Gas Burners Part 4

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The Silber Argand, which is a remarkably efficient burner, in the main features of its construction is very closely related to Mr. Sugg's later Argands just described. The air is directed on to the outer surface of the flame, as in those burners, by a curved deflector, of which the upper edge is, however, at a higher level than in Mr. Sugg's burners. Air is also admitted between the deflector and the gla.s.s chimney. The most striking divergence in its construction from that of Mr. Sugg's burners is contained within the opening in the centre of the burner. Instead of a solid metal spike, there is a bra.s.s tube, through which, as well as between its circ.u.mference and the cylindrical body of the burner, air can enter to feed the inner surface of the flame. In addition to promoting the steadiness of the flame, it would appear that the air entering through this inner tube supports the combustion of the gas at the tail of the flame. The arrangements for diminis.h.i.+ng the pressure of the gas within the burner, and for ensuring its equable distribution to all parts of the ring of holes, though quite different, seem to be scarcely less complete than those employed in the "London" burner. From the nipple which connects the burner to the gas supply, the gas enters (by four minute perforations) into a horizontal chamber, where its velocity is checked, and whence it is conveyed into the cylindrical chamber forming the main body of the burner. The very satisfactory performances of the burner (which are in advance of those of the standard Argand) sufficiently attest the correctness of its construction.

[Sidenote: Multiple Argands.]

For consuming large quant.i.ties of gas, double or treble Argands are constructed. These consist, in effect, of two or three Argand burners placed concentrically to each other within one chimney. Mr. Sugg has produced a series of burners of this cla.s.s, designed to pa.s.s quant.i.ties of gas ranging from 15 to 55 cubic feet per hour; and, in some instances, exceeding even the latter figure. These burners, with ordinary (16-candle) coal gas, give a light equal to 4 candles per cubic foot of gas consumed; which is a considerably better result than is afforded by the standard burner. The cause of their yielding results so superior to the ordinary Argand is found in the circ.u.mstance that their flames present a much smaller surface area to the cooling action of the air, in proportion to the quant.i.ty of gas consumed. The arrangement of these burners differs from that of the improved single Argands, which have been described, only in that there are two or more steat.i.te cylinders, each fed by its own supply-tubes, and having its own distinct ring of holes; while the s.p.a.ce between the cylinders is so proportioned as to admit no more than the quant.i.ty of air required to produce the necessary intensity of combustion.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 15.--THE DOUGLa.s.s ARGAND.

(_A A, Focal Plane, or Belt of Strongest Light._)]


The multiple or concentric Argand invented by Mr. (now Sir) J. N.

Dougla.s.s, the Engineer to the Trinity House, may be mentioned here.

This burner is of the type of those last noticed, but possesses certain peculiar features which give it a distinct claim to novelty.

As will be seen by the accompanying ill.u.s.tration, the concentric cylinders of which the burner is composed terminate at different heights; their tops forming a regular gradation of steps, of which the innermost is the highest. These cylinders are of considerable depth, permitting the gas and air to be heated by contact with their surfaces before the point of ignition is reached. The essential feature of the invention, however, is a series of deflectors of peculiar shape, which, in addition to directing air on to the surfaces of the flames, are so formed "as to force the outer flame or flames on to the inner flame or flames in the manner ill.u.s.trated." By this means the flames are concentrated and united into one, and combustion is quickened; and, a greater intensity of heat being thus attained, the illuminating power is much augmented. When this burner was first brought into notice, in 1881, high hopes were entertained as to its future. The results which it was said to afford, being far in advance of anything previously obtained from a simple Argand, seemed to promise for the burner a speedy and unequivocal success. At the North-East Coast Marine Exhibition, held in 1882, a burner with ten rings was exhibited, which was reported to develop, from 16-candle gas, 6 candles per cubic foot--a truly remarkable result to be given by so simple a burner. But, notwithstanding its apparently successful introduction, the burner has made little or no headway in the direction of its practical application. Indeed, it may almost be said to have faded altogether out of public view. This would seem to imply that there are difficulties in the way of its successful working, when brought under ordinary conditions, which were not foreseen at the time of its invention.



[Sidenote: Effects of excessive pressure with Argand and flat-flame burners.]

Throughout this treatise, much has been said of the relation which the pressure of gas, at the point of its delivery from the burner, bears to the illuminating power of the flame yielded--sufficient to show that the maintenance of a low and equable pressure in the gas supply is one of the conditions most imperative to be observed for the attainment of economy in combustion. Ordinarily, however, this condition does not obtain at the consumers' burners. The exigencies of distribution require that, in order to maintain a sufficient supply wherever gas is needed, a much higher pressure should be kept in the mains than is requisite for developing, at the burner, the best results from the gas consumed. Moreover, the pressure at any one point is subject to continual fluctuations from the variations in the consumption of gas going on in the neighbourhood. For instance, where a number of burners are in operation in a house, consuming about the exact quant.i.ties of gas for which they have been constructed, when part of them are shut off the gas supply to the remainder is in excess of what is required; and, consequently, the burners do not develop the same proportion of light from the gas consumed as formerly. Where a large consumption of gas is suddenly discontinued (as in the business parts of a town, when the shops and warehouses are closed), the increase of pressure that is experienced at the burners which remain in operation is very manifest. The effect of this increase in the pressure of the gas supply is seen in different directions in Argand and flat-flame burners. In the former, it causes the flame to smoke, by permitting more gas to pa.s.s through the burner than can be properly consumed; in the latter, by cooling the flame below the temperature required for effective combustion, it reduces, in proportion to the extent to which it is higher than the original pressure, the illuminating power developed per cubic foot of gas consumed.

[Sidenote: The gas regulator.]

Seeing that economy in combustion can only be attained under the conditions of an equable pressure, it becomes necessary to subdue the fluctuations above referred to, or at least to prevent their reaching the burner. To this end the regulator, or governor, is employed. In this instrument, a bell dipping into, and sealed in liquid--or else a flexible leather diaphragm--is actuated by the pressure of the entering gas, and so connected with a valve as to reduce the area of the opening which permits gas to enter the instrument in proportion to the pressure of gas at the inlet; by which means an equable pressure is maintained at the outlet, no matter what the quant.i.ty of gas which is being consumed, or how the pressure may vary in the inlet-pipe. By the aid of a governor, fixed on the service-pipe at the entrance to a building, the pressure of gas at the various burners is rendered fairly uniform; yet, even then, perfect equality of pressure is not obtained. The slight friction which the gas experiences in flowing through the pipes causes the burners to be supplied at somewhat lower pressures, the farther they are removed from the burner. And, again, owing to its low specific gravity, gas tends to gain in pressure with an increased elevation; each rise of 10 feet adding about 1-10th of an inch to its pressure. From this cause a higher pressure is experienced in the upper than in the lower rooms of a building. This peculiarity was observed at an early period in the history of gas lighting; as Clegg mentions that, in cotton-mills, check-taps were employed to regulate the pressure of gas at each floor.[12] In order, therefore, to obtain the desired regularity of pressure in the gas supply, governors must be employed for each storey; or, what is better still, each burner must have its own separate governor. And this brings us back to the subject with which we are more closely concerned.

[12] Clegg's "Treatise on Coal Gas," 1st Ed., p. 197.

The governor-burner, as its name implies, consists of a governor, as described above (but, of course, on a smaller scale) combined with a gas-burner; the governor being adjusted so as, whatever excess of pressure there may be in the gas-supply pipes, to permit only the quant.i.ty of gas to pa.s.s which the burner is intended to consume.

Obviously, the principle herein contained is capable of receiving numerous applications. It can be, and is applied with equal success to Argand and flat-flame burners; while the modifications which obtain in the manner of constructing the regulating portion of the apparatus are almost as numerous and as varied as are the burners themselves. As the main features exhibited by one are common to all, it is unnecessary to go into the details of their several constructions. It will suffice to take two or three of the most successful, or the best known, as representatives of the whole.

[Sidenote: Giroud's Rheometer.]

Among the first in order of time--and still retaining no unworthy position in order of merit--is the "rheometer," or "flow-measurer," of M. Giroud. In this instrument a light metal bell is sealed in glycerine contained in a cylindrical case; the bottom of this latter containing the inlet-pipe, screwed for connecting to the ordinary fittings, while from the centre of its cover rises a tube leading to the burner. The bell is pierced by a small hole for the pa.s.sage of the gas, and is surmounted by a cone-shaped projection, which const.i.tutes the valve of the instrument. As the pressure of the entering gas lifts the bell, it causes this cone-valve to enter the mouth of the tube leading to the burner; reducing the area of the opening in proportion to the pressure of gas acting upon the under side of the bell, and so permitting only the required quant.i.ty of gas to pa.s.s to the burner. It might be thought that the presence of liquid would const.i.tute an objection to the use of the instrument; but, as glycerine does not evaporate, when once the instrument is fixed and properly adjusted, it needs no further attention. With an excessive initial pressure, there is, however, a liability of the gas to bubble through the sealing liquid, and so destroy the efficiency of the instrument; but this might be obviated by increasing the depth of the bell, and so giving it a greater seal. The instrument is very reliable for the purpose which it is intended to fulfil; delivering, through a considerable range of pressure beyond that required to raise the bell, the exact quant.i.ty of gas for which it has been adjusted. It may be added that the rheometer has an advantage over many instruments of its cla.s.s, in that it presents so little obstruction to the downward rays of the flame.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 16.--GIROUD'S RHEOMETER.]

[Sidenote: Sugg's Christiania governor-burner.]

Mr. William Sugg, in his regulator or governor, adopts an entirely different arrangement to the foregoing. The valve is placed at the inlet of the governor; and not at its outlet, as in the instrument just described. Instead of a metal bell, a diaphragm of thin and very flexible leather is employed, which is raised by the pressure of the entering gas, and, in turn, actuates the valve; closing the entrance to the governor in proportion to the pressure of gas acting upon it.

The orifice communicating between the under and the upper side of the leather diaphragm is controlled by a screw, whereby the quant.i.ty of gas delivered to the burner can be regulated according to requirements; but when once it has been adjusted to give any desired pressure of gas at the burner, this pressure will be strictly maintained, no matter with what excess of pressure (within reasonable limits) the gas may be supplied to the instrument. The improved "London" Argands produced by Mr. Sugg (the details of the construction of which have been already described) are too delicately adjusted to be applied with advantage directly to the ordinary consumer's gas-fittings, or wherever any variation in the pressure of the gas supply is likely to be experienced. However, with the addition to them of the above governor, their use becomes as easy and simple as that of other burners; and thus the gas consumer is enabled to obtain the benefit of the most improved apparatus without being called upon to exercise the constant care and attention which, without the aid of the governor, would be necessitated. Besides being applied to Argands, this governor is successfully applied by its inventor to his flat-flame burners. In conjunction with a simple steat.i.te burner of the latter cla.s.s, it has received a very extended application, under the name of the Christiania governor-burner.

[Sidenote: Sugg's Steat.i.te-float governor-burner.]

Recently, however, a new type of governor, for application to burners, has been brought out by the same manufacturer, the construction of which is very different to that of the instrument referred to above; and as it is somewhat simpler in its details, and withal appears to be cheaper in construction, it seems destined to supersede the former instrument. In this new governor, instead of a leather diaphragm, there is a bell (or float) of steat.i.te, which is free to move, in the manner of a piston, within an inner cylindrical chamber contained within the outer case of the instrument. Attached to the centre of the float, and on its upper surface, is a tube sliding within another tube of somewhat larger area; the latter forming a continuation of the inner cylindrical chamber. The smaller tube is open at both ends, and thus communicates from below to above the float; the outer tube is closed at the top, but has an orifice in its side. The action of the instrument is as follows:--The gas, entering below the float, through the inner tube to the upper part of the cylindrical chamber, and thence, through the orifice in the outer tube, to the burner. As the pressure of the entering gas exceeds that required to overcome the weight of the float, the latter is raised; the tube which is attached to it being propelled farther into the outer tube in which it slides, and, in so doing, partially closes the orifice in the side of the latter. In this way, according to the pressure of the gas acting upon the under side of the float, the area of the opening through which it must flow to get to the burner is reduced; and so the quant.i.ty of gas which issues from the burner remains the same under all pressures above that required to actuate the float. The instrument appears to be as reliable as it is simple, and to contain few parts calculated to get out of order; but, of course, whether or not it will retain its good qualities after long-continued use can only be proved by experience.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 17.--SUGG'S STEAt.i.tE-FLOAT GOVERNOR.]

[Sidenote: Peebles's needle governor-burner.]

[Sidenote: Efficiency of the needle governor-burner.]

Another instrument of this cla.s.s--the last which I shall notice--is Peebles's needle governor-burner. For simplicity combined with remarkable efficiency, it is undoubtedly ahead of all its compeers.

Somewhat similar in principle to Giroud's rheometer, it differs from that instrument in many of the details of its construction; and while dispensing with the use of liquid, maintains equal efficiency in operation. It was described as follows by Dr. W. Wallace, in a lecture on "Gas Illumination," delivered before the Society of Arts in January, 1879:[13]--"In a little cylinder stands a so-called needle, on the point of which rests a f.l.a.n.g.ed cone of exceedingly thin metal. At one side of the cylinder there is a small tube leading away the gas, and the orifice of which is influenced in area by the action of the cone. The instrument, by means of a screw leading into the side tube, can be made to deliver any desired number of cubic feet, which it does with surprising accuracy, provided that the pressure of the gas is not less than 6-10ths of an inch." As to the efficiency of the instrument, Dr. Wallace proceeded to state:--"In trials that I have made, I have not found the variations of volume at different pressures to exceed 1 per cent." For situations where this extreme nicety of operation is not absolutely essential, or where the rate of consumption is to be invariable, the instrument is constructed in a somewhat modified and simpler form. The small tube on the side of the instrument is dispensed with, and the gas permitted to pa.s.s through perforations in the lower part of the cone. With this alteration there is a nearer approach to the construction of the rheometer; but, as in that instrument, there is no provision for altering the rate of consumption to suit different circ.u.mstances.

[13] See _Journal of Gas Lighting_, Vol. x.x.xIII., p. 162.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 18.--PEEBLES'S NEEDLE GOVERNOR.]



[Sidenote: Temperature of a gas flame.]

As was remarked in the introduction to this treatise, recent years have witnessed a very considerable advance in the construction of gas-burners, and in the amount of light capable of being developed from each cubic foot of gas consumed. Undoubtedly the most noticeable feature of this advance is the successful application of the regenerative, or, as it would be more appropriately designated, recuperative system. Briefly stated, this consists in utilizing the heat of the products of combustion from the gas flame (which otherwise would be dissipated into the atmosphere) to raise the temperature of the gas before it is ignited; and, likewise, of the air necessary for combustion. The temperature of an illuminating gas flame is usually estimated to be between 2000 and 2400 Fahr.; and as the products of combustion must leave the flame at a temperature little, if at all, inferior to the former figure, it must be evident that there is an ample margin of heat for employment in this direction. A considerable proportion of the large amount of heat conveyed by those products of combustion which, under ordinary circ.u.mstances, is imparted to the surrounding atmosphere--often elevating its temperature to an unnecessary and prejudicial extent--is, by this method, returned to the flame; intensifying the process of combustion, and augmenting, in a remarkable degree, the illuminating power developed from the gas consumed. Thus the ultimate effect of the operation is to produce a concentration of heat in the flame, and the conversion of superfluous heat into beneficial light. Within a comparatively recent period, the utility of this process was strongly disputed; and it was stoutly maintained, by many persons, that as the immediate effect of ignition was to cause a temperature of more than 2000 Fahr. to be attained, the heating of the gas and air prior to their combustion could produce little or no beneficial effect upon the illuminating power of the flame. However, the falsity of this view of the case is conclusively demonstrated by practical experiment; the remarkably high results yielded by burners that have been constructed upon the regenerative system sufficiently attesting the correctness of the principles upon which they are founded.

Although, in general, both the gas and air supplies are heated, it is chiefly due to the latter that the beneficial effect noticed is produced; and this for two reasons. First, because the quant.i.ty of air is so much greater than the gas it is required to consume; being, at the nearest approach to theoretical perfection, fully six times its volume. Second, because four-fifths in volume of the air consists of inert nitrogen, which does not contribute anything to the heat of the flame, but, when applied in its normal, cold condition, abstracts no inconsiderable proportion of heat from it. Yet the heating of the gas itself is not without very appreciable influence. In an ordinary gas flame there is always an area of non-illumination around, and extending to a variable distance from the burner head. This is caused partly by the conduction of heat from the flame by the burner; but, in a greater degree, by the cooling action of the issuing stream of cold gas, as is shown by its extending farther from the burner in proportion to the pressure or velocity with which the gas issues. The prejudicial effect due to the former is obviated to a great extent by constructing the burner of steat.i.te, or other non-conducting material.

To remedy the latter, nothing will avail but the heating of the gas supply.

[Sidenote: Effects of heating the gas and air.]

The effect of heating the gas is to enlarge the area of the illuminating portion of the flame, and, in a minor degree, to enhance the intensity of incandescence to which the carbonaceous particles are raised. When the gas issues from the burner at a temperature little inferior to the temperature of ignition, the hydrocarbons it contains are immediately decomposed; the liberated particles of carbon are raised to the temperature of incandescence; and the illuminating area of the flame is extended downwards, even to the surface of the burner.

The heating of the air operates chiefly to produce and maintain a more elevated temperature of the flame; and, in this manner, contributes to the development of a higher illuminating power from the same area of flame. In the case of ordinary gas flames, the cold atmosphere by which they are surrounded, by abstracting heat from the flame, prevents the most favourable conditions for the development of light from being attained. When, however, the air immediately surrounding the flame has been previously heated, the particles of carbon (the incandescence of which furnishes the desired illuminating power) attain to a much more exalted temperature; and, consequently, give out a greater degree of light.

But there is yet another direction in which the prior heating of the air supply contributes to the development of improved illuminating power. Being heated, its density is lowered; so that in any given volume of air there is less weight of oxygen than when cold. The consequence is that as less oxygen is presented to a given surface area of flame, the separated particles of carbon remain for a longer period of time in the incandescent condition before being entirely consumed. Thus there are three distinct results produced by heating the gas and air before combustion--namely, first, the particles of carbon are liberated earlier in the flame; second, they are raised to a more exalted temperature; and, third, they remain for a longer time in the incandescent condition. The combined effect of all three is the improved illuminating power developed from the gas consumed.


[Sidenote: Bowditch's regenerative burner.]

So far back as the year 1854, the principle of heating the air supply to an Argand burner, by means of waste heat from the flame, was partially applied, with some success, by the Rev. W. R. Bowditch, M.A., of Wakefield. Mr. Bowditch's burner, which is shown in the accompanying diagram, contained, in addition to the ordinary chimney, an outer gla.s.s chimney, which extended for some distance below the inner one, and was closed at the bottom; so that all the air needed to support the combustion of the gas was required to pa.s.s down the annular s.p.a.ce between the chimneys, and in its pa.s.sage became intensely heated by contact with the hot surface of the inner chimney, as well as by radiation from the flame itself. This burner contained many defects. Amongst others, the inner chimney could not long withstand the intense heat to which it was subjected, and, in consequence, had to be frequently renewed; the heating of the air was not effected solely by the products of combustion, but, perhaps in a greater degree, by the abstraction of heat from the flame itself; while, at best, this heating was but partial. Yet, these defects notwithstanding, the burner showed very clearly the beneficial results attending even a partial application of the principle; as, in the illuminating power it developed from the gas consumed, a clear gain of 67 per cent. over the ordinary Argand burner was obtained. Although the drawbacks connected with the construction of Mr. Bowditch's burner prevented its ever receiving general, or even extensive adoption, its simplicity has gained for it the distinction of being freely copied by so-called inventors of a later day.

[Sidenote: Invention of the Siemens regenerative burner.]

It was left to Herr Friedrich Siemens, of Dresden, to produce a burner which, while applying the principle of regenerative heating in the most scientific and complete manner, should also be adapted to the ordinary conditions of gas lighting. After much experimenting on the subject, a burner embodying the essential features of the regenerative system was invented by this gentleman in 1879; and so great was the advance which its performances manifested over anything previously attained, so wide the prospect of further achievements which was opened out, that it may fairly be said to have inaugurated a new era in gas illumination. In this burner the products of combustion were made to give up a considerable portion of their heat to the gas and air, as the latter pa.s.sed to the point of ignition; the flame itself not being called upon to contribute in any degree to this result.

Although, as was but natural, the first attempts towards the construction of such a burner were very crude, and but partially successful in their results, the inventor persevered in his endeavours to work out his ideas into practical and thoroughly satisfactory shape. It was not until after it had gone through many modifications that the burner acquired the peculiar form which now distinguishes it, and attained to its present stage of perfection. Before proceeding to describe an example of the burner as now constructed, it is necessary to state that the principles embodied in Herr Siemens's invention are equally well adapted--and, indeed, are applied with equal success--to the construction of flat-flame and Argand burners; but as the distinctive features of the invention are common to both of burners, it will be quite sufficient to describe in detail one of the latter type.

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