The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 130

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WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL a.s.sOCIATION: _Gentlemen_--It has now been over two years since you treated me and found it necessary to remove one t.e.s.t.i.c.l.e on account of cancerous disease, that must soon have destroyed life had the operation not been performed. T feel myself a strong, healthy man, having had no symptoms of the seminal weakness for months past. Yours, P., Pittsburgh. Penn's.


I am getting along so well with the medicine that I am a standing wonder to my friends, and I shall not cease, while life lasts, to praise the skill that has brought about such miraculous results.

Yours truly, K., Chillicothe, Ohio.


WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL a.s.sOCIATION: _Gentlemen_--I am only too happy to say that I have fully recovered my powers in every particular since placing myself under your treatment. I would not take $5,000 for the good you have done me. I am only sorry that I did not go to you before wasting time and money on the quacks connected with that "Museum of Anatomy" in New York.

T., Philadelphia, Penn'a.


WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL a.s.sOCIATION: _Gentlemen_--When placing myself under your treatment, I was told that my case being an exceedingly bad one, it would probably require six months in which to effect a perfect cure. After taking your remedies four months I found myself in perfect health, and have remained so ever since. I cannot express the grat.i.tude I feel for you, and can never half repay the debt of grat.i.tude I owe you. I have given your pamphlet,-"Abuse of the Male Generative Organs and the Diseases to which it Gives Rise," to quite a number of young men whom I had reason to suspect it might benefit.

Gratefully yours, T., Norfolk, Virginia.


WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL a.s.sOCIATION: _Gentlemen_--I have now returned home a now man, after four months' treatment from you. I need no more medicines now. I would urge all suffering to go to you for help.

Thanking you for your services,

I remain yours truly, R., Bunch, Iowa.


This gentleman applied for the relief of the following symptoms: Exhausting and frequent seminal emissions, losses in the urine, want of manly strength, nervous prostration, indigestion, torpid condition of the liver, headache, nausea, and constipation. After a course of five months' treatment he writes:

WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL a.s.sOCIATION: _Gentlemen_--I am very grateful to you for the good you have done me, and I feel like a man now. It is sometime since I left off medicine. I have continued to improve, and I feel better than I have for years before treatment. I am happy at the restoration of my health and vigor. I shall recommend you to all sufferers. Hoping you will continue to be successful.

I remain, Yours truly, P., Canaan, Conn.


WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL a.s.sOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.: _Gentlemen_--Inclosed please find money for my last supply of medicines.

You seem to understand my condition thoroughly. My color, appet.i.te, and strength have improved wonderfully, and my sleep is sound, undisturbed and refres.h.i.+ng. Under the influence of your medicines I have completely recovered my mental and physical powers, and I feel that I am able to discontinue further treatment. The emissions have become less and less frequent until now they do not trouble me at all.

I remain, yours truly, H., Eagle Springs, Coryell Co., Tex.


(First letter.)

WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL a.s.sOCIATION: _Dear Sirs_--It was my pleasant privilege to read concerning your skill in the treatment of all kinds of diseases, and concerning your reputation, which is most justly merited.

Encouraged by these facts to place explicit confidence in you. I beg leave to state my own case as clearly as I may be able. It is as sad as it is fatal if no thorough cure can be effected. I have from my twelfth year onward been practicing, though not excessively, the evil, _self-abuse._ Although I have been led to abandon the pernicious habit for several years, my age being twenty-four, the horrible effects have not disappeared. The serious result is that I am suffering from spermatorrhea. An involuntary discharge of the seminal fluid occurs invariably once, not infrequently twice, every week during sleep. The genital organs have become diminished in size. I will proceed to state the symptoms which I have been able to observe. They are--disposition to solitude, inapt.i.tude for study, indolence, forgetfulness, melancholy, weakness in the back (especially perceptible after standing), a lack of confidence in my own ability, want of energy, sometimes pain in the chest, elbow, arm, knees, and loins. Uneasy nights, disturbed and highly disagreeable dreams becoming more and more irritating as the time for the discharge of the seminal fluid draws nearer, also a desire to lie longer in bed in the morning.

Now, dear Doctors, permit me to ask your kind advice as to what means are to be taken. I have tried numerous remedies for more than a year, but to no effect. My suffering grows severer. Please reply as speedily as you may be able. If you be so kind as to honor me with an answer, please state the amount of money needed for your services, which shall be forwarded at once. Please find inclosed one dollar, remuneration for your kind services.

Very respectfully, M., Wheeling, Cook Co., Ill.

(At the close of treatment.)

WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL a.s.sOCIATION: _Gentlemen_--I have finished the eight months' treatment; had I been able to follow the directions more closely, three months' treatment would have effected a permanent cure of my case. Now I am well, body strengthened, mind invigorated, memory revived, energy to work restored, cheerfulness and bright hopes, once altogether lost, are now fully regained. Indeed, I feel like a new being. And now, dear Doctors, in closing our important correspondence, permit me to render my heart-felt thanks for your kindness to me, and for the benefit received from your invaluable treatment. Adieu; may G.o.d grant you a long life, that you may benefit many an afflicted one.

Very truly yours, M., Wheeling, Cook Co., Ill


WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL a.s.sOCIATION: _Gentlemen_--After three months of your treatment, I find myself cured of one of the worst habits that it has ever been the lot of man to fall into. My whole system is invigorated; I have no more weak back nor legs; no more emissions; my strength is greatly increased, and my weight is more than it has ever been before. The dull, heavy feeling in my head is entirely past, and I can truly say that I feel like a new man. Hoping you will do as much good in the future as you have in the past, is the wish of, Yours truly, B., Holyoke, Ma.s.s.


WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL a.s.sOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.: _Gentlemen_--I have taken seven months' treatment from you, and to-day I am a well man.

My friends are surprised at the great change which has taken place in me. The emissions have ceased entirely, and I am strong and well. I am a thousand times obliged to you for the good your treatment has done for me.

Respectfully yours, U., Topeka, Kansas.


WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL a.s.sOCIATION: _Gentlemen_--Having waited several weeks after finis.h.i.+ng the last medicine, to see if there would be any relapse, I now send you a report of treatment. I believe I am thoroughly cured, not only of poor health, but of all desire to abuse myself. I have regained health, spirits, and confidence. Am married, something I have long desired, but never before dared to attempt. Please accept my sincere thanks, gentlemen. Your medicine has saved me from a suicide's grave.

H., Denver, Col.


A case of a.n.a.l fistula that had been unsuccessfully treated by Prof. ----, of Nashville, who had operated with the knife. He had also been unsuccessfully treated by several home physicians who stated that his symptoms of spermatorrhea were all that could be described, and more too. The sensations of crawling and itching in the r.e.c.t.u.m were very severe, and as a result of weakness there was a serious palpitation of the heart, and general debility. The generative organs were unduly excitable and weak. He complained of weakness in the r.e.c.t.u.m and loins, with irregularity of the bowels, trembling and weakness of the entire system. There was profuse discharge from the fistula and also from the urethra. We undertook his case without making any promises of a radical cure, as it seemed that the disease had progressed so that it would be impossible to effect more than satisfactory improvement in his general condition, and a palliation of the symptoms of disease. At the end of seven months' treatment he writes as follows:

WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL a.s.sOCIATION: _Gentlemen_--The result of the treatment you have sent me is a permanent cure of the fistula beyond a doubt, and in a magical manner. My heart is very much improved, so that it does not trouble me in the least. My health is perfect in every way.

It is unnecessary for me to order any more medicines, but should I think at any time that a little is required to keep me in good health, I will order at once. I think that I am entirely through with the fistula and sympathetic weakness, and I can truly say that your remedies delivered me from the jaws of death. With sincere thanks to you, I am, yours for ever. D.


The following long-standing and aggravated case of seminal debility began to yield at once under the specific influence of our medicines.

Frequent nocturnal emissions were present, and the s.e.m.e.n also pa.s.sed off, un.o.bserved and unsuspected, in the urine; of course a ceaseless vital drain of this character began quickly and profoundly to impress the const.i.tution, so that when the patient under consideration applied to us for relief, the most unmistakable symptoms of commencing organic disease of the heart and lungs had plainly declared themselves to be present. Like many hundreds, of similar cases which we cure annually, the disease yielded promptly and perfectly to the well-directed efforts of our specialist in this important branch of practice; indeed, so easy, swift and perfect was the cure that the patient failed to realize the necessity of continuing the treatment a few weeks in order to insure himself against the possibility of a relapse, and discontinued his correspondence with us, whereas it is in precisely such cases that we recommend the treatment to be not too abruptly discontinued.

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