Humpback Whales in Glacier Bay National Monument, Alaska Part 5

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Jurasz, C.M. and V. Jurasz. 1979. Ecology of Humpback Whales. Draft final report to the National Park Service.



Meeting to Review Information and Actions Concerning Humpback Whales in Glacier Bay National Monument, Alaska 12-13 October 1979 Room 208, College of Fisheries University of Was.h.i.+ngton, Seattle, Was.h.i.+ngton

=12 October 1979=

9:00 Discussion of meeting objectives, agenda, and procedures (Dr. Robert Hofman, Marine Mammal Commission)

9:15 Overview of available information on the distribution, abundance, and habitat requirements of humpback whales in the North Pacific (presentation by Dr. Michael Tillman, National Marine Fisheries Service)

9:30 Physical/chemical characterization and history of Glacier Bay (presentation by Mr. Gregory Streveler, Glacier Bay National Monument) a. location, dimensions, geomorphology b. geologic history and structure of the basin c. glaciology d. current patterns e. water characteristics (temperature, salinity, nutrients) f. climate

10:00 Review of available information concerning the past and present utilization of Glacier Bay by humpback whales (presentation by Mr. Charles Jurasz) a. historical distribution, movement, and abundance b. present distribution, movement, abundance, and behavior

10:30 Coffee Break

10:45 Review of information concerning the past and present human use and its possible effects on Glacier Bay (presentation by Mr. John Chapman)

11:15 Possible reasons for observed changes in utilization of Glacier Bay by humpback whales (discussion led by Dr. Robert Hofman)

12:15 Lunch

1:30 Review of on-going and planned research and management activities in Glacier Bay and contiguous waters a. 1:30--National Park Service (presentation by Mr. Jim Larson and/or Mr. John Chapman) b. 1:50--National Marine Fisheries Service (presentation by Mr. Milsted Zahn and/or Dr. Michael Tillman)

2:15 Identification of additional research/management actions, if any, needed to protect humpback whales in Glacier Bay, e.g.: a. Research 1. Physical i. acoustic characteristics of the Bay ii. water currents and tidal factors 2. Biological i. identification of whale food and its distribution and abundance ii. additional whale behavior studies including hara.s.sment indicators 3. Human Factors i. acoustic characteristics of vessels b. Management 1. comprehensive monitoring of vessel use patterns throughout the Bay 2. vessel routing, number, and speed controls 3. seasonal and/or area closures

4:30 As possible, summarize and rank research and management activities not included in on-going or planned activities.

5:00 Adjourn

=13 October 1979=

9:00 Continue discussion on ranking research and management activities not included in on-going or planned activities

10:00 Coffee Break

10:15 As possible, identify target initiation dates, target completion dates, optimal methods, time, money, personnel, logistic support, and equipment needed to initiate and complete ranked research and management projects

11:45 Closing Remarks

12:00 Adjourn



Mr. James A. Blaisdell National Park Service Fourth & Pike Building, Room 601 Seattle, Was.h.i.+ngton 98101 206/442-1355 FTS: 399-1355

Mr. Rob Bosworth Inst.i.tution for Marine Studies--HA-35 University of Was.h.i.+ngton Seattle, Was.h.i.+ngton 98105 206/543-7004

Mr. John F. Chapman Superintendent Glacier Bay National Monument P.O. Box 1089 Juneau, Alaska 99802 907/586-7137

Dr. William C. c.u.mmings Scripps Inst.i.tution of Oceanography Marine Physical Laboratory (A005) La Jolla, California 92093 714/452-2852 and Oceanographic Consultants 5948 Eton Court San Diego, California 92122 714/453-3257

Dr. Frederick C. Dean Professor of Wildlife Management Cooperative Park Studies Unit Room 210, Irving Building University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 907/479-7672

Dr. Donald R. Field Regional Chief Scientist National Park Service Pacific Northwest Region Fourth & Pike Building, Room 601 Seattle, Was.h.i.+ngton 98195 206/442-1355 FTS: 399-1355

Mr. Robert Giersdorf President Glacier Bay Lodge, Inc.

Park Place Building, Suite 312 Seattle, Was.h.i.+ngton 98101 206/624-8551

Dr. Louis Herman University of Hawaii, Kewalo Basin Marine Mammal Laboratory 1129 Ala Moana Honolulu, Hawaii 96814 808/537-2042

Mr. Larry Hobbs Wildlife Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Fish and Wildlife Laboratory Smithsonian Inst.i.tution Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C. 20560 202/343-4516

Mr. Charles M. Jurasz Ms. Virginia Jurasz Sea Search P.O. Box 93 Auke Bay, Alaska 99821

Mr. James W. Larson Deputy Regional Chief Scientist National Park Service Alaska Area Office 540 W. 5th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 907/271-4243

Mr. Paul A. Larson Chief Resource Management and Visitor Protection National Park Service Pacific Northwest Region Fourth & Pike Building, Room 601 Seattle, Was.h.i.+ngton 98101 206/442-5670 FTS: 399-5670

Mr. William Lawton National Marine Mammal Laboratory NOAA/NMFS 7600 Sand Point Way, N.W., Building 32 Seattle, Was.h.i.+ngton 98115 206/442-5215

Dr. Jack W. Lentfer Alaska Department of Fish and Game 210 Ferry Way Juneau, Alaska 99801 907/586-6702

Dr. Katherine Ralls Office of Zoological Research National Zoo Smithsonian Inst.i.tution Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C. 20008 202/381-7315

Mr. Dale W. Rice National Marine Mammal Laboratory NOAA/NMFS 7600 Sand Point Way, N.E., Building 32 Seattle, Was.h.i.+ngton 98115 206/442-5004

Mr. G. P. Streveler Research Biologist Glacier Bay National Monument Gustavus, Alaska 99826 907/697-3341

Mr. Steven L. Swartz 1592 Sunset Cliffs Boulevard San Diego, California 92107 714/222-9978

Dr. Michael F. Tillman, Director National Marine Mammal Laboratory NOAA/NMFS 7600 Sand Point Way, N.E., Building 32 Seattle, Was.h.i.+ngton 98115 206/442-4712 FTS: 399-4711

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