911 - Decent into Tyranny Part 7

911 - Decent into Tyranny -

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GP: Yes, well, see one of the things that happened is that - we've got examples from, I've got inside doc.u.ments recently from Argentina, the secret Argentine plan. This is signed by Jim Wolfensen, the president of the World Bank. By the way, just so you know, they are really upset with me that I've got the doc.u.ments, but they have not challenged the authenticity of the doc.u.ments. First, they did. First they said those doc.u.ments don't exist. I actually showed them on television. And cite some on the web, I actually have copies of some...

AJ: Greg Palast dot com?

GP: Yes, So then they backed off and said yea those doc.u.ments are authentic but we are not going to discuss them with you and we are going to keep you off the air anyway. So, that's that. But what they were saying is look, you take a country like Argentina, which is, you know, in flames now. And it has had five presidents in five weeks because their economy is completely destroyed.

AJ: Isn't it six now?

GP: Yea, it's like the weekly president because they can't hold the nation together. And this happened because they started out in the end of the 80s with orders from the IMF and World Bank to sell-off all their a.s.sets, public a.s.sets. I mean, things we wouldn't think of doing in the US, like selling off their water system.

AJ: So they tax the people. They create big government and big government hands it off to the private IMF/World Bank. And when we get back, I want to get to the four-parts that you elegantly lay out here where they actually pay off the politicians billions to their Swiss bank accounts to do this transfer.

GP: That's right.

AJ: This is one of the biggest stories ever, please continue.

GP: So what's happening is - this is just one of them. And by the way, it's not just anyone who gets a piece of the action. The water system of Buenos Aires was sold off for a song to a company called Enron. A pipeline was sold off, that runs between Argentina and Chile, was sold off to a company called Enron.

AJ: ...And then the globalists blow out their sh.e.l.l corporation, Enron after transferring the a.s.sets to another dummy corporation and then they just roll the theft items off.

GP: You've got it. And by the way, you know why they moved the pipeline to Enron is that they got a call from somebody named George W. Bush in 1988.

AJ: Unbelievable. Stay right there. We are talking to Greg Palast.

BREAK AJ: We are talking to Greg Palast. He is an award-winning journalist, an American who has worked for the BBC, London Guardian, who has dropped a ma.s.sive bomb-sh.e.l.l on the Globalists and their criminal activity. There is no other word for it. You link through at, you can link to his web site -, or any of the other great reports he has been putting out. He now has the secret doc.u.ments. We have seen the activity of the IMF/World Bank for years.

They come in, pay off politicians to transfer the water systems, the railways, the telephone companies, the nationalized oil companies, gas stations - they then hand it over to them for nothing. The Globalists pay them off individually, billions a piece in Swiss bank accounts. And the plan is total slavery for the entire population. Of course, Enron, as we told you was a dummy corporation for money laundering, drug money, you name it, from the other reporters we have had on. It's just incredibly ma.s.sive and hard to believe. But it is actually happening.

Greg Palast has now broken the story world-wide. He has interviewed the former top World Bank economist. Continuing, Sir with all these points... for the average person out there, in a nutsh.e.l.l, what is the system you are exposing?

GP: We are exposing that they are systematically tearing nations apart, whether it's Ecuador or Argentina. The problem is some of these bad ideas are drifting back into the U.S. In other words, they have run out of places to bleed. And the problem is, this is the chief economist, this is not some minor guy. By the way, a couple of months ago, after he was fired, he was given the n.o.bel Prize in Economics. So he is no fool. He told me, he went into countries where they were talking about privatizing and selling off these a.s.sets. And basically, they knew, they literally knew and turned the other way when it was understood that leaders of these countries and the chief ministers would salt away hundreds of millions of dollars.

AJ: But it's not even privatization. They just steal it from the people and hand it over to the IMF/World Bank.

GP: They hand it over, generally to the cronies, like Citibank was very big and grabbed half the Argentine banks. You've got British Petroleum grabbing pipelines in Ecuador. I mentioned Enron grabbing all over the place. And the problem is that they are destroying these systems as well. You can't even get drinking water in Buenos Aires. I mean it is not just a question of the theft. You can't turn on the tap. It is more than someone getting rich at the public expense.

AJ: And the IMF just got handed the Great Lakes. They have the sole control over the water supply now. That's been in the Chicago Tribune.

GP: Well the problem that we have is - look, the IMF and the World Bank is 51% owned by the United States Treasury. So the question becomes, what are we getting for the money that we put into there? And it looks like we are getting mayhem in several nations. Indonesia is in flames. He was telling me, the Chief Economist, Stiglitz, was telling me that he started questioning what was happening. You know, everywhere we go, every country we end up meddling in, we destroy their economy and they end up in flames. And he was saying that he questioned this and he got fired for it. But he was saying that they even kind of plan in the riots. They know that when they squeeze a country and destroy its economy, you are going to get riots in the streets. And they say, well that's the IMF riot. In other words, because you have riot, you lose. All the capital runs away from your country and that gives the opportunity for the IMF to then add more conditions.

AJ: And that makes them even more desperate. So it is really an imperial economy war to implode countries and now they are doing it here with Enron. They are getting so greedy.

GP: I've just been talking to, out in California just yesterday, from here in Paris, the chief investigators of Enron for the State of California. They are telling me some of the games these guys are playing. No one is watching that. It's not just the stockholders that got ripped off. They sucked millions, billions of dollars out of the public pocket in Texas and California in particular.

AJ: Where are the a.s.sets? See, everybody says there are no a.s.sets left since Enron was a dummy corporation - they transferred all those a.s.sets to other corporations and banks.

GP: Well yea, this stuff has really gone just like a three-card Monty game. I mean remember that there is money at the bottom. You did pay California's electric bills according to the investigations, they are telling me that they were pumped up unnecessarily by 9 to 12-billion dollars. And I don't know who they are going to get it back from now.

AJ: Well they caught the Governor buying it for $137 per megawatt and selling it back to Enron for $1 per megawatt and doing it over and over and over again.

GP: Yea, the system has gotten completely out of control and these guys knew exactly what was happening. Well, you have to understand that some of the guys who designed the system in California for deregulation then went to work for Enron right after. In fact, here I'm in London right now and we have, the British has some responsibility here. The guy who was on the audit committee of Enron, Lord Wakeham. And this guy is a real piece of work, there isn't a conflict of interest that he hasn't been involved in.

AJ: And he is the head of NM Rothschild.

GP: There isn't anything that he doesn't have his fingers in. He's on something like fifty Boards. And one of the problems, he was supposed to be head of the audit committee watching how Enron kept the books. And in fact, they were paying him consulting fees on the side. He was in Margaret Thatcher's government and he's the one who authorized Enron to come into Britain and take over power plants here in Britain. And they owned a water system in the middle of England. This is what this guy approved and then they gave him a job on the board. And on top of being on the board, they gave him a huge consulting contract. So you know, this guy was supposed to be in charge of the audit committee to see how they were handling their accounts.

AJ: Well, he is also the head of the board to regulate the media.

GP: Yes, he is, because I have run into real problems, because he regulates me.

AJ: They are also trying to pa.s.s laws in England where you've got an 800-year old well, or in some cases a 2000-year old well that the Romans built that's on your property and they say we are putting a meter on it. You can't have your own water.

GP: Yea, and that's Lord Wakeham. I mean this is the guy from Enron. He is a real piece of work. He can't be touched here because like I say he actually regulates the media. So if you complain, he's got his hand on your pen.

AJ: Burrow into NM Rothschild, you'll find it all there. Go through these four points. You've got the doc.u.ments. The IMF/World Bank implosion, four points, how they bring down a country and destroy the resources of the people.

GP: Right. First you open up the capital markets. That is, you sell off your local banks to foreign banks. Then you go to what's called market-based pricing. That's the stuff like in California where everything is free market and you end up with water bills - we can'teven imagine selling off water companies in the United States of America. But imagine ifa private company like Enron owned your water. So then the prices go through the roof. Then open up your borders to trade - complete free marketeering. And Stiglitz who was the chief economist, remember he was running this system, he was their numbers man and he was saying it was like the opium wars. He said this isn't free trade; this is coercion trade. This is war. They are taking apart economies through this.

AJ: Well look, China has a 40% tariff on us, we have a 2% on them. That's not free and fair trade. It's to force all industry to a country that the globalists fully control.

GP: Well, you know Walmart - I have a story in my new book about how Walmart has 700 plants in China. There is almost nothing in a Walmart store that comes from the United States of America, despite all the eagles on the wall.

AJ: Exactly, like 1984, then they have big flags saying "Buy American" and there's hardly anything --- it's Orwellian double-think.

GP: What's even worst is they will hire a factory and right next to it will be the sister factory which is inside a prison. You can imagine the conditions of these workers producing this lovely stuff for Walmart. It's really....

AJ: And if an elitist needs a liver, they just call.

GP: (Laughs) I know, it's grim. In fact, I talked to a guy, Harry Wu, is his name and, in fact, he broke into, he's been in Chinese prison for 19 years. No one believed his horrible stories. He actually broke back into prison, took a camera with him and took pictures of the conditions and said this is the conditions of factories where Walmart is getting its stuff made at, it's all....

AJ: I was threatened to be thrown off TV here in Austin when I aired video of little girls 4-years old chained down to die in China, skinnier than Jews in concentration camps. And I was threatened, if you ever air that again, you will be arrested.

GP: Well you know, it is horrifying stuff that, unfortunately, I have been handed and Stiglitz, was very courageous for him to come out and make these statements. The doc.u.ments really sealed it because it said this is what really happened. They really do say sign on the dotted line agreeing to 111 conditions for each nation. And the public has no say; they don't know what the h.e.l.l is happening to them.

AJ: Go back into privatization. Go through these four points. That's the key. It sends billions to politicians to hand everything over.

GP: Yea, he called it briberization, which is you sell off the water company and that's worth, over ten years, let's say that that's worth about 5 billion bucks, ten percent of that is 500 million, you can figure out how it works. I actually spoke to a Senator from Argentina two weeks ago. I got him on camera. He said that after he got a call from George W. Bush in 1988 saying give the gas pipeline in Argentina to Enron, that's our current president, George W. Bush. He said that what he found was really creepy was that Enron was going to pay one-fifth of the world's price for their gas and he said how can you make such an offer? And he was told, not by George W. but by a partner in the deal, well if we only pay one-fifth that leaves quit a little bit for you to go in your Swiss bank account. And that's how it's done.

AJ: This is the ....

GP: I've got the film. This guy is very conservative. He knows the Bush family very well. And he was public works administrator in Argentina and he said, yea, I got this call. I asked him, I said, from George W. Bush. He said, yea, November 1988, the guy called him up and said give a pipeline to Enron. Now this is the same George W. Bush who said he didn't get to know Ken Lay until 1994. So, you know.....

AJ: So now they are having these white-wash hearings...

GP: Well, you know, I was there in May, telling people in Britain you've never heard of Enron, but ... And these are the guys who have figured out how to manipulate this government. In fact, we saw some interesting doc.u.ments, a month before Bush took office, Bill Clinton, I think to get even with Bush's big donor, cut Enron out of the California power market. He put a cap on the prices they could charge. They couldn't charge more than one-hundred times the normal price for electricity. That upset Enron. So Ken Lay personally wrote a note to d.i.c.k Cheney saying get rid of Clinton's cap on prices. Within 48 hours of George W. Bush taking office, his energy department reversed the clamps on Enron. OK, how much is that worth for those guys. You know that has got to be worth a lot, that paid off in a week all the donations.

AJ: Listen at the bombs you are dropping. You are interviewing these ministers, former head of IMF/World Bank economist - all of this, you've got the doc.u.ments, paying people's Swiss Bank accounts, all this happening. Then you've got Part 2, what do they do after they start imploding?

GP: Well, then they tell you to start cutting your budgets. A fifth of the population of Argentina is unemployed, and they said cut the unemployment benefits drastically, take away pension funds, cut the education budgets, I mean horrible things. Now if you cut the economy in the middle of a recession that was created by these guys, you are really going to absolutely demolish this nation. After we were attacked on September 11, Bush ran out and said we got to spend $50 to $100 billion dollars to save our economy. We don't start cutting the budget, you start trying to save this economy. But they tell these countries you've got to cut, and cut, and cut. And why, according to the inside doc.u.ments, it's so you can make payments to foreign banks - the foreign banks are collecting 21% to 70% interest. This is loan-sharking. If fact, it was so bad that they required Argentina to get rid of the laws against loan-sharking. because any bank would be a loan-shark under Argentine law.

AJ: But Greg, you said it yourself and the doc.u.ments show it. They first implode the economy to create that atmosphere. They set up the entire climate that does this.

GP: Yea, and then they say, well gee, we can't lend you any money except at these loan-shark rates. We don't allow people to charge 75% interest in the United States. That's loan-sharking.

AJ: Part 3 and Part 4. What do they do after they do that?

GP: Like I said, you open up the borders for trade, that's the new opium wars. And once you have destroyed an economy that can't produce anything, one of the terrible things is that they are forcing nations to pay horrendous amounts for things like drugs - legal drugs. And by the way, that's how you end up with an illegal drug trade, what's there left to survive on except sell us smack and crack and that's how...

AJ: And the same CIA national security dictators.h.i.+p has been caught s.h.i.+pping that in.

GP: You know, we are just helping our allies.

AJ: This is just amazing. And so, drive the whole world down, blow out their economies and then buy the rest of it up for pennies on the dollar. What's Part 4 of the IMF/World Bank Plan?

GP: In Part 4, you end up again with the taking apart of the government. And by the way, the real Part 4 is the coup d'etat. That's what they are not telling you. And I'm just finding that out in Venezuela. I just got a call from the President of Venezuela.

AJ: And they install their own corporate puppet government.

GP: What they said was here you've got an elected president of the government and the IMF has announced, listen to this, that they would support a transition government if the president were removed. They are not saying that they are going to get involved in politics - they would just support a transition government. What that effectively is is saying we will pay for the coup d'etat, if the military overthrows the current president, because the current president of Venezuela has said no to the IMF. He told those guys to go packing. They brought their teams in and said you have to do this and that. And he said, I don't have to do nothing. He said what I'm going to do is, I'm going to double the taxes on oil corporations because we have a whole lot of oil in Venezuela. And I'm going to double the taxes on oil corporations and then I will have all the money I need for social programs and the government - and we will be a very rich nation. Well, as soon as they did that, they started fomenting trouble with the military and I'm telling you watch this s.p.a.ce: the President of Venezuela will be out of office in three months or shot dead. They are not going to allow him to raise taxes on the oil companies.

Note: This Interview took place on The Alex Jones Show on March 4, 2002. reported on a Venezuelan Coup D'Etat on March 12, 2002 in an article t.i.tled, "Coup D'Etat In Venezuela Will Let Oil Flow."

AJ: Greg Palast, here is the problem. You said it when you first came out of the gates. They are getting hungry, they are doing it to the United States now. Enron, from all the evidence that I've seen was a front, another s.h.i.+ll, they would steal a.s.sets and then transfer it to other older global companies, then they blew that out and stole the pension funds. Now they are telling us that terrorism is coming any day. It's going to happen if you don't give your rights up. Bush did not involve Congress and the others who are supposed to be in the accession if there is a nuclear attack in the secret government, Was.h.i.+ngton Post "Congress Not Advised of Shadow Government." We have the Speaker of the House not being told. This looks like coup d'etat here. I'm going to come right out with it. We had better spread the word on this now or these greedy creatures are going to go all the way.

GP: I'm very sad about one thing. I report this story in the main stream press of Britain. I'm on the BBC despite Lord Wakeham. I know he doesn't like me there. I'm in the BBC, I'm in the main daily paper, which is the equivalent of the New York Times or whatever, and we do get the information out. And I'm just very sorry that we have to have an alternative press, an alternative radio network and everything else to get out the information that makes any sense. I mean this information should be available to every American. After all, it's our government.


To understand the mindset and character of the New World Order crowd, it is important to examine their activities when they are on "holiday." On July 15, 2000 the secrecy of an elite encampment in Northern California abruptly ended. The story has been featured on the cover of Esquire Magazine, the San Francisco Chronicle, as well as on television from England to j.a.pan. This story of the occult rituals conducted by the New World Order elite at the Bohemian Grove is true and doc.u.mented on film.

Occult Activities at the Elite Bohemian Grove in Northern California Exposed! Alex Jones Tells His Story Austin, TX -- Last July, doc.u.mentary filmmaker Alex Jones infiltrated Bohemian Grove, becoming the first person to capture the bizarre occult activities of the all-male elite club members.h.i.+p on videotape. This footage recently aired in England, Ireland and Scotland on UK Channel Four as Part Three of a four-part special: The Secret Rulers of the World.

Alex Jones was inside the 2,700 acre elite compound for over five hours, and states, "Thank G.o.d I caught the whole thing on videotape because no one would believe me if I hadn't. I have trouble believing what I witnessed with my own two eyes. It was actually that bizarre."

For over 128 years, world leaders have traveled to Sonoma County California in the month of July. Almost immediately, bizarre rumors began to circulate in the local press that something dark and occult was going on. The rumors entailed dark stories of men in black and red robes and a giant 40-foot stone owl, to which something, or someone was being sacrificed.

Alex Jones, being a radio talk-show host had heard the rumors many times, so he decided to look into it and did some research. To his surprise, mainstream media articles from Parade Magazine, the a.s.sociated Press, Reuters, the Sacramento Bee, and the Was.h.i.+ngton Times confirmed the incredible. World leaders were traveling yearly to the rural redwood-covered hills of Northern California and photos actually existed of the giant stone owl and the men in black and red robes.

"I was angered," Jones said, "that in over 50 years there had been only a handful of news stories written on Bohemian Grove, and that these stories calmly reported on the rumors and engaged in a whitewash, thus hiding a giant story in plain view."

Reading about all the law enforcement and Secret Service protecting the Grove's mysteries every July, Jones took the challenge of Jon Ronson of World of Wonder Productions to "blow Bohemian Grove wide-open with his hidden cameras."

After traveling from Austin, Texas to San Francisco, Jones and the other members of his team, met up with the British filmmakers and began a three-day investigation before attempting to enter the Grove.

On July 15, 2000, Alex Jones and his a.s.sistant, Mike, equipped with two hidden video cameras and disguised as members of the Bohemian Club successfully infiltrated the elite cult compound.

One of the most commonly asked questions is: How did they get in?

Following is a transcript of a taped interview with Alex Jones, who describes his infiltration of the super-secret elitist camp and what he witnessed inside: "The Bohemian Club lies within a range of large hills and cliffs with 300-400 ft. drops. The club itself consists of large log cabin-style homes built into the gorge walls.

There is only one entrance on the north side of the compound, which is a paved road, appropriately named "Bohemian Avenue."

A low barbed-wire fence surrounds the entire perimeter of the club, but the fence doesn't matter because there is only one place where the hills come together, leaving an opening traversable by foot or car. Simply stated, the Bohemian Grove is a walled city.

After being dropped off near the Bohemian Club, we inserted ourselves into the woods about 100 yards from the main entrance. After going over the barbed wire fence, we found ourselves in what can only be described as a moat. The entire area along the road to the foot of the cliff walls had been dug out and flooded.

We were able to make our way across the expansive swamp by jumping from broken tree limbs and other debris.

After climbing up a steep embankment, pulling our way up by gripping on tree roots, we found ourselves in a large parking lot, with hundreds of cars. We saw several dozen Bohemian Club employees/servants getting out of the vehicles, which were everything from Mercedes-Benz to Ford Tempos.

At about 100 yards through the trees, we saw a much larger parking lot, filled with more late-model, luxury-style cars. Obviously, this was the parking area of the actual 2,000 members of the Bohemian Club.

When you come in on the main road, the moat, the swamp and the embankment are off to the right (off to the west) just 50 yards of so. By going across the swamp or moat, we made our way past the first two checkpoints, which consisted of a small guard shack on the left-hand side of the road and another 50 yards down the road another guard shack on the right-hand side of the road.

It's a good thing that we decided to sneak around the first two checkpoints, by entering through the Bohemian Grove employee parking lot, because the real checkpoints lie deeper inside the Grove. There was a checkpoint in the middle of the road (a large guard shack with several dozen security people) and then guard shacks on the left and right sides of the road, which were kind of like the German-style checkpoints you see in old news reels.

I told Mike I thought it would be a good idea if we tried to get on one of the large trucks (the flat-back open trucks that had padded seats that were picking up members of the Bohemian Club as well as the employees). So, we went ahead and walked through the woods to the Bohemian Club member parking area and waited for one of the large trucks to pull up, at which time myself and Mike climbed onto the back with two older gentlemen.

Mike and myself made small-talk conversation as we got onto the black-top road and drove deeper into the Grove, now approaching these larger checkpoints. In the two or three minutes that we were on board the truck, we caught an interesting conversation on tape, as two of the members discussed the prices of their ceremonial robes (all of that is in my video, Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove).

Our first close call happened as we neared the main checkpoint. The truck actually stopped, at which time an older, gray-haired man made eye contact with the driver of the truck and walked around the back of the truck to stare myself and Mike right in the eye. Obviously, he was afraid that we might be guests of the two older gentlemen we were riding in with in the truck (as Bohemian Club members are allowed to bring guests) so he didn't ask us who we were or what we were doing. The guards went ahead and waved us on with a look of suspicion.

Then we were really inside the Bohemian Grove. We had heard all of the bizarre rumors and were about to find out what was really going on inside. The mystery was getting closer to being solved.

The truck drove in for several more minutes and stopped at which time we off-loaded. I told Mike that I wanted to get to cover. It took us about 45 minutes to an hour to walk all the way through to the bottom of the gorge, at which point the road ended and a car could no longer drive on it, as it turned into a concrete-paved, blacktop foot-path.

We reached the end of the gorge, which is an observation deck at the top of a 300-foot cliff overlooking the Russian River and the small town of Monte Rio on the other side. It was my plan to have the least amount of contact with the Bohemian Club members and staff as I could and to wait until nightfall to attempt to get out our hidden cameras and to catch the Cremation of Care ceremony on tape.

At this point, I should digress and go back and say that as we were walking into the Grove we came within about ten yards of the 40 foot stone owl that sits to the north side of the small lake. We were only about seven yards away from the black altar that sits at the base of the owl.

So, already at this point we had proven a big rumor true: yes there is a giant stone owl yes there is an altar. As we were walking deeper into the grove, past the lake, we even saw little metal crosses sticking up from the water's edge. We'll get to those little metal crosses later.

So, now we had been there about an hour at the observation deck. There was no one around. All of the sudden, there was an older gentleman, about 67-70 years old, wearing a Sonoma County Sheriff's Department uniform coming up the path . We didn't even see him coming. I believe he was the Sheriff, and he started speaking to us in some kind of code.

He looked directly at me and said, "Were you here in 1913? Are you one of the old ones?"

Now obviously, I was 27 years old and the man knew I wasn't around in 1913 and that I wasn't one of the old ones. Knowing that he was testing me, I just calmly said, "Yeah, I'm with the Hillbillies."

To explain that, there are about 95 different clubs within the Bohemian Club. All the different club houses and log cabin-style mansions that are built into the cliffs have different names and different members.h.i.+ps. The most elite club, according to press reports is Mandaley, with Henry Kissinger and Paul Volcker, former Federal Reserve Chairman and other New World Order bosses.

The Hillbilly Camp is the camp that the Bushes are members of, along with many other notables in American industry, banking, media and government. At that point he smiled and said, "Well, enjoy the day." He then turned around and walked off.

After he left I said to Mike, "Look, we've got to get to a new position and hide ourselves in the woods." So we traveled back into the gorge, off the cliffside and the observation deck. About half-way into the gorge, we noticed that two men in dark suits and were following us. I decided to slow down.

The two men ,who were obviously private security, Secret Service or somebody's private body guards, walked up to us and asked us our names. I gave them my fake name and Mike gave them his fake name, and we told them that we were members of the Hillbilly Club.

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