Bandit, Be Ambitious! To Accomplish Kingdom Revival! Chapter 16

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Chapter 16
16 – There’s Another Unit


I didn’t think that the subjugation unit would come with a single company.

Still, we were somehow able to bring them down due to the surprise attack from the forest in the south of the highway. Now there are enemy soldiers crowded at the southern cliff of the highway.

We were to defeat them individually according to the plan, but then it became to throw flame bullets and fire crossbows at them.

Even then, nearly 30 of the soldiers creeped up from the highway giving us cold s.h.i.+vers, but Torre san’s subordinates killed them with their bows.

I was tired due to exhaustion and returned to the fort, however the morale was now soaring after defeating a company of enemy soldiers.

I am not too confident about saying we annihilated them completely though. I expect our existence will become known to the enemy army due to this.

In the meantime, the loot from the attacks will do. Still the difference in the numbers is too big.

The next day after that. As usual, I seemed to have overslept again. I greeted everyone in the hall and went outside to wash my face.

Something white and fluffy is fluttering around. Is the snow falling? Even though it didn’t fall much, our future raids might become a little difficult.

「It finally came down huh. 」

「Ah, from now on it fall much more rapidly. It will cover up to our knees in just a month. 」

「In that case the people pa.s.sing through the highway will dawdle down. 」[Banta]

With just those brief words, a discussion immediately broke down on the table.

We had our breakfast while having such discussions. Its vegetable soup with pizza like flat bread. There’s no meat for today’s breakfast………

「So Banta, what are your plans for winter raids? 」[Zairas]

Zairas san asked me while sipping his tea.

「The destroyed cliff is intact. In that case, it will be impossible for wagons to pa.s.s through, so another unit of construction workers with higher security will probably come over again. If there are known prisoners, we can rescue them」[Banta]

The guys nodded heavily to my words.

「In that case, why not annihilate the company this time as well? We can gain more allies that way too. 」[Bartz]

「It’s not a problem to raise it more. The terrain will be on our side as well.

If we battle between both the cliffs on the highway, the enemy troops would not exceed 1 platoon. 」[Banta]

「I see! After all it will become a long stretched force on the highway. However, even if we can confine them, is it possible to rescue the prisoners? 」[Zairas]

Zairas san probably thought of the enemy formation and raised a problem towards me.

I placed the strategy map on the table and arranged the enemy formation they might take on the highway. It becomes the scene of the platoon sandwiched between our forces and those from the construction corps.

「With this can we rescue them? 」[Zairas]

「Out of 10, we can probably rescue several of them. But, we will have to take out our weapons at the end. Isn’t it an honour to be claimed as ‘Warriors’? 」[Banta]

There are several groaning sounds coming out. For the first time, are they actually against to my strategy since there might be victims coming out?

「There is no problem with Banta’s strategy. It is far better than to die starving in the prison. If I were to be in their place, I would die smiling to see the success of this strategy. Besides, there is a chance to save them! 」[Torre]

Torre san says so but he is biting his lips. But its certain that everyone agrees to it.

「The numbers we can save will increase depending on future operations. We are still too weak. And Banta too understands it fully. We must think of reducing

our fatalities while rescuing the prisoners. They will probably arrive within 5 days. We will devise an appropriate strategy slowly! 」[Princess]

With the declaration of the princess, the intense brainstorming for the strategy began on the table. The unknown points will soon be confirmed by the knights at the actual scene, and as such the map is becoming full of writings.

As we have rescued Torre san and his people as well as discrete farmers, we have increased our numbers a little.

There are 3 squads of 10 under Zairas san and 2 of 10 members each under Torre san.

The high-ranked light armoured infantry is a squad of 12 led by a 25-year-old man, Greten san.

Radi san has 4 of her tribespeople under her along with other farmers, while there are 4 mages among the crossbow unit of 15 people, and they are fully entrusted on the cliffs.

As the 2 dwarves go wherever they like each time, I wonder where will they go this time.

At that time, a voice caught my attention as I was enjoying the pipe.

「In short we are dividing. Even we can understand this much. But how will we cope with the troubles after dividing? 」

「I agree with that. How we can scatter our opponents will be the key point to our success. Besides, I have read from the older strategy books, there is another unit. Their existence cannot be taken lightly. 」[Banta]

When I pointed towards the prisoner’s piece on the map, everyone looked towards me at the same time.

「How will humans act in the state of desperation? They might also accept their fate. But, if they are warriors, is it not their last opportunity to live? 」[Banta]

「The construction corps would probably be a platoon sized on scale. Perhaps more than that, but will they partic.i.p.ate in the battle? 」[Princess]

I say that their parents will also stand for it. I don’t want them to be scared and take refuge, after all searching the forest later on will be troublesome. If we can fight together, our strategy will succeed.

「Even the great strategist said, ‘even if hazy, it is still visible’. 」[Banta]

「Indeed. It comes down to Zairas and others side. It will not be beyond with our faith. 」[Princess]

Maira san nodded as she listened into the conversation, but what kind of G.o.d do they pray to?

By any chance, am I here because of the consequences of their prayer? Since it is a world of sword and magic, G.o.d’s protection might be here as well.

「The time for our raid is near, the removal of cliff ruins is roughly at the end, but we will wait till the wagons are ready to pa.s.s….…」[Banta]

It would be a problem to continue on with this strategy too much. We must limit large scale mountain hunting. Besides various problems might occur if the highway is shut down for a long time.

「When Radi san’s team start attacking all at once, that will be the cue to start our raid. Reedus san and Greten san will be with Radi san. I will leave the entire command to Radi san. Others will busy themselves to unload the luggage as well as take care of any bigwigs. 」[Banta]

We have to kill the overseer monitoring the prisoners from the cliff quickly, then launch crossbow bolts and flame bullets from both sides of the cliff to divide them east and west.

Then, lower the weapons for the prisoners from the cliffs. It will be easier to support from the cliff so as to not get caught between the east-west division…….

「It will alright if Torre and I pincer attack them from the east and west of the highway…… It is simple but easy to understand for us. I will be on the east side! 」[Zairas]

「Then I will be in the west. 」[Torre]

Both of them affirm each other.

「Torre troops alone will not have enough fighting power. So my troops as well as Banta will be on the west. 」[Princess]

My place has been decided without my permission, but it’s alright. I put the pieces with the unit’s names on the map.

「Another thing to take note of is the timing and the hiding place. We could hide near the highway since our numbers were small before, but now we may be spotted by the enemy. All should hide in the forest. Snow will leave footprints so avoid them too. We have to find such a place beforehand by tomorrow. 」[Banta]

Everyone nodded as they took the wine cups which were placed unnoticed on the table. If we don’t find a proper place, it really would become difficult.

「Greten and Reedus would gather the enemy’s weapons and put them into a basket. You had better make simple spears. 50 should be good enough. 」[Zairas]

I told them that it would be difficult to save them all at the beginning, but if the strategy is a success, we might be able to save many more. Their expressions have changed from before and are pondering on the strategy at hand.

「Does Banta dono not require any guards? 」[Torre]

「Well… When needed Maria and I will be there. Besides in the raids till now, he has defeated 4 enemies. I believe he can protect himself at the least, probably……」[Princess]

The princess’s answer through my story has evoked laughter on the table. They are quite rude, I mean I protected the princess properly, they should at least praise me a bit more, shouldn’t they?

「Don’t expect from Banta’s sword skills. But, the crossbows that he devised is very strong. With the princess 5 more people have crossbows and 3 others have bows. The line of spears can easily defeat the enemy continuously from the back too. 」[Zairas]

Apparently, with great trouble, Rider san had forged out a katana for me. Should I try and see it? Unless so, my story from before will forever become my a.s.sessment.

The next day, there are busy movements in the stronghold since the early morning. The enemy troops will not come so soon, but we have make ample preparations to succeed in our plan.

While doing morning practice on the log, Torre san and a squad captain looked over me from distance as I hit the log.

In case of Zairas san, he would take my wooden sword and tell me the basics of driving in the sword, but now with the long swords, imitating became difficult without sufficient strength.

Uchikomi in the former kendo comes naturally, but what about in this school?

After practising for a while, I tied a rope around the log and bowed and took out water from my bag as I leaned on the side wall of the garrison.

「So that’s the way to use this sword. I saw it for the first time. 」

「A man who bows to a log. 」

Torre san and the squad captain came forward expressing their impressions.

「I was doing my usual practice, more or less. To show my grat.i.tude to it………」[Banta]

They smilingly nodded.

「Indeed it is like that. In my younger days, we all practiced with old leather armours but there was no one that bowed to the leather armour. It is said that knights are faithful, but Banta san’s words are also to be a.s.sented. 」[Torre]

That said, it is strange if I start doing it suddenly. For me, a bit of eccentricity will be overlooked.

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