Area Handbook For Bulgaria Part 38

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Schopflin, George (ed.). _The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe._ New York: Praeger, 1970.

Severin, R. Keith. "Bulgaria's Agricultural Economy in Brief," U.S.

Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. _Foreign Agriculture_, (ERS-Foreign 136.) September 1965, 1-11.

Sharp, Samuel L., and Fedlam, Fruzsina H. _The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, 1972._ (The World Series.) Was.h.i.+ngton: Stryker-Post Publications, 1972.

Staar, Richard F. _The Communist Regimes in Eastern Europe_ (Rev. ed.) Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1971.

_The Statesman's Year Book, 1972-73._ (Ed., John Paxton.) London: Macmillan, St. Martin's Press, 1972, 789-797.

_Statistical Yearbook, 1971._ Sofia, National Information Office, 1971.

_Statistical Yearbook, 1972._ Sofia, National Information Office, 1972.

Stavrianos, Leften S. _Balkan Federation: A History of the Movement Toward Balkan Unity in Modern Times._ (Smith College Studies in History, XXVII, Nos. 1-4.) Northampton: Department of History, Smith College, 1942.

Stillman, Edmund (and the Editors of Life). _The Balkans_ (Life World Library Series.) New York: _Time_, 1964.

Stoyanov, Lludmil. "Poet, Humanist and Fighter," _Bulgaria Today_ [Sofia], XXI, No. 7, July 1972, 22.

Sylvester, Anthony. "The Bulgaria Paradox," _East Europe_, XVII, No.

1, January 1968, 15-19.

Todorov, Nikolai. "Pencho Koulekov, an Original Master of Graphic Art"

_Bulgaria Today_ [Sofia], XXI, No. 5, May 1972, 32.

_UNESCO Statistical Yearbook, 1971._ Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1971, 59.

U.S. Department of Army. _Communist Eastern Europe: a.n.a.lytical Survey of Literature._ (DA Pam 550-8) Was.h.i.+ngton: GPO, 1971.

U.S. Department of Commerce. Office of Technical Services. Joint Publications Research Service--JPRS (Was.h.i.+ngton). The following items are from the JPRS series _Translations on Eastern Europe: Economic and Industrial Affairs_.

"a.n.a.lysis of Changes in Average Family Budget Made," _Otechestven Front_, Sofia, March 27, 1973. (JPRS 58,842, No. 874, 1973.)

"Dynamics of Personal Income Described, 1965-70," _Ikonomicheski Zhivot_, Sofia: December 16, 1970. (JPRS 52,476, No. 424, 1971.)

"Household Income, Consumption Statistics Given," _Statistika_, Sofia, No. 5, September-October 1970. (JPRS 52,106, No. 397, 1971.)

"Light Ministry Plans to Supply Lacking Goods Revealed,"

_Otechestven Front_, Sofia, May 7, 1972. (JPRS 56,742, No. 727, 1972.)

U.S. Department of Commerce. Office of Technical Services. Joint Publications Research Service--JPRS (Was.h.i.+ngton). The following items are from the JPRS series _Translations on Eastern Europe: Political, Sociological, and Military Affairs_.

"Admission Rules to Foreign-Language High Schools," _Durzhaven Vestnik_, Sofia, June 8, 1971. (JPRS 53,764, No. 396, 1971).

"Aspects of Standard of Living a.n.a.lyzed," _Statistika_, Sofia, No.

3, 1969. (JPRS 48,717, No. 126, 1969).

"Caloric Intake of Blue-Collar Workers and Cooperative Farm Members," _Khranitelna Promishlenost_, Sofia, No. 2, 1968. (JPRS 45,795, No. 8, 1968).

"Causes for 1961-65 Infant Mortality Reviewed," _Statistika_, Sofia, December 1969. (JPRS 49,929, No. 187, 1970).

"Census Studies Bulgarian Educational Level," _Statistika_, Sofia, November-December 1968. (JPRS 47,697, No. 81, 1969).

"Cla.s.s Influence on Consumption a.n.a.lyzed," _Ikonomicheski Zhivot_, Sofia, October 10, 1968. (JPRS 46,866, No. 42, 1968).

"The Communists and the Family," _Partien Zhivot_, Sofia, XVI, November 1971. (JPRS: 55,275, No. 485, 1972).

"Decree on Post-Graduate Training for Specialists Issued,"

_Durzhaven Vestnik_, Sofia, February 20, 1973. (JPRS 58,807, No.

700, 1973).

"Economics of Higher Education Reviewed," _Novo Vreme_, Sofia, September 1970. (JPRS 50,328, No. 280, 1970).

"Health Minister Describes Public Health Plans," _Zdraven Front_, Sofia, June 19, 1971. (JPRS 54,178, No. 421, 1971).

"Improvements in Standard of Living Traced," _Ikonomicheski Zhivot_, Sofia, November 1970. (JPRS 52,321, No. 310, 1971).

"Military Training for Secondary Students," _Narodna Mladezh_, Sofia, March 20, 1972. (JPRS 55,828, No. 516, 1972).

"Minister Cites Progress in Public Health Service," _Khigiena i Zdraveopazvane_, Sofia, No. 1, January-February 1969. (JPRS 48,333, No. 110, 1969.)

"New Model for Secondary Polytechnical School," _Vecherni Novini_, Sofia, January 25, 1972. (JPRS 55,447, No. 495, 1972).

"Party Policy at Center of Educational Work," _Armeyski Komunist_, Sofia, December 1972. (JPRS 58,368, No. 676, 1973).

"Physicians' Att.i.tude Toward Polyclinics Surveyed," _Suvremenna Meditsina_, Sofia, No. 12, 1970. (JPRS 52,840, No. 337, 1971).

"Religious Survey in Plovdiv Okrug Taken," _Filosofska Misul_, Sofia, VI, June 1968. (JPRS 46,478, No. 30, 1968).

"Schools Experiment with New Educational Program," _Zemedelsko Zname_, Sofia, July 24, 1968. (JPRS 46,334, No. 25, 1968).

"School Statistics," _Uchitelsko Delo_, Sofia, September 7, 1971.

(JPRS 54,419, No. 435, 1971).

"Serious Shortage of Medical Personnel Reported," _Pogled_, Sofia, July 19, 1971. (JPRS 54,004, No. 409, 1971).

"Shortages of Schoolteachers in Some Areas Noted," _Trud_, Sofia, August 21, 1971. (JPRS 54,094, No. 415, 1971).

"Sociological Legal a.n.a.lysis of Divorce," _Khigiena i Zdraveopazvane_, Sofia, III, 1970. (JPRS 51,271, No. 250, 1970).

"Specialization, Training of Polyclinic Physicians Discussed,"

_Zdraven Front_, Sofia, June 12, 1971. (JPRS 53,958, No. 407, 1971).

"Statistics on Rising Living Standard Given," _Naruchnik na Agitatore_, Sofia, No. 24, December 1972. (JPRS 58,480, No. 851, 1973).

"Status Prospects of Medical Science Discussed," _Zdraven Front_, Sofia, April 24, 1971. (JPRS 53,482, No. 375, 1971).

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