely and gratefully yours, WM. H. MILLER, Stoyestown, Somerset Co., Penna.


[Ill.u.s.tration: Thos. Daltry, Esq.]

From severe exposure when in the army, I brought upon myself an acute attack of rheumatism, from which I suffered terrible pain. Following this I began to be troubled with my bladder and kidneys. For three years I experienced considerable discomfort. There was severe burning and scalding, and urination caused much pain. I pa.s.sed two pieces of gravel and became convinced that I had stone in the bladder. Was examined by my home physician, who said there was no stone. I was not satisfied, however, and went to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Inst.i.tute. I was examined by their specialist. After an injection of cocaine and carefully cleansing out the bladder, a stone was found about one inch and a half in diameter, probably similar in its composition to the pieces already pa.s.sed. I was advised to have it operated upon and removed, which I arranged to do. The process used was their new and painless one of crus.h.i.+ng, no knife or other cutting instrument being employed. The stone was readily grasped by the crusher and reduced to small fragments. The evacuator was then introduced and the stone entirely removed. After a few weeks' careful attention my health was entirely restored and I was able to leave for home. I take great pleasure in making public my wonderful cure. I could not speak in too high praise of those who took charge of my case, nor recommend too highly this famous Inst.i.tution. It is about three years since I was operated on, and pave not felt any bad effects since.

THOS. DALTRY, Huntington, Huntington, Co., Ind.




[Ill.u.s.tration: Mr. O. Thompson.]

In 1884, at the age of fifty-four years. I was prostrated with Kidney and Bladder complaint and told by the best physicians that I was but ten days out of the grave. I applied to your Inst.i.tute for help and received treatment, and now after nearly nine years am in comparatively good health. All this time I have been able to do much work and to oversee my farm. Two stones or gravel were pa.s.sed while under home treatment. No further formations have developed. The many cases I have recommended to you have all been more than satisfied with the results of their treatment. I wish to thank you for the great benefit and care I received at your hands.

Yours truly, ORVILLE THOMPSON, Avoca, Steuben Co., N.Y.

CASE 859,612. A STRONG ENDORs.e.m.e.nT.

[Ill.u.s.tration: H.E. Bankston, Esq.]

_To whom it may concern:_

This is to certify that I took treatment at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Inst.i.tute, Buffalo, N.Y., and I was cured of a chronic trouble that had been maltreated by other physicians. While there I saw a man who had been cured by the specialists, who had before been given up to die by the best doctors in Troy, N.Y. Of course, the case must have been a very stubborn one. I afterwards saw a man here, in Georgia, die, who, if he had been in Pierce's Surgical Inst.i.tute under the treatment and care of his skilled doctors and nurses, I know would have most a.s.suredly got well. Why? Because it was only a case of _stone in the bladder_, and they are easily cured at Dr. Pierce's Surgical Inst.i.tute. I think almost any chronic disease can be cured there, if taken in time, judging from my observations while an inmate of that Inst.i.tution.

H.E. BANKSTON, Barnesville. Pike Co., Ga.



[Ill.u.s.tration: J.F. Ritter, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--It is now about six months since I discontinued your treatment, and as I have had no return of the old symptoms, I consider it unnecessary to take more medicine. When I visited your Inst.i.tution some two years ago, I had but faint hopes of ever being restored to health, as I was suffering from a complication of diseases. My case was an unusually obstinate one, yet I am satisfied that a cure could have been accomplished in half the time, had I been able to follow your directions in regard to diet more closely. I hereby tender you my sincerest thanks for the kind treatment received while at your Inst.i.tution. Those days will always be the happiest in my memory. I will close by giving your faculty my sincere thanks, and hope success will crown your business.

Yours very gratefully, J.F. RITTER, Medford, Jackson Co., Oreg.

Stricture, the result of injury from falls and accidents, is particularly difficult of permanent cure. The following gratuitous recommendations are from cases belonging to this cla.s.s who entirely approve of the publication, with full name, photo-gravure and address.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Archie Ritchie, Esq.]

I would state that I am an architect, fifty-two years of age, that about seventeen years ago I fell from a scaffold, a distance of eighteen feet, across a beam, striking upon the perineum. A physician was immediately called and I was treated by him for about eight or ten weeks. A catheter was introduced into the bladder, but caused such intense pain and anguish that it had to be withdrawn. It was tried again but could not be introduced on account of the lacerations in the urethra, caused by the violence used. A consultation was held and an operation recommended. An anaesthetic was used and a cut made through the perineum from the outside into the bladder. A catheter was inserted into the bladder, tied in place and left in position for about eight weeks. After eight or nine weeks the catheter was removed, but it was four or five weeks before the wound in the perineum healed. After a few months I began to have a urinary difficulty, and symptoms of urethral stricture. This condition continued until the urethra was entirely closed, and it was impossible to make water. A physician attempted to pa.s.s a catheter, but could not do so. He continued to treat me by the process of dilation for five or six months. I began to feel more comfortable, but the symptoms of stricture would manifest themselves again. I then went to a hospital at Toronto. There I was treated also by the dilating method. The treatment was continued for about four weeks, but became so very painful, and there was so much irritation in the urethra, that it was impossible to endure it longer. They then called an electrical specialist and he began treatment by electrolysis. In about three weeks I went home, but in a short time the stricture again manifested itself; the contraction was very marked, and micturition very difficult. It grew gradually worse and I could not receive any comfort or benefit. I returned to Toronto to take further treatment from the electrical specialist. During the operations of dilation of the urethra, I pa.s.sed some gravel. After four weeks treatment I returned home, but in about two months was as bad as ever, and last October went back to Toronto and was again treated by the electrical method. The doctor had much difficulty in inserting the smallest catheter, and it caused intense pain and suffering. The last time he attempted to insert a catheter, there seemed to be something give way, and a large amount of pus and fluid pa.s.sed from the r.e.c.t.u.m.

The physician told me an abscess had formed. I returned home and tried to keep as comfortable as possible, but could not micturate with any degree of satisfaction or comfort. I gradually began to grow worse and there was a return of the stricture with inflammation of the bladder. In March, 1892, there began to be formed gravel in the bladder. They would at times obstruct the flow of urine entirely. I kept going from bad to worse, until the urethra appeared to be entirely closed. The physician I called found it impossible to pa.s.s a catheter Into the bladder, and advised me to go to some hospital where I could receive proper treatment, and where proper appliances for this cla.s.s of cases were used, as he felt satisfied nothing could be accomplished for me at home.

I then came to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Inst.i.tute in Buffalo to receive treatment, and the treatment has been so successful that the urethral stricture as well as the gravel have been removed. After I returned home I felt as if a great load had been lifted from my shoulders. I have no irritation at all as I used to have, and I can keep my water for six or seven hours without any trouble, and the water seems to be clear and free from sediment of any sort, and in general I feel as I never expected to again. The doctors here were dumb-founded at the short time I was in getting fixed at your Inst.i.tution, and feel ashamed to ask any questions as to treatment. Many months have pa.s.sed and I continue well and active in my profession. Any one I can send the way of your Inst.i.tution you may be sure I shall do so, and thanking you personally for your kind and successful treatment of my case,

I remain ever your well-wisher, ARCHIE RITCHIE, Architect, Mount Forest, Ont.



_Gentlemen_--It is again with the greatest of pleasure that I write you after twelve months since I was treated in your Inst.i.tution, to add to my former testimonial. With the blessing of good health I have been able to attend to my business as well as ever, and have the greatest of comfort in every respect, and feel about ten years younger than I was when I came to your Inst.i.tution for treatment, and I have still again to thank you, gentlemen, for the kind and courteous attention I received from every one I came in contact with in your Inst.i.tution, while under treatment, and shall ever remember my visit to your Hotel with pleasure, and shall advise any one suffering under the same trouble, with whom I may come in contact, to come to your valuable Inst.i.tute for treatment, where they can have the best of attention and skill. Again thanking you, gentlemen, for what you have done for me, I hope that your Inst.i.tute may long be kept up to minister to suffering humanity. G.o.d bless your staff of physicians, and may success attend you, is the wish and prayer of ever your well-wisher and grateful patient,


[_See Mr. Ritchie's former communication, on page 857._]


[Ill.u.s.tration: Edward Compton, Esq.]


This is to certify that I have been to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Inst.i.tute, at Buffalo, N.Y., for treatment, and cannot speak in too high terms of the staff of physicians and surgeons, or of the treatment which I received. I consider the Hotel one of the best in the country, the table being excellent, and the treatment the very best to be found in the land. It is a most pleasant place to stay. The attention which is given by the nurses could not be better. As surgeons I think your specialists possess the finest skill that can be found. Any person suffering should not delay, but go at once and be treated and get well.

You are at liberty to use this endors.e.m.e.nt in any way that will do the most good.

With grat.i.tude, I remain, EDWARD COMPTON, Chillicothe, Ill.


[Ill.u.s.tration: Mr. Fay Sawdy.]

The stricture, which resulted from an injury, had been greatly aggravated by uric acid crystals which were continually forming in the urine. Patient had rheumatism, causing this acid state of the system. He had been a great sufferer for many years, continually experiencing the nervousness, smarting, pain and burning, with occasional attacks of urethritis, common to the malady in this form. This made the stricture almost unbearable, and he was practically incapacitated for his labor at the time that treatment was undertaken in our Inst.i.tution. He had been to the Hot Springs and in the care of other physicians with no satisfactory results. The relief of the stricture by our new and painless method was followed by very great improvement in his condition, after which appropriate remedies for the rheumatism were administered, and the result was a very gratifying and satisfactory relief from his difficulty. Patient afterwards embarked in business as a proprietor of a hotel of his own, and has been ever since very active in carrying on the business, and extremely successful. The stricture showed no tendency to recur, as is commonly the case where it is cured by other methods than employed by us. Many years elapsed from the time that it was treated before the testimonial appended was written.


_Dear Doctors_--I want to thank you, but words cannot express my grat.i.tude, for your treatment white at your Inst.i.tution, but I will say for the benefit of persons afflicted with stricture, that I was entirely cured by you, and after several years have not seen any signs of its returning.

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