Roister Doister Part 5

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Trilla. Trilla. Trillarie.

When Tibet, when Annot, when Margerie.

I will not, I can not, no more can I.

_Lette hir caste downe hir vvorke._ Then giue we all ouer, and there let it lye.

+Tib. Talk.+ There it lieth, the worste is but a curried cote, Tut I am vsed therto, I care not a grote.

+An. Alyface.+ Haue we done singyng since? then will I in againe, Here I founde you, and here I leaue both twaine. _Exeat._

+M. Mumbl.+ And I will not be long after: Tib Talke apace.

+Tib. Talk.+ What is ye matter?

+M. Mumb.+ Yond stode a man al this s.p.a.ce And hath hearde all that euer we spake togyther.

+Tib. Talk.+ Mary the more loute he for his comming hither.

And the lesse good he can to listen maidens talke.

I care not and I go byd him hence for to walke: It were well done to knowe what he maketh here away.

+R. Royster.+ Nowe myght I speake to them, if I wist what to say.

+M. Mumbl.+ Nay we will go both off, and see what he is.

+R. Royster.+ One that hath hearde all your talke and singyng ywis.

+Tib. Talk.+ The more to blame you, a good thriftie husbande Woulde elsewhere haue had some better matters in hande.

+R. Royster.+ I dyd it for no harme, but for good loue I beare, To your dame mistresse Custance, I did your talke heare.

And Mistresse nource I will kisse you for acquaintance.

+M. Mumbl.+ I come anon sir.

+Tib. Talk.+ Faith I would our dame Custance Sawe this geare.

+M. Mumbl.+ I must first wipe al cleane, yea I must.

+Tib. Talk.+ Ill chieue it dotyng foole, but it must be cust.

+M. Mumbl.+ G.o.d yelde you sir, chad not so much ichotte not whan, Nere since chwas bore chwine, of such a gay gentleman.

+R. Royster.+ I will kisse you too mayden for the good will I beare you.

+Tib. Talk.+ No forsoth, by your leaue ye shall not kisse me.

+R. Royster.+ Yes be not afearde, I doe not disdayne you a whit.

+Tib. Talk.+ Why shoulde I feare you? I haue not so little wit, Ye are but a man I knowe very well.

+R. Royster.+ Why then?

+Tib. Talk.+ Forsooth for I wyll not, I vse not to kisse men.

+R. Royster.+ I would faine kisse you too good maiden, if I myght.

+Tib. Talk.+ What shold that neede?

+R. Royster.+ But to honor you by this light.

I vse to kisse all them that I loue to G.o.d I vowe.

+Tib. Talk.+ Yea sir? I pray you when dyd ye last kisse your cowe.

+R. Royster.+ Ye might be proude to kisse me, if ye were wise.

+Tib. Talk.+ What promotion were therein?

+R. Royster.+ Nourse is not so nice.

+Tib. Talk.+ Well I haue not bene taught to kissing and licking.

+R. Royster.+ Yet I thanke you mistresse Nourse, ye made no sticking.

+M. Mumbl.+ I will not sticke for a kosse with such a man as you.

+Tib. Talk.+ They that l.u.s.t: I will againe to my sewyng now.

+An. Alyfac[e].+ Tidings hough, tidings, dame Custance greeteth you well.

+R. Royster.+ Whome me?

+An. Alyface.+ You sir? no sir? I do no suche tale tell.

+R. Royster.+ But and she knewe me here.

+An. Alyface.+ Tybet Talke apace, Your mistresse Custance and mine, must speake with your grace.

+Tib. Talk.+ With me?

+An. Alyface.+ Ye muste come in to hir out of all doutes.

+Tib. Talk.+ And my work not half done? A mischief on all loutes.

_Ex. am._

+R. Royster.+ Ah good sweet nourse.

+M. Mumb.+ A good sweete gentleman.

+R. Royster.+ What?

+M. Mumbl.+ Nay I can not tel sir, but what thing would you?

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