Vale of the Vole Part 10

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"I exercised."

"But whatever brings you here? I thought you were trying to learn how to fly."

"That's why I finally went to the Good Magician." She proceeded to that story, and to their need for a suitable map.

"But I cannot show the Magician on a map!" Chem protested. "I don't know where he is!"

"We thought you might be able to show a detailed map of where he might be," Chex explained.

"I suppose I could do that. Certainly I can detail any of the geography of that region for anyone who wishes to search for him."

So Chem reluctantly agreed to accompany them back to Castle Roogna. Her sibling and her filly understood her reticence; she had no more desire to brace her sire and dam on the matter of mixed-breed offspring than did Chex. But they all agreed that the time had come to do it.

Stanley decided to stay in the Gap awhile and visit with Stacey. Ivy pouted but yielded to necessity; she could not keep the Gap Dragon out of the Gap forever. They were now near one of the enchanted crossings, so would need no protection once they got to the upper level.

There was no vole hole in this particular section, but Chem had mapped it and knew a good way out. It was along a side crevice on the north slope. They trooped up the jagged V of it, following only the branches Chem indicated, and made their way through the puzzlelike labyrinth to the surface. Then they took the invisible bridge across, which was a novel experience for Esk. He peered down beyond his seemingly unsupported feet, and felt dizzy. After that he followed Volney's example and closed his eyes.

Tangleman departed for his glade, leaving just the three centaurs, two human beings, and one vole. They camped for the night, and when it rained they moved under a large umbrella tree. Volney didn't need it, of course; he simply dug one of his cozy burrows. Ivy insisted on spending the night there, to Esk's annoyance, until Chem projected a map of this region that showed where a good pillow bush grew. Then Esk gathered a fine pile of pillows and settled down in comfort.

They did not hurry in the morning. Centaurs were creatures of integrity, but somehow none of these three found reason to rush on to the castle. Actually, there was no reason; King Dor and Queen Irene were not due to return for another day. Chester and Cherie were supervising the grounds during the royal absence, as it happened, and keeping an eye on Ivy's little brother, Prince Dolph. That, Chet remarked, was challenge enough, for little Dolph could change form instantly to anything, and tended to become a mouse and sneak out when he was supposed to be studying boring Xanth history.

But, being the centaurs they were, they did not dawdle unduly either. Thus at midday they arrived at Castle Roogna.

Esk was impressed. He had seen the Good Magician's castle, so knew the general nature of such structures, but this was on a grander scale. Its walls towered above the moat, and the moat had not one but several monstrous monsters. The grounds were girt about with an orchard contaning every kind of exotic tree, and beyond were more aggressive trees that were able to move their branches to block unwanted trespa.s.sers. To one side was the zombie graveyard, whose occupants would rise up in all their sodden horror when required in defense of the estate. There were even, Chet a.s.sured him, several ghosts in the castle, though these were relatively harmless, merely waiting for their stories to be told.

A tiny man-shape stood at the drawbridge. "A horse rear with wings!" the figure exclaimed. "Wait till the caretakers see that!"

"Go tell them, Grundy!" Ivy cried happily. She was not aware of the gravity of the situation.

The golem ran swiftly into the castle. In a moment a pair of older centaurs appeared, male and female. They spied Chex together.

"Great!" the male exclaimed.

"Appalling!" the female breathed.

"Sire, Dam, this is my issue," Chem said, gesturing to Chex, who stood as if expecting to be struck.

"And she can almost fly!" Ivy said.

Chex's granddam said no further word. She turned and went back into the castle.

Her grandsire hesitated. "This may take a little time," he said, then hurried after his mate.

The three centaurs turned with similar looks of pain and walked away from the castle.

Ivy looked at Esk. "Does this make any sense to you?"

"Not any I like," he replied.

"I thought Cherie would be glad to meet her granddaughter!"

"I gather that centaurs don't approve of crossbreeding."

"Oh, pooh! Everybody crossbreeds in Xanth!"

Esk shrugged. "I fear Cherie Centaur doesn't see it that way."

"She doesn't like magic much, for centaurs," Ivy said thoughtfully. "Chester's better about that; he's got a talent, and so does Chet."

Chet found a place for Chem and Chex to stay the night, and Esk and Volney joined them. None of the three said anything about what had happened, but the pall of gloom was almost tangible. Esk realized that they had really hoped that Cherie would accept the situation. But centaurs, as Esk was coming to understand, were the most stubborn of creatures.

The next day King Dor and Queen Irene arrived back, and in the afternoon they had a audience with the three travelers. It was evident that they had no prejudice against crossbreeds; indeed, they openly admired Chex's wings. Ivy was there, now dressed in robes like the little princess she was, and so was her little six-year-old brother, Prince Dolph.

They listened gravely to Esk's report of the Magician's mysterious absence. Then they listened to Volney's story of the Vale of the Vole. It was apparent that they had already learned something of both these matters, and had come to a decision before holding the audience.

"Ordinarily, we would do our best to help the voles," King Dor said. "But this matter, coming as it does at the time of the crisis with the Good Magician, must wait. Our first priority is to locate Magician Humfrey."

"Oh, Daddy!" Ivy exclaimed indignantly. "Aren't you going to help them just a little?"

"Not at this time, Ivy. When we recover the Good Magician, then he should be able to help the voles, as Volney has come to ask him to do."

"But the bad demons are hurting that friendly river right now!" Ivy protested. "At least let me go with them!"

"No," King Dor said.

"But Daddy!"

Queen Irene turned to her daughter. "No," she repeated, and the tone seemed mild, but the girl shrank back as if severely rebuked.

That was it. There was to be no help of any kind from Castle Roogna. Esk couldn't help but wonder whether Cherie Centaur had anything to do with this cruel decision.

They filed out. Now Volney was as dejected as Chex. What could they do? All their missions were balked until the Good Magician was found.

As they departed the castle, Ivy dashed after them. "But maybe someone else will help!" she cried. "The other centaurs, or maybe the ogres, or someone! Maybe you could ask them! Maybe you three could do something yourselves!"

Esk brightened. His own mission to the Good Magician seemed relatively minor, now; surely he had been rationalizing when he thought that the demoness would harm his family. All she wanted was to be left alone in his hideout. He had made this trip for himself, really, to try to make himself important, or at least worthwhile, in some way. "I am related to the ogres and the curse fiends and the nymphs and fauns," he said. "I don't think my own problem is nearly as important as the voles' problem. I could ask those other folk, and maybe they would help get rid of the demons in the Vale of the Vole."

"I am related to the centaurs and to the flying monsters," Chex said, brightening similarly. "I want to learn to fly, but until the Good Magician is found, I might as well do something to help others. I think the voles need more help than I do, and I could ask those folk. Certainly I don't have much to keep me here."

"And I am related to the creaturev of the greater family of volev," Volney said. "The digglev, the vquigglev-I could avk, and maybe they would help. Vertanly it iv pointlevv for me to wait for the Good Magivion while my folk vufter."

"Let's do it!" Esk said. "Let's all go and ask our distant relatives, and see what help we can get! Maybe we don't need the Good Magician or Castle Roogna!"

"That's the way," Ivy said brightly.

Somehow, in her presence, it all made sense. They would solve the problem of the Kiss-Mee River themselves!

Chapter 6. Centaur.

Chex trotted south along the trail that her dam's map had shown. She expected to reach Centaur Isle in two days, and to spend one day there, and return in two. That should be plenty of time to complete the rendezvous with Esk and Volney, who were questing in other directions. They had agreed to meet in seven days, hoping that at least one of them had obtained help for the Vale of the Vole and the distressed Kiss-Mee River. A two-day margin for error seemed sufficient; centaurs were efficient creatures who seldom if ever made errors, in contrast to the b.u.mbling human beings.

The trail wended parallel to the west coast of Xanth. It was neither well marked nor well maintained, but the protective enchantment was on it, so there should be no trouble with predators. Also, there was Ivy.

"Gee, this is fun!" Ivy exclaimed. She was on Chex's back, and everything was fun to her. Ivy's magic was Enhancement, and it was of Magician caliber. Since she perceived Chex as a wonderful creature who could almost fly, Chex was now moving at a trot that exceeded in velocity her normal full gallop. The child's magic buoyed her phenomenally; it was indeed like flying, because her strength was so great and her feet so light. Also, the girl was good company; she made no unreasonable demands, and was an excellent rider. Chex's granddam Cherie had been tutoring her in more than academic subjects, obviously.

The thought of Cherie Centaur sobered Chex, however. By all accounts Cherie was a fine centaur, but she was conservative. She had tutored King Dor and Queen Irene, and now was tutoring the next generation, but certain matters were beyond her acceptance, such as magic in centaurs. And crossbreeding. Chester Centaur, in contrast, had the reputation of a roughneck, always ready to fight rather than reason; but he was quite tolerant about magic and crossbreeding. Uncle Chet had said this was because of Chester's uncle, Herman the Hermit, who had had the magic ability to commune with will-o'-the-wisps and had died bravely in the defense of Xanth from the wiggles. Also, Chester was unable to perceive evil in anything his offspring might do. But though Chester had the muscle, Cherie had the will, and that will was manifesting now. Chex was subtly not welcome in the region of Castle Roogna.

But little Ivy was another matter, and a power in her own right. When they had made their decision to get other help for the voles, Ivy had insisted on partic.i.p.ating. She could help persuade the centaurs of the Isle to help, she said. Besides which, she needed more education, and visiting Centaur Isle was part of it. Even Cherie had not been able to deny that logic, so Ivy had her way: she was coming along, just for this one trip.

"But you seem awful quiet," Ivy said after a bit. "Is something wrong?"

"Not with you, dear," Chex rea.s.sured her. "I was just thinking."

"About Cherie," Ivy said wisely.


"Chester's working on her, but you know how centaurs are. Nothing's more stubborn, when-oops. No offense meant!"

"None taken," Chex said. "We prefer to call it steadfastness."

"Maybe if you do something great, like saving the Kiss-Mee, then she'll change her mind. Say, is it true that just drinking from that river is like getting smooched?" The child had broached this matter before, but evidently remained intrigued by it.

"That vernacular is-"

"Nonstandard usage," Ivy finished. "You centaurs are too stuffy!"

"But it is supposed to be true that the river, historically, has been very affectionate. However, it seems that it has suffered a radical personality change recently. That is why we wish to restore it to its natural state."

"Yeah. So now it's the Kill-Mee. That's funny!"

Then, exactly in time with Chex's correction: "Yes!"

Then Ivy laughed, and Chex had to laugh with her.

They were well along, making even better time than Chex had projected, thanks to the enhancement. Would her hooves never tire? Apparently not, while she was carrying the little Sorceress!

"What's that stink?" Ivy asked. Then, as Chex opened her mouth: "Smell!" How the child loved to tease!

Chex sniffed the air. "Decay," she said. "Some small animal must have died recently. We will pa.s.s by this soon."

But as they proceeded south, the odor intensified. "Ooo, ugh!" Ivy said, holding her pert nose. "That must be a big animal!"

"So it seems," Chex agreed. "All living creatures eventually die."

"Not the Good Magician," Ivy said.

"Well, he is missing, and we cannot rule out the possibility that-"

"Oh, pooh! He just went somewhere, so's not to be bothered."

Chex wished they could be sure of that. She did not argue the case.

The smell intensified into truly awful scope. "A monster!" Ivy gasped.

It was all Chex could do to keep from gagging herself. She had never before encountered miasma like this! "A monster," she agreed. "We've got to get by it soon!"

But they did not. The stench became almost palpable. Ivy was coughing now. "What a stink!" she cried. "I can't even see!"

Chex drew to a halt, too distracted to protest the naughty word this time. She was having trouble with her own vision. They seemed to be swimming hi the putrid vapor. "We'll have to go around it," she said.

"Castle Zombie!" Ivy exclaimed. "It's near here!"

"That's the odor? Zombies?"

"No, they smell, but not like this. I mean we could go there, and they'll tell us how to get around, 'cause they know about death and all that rot."

Chex decided not to try to correct that usage either. Zombies were creatures of death and rot. She was not enthusiastic about visiting such a castle, but it was obvious that something had to be done. Chem's map had shown the castle; the girl was correct about its proximity.

She turned back and trotted toward an intersection she had noted some way back. This alternate path would lead them to Castle Zombie. As they proceeded along it, the awful odor diminished. That was a relief! She felt as if there were foul sludge coating her lungs.

Ivy was right: there was a smell about Castle Zombie, but it was quite bearable after what they had experienced. Perhaps the zombies conserved their rotting flesh better, not allowing much of it to escape as gas. There were a number of them working on the grounds, evidently tending the putrid vegetation.

The castle itself looked as if it were decomposing, but Chex knew this was mostly illusion; it was of comparatively recent construction. Its moat was filled with slime, and a zombie water monster stewed in it. "Hi, Sleaze!" Ivy called out cheerfully, and the moat monster actually nodded. Everybody liked Ivy!

The lady of the castle came out to greet them. She showed no sign at all of zombieism. "Hi, Millie!" Ivy called, exactly as before.

"h.e.l.lo, Ivy," the woman replied. "Who is your friend?"

"This is Chex. Chem's her moth-her dam. She's got wings!"

"I had noticed." The woman smiled at Chex. "You are welcome here, Chex, if you care to come in."

Chex was in doubt about what the interior of the castle might be like, but Ivy was not. "We care!" she cried, clapping her hands.

Millie smiled again. "You are so like your mother at that age-and so unlike, too."

"I know," Ivy said. "She was more serious. And more-her-" She made a gesture with her hands to indicate voluptuousness.

"Be young while you can, dear," Millie said.

"But when will I get all plushy and be able to fascinate men the way you do?" the girl asked plaintively.

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