Manual of the Mother Church Part 6

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"The less the teacher personally controls other minds, and the more he trusts them to the divine Truth and Love, the better it will be for both teacher and student." (Retrospection and Introspection, page 84.)



Officers. SECTION 1. There shall be a Board of Education, under the auspices of Mary Baker Eddy, President of the Ma.s.sachusetts Metaphysical College, consisting of three members, a president, vice-president, and teacher of Christian Science. Obstetrics will not be taught.

Election. SECTION 2. The vice-president shall be elected annually by the Christian Science Board of Directors. Beginning with 1907, the teacher shall be elected every third year by said Board, and the candidate shall be subject to the approval of the Pastor Emeritus.

President not to be Consulted. SECTION 3. The President is not to be consulted by students on the question of applying for admission to this Board nor on their course or conduct. The students can confer with their teachers on subjects essential to their progress.

Presidency of College. SECTION 4. Should the President resign over her own signature or vacate her office of President of the Ma.s.sachusetts Metaphysical College, a meeting of the Christian Science Board of Directors shall immediately be called, and the vice-president of the Board of Education being found worthy, on receiving her approval shall be elected to fill the vacancy.


Normal Teachers. SECTION 1. Loyal students who have been taught in a Primary cla.s.s by Mrs. Eddy and have practised Christian Science healing acceptably three years, and who present such credentials as are required to verify this fact, are eligible to receive the degree of C.S.D.

Qualifications. SECTION 2. Loyal Christian Scientists' pupils who so desire may apply to the Board of Education for instruction; and if they have practised Christian Science healing successfully three years and will furnish evidence of their eligibility therefor, they are eligible to enter the Normal cla.s.s. All members of this cla.s.s must be thorough English scholars.

Certificates. SECTION 3. Students are examined and given certificates by this Board if found qualified to receive them.

Article x.x.x--ACTION OF THE BOARD

Sessions. SECTION 1. The term of the Ma.s.sachusetts Metaphysical College will open with the Board of Education on the first Wednesday of December. The sessions will continue not over one week. None but the teacher and members of the College cla.s.s shall be present at the sessions, and no Primary shall be taught under the auspices of this Board.

Special Instruction. SECTION 2. Not less than two thorough lessons by a well qualified teacher shall be given to each Normal cla.s.s on the subject of mental practice and _malpractice_. One student in the cla.s.s shall prepare a paper on said subject that shall be read to the cla.s.s, thoroughly discussed, and understood; this paper shall be given to the teacher, and he shall not allow it or a copy of it to remain, but shall destroy this paper.

Signatures. SECTION 3. The signature of the teacher and of the President of the College shall be on all certificates issued.

Remuneration and Free Scholars.h.i.+p. SECTION 4. Tuition of cla.s.s instruction in the Board of Education shall be $100.00. The bearer of a card of free scholars.h.i.+p from the President, Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, shall be ent.i.tled to a free course in this department on presentation of the card to the teacher. Only the President gives free admission to

Surplus Funds. SECTION 5. Any surplus funds left in the hands of the Board of Education shall be paid over annually to the Treasurer of The Mother Church.

Primary Students. SECTION 6. Students of Christian Science, duly instructed therein and with good moral records, not having the certificate of C.S.D. may enter the Normal cla.s.s in the Board of Education, which will be held once in three years beginning A. D.

1907; provided their diplomas are for three _consecutive_ years under Mrs. Eddy's daily conversation on Christian Science, or from the Ma.s.sachusetts Meta-physical College Board of Education.

Healing Better than Teaching. SECTION 7. Healing the sick and the sinner with Truth demonstrates what we affirm of Christian Science, and nothing can subst.i.tute this demonstration. I recommend that each member of this Church shall strive to demonstrate by his or her practice, that Christian Science heals the sick quickly and wholly, thus proving this Science to be all that we claim for it.

If both husband and wife are found duly qualified to teach Christian Science, either one, not both, should teach yearly one cla.s.s.

Not Members of The Mother Church. SECTION 8. No person shall receive instructions in Christian Science in any cla.s.s in the Ma.s.sachusetts Metaphysical College, nor receive the degree of C.S.B. or C.S.D., who is not a member of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Ma.s.s.

Only those persons who are members of this Church and possessed of the qualifications named in Sect. 9 of Article XXVI of these By-Laws shall be deemed loyal teachers of Christian Science.



Election. SECTION 1. This Church shall maintain a Board of Lectures.h.i.+p, the members of which shall be elected annually on Monday preceding the Annual Meeting, subject to the approval of the Pastor Emeritus. The lecture year shall begin July 1 of each year.

Duty of Lecturers. SECTION 2. It is the duty of the Board of Lectures.h.i.+p to include in each lecture a true and just reply to public topics condemning Christian Science, and to bear testimony to the facts pertaining to the life of the Pastor Emeritus. Each member shall mail to the Clerk of this Church copies of his lectures before delivering them.

No Disruption of Branch Churches. SECTION 3. The Board of Lectures.h.i.+p is not allowed in anywise to meddle with nor to disrupt the organization of branch churches. The lecturer can invite churches within the city whither he is called to unite in their attendance on his lecture, and so make for their churches a less lecture fee; but the churches shall decide their action.

Receptions. SECTION 4. As a rule there should be no receptions nor festivities after a lecture on Christian Science, but there may occur exceptions. If there be an individual who goes to hear and deride truth, he should go away contemplating truth; and he who goes to seek truth should have the opportunity to depart in quiet _thought_ on that subject.

Circuit Lecturer. SECTION 5. Upon the written request of Mrs. Eddy, The Mother Church shall appoint a Circuit Lecturer. His term of office, if approved, shall not be less than three years. He shall lecture in the United States, in Canada, in Great Britain and Ireland.

A member shall neither resign nor transfer this sacred office.


The Directors. SECTION 1. When the need is apparent, the Christian Science Board of Directors of The Mother Church may call on any member of this Board of Lectures.h.i.+p to lecture at such places and at such times as the cause of Christian Science demands.

From Branch Churches. SECTION 2. The branch Churches of Christ, Scientist, may apply through their clerks to a member of this Board of Lectures.h.i.+p for a speaker, and one shall be a.s.signed them by the Board.

From Societies. SECTION 3. If called for, a member of the Board may lecture for a Society.

Annual Lectures. SECTION 4. The Mother Church and the branch churches shall call on the Board of Lectures.h.i.+p annually for one or more lectures.

No Lectures by Readers. SECTION 5. No lecture shall be given by a Reader during his term of Readers.h.i.+p. The duties alone of a Reader are ample.

No Wednesday Evening Lectures. SECTION 6. The Board of Lectures.h.i.+p shall not appoint a lecture for Wednesday evening.

Lecture Fee. SECTION 7. The lecture fee shall be left to the discretion of the lecturer.

Expenses. SECTION 8. The lecturer's traveling expenses and the cost of hall shall be paid by the church that employs him.

Exceptional Cases. SECTION 9. If a lecturer receive a call to lecture in a place where he sees there is special need, and the local church is unable to meet the expense, he is at liberty to supply that need and trust to contributions for his fee.


Article x.x.xIII

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