The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 124

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_Dear Sir_--Mine is a case of eleven years' standing, which baffled the skill of the best medical aid procurable. I obtained no good effect, until I began the use of the "Favorite Prescription," which lifted the burden which was seeking my life. My grat.i.tude I owe to the "Prescription." I hope that all suffering humanity (as in my case) may profit by the result of my experience.

Yours truly, Evoline Neil



or emission of s.e.m.e.n without copulation, is generally induced by the early habit of masturbation. It is one of the evidences that pa.s.sion, instead of prudence, has held sway. Pa.s.sion may aptly be termed the voice of the body, by which, if we listen, we are enchanted and led astray. Conscience is the voice of the soul, which remonstrates, and if we obey, we shall be guided aright. We cannot reconcile these conflicting voices, and if we indulge the pa.s.sions when conscience forbids gratification, the remembrance of the wrong remains forever, and constant fear is an everlasting punishment.

WRECKED MANHOOD. Man possesses few powers which are more highly prized than those of virility, which is the very essence of manhood. "He is but the counterfeit of a man, who hath not the life of a man."

THE s.e.m.e.n is a milky fluid of the consistency of mucus. It is secreted by the and is intermixed with the fluids secreted by the prostate and by Cowper's glands. Its fertilizing property depends on the presence of minute bodies, termed _spermatozoa_. These consist of little polliwig-shaped bodies (Fig. 3), having large heads and long filaments or tails. Under the microscope these little bodies are seen to describe movements not unlike those of polliwigs.

WHY EMISSIONS OF THE VITAL FLUID DEBILITATE. The seminal fluid consists of the most vital elements in the human body. It not only a.s.sists in maintaining the life of the individual, but communicates the essential, transforming principle which generates another mortal having an imperishable existence. Its waste is a wanton expenditure, which robs the blood of its richness and exhausts the body of its animating powers.

No wonder that its loss enfeebles the const.i.tution, and results in impotency, premature decline, St. Vitus's dance, paralysis, epilepsy, consumption, softening of the brain, and insanity. No wonder that conscience and fear become tormenting inquisitors, and that the symptoms are changed into imaginary specters of stealthily approaching disease.

"There is no future pang Can deal that justice on the self-condemned He deals on his own soul."

THE PRACTICE OF ONANISM squanders the vitality and bankrupts the const.i.tution. Indigestion, innutrition, emaciation, shortness of breath, palpitation, nervous debility, are all symptoms of this exhaustion.

Subsequently, the yellow skin reveals the bones, the sunken eyes are surrounded by a leaden circle, the vivacious imagination becomes dull, the active mind grows insipid--in short, the spring, or vital force, having lost its tension, every function wanes in consequence. Excessive l.u.s.tful enjoyment produces feebleness, and finally terminates in disease and impotency.

SEMINAL WEAKNESS may be the result of marital excesses. A _proper_ s.e.xual gratification contributes to the health and happiness of both parties. On the other hand, intemperate indulgence not only prevents fruitfulness, but ultimately, if persisted in, renders the husband entirely impotent, and undermines and destroys the const.i.tution of the wife. Spermatorrhea may be induced by spinal irritation, intestinal worms, or piles. It may also result from inherited, as well as acquired, const.i.tutional weakness.

NOCTURNAL OR NIGHT EMISSIONS. Involuntary emissions of s.e.m.e.n most frequently occur during amorous dreams at night, and are therefore termed _nocturnal emissions_. Although they are at first occasioned by lascivious dreams, attended by erections and pleasurable sensations, yet, as the disease progresses, the erections become less perfect and the losses are only revealed by the depression of spirits experienced the following morning, and by the stiffened and stained spots on the linen. At first, these emissions may occur but once in two or three weeks, unless the patient be excited by company, stimulation, food, drinks, or other causes; but, at a later stage of the disease, they sometimes take place every night. In aggravated cases, the seminal sacs are so weakened that the warmth of the bed, friction of the clothing, reading obscene literature, viewing indecent pictures, indulging in lewd conversation, or even being in the presence of women, produces a waste of s.e.m.e.n--many times unattended by erections. When there is great weakness, seminal discharges may be induced by lifting heavy weights, pressure upon the genital organs, horseback riding, straining at stool, or even upon urinating, as observed when muscular efforts are made to expel the last drops, which appear thick and viscid. If the urine be allowed to stand for a few hours, the seminal discharge will be precipitated, and will form a light-colored deposit at the bottom of the vessel. If the sediment be examined with a microscope, spermatozoa can readily be detected in it.

WASTING AWAY OF THE t.e.s.t.i.c.l.eS. Masturbation not only occasions loss of s.e.m.e.n, but frequently the and other generative organs waste and become reduced in size as a result of the abuse. Fig. 1 shows the t.e.s.t.i.c.l.e in a healthy condition, while Fig. 2 represents one much reduced, as a result of self-abuse.

The celebrated Dr. Drewery, of London, speaking of the reason why masturbation is so extremely injurious in its effects upon both body and mind, says:

"This is a question which I have often been asked by patients, and it is one which is rather difficult to explain to any one not acquainted with the phenomena of reflex nervous action.

"Perhaps the simplest mode of putting it is to say that the effects produced by the excitement of the parts are not the direct result of the stimulation, but that the excitement of the extremities of the nerves is conveyed through them to the spinal cord and brain, and that the emission which occurs, when sufficient stimulus has been applied, is the result of nervous force reacting upon the parts from the spinal cord back again. This action is termed reflex, and is similar to that of vomiting, which is only produced through the medium of the great nervous centres; so that if the nervous communication between the stomach and spinal cord and brain is cut off, nothing in the stomach could possibly cause vomiting, whereas if the communication remains intact, this action can be immediately produced by irritation of nerves far away from the stomach, viz., by tickling the fauces, as every drunkard is well aware who has ever put his finger down his throat for the purpose of emptying his stomach of the contents which are poisoning him, but which without the additional stimulus he is unable to expel. It will be seen, therefore, from this that the act of emission is only produced through the agency of the spinal cord, and not by any direct nervous action between the parts which are stimulated, and those which are concerned in the emission.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 1.

The t.e.s.t.i.c.l.e in a healthy condition.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 2.

A t.e.s.t.i.c.l.e wasted by Masturbation.]

"The brain is also concerned to the fullest extent in the production of these phenomena, as are all the senses of the body; this is proved by the fact that emissions occur during sleep, without any excitement beyond the engorgement of the parts with blood, produced by the cerebellar congestion of the brain, usually found to follow lying upon the back during sleep. This, however, is unnatural and unhealthy, and is usually the result, as before pointed out, of masturbation. But these two important points must be remembered--that emission may be produced by friction merely as a purely spinal reflex action, and it may be caused by the action of the brain without any friction whatever. Both these results are unhealthy and injurious. A true natural and healthy act of s.e.xual intercourse demands the excitement of brain, spinal cord, and every nerve in the body simultaneously, and resembles the lightning flash which restores the equilibrium of electric force disturbed during a thunderstorm.

"It is useless to endeavor to describe the marvelous actions of nervous force, but from what has been said it is not difficult to comprehend that if a convulsive action is produced in any part of the body by the sole excitement of the spinal cord, when it is necessary for its healthy and natural production that the brain and senses generally should be equally excited, the balance of nerve power is destroyed, which fact alone is proved by the effects upon the nervous system always following masturbation, which is the irritation of the spinal cord without the a.s.sistance of the brain."

VARIOUS COMPLICATIONS are likely to arise in the progress of this malady.

STRICTURE of THE URETHRA, or water pa.s.sage, is a very common complication and, even when quite slight, generally interferes very seriously with the cure of the spermatorrhea when overlooked by the attending physician, as is very commonly done, especially when the constriction of the water pa.s.sage is only slight. Very often it occurs in our practice that on examining a case of this disease that has been the rounds of the doctors, we find a stricture, which had been entirely overlooked by other pract.i.tioners, being so slight as not to occasion serious obstruction to the flow of urine but yet sufficient to interfere very much with the cure of the spermatorrhea. The size of the urethra, or water pa.s.sage, should bear an exact and proportionate relation to that of the p.e.n.i.s, and when from any cause the urethra is contracted below this normal size, it should receive attention, as otherwise the stricture is likely to increase and the pa.s.sage becomes so constricted as to produce serious disease of the bladder, and not fail to perpetuate spermatorrhea, when this disease exists.

HYDROCELE (_Dropsy of the s.c.r.o.t.u.m_) consists of an undue secretion of the fluid which moistens the _tunica v.a.g.i.n.alis_, and may arise from an irritation of the t.e.s.t.i.c.l.e, produced by masturbation. This subject is fully considered in the Medical Adviser.

VARICOCELE is a dilatation of the veins of the spermatic cord and s.c.r.o.t.u.m, and is frequently a result of masturbation. It is readily distinguished under the form of a soft, doughy, compressible, knotty, and unequal enlargement of the veins, and a tumid condition of the adjacent parts. One writer, speaking of the enlargement of the spermatic vessels, describes them as "feeling like a coiled up bundle of worms."

DISEASE OF THE PROSTATE GLAND is frequently caused by solitary indulgence. Venereal excesses produce congestion and the gland is overnourished. It becomes greatly enlarged, a condition called _hypertrophy_. This affection gives rise to a heavy feeling or pressure in the region below the bladder, and often interferes seriously with urination, and gives great pain and uneasiness, and often results in grave and dangerous complications.

PROSTATORRHEA consists of an unnatural flowing or wasting of the prostatic secretion, which may be known by its mucous-like appearance, and, when placed within the field of the microscope, by the absence of _spermatozoa_ or fecundating germs. It is often mistaken for spermatorrhea, or for gleet, by inexperienced and careless physicians.

For a full consideration of diseases of the prostate gland, see Part IX of our Dime Series of pamphlets, which will be sent on receipt of ten cents in postage stamps.

Again, the habit of self-pollution weakens all the structures of the genital organs, and induces seminal waste, which may lead to a morbid diminution in the size of the prostate gland. This condition, which is exactly the opposite of the one above described, is _atrophy_. Any disease which renders the circulation in the prostate gland languid and feeble interferes with the nutrition of that organ and impairs its function.

IMPOTENCY (_Loss of s.e.xual Power_). Masturbation prevents the excitability of the nervous system and s.e.xual organs and causes debility, which is indicated by the premature discharge of s.e.m.e.n during s.e.xual intercourse. These premature emissions indicate not only partial impotency, but also that the nerve-centres have become morbidly sensitive by the practice of solitary vice, or marital excesses. At length the powers of the erectile tissues are diminished, and there is weakness which prevents the act of copulation, or the erection may be slow and not last long enough, on account of a faulty functional condition of the spinal cord.

A PECULIAR FORM OF IMPOTENCY is a.s.sociated with certain abnormal nutritive changes which give rise to a lymphatic or fat condition of the system. Not that the temperament in all these cases is originally lymphatic, but the system degenerates in consequence of nutritive perversion. With the loss of s.e.xual ardor, there is also apathy of mind, loss of manliness, and the victim becomes cold, dispa.s.sionate, and treacherous, devoid of any admiration or love for the opposite s.e.x. He acquires rotundity of person, the face is fat, smooth, often beardless, and the voice is feminine.

The victims of this disease represent two distinct, viz.: (1) those who are fearfully tormented by the consciousness that they are losing their virile powers, and become irritable, jealous and often desperate; and (2) those who are completely indifferent to this deprivation.

(1.) Patients of the former cla.s.s are readily restored to health by proper treatment, for they are willing to make an effort for the recovery of their manly powers. There is not complete loss of s.e.xual desire, yet their disappointment is so great that they may entertain suicidal thoughts. They are moody, fickle, discontented, excitable, and remarkably impulsive. With proper treatment, they regain tone of body, vigor of mind, an increase of s.e.xual desire, and become more attentive to business affairs, and less indifferent to the gentler s.e.x. With the restoration of the general health and the s.e.xual functions, remarkable const.i.tutional changes occur. It is often the case that their intimate friends hardly recognize them by looks or acts.

(2.) It is equally true that those who are wholly indifferent to the loss of virile power, uninterested in the evidences of their manhood, are sometimes incurable. In fact, it is useless to treat the latter cla.s.s, because they will neither co-operate with the physician, nor persist in the treatment necessary to effect a radical and const.i.tutional change.

Masturbation perverts and finally destroys the secretory functions of the It sometimes causes chronic inflammation, which may result in obliteration of the minute seminal, or obstruction of the conveying ducts. The sperm is imperfectly elaborated and totally unfit for procreative purposes. Sometimes the spermatozoa are entirely absent, and, when present, are very few in number, incomplete in structure, diseased, and deficient in power as well as in organization.

Fig. 3 represents the spermatozoa in a healthy condition, and Fig. 4, when they are sickly, deficient and inanimate. The husband may appear to be healthy, and _his_ inability to procreate may be erroneously considered a defect in his wife.

SYMPTOMS OF SPERMATORRHEA. The indications of abuse of the s.e.xual organs are loss of nervous energy, dullness of the mental faculties, and delight in obscene stories. The expression of the face becomes coa.r.s.e, and the movements slow; the eye is sunken, the face bloated and pale, and the disposition is fretful and irritable; the appet.i.te is capricious, the throat irritated, and the patient makes frequent attempts to clear it, in order to speak distinctly. There are pains in the chest, wakefulness, and during the night lascivious thoughts and desires. The relish for play or labor is gone, and a growing distaste for business is apparent; there is a determination of blood to the head, headache, noises and roaring sounds in the ears, the eyes may be blood-shot and watery, weak or painful, the patient imagines bright spots or flashes pa.s.sing before them, and there may be partial blindness. There is increasing stolidity of expression, the eye is without sparkle, and the face becomes blotched and animal-like in its expression. The victim is careless of his personal appearance, not unscrupulously neat, and not unfrequently a rank odor exhales from the body.

There are troublesome sensations, as of itching and crawling, in and about the s.c.r.o.t.u.m. Subsequently, there is obstinate constipation, and all the symptoms of dyspepsia follow. Gradually the pallor deepens, the patient becomes emaciated. There is a shortness of breath, palpitation after even moderate exercise, trembling of the knees, and eruptions on the skin. There may also be cough, hoa.r.s.eness, st.i.tch in the side, loss of voice. The sleep is not refres.h.i.+ng, the patient has frequent nightmare, or the dreams are lascivious, and the involuntary emissions of s.e.m.e.n become more frequent. The weakness increasing, the sufferer experiences a weakness in his legs and staggers like a drunken man, his hands tremble and he stammers.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 3.

Microscopic appearance of healthy s.e.m.e.n.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 4.

Microscopic appearance of s.e.m.e.n which will not fecundate.]

The victim is unable to concentrate his thoughts, cannot remember what he reads, and is mentally indolent. He begins to be suspicious of his friends, has less confidence in others, and desires to be alone, is despondent and has suicidal thoughts. He has pain in the back, does not like to walk, and is inclined to lie down. The s.e.m.e.n is prematurely discharged upon attempting coition, and if there be offspring, it is apt to be feeble or subject to scrofula, consumption, or convulsions. The genital organs, especially the p.e.n.i.s and, diminish in size, as the disease progresses, lose their energy, and the glands of the p.e.n.i.s become cold and flaccid. There is frequent desire to urinate, chronic irritation in the neck of the bladder, and pain in the spermatic cord and t.e.s.t.i.c.l.e, and sometimes in the end of the p.e.n.i.s. The microscope shows that s.e.m.e.n involuntarily discharged may be devoid of spermatozoa, or if present, they are defective, their heads being without tails. The urine is loaded with mucus or bears up a filmy, membranous, transparent matter, or it may be covered with a thin fluid having an oily appearance, but in rare cases is clear. Again, it may hold substances in solution, which are deposited in crystals or incrust the urine, or it may precipitate a material having the appearance of brick-dust, and sometimes s.e.m.e.n tinged with blood. The dyspeptic symptoms when present are followed by diarrhea. The limbs are cramped and rigid, the feet bloated, and the patient becomes melancholy and relinquishes all hope of recovery. As the disease progresses, the patient lacks firmness and is absent-minded.

When the erections are imperfect and the s.e.m.e.n is prematurely discharged, or when a lengthy coition is required before the sperm can be ejected, it is evident that the patient is rapidly becoming impotent; the virile powers are vanis.h.i.+ng and manhood is surrendering sway to a merciless foe. We frequently witness this condition in men, even at the age of thirty-five, when the summit of vigor and strength should only have been reached. How often are we solicited to restore these lost hopes and powers! To what tales of ignorance and recklessness, or submission and remorse, do we repeatedly listen from these unfortunate sufferers! In patients of this cla.s.s, s.e.xual intercourse prevents spontaneous emissions, but it does not remove the functional and organic derangements of the nerve-centres; hence, at a time when the victims of this disease should be in the prime of life, they are impotent, and epilepsy, apoplexy, paralysis, softening of the brain, or insanity, frequently results.

EPILEPSY (OR FITS). This dread disease is one of the most common and serious complications of the more advanced stages of spermatorrhea. The injury done to the nerve-centres by the practice of masturbation is manifested in epileptic convulsions, more or less frequent. If proper treatment be early adopted, and faithfully pursued, the case is not yet hopeless; though, in the majority of cases, the patient never recovers after the disease a.s.sumes this phase.

PARALYSIS. Paralysis, or Palsy, when occurring as a complication of spermatorrhea, may be preceded by an attack of apoplexy, in which the patient loses consciousness, and lays in a condition of profound stupor for a time, and on recovery from his unconscious state, finds himself unable to use one or more of his limbs, or the disability and loss of power, which may also be accompanied by more or less loss of sensation, may come on gradually, without any premonition or marked manifestation of its approach. In either case, its appearance is to be regarded as a matter of serious importance. Paralysis, when occurring as a consequence of masturbation or s.e.xual excesses, is usually difficult of cure; yet, now and then, cases are cured at our Inst.i.tutions even after this grave malady has appeared as a complication.

SOFTENING OF THE BRAIN. This malady, although less common as a result of masturbation than the complications mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, is of sufficiently frequent occurrence to ent.i.tle it to a pa.s.sing notice here. This condition usually results ultimately in complete dementia, or loss of reason. It is an incurable disease.

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