Saronia Part 51

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A light breeze sprang up from the north-east, the braces were hauled in, and the s.h.i.+ps danced merrily over the deep blue waters of the aegean Sea windward of Samos, and Scios and Mount Coressus on the starboard hand.

The wind was so favourable that the oars were little needed, save that some on the leeside kept stroke that the s.h.i.+ps might make good weathering. Behind them rose the hills and mountains which guarded Ephesus, and the villas on their sides shone like spots of crystal; but the sun struck fiercely on the great white Temple of Diana, until it looked like molten silver. Away they sailed towards the Icarian Sea.

On a couch inlaid with gold reclined Saronia, and the rich curtains of her cabin were thrown back to allow the sweet, fresh salt air, impregnated with the perfume of roses and myrtle-blossoms, to fan her pale, sad cheeks. The soft eyes were filled with a far-away l.u.s.tre, as if she saw visions of the future which none else could see. She was looking out upon the setting sun, which cast its golden light along the waves. Suddenly she seemed to grow cheerful, and said:

'Father, art thou here? Let me take thine hand. Where is Chios? He is not here. Is he dead? Thou art silent. He is gone, and I cannot stay.

Come nearer to me, father. My bridal day is at hand. Bury me in the sea.

Let no eye rest upon my grave. Let the ocean be my sepulchre, and the winds sing my requiem. This is _happiness; this is joy_! The eternal gates are uplifting. Farewell!'

And the spirit of Saronia had fled.


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