Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History Part 22

Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History -

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Loriculus Asiaticus, _Lath_.

Palaeornis Alexandri, _Linn_.

torquatus, _Briss_.

cyanocephalus, _Linn_.


Calthropae, _Layard_.

Layardi, _Blyth_.

Megalaima Indica, _Latr_.

Zeylanica, _Gmel_.

flavifrons, _Cuv_.

rubicapilla, _Gm_.

Picus gymnophthalmus, _Blyth._ Mahrattensis, _Lath_.

Macei, _Vieill_.

Gecinus chlorophanes, _Vieill_.

Brachypternus aurantius, _Linn_.

Ceylonus, _Forst_.

_rubescens, Vieill_.

Stricklandi, _Layard_.

Micropterus gularis, _Jerd_.

Centropus rufipennis, _Illiger_.

chlororhynchos, _Blyth_.

Oxylophus melanoleucos, _Gm_.

Coramandus, _Linn_.

Endynamys orientalis, _Linn_.

Cuculus Bartletti, _Layard_.

striatus, _Drapiez_.

canorus, _Linn_.

Polyphasia tenuirostris, _Gray_.

Sonneratii, _Lath_.

Hierococcyx varius, _Vahl_.

Surniculus dicrurodes, _Hodgs_.

Phoenicophaus pyrrhocephalus, _Forst_.

Zanclostomus viridirostris, _Jerd_.


Treron bicincta, _Jerd_.

flavogularis, _Blyth_.

Pompadoura, _Gm_.

chlorogaster, _Blyth_.

Carpophaga pusilla, _Blyth_.

Torringtoniae, _Kelaart_.

Alsocomus puniceus, _Tickel_.

Columba intermedia, _Strickl_.

Turtur risorius, _Linn_.

Suratensis, _Lath_.

humilis, _Temm_.

orientalis, _Lath_.

Chalcophaps Indicus, _Linn_.


Pavo cristatus, _Linn_.

Gallus Lafayetti, _Lesson_.

Galloperdix bicalcaratus, _Linn_.

Francolinus Ponticeria.n.u.s, _Gm_.

Perdicula agoondah, _Sykes_.

Coturnix Chinensis, _Linn_.

Turnix ocellatus _var._ Bengalensis, _Blyth_.

Turnix ocellatus _var._ taigoor, _Sykes_.


Esacus recurvirostris, _Cuv_.

Oedienemus crepitans, _Temm_.

Cursorius Coromandelicus, _Gm_.

Lobivanellus bilobus, _Gm_.

Goensis, _Gm_.

Charadrius virginicus, _Bechs_.

Hiaticula Philippensis, _Scop_.

cantiana, _Lath_.

Leschenaultii, _Less_.

Strepsilas interpres, _Linn_.

Ardea purpurea, _Linn_.

cinerea, _Linn_.

asha, _Sykes_.

intermedia, _Wagler_.

garzetta, _Linn_.

alba, _Linn_.

bubulcus, _Savig_.

Ardeola leucoptera, _Bodd_.

Ardetta cinnamomea, _Gm_.

flavicollis, _Lath_.

Sinensis, _Gm_.

Butoroides Javanica, _Horsf_.

Platalea leucorodia, _Linn_.

Nycticorax griseus, _Linn_.

Tigrisoma melanolopha, _Raffl_.

Mycteria australis, _Shaw_.

Leptophilus Javanica, _Horsf_.

Ciconia leucocephala, _Gm_.

Anastomus oscitans, _Bodd_.

Tantalus leucocephalus, _Gm_.

Geronticus melanocephalus, _Lath_.

Ibis falcinellus, _Linn_.

Numenius arquatus, _Linn_.

phoeopus, _Linn_.

Tota.n.u.s fuscus, _Linn_.

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About Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History Part 22 novel

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