911 - Decent into Tyranny Part 2

911 - Decent into Tyranny -

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The Buildlings' Collapse Dozens of respected publications have asked the simple question, "What brought those buildings down?" Especially Building 7, which wasn't even hit by an aircraft. New York firefighter Louie Cacchioli, 51, who was trapped inside the building reported that multiple bombs were going off all around him (People Magazine, September 21, 2001). There were other witnesses: former military munitions experts and police officers, as well as structural engineers who made similar observations. The oldest fire fighting magazine in the country was absolutely outraged, demanding a real investigation. According to their evidence, there is no way aircraft could have brought down those buildings (Fire Engineering, January 2001 Issue, "WTC Investigation? A Call to Action"; New York Daily News, January 4, 2002, "Firefighter Mag Raps 9/11 Probe").

And don't forget Building 7. Nothing hit Building 7, and still it collapsed in a symmetrical fas.h.i.+on. Building 7 was Part of the World Trade Center complex, standing 44 stories high. On September 11, during my live radio show, I called a friend, Jimmie Wright who has a degree in structural engineering and who worked in the World Trade Center complex in the World Financial Center Building. Mr. Wright reported live on the air as the buildings were collapsing that it was the "most beautiful demolition implosion that he had ever seen." Later in the day we talked to Jimmie Wright again. He said buildling 7 had imploded as well.

Pre-warnings to Public Officials The September 12, 2001, The San Francisco Chronicle reported that Mayor Willie Brown was warned by the federal government not to fly on September 11. He was warned the evening before. Now under pressure from the White House, Willie Brown refuses to say exactly which federal agency warned him, maintaining only that he was warned not to fly on September 11. If only the American people had gotten that warning. But of course, if the people had been warned, then the planned attack wouldn't have had its desired effect of causing the people to beg for a nightmare global police state.

On September 3, Salmon Rushdie, author of The Satanic Verses, got a warning from the U.S. authorities not to fly. They went so far as to ban him publicly from air travel. The FAA admits on record that they took this action. Here you have more chilling evidence of the U.S. government's prior knowledge (Times of London, September 27, 2001, "Rushdie's Air Ban").

Warnings from Abroad Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak says that he gave the United States specific warnings that something big was going to happen in New York 12 days prior to September 11th. In an interview in December of 2001, he stated, "'We expected that something was going to happen and informed the Americans. We told them.''

Other warnings were ignored from Russia, Israel, Germany, and France. On September 14, 2001 Ananova news service reported that German police confirmed that an Iranian deportee phoned warnings to US police agencies including the Secret Service about the impending attack on the World Trade Center.

A month before the attacks, Israel intelligence warned US intelligence of Al-Qaeda plans to attack highly visible targets like the Pentagon, World Trade Center, White House and CIA Headquarters (London Guardian, September 16, 2001, "Israeli security issued urgent warning to CIA of large-scale terror attacks").

Doctor Tatyana Koryagina, a leading Russian economist in Vladymir Putin's inner circle, in an interview with Pravda on July 12, 2001, stated that America was a giant financial iceberg and that a private $300 trillion group working towards world government was going to launch an attack on the US financial system. During this interview she also stated that the attack would come in the next few months.

Flight School Warnings The flight school in Minnesota where Zacarias Moussaoui was training called the FBI numerous times with grave concerns that Moussaoui didn't want to learn how to land. (Star Tribune, December 21, 2001, "Eagan flight trainer wouldn't let unease about Moussaoui rest"). When the FBI Agents tried to get warrants to search Moussaoui's computer and tap his phone, the higher-ups at the FBI refused to give them to him.

The FBI Agents who were trying to investigate the 20th hijacker said they were threatened, thwarted, obstructed, and intimidated for trying to do their jobs. Frustrated agents in Arizona and Minnesota got together and speculated that an Al-Qaeda mole had infiltrated the FBI (Was.h.i.+ngton Times, May 25, 2002). The Agents had it backwards: the FBI, through the intelligence community, controls Al-Qaeda.

Then, after September 11th, multiple groups of 14-man Syrian and Sudanese teams began arriving at a Fort Worth, Texas flight schools, despite the fact that both nations have been listed by the State Department as sponsors of terror. The men had M-1 visas which were set to expire in a month, but they still demanded that the Mecham Airport Flight School train them. After a second wave of Syrians arrived at DFW Airport, the Chief Inspector for the INS confronted them with the fact that there was still a small plane training ban in effect. The Syrians responded by saying that the flight ban was about to be lifted. When the INS Chief Inspector called the FBI to tell them that the men were in violation of immigration laws and that he was suspicious, the FBI said that the men had their blessings to attend the flight school (WorldNetDaily, October 16, 2001).

Eye in the Sky For over 30 years, the National Security Agency has had voice recognition software that is able to single out key words and statements and to red flag them for a.n.a.lysis. Antennae farms ring the planet, intercepting every type of radio traffic, recording satellite transmissions, and a.n.a.lyzing emails and faxes. By 1996, the Echelon system operated by the US, the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand had openly installed giant snooping hubs into every telecommunication system. Every phone call in the world, at come point, is routed through Echelon, then routed again through Europe's system, known as Infopol 9. Those fully aware that Big Brother is indeed watching at all times, wonder how on earth something like September 11th could happen without the government knowing about it.

The fact is, the NSA had received many warnings in the years and months preceding the attacks of September 11th. The day before September 11th, the NSA intercepted two detailed messages out of Afghanistan discussing specific attacks on New York. (Was.h.i.+ngton Post, June 20, 2002, "NSA Intercepts On Eve of 9/11 Sent a Warning"). Upon learning the news that someone deep inside NSA had leaked the information of its foreknowledge, the White House went into a rage, demanding the individual responsible for exposing government complicity be brought up on treason charges.

Now, a major prevision of the Homeland Security total takeover legislation is that there will no longer be any t.i.tle 5 whistleblower protection for any of the 170,000 Federal employees who will work for the Homeland Security behemoth (Was.h.i.+ngton Times, June 22, 2002, "Security Bill Bars Blowing Whistle"). That means that government officials now have open license to engage in more waste, fraud and to use their favorite mechanism of control-terrorism. Federal employees will now be gagged slaves -- the property of the state, forced into complicity, silently watching the corruption as it spirals out of control.

Agents Come Forward On May 30, 2002 Judicial Watch, the public interest law firm known best for its role in the impeachment of Bill Clinton, held a press conference at the National Press Club featuring FBI Special Agent Robert Wright. Agent Wright, standing well over 6 feet, began to cry shortly after he began to tell his story. He said that he had been threatened that he would be arrested on National Security violations if he told the press what he knew about government prior knowledge.

Representing Agent Wright, David Schippers, former lead council in Bill Clinton's impeachment in the House Judiciary Committee, stated that the agents that he represented could not divulge the majority of their information on government prior knowledge. He said that there many other agents from around the country who wanted to come forward and tell how they had been prevented from stopping Al-Qaeda. They were unable to do so because of similar threats. Schippers himself had received a letter from the Justice Department the day before the press conference threatening all those coming forward with arrest.

Larry Klayman, President of Judicial Watch, went on to point out that the Bush family likes to vacation with the bin Ladens and to stay at their home when they are in Saudi Arabia. Judicial Watch also questioned why the FBI, that had threatened Robert Wright and many other agents, was so supportive of FBI Agent Coleen Rowley, who had come forward with peripheral information about prior knowledge. The reason the FBI did this was because they were desperate to have the appearance that they were not engaging in a cover-up, and Coleen Rowley, in her now-famous memo, was stating that she had been blocked from going after the hijackers, but that it was just a bureaucratic snafu, and that the government just needed more funding.

In the first seven months after September 11, those of us in the research community who understood what had really happened at the World Trade Center and Pentagon were reporting the truth to the people through alternative media channels. The globalists were stunned by the speed at which the information chronicling their program was being disseminated. They had to get control of the situation, so they admitted that there was lots of prior knowledge, insisting that the reason for this was that there were too many agencies and that they couldn't communicate with each other.

As a solution they proposed total centralization of power under the Executive Branch and a ma.s.sive $38 billion increase in anti-terrorism operations. All 7,400 neighborhood watch programs were to go under FEMA, Americorps would need to recruit 1 in 24 Americans to be paid spies of the Federal Government, and the new Northcom Command (which had been set up just prior to September 11) would put 350,000+ US Army troops on the streets, with foreign armies standing by to save us "if we needed the help." They put out this spin, and their willing accomplices in the governmentcontrolled media were able to completely sidestep issues of insider trading, CIA-Al-Qaeda complicity, Bush on Cipro etc.

Colonel Comes Forward In early June of 2002, Lt. Col. Steve Butler, the Dean of the Defense Language School in Monterey, California wrote a letter to the editor of the Monterey Herald, saying that Bush had prior knowledge and stood to gain from the attack. In this letter Colonel Butler stated, "Of course Bush knew about the impending attacks on America. He did nothing to warn the American people because he needed this war on terrorism. His daddy had Saddam and he needed Osama."

The press reported that Colonel Butler was suspended from his post, and that the Air Force was preparing to Court Marshall him under Article 88 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which forbids bad-mouthing commanding officers or the President. A June 17, 2002 Reuters article reported that Colonel Butler's case had been resolved without moving to a Court Martial. The schemers at the Pentagon undoubtedly got a call from deeper in the bowels of the national security dictators.h.i.+p telling them not to conduct an embarra.s.sing trail where Butler could bring forth the evidence of the globalists' wicked deeds.

The $7 Billion Lawsuit I interviewed San Francisco attorney Stanley Hilton on my syndicated radio talk show. Hilton is the lawyer who filed a $7 billion lawsuit on behalf of four hundred family members of victims who died in the World Trade Center, Pentagon and Pennsylvania crash sites. He filed his suit in US District Court against President Bush and other top government officials for allowing the terrorist attacks to occur.

Hilton has also been in consultations with Air Force Lt. Col Steven Butler, and says that what the press won't tell you is that Col. Butler is enraged over the fact that he was forced to train the lead hijacker, Mohammed Atta at the Defense Language School in the late 1990s. That's the same Mohammed Atta who was given training at the Pensacola Naval Air Station with two other hijackers. Hilton says that Butler has been in contact with hundreds of graduates from his 24 years at the Defense Language School (which trains code breakers and spies for the military) who are outraged over government complicity. Butler told Hilton that it is common knowledge in Defense Intelligence that the entire September 11th tragedy was engineered to be a trigger to get the American people in a frenzy which would then allow the Bush Administration to tighten its political grip.

Stanley Hilton told the listeners of my radio broadcast that he has proof from dozens of high-level officers in every branch of the Armed Services, especially the Air Force and s.p.a.ce Command based in NORAD, that Bush ordered the fighter aircraft to stand down on September 11 and that Bush conspired to create the September 11 attacks for his own political gain. Named in the suit were Vice President Richard Cheney, National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta.

Stanley Hilton is a former top aide for Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole and has written critically acclaimed books concerning government-sponsored terrorism throughout history. He says that he also has sources in the CIA, FBI, NSA and Naval Intelligence who can confirm the allegations made in the lawsuit.

Protecting the Taliban But you are saying, "Hey, wait a minute. What was that whole war about? We went in there and took out the Taliban, Right?" No. The military escorted out a couple hundred goat herders to torture them publicly at "Camp X-Ray" in Guantanamo Bay. The real leaders.h.i.+p of Al-Qaeda and Taliban, the few that were left in Afghanistan when the war started, were flown out to safety and paid in gold bars in Pakistan by the U.S. federal government (The Times, January 21, 2002, "U.S. 'let Taleban men escape'").

Conspiracy Fact George W. Bush, in a speech at the United Nations broadcast on CNN on November 10, 2001, told the people not to tolerate anyone who investigates these facts: "Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September 11, malicious lies that attempt to s.h.i.+ft the blame away from the terrorists themselves, away from the guilty."

According to him, it's un-American to investigate the facts.

What you are about to read is not a Freudian slip. It is a carefully crafted speech as Bush throws it in your face about dark cults of evil getting power out of human suffering.

President George W. Bush at the Pentagon Memorial: "The hijackers were instruments of evil who died in vain. Behind them is a dark cult of evil who seeks to harm the innocent and thrives on human suffering. Theirs is the worst kind of cruelty-the cruelty that is fed, not weakened, by tears. Theirs is the worst kind of violence! Pure malice while daring to claim the authority of G.o.d. We cannot fully understand the designs and power of evil. It is enough to know that evil-like goodness- exists. And in the terrorists evil has found a willing servant."

The Schippers Interview Five months before September 11, David Schippers, the man who impeached Bill Clinton and brought down the Chicago mob, booked investigative reporter Jayna Davis on "The O'Reilly Factor." Davis warned of an impending terror attack on lower Manhattan.

Following is a transcript of an exclusive interview with David Schippers from my syndicated radio broadcast, The Alex Jones Show: DS:I began to get information concerning a Middle Eastern connection to Oklahoma City AJ:We've had Colonel Craig Roberts, who was a detective working the case, on this show many times-a month before the attack predicting that one was imminent. He has all that same information. They actually arrested some of these guys and the Justice Department in '95 said, "Release them."

DS:That's right. And the word's out even today that they-the Oklahoma City Police-are not allowed to touch them. And again, from what I'm understanding, they are up to something again in Oklahoma City. I don't know what it is or what their target it, but these same people are at it again.

AJ:Now later, you got it from FBI agents in Chicago and Minnesota that there was going to be an attack on lower Manhattan.

DS:Yeah, that's what started me calling. First of all, I tried to see if I could get a congressman to go to bat for them, and at least bring these people out there and listen to them. I sent them information and n.o.body cared. It was always, "We'll get back to you." Then I reached out and tried to get to the attorney-general when finally we got an attorney-general in there that I would be willing to talk to. Again, I used people who were personal friends of John Ashcroft to try and get him. One of them called me back and said, "All right, I talked to him. He will call you tomorrow morning." This was like a month before the (jet aircraft suicide) bombing. The next morning I got a call. It wasn't from Ashcroft. It was from someone in the Justice Department . . .

AJ:One of his handlers . . .

DS:Yeah, and I started telling him the situation. He said, "You know, we don't start our investigations at the top." I said, "I'd like to talk to the attorney-general because this is vital." He said, "We don't start our investigations at the top. Let me look into this and I'll get back to you." Well, as I sit here today, I've never heard back from him.

AJ:Again, David Schippers, you're big in Was.h.i.+ngton. You were the top lawyer who got Clinton impeached. You are highly respected. You know the senators, the congressmen. You're calling up. You've got these FBI agents and others feeding you this information. They are being pulled off the cases. They are angry. That's even been in the news in Minnesota and Illinois. They know what is going to happen. The Sudanese in '96 and '98 tried to arrest bin Laden for Clinton, tried to give us the names of Al-Qaeda. Clinton wouldn't take it.

DS:He didn't want any part of it.

AJ:Wouldn't touch it. So we've got all of this developing. We've got police officers and FBI on the ground who know who bombed Oklahoma City. They've got them in custody with blue jogging suits and bomb-making components. They are ordered to release them. All of this is unfolding. 3,500 to 5,000 Iraqi Republican Guard. We know there is a Saddam-Iraqi connection here. They knew this. Why in the world, David Schippers, did they allow this to take place, is the question.

DS:I'll tell you something, This is one of the things. To me, it is almost inconceivable, inconceivable, that with the knowledge they had, that they would turn their back. Just a.s.sume that they had investigated and gone in after the Oklahoma City bombing as they are doing now. There never would have been an attack on the Trade Towers. As a human being, as a former prosecutor, as a lawyer, as a guy who represents agents all over the United States, it is inconceivable to me that those bureaucrats in Was.h.i.+ngton would turn their back on the obvious for their own purposes.

AJ: And now the World Trade Center complex is absolutely destroyed. DS: There's more coming. AJ: Now you know that from your sources-I know you represent a bunch of FBI agents who are hopping mad, you probably can't talk about the specifics. You say they are hopping mad. You say you are representing them. Are they getting ready to sue or something?

(Note: by mid-May 2002, several of the FBI agents represented by Schippers have attempted to go public, but the Bush administration has been successful in pressuring Congress to confine their memos dating from before September 11th warning of Al-Qaeda's plans to hijack aircraft and to fly them into buildings. Their testimony has been confined to secret intelligence committees, and now the media is focusing on fragments of the giver story of government prior knowledge and involvement in September 11th, thus whitewas.h.i.+ng the entire story.) DS:They are hoping to. I don't want to get them into court. I want to get them into the Intelligence Committee, someone who has the authority and the ability to go the FBI bureaucrats and say, "b.u.t.t out. We're going to do this right."

AJ:I'm sure you're aware that on the History Channel, they've been reporting for years, and its now confirmed, that we had prior knowledge of the j.a.panese attack on Pearl Harbor and they allowed that to take place. And now you see the U.N. empowered, the World Court empowered. It looks like the U.N. is going to get to take over the oil supply in Central Asia. The face-scanning cameras were in trouble; now they are on the fast-track. This has sure brought the police state upon us.

DS:It sure has. And I've been saying for years that once you've had license, which we've had, the next step is tyranny. It really is scary. The whole thing is scary. The American people are saying, "I want to be safe." Ben Franklin said, "If you give up your liberties for security, you will eventually lose both your security and your liberties."

AJ:Absolutely. What was the intel you were getting from these agents. What were they saying?

DS:This agent here in Chicago filed the affidavit where he laid out the whole way that the money moves; the way it is handled; how it comes out of the Middle East into the Chicago area-not only Chicago, but into the United States; how it is covered; how the operatives are covered; and then how the money is transferred back; and where it is kept while it is here. And that affidavit ran like thirty pages. Laid it out. He had to go through h.e.l.l on earth in Was.h.i.+ngton. He had to fight like a tiger. Everyone in his own bureau and in the Department of Justice was against him, and still is.

AJ:Now, the FBI agents in Minnesota knew about all this and had the evidence, but they couldn't even get a wire tap or a warrant to search these guys. We're talking about some of the actual hijackers.

DS:Exactly. This woman (Jayna Davis)that was talking to me. She had other contacts in Naval intelligence and other areas. She was reporting there was one of these terrorists that was involved or connected with the bombing in Oklahoma City was working at the Boston airport. A friend of mine who happens to be an agent had information showing that there were Hamas agents working in baggage areas at O'Hare airport with free access to any part of the airport. But no one would listen. Clinton and his boys didn't want the United States to realize that Flight 800 was a terrorist attack, and that Oklahoma City was a terrorist attack, because they didn't want to have to admit that the intelligence of the United States was totally destroyed.

AJ:Craig Roberts says it best. They wanted to demonize the patriots, the Christians, and create this internal security force to watch Americans, because the precious Arabs can't do anything wrong.

DS:That is exactly what they started. I can't remember exactly what nitwit it was who said, "You know, you can really blame some of the Rush Limbaughs and the talk show hosts who are fomenting this terror."

AJ:That was Bill Clinton.

DS:Clinton made that statement. They had a handy guy in McVeigh. They had a real handy guy. I also know-and I know this through affidavits that I've read-that there were people, eyeball witnesses, who saw the Middle Eastern man running from the scene alongside McVeigh.

AJ:And why don't the Feds just release those twelve surveillance camera tapes if it is just McVeigh alone?

DS:Surveillance camera tapes are going to show that there was a Middle Eastern man running with him. Some of these people who gave affidavits were interviewed by the FBI during the course of the investigation. They were interviewed about the second person they saw, and the agents tried to make them say that the second person was Nichols. Every single one of these people said, "Absolutely not. It was a Middle Eastern-type individual."

AJ: Al-Hussaini Hussain.

DS:Now, listen to this. None of those 302s-those investigative reports-have ever surfaced. Now the FBI comes up with all these thousands of doc.u.ments that they claim they overlooked. But the key ones where they tried to get the witnesses to say it was Nichols never surfaced.

AJ:What were they saying about the attack on lower Manhattan?

DS:The original report I got was that they had arranged for three attacks on the United States. One: They were going to take down an airliner. Two: They were going to attack a federal facility in the heartland of the United States.

AJ:The first was TWA Flight 800. The second was Oklahoma City.

DS:And the third one was going to a ma.s.sive attack in lower Manhattan. The original plan was a suitcase tactical nuclear weapon. These people that I was talking to were very, very credible people.

AJ:Here's the bottom line question. You're getting into an attack on lower Manhattan-the third big attack. What did you say? Who did you talk to? We know you tried to get to the attorney-general.

DS:My first move was to go through some of the people I knew in Congress. I was really working on a two-front war. On the one hand I wanted to get someone to listen to Jayna [Davis, of KFOR News] about Oklahoma City and what was coming up-what may be coming up. On the other hand, I was trying to get somebody to understand that Hamas has infiltrated the United States. I tried the House, I tried the Senate, I tried to get to the Department of Justice. The very people who put up roadblocks about the terrorists under Clinton are still there. They still const.i.tute almost like a moat between the people with information and the people who should hear the information.

AJ:So, when you're talking to these Justice Department people and folks in Congress, trying to give them all this information, what do they say to you?

DS:"Oh, my, that's wonderful. We'll get right back to you." I have never got a call back. I was on a radio program back east, in Pittsburgh, and I hinted at this, I hinted that the FBI was sitting on information when they should have been sharing it with others, and as a result there was a breakdown in intelligence. The next morning I got call from the office of the Speaker of the House, who happens to be an Illinois Republican.

AJ: Dennis Hastert DS:Yes, Hastert. They said, "We understand you've got some information, etc." I said, "Yes, I do. I would really like to share it with somebody. I've got at least two, and maybe three, witnesses that should be subpoenaed to come out there and testify in executive session and tell you what I was talking about." "Okay, we'll get back to you." I've never heard again. A couple of days later I got a call from the Senate Intelligence Committee. "We hear that you've got information, etc." "Yes, I have information and I'd be perfectly willing to bring it out to you, or I'd be perfectly willing to have my witnesses go in there and testify, but they have to be subpoenaed." "Okay, we'll get back to you." That was last week. I still haven't heard from them. I talk to people like you who are in the media, people who are really well aware of what is going on, and they cannot believe that this can happen. Strangely enough, the one group I have not heard from is the FBI intelligence people. Of course, if I did hear from them, I wouldn't talk to them anyhow because they are totally incompetent.

AJ:They got their funding tripled after the suicide attacks. . .

DS:Sure, boy, that's great. They can all get a raise, and they can all sit around and tell everybody their informants tell then this and informants tell them that. I'm still trying to get somebody to listen to me out there, and to listen to my witnesses. You know, Jayna Davis, had the same stuff she showed me, she walked into the FBI office in Oklahoma City shortly after the bombing and said, "Here. I have all this material. It may be of some a.s.sistance to you." They said, "We don't want it." They refused to even take it.

AJ:Just like Sudan trying to give us the names of Al-Qaeda and arrest bin Laden . . .

DS: Exactly.

AJ:. . . and they said, "We don't want to do that." Well, then, I think if you're an investigator, you're a prosecutor, Mr. Schippers. You prosecuted the president of the United States. Successfully got the indictment . . .

DS:Prosecuted the outfit here in Chicago for five years.

AJ:. . . so you know, you can see the motive. I see more intelligence funding. I see a cashless society with the biometrics. I see an expanded U.N. I see NATO planes patrolling our skies. U.N. General MacKenzie, on "Nightline," September 19, eight days after the attack, said, "We need U.N. troops on our borders." I see global government being empowered, and a takeover of the Middle East and Central Asia by the West. I see great dividends for them by allowing this to happen.

DS:I hope you are wrong. I do. But I can't fight with you or argue with you on it, because it does seem to be heading that way.

AJ:For trying to protect their country, the heroes get crucified.

DS:The heroes get crucified, and the bureaucrats sit out there and tell each other what a great job they are doing until another city blows up, and then they say, "We need more tools." They have all the tools in the world. They could have found the money years ago, if they had just listened. We've got to go public because we tried to do it the right way. We tried to do it by going to the people in whom you would normally repose your confidence and trust. It didn't work. n.o.body cares. AJ: Well, we know this. The bureaucrats are going to get even more funding now.

The Anthrax Attacks You want more evidence of prior knowledge? On October 24, 2001, the a.s.sociated Press reported that Ari Fleischer, in a White House press briefing, admitted that George W. Bush and much of his cabinet were already on Cipro on September 11, four weeks before the first traces of anthrax popped up in Boca Raton, Florida. Since then, the FBI had admitted that the anthrax was sent from Fort Detrick, Maryland, a U.S. biological weapons lab. The anthrax letters arrived at the Capitol building at a critical juncture, just as the USA Patriot Act was being considered.

Pakistan's Secret Police and the "Airlift of Evil"

Pakistan's Secret Police (ISI) is a publicly known front of the CIA. In 2000, US intelligence agencies aided General Musharraf in a successful coup. In late 2001, Pakistani intelligence, using US aircraft, airlifted 6,000 taliban and al-Qaeda leaders to safety out of Afghanistan (MSNBC, November 29, 2001, "Airlift of Evil"; The New Yorker, January 21, 2002, "The Getaway"; The Times, January 21, 2002, "US Let Taleban Men Escape").

In the summer of 2001, Pakistani ISI chief, General Ahmed, ordered an aide to wire-transfer $100,000 to Mohammed Atta, who, according to the Federal Government, was the head terrorist in the suicide hijackings. Soon after revelations of this transaction surfaced, General Ahmed resigned.

Who would have ever guessed that General Mahmoud Ahmed, the Head of Pakistani Intelligence, the man who wired $100,000 to Mohammed Atta, would just so happen to be in Was.h.i.+ngton DC the week of September 11th? General Ahmed arrived September 4th in the United States on an official visit and State Department visa. From September 49 he met with the heads of U.S. intelligence, including CIA Director George Tenet.

On the morning of September 11, General Ahmed was in a breakfast meeting on Capitol Hill with both of the chairmen of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees, Senator Bob Graham and Representative Porter Goss. Months later, in July 2002, these same Congressmen on the Joint Intelligence Committee feigned ignorance and conducted a shameless Warren Commission-style whitewash of the government prior knowledge story.

It is important to note that the government prior knowledge story that dominated the front pages of newspapers in May of 2002 was in itself a distraction. The propagandists knew that they were losing control of the story as more and more people began to come forward to blow the whistle on government involvement in September 11th. As concrete facts began to emerge doc.u.menting the evidence that September 11 was a carefully crafted intelligence operation conducted by the West, they needed to get out in front of the story and to gain control of it. Ari Fleischer and Condoleeza Rice, and even Bush gave speeches admitting that mistakes were made, but "it was all accidental. They just missed the clues...and if the people would just give up their liberties the security forces would be more than happy to ensure their safety."

The problem wasn't that the CIA had founded, funded and shepherded the radical Islamic brigades, nor was it that they were using these groups to destabilize Arab countries as a type of super-provocateur core, it was that the tripling of the anti-terrorism budget in 1996 wasn't enough. The internal security forces needed an additional $38 billion "to keep us safe." That's why they missed all the warnings.

That's right, Bush "missed" all the warnings, from the French, from the Germans, from the Russians, and from the Iranians. I guess that's why he had already gone over detailed war plans to occupy Afghanistan on September 9th (source: MSNBC, May 16, 2002) and had the necessary doc.u.ments on his desk ready to be signed. Of course, he had to wait until September 11th, when the CIA-controlled Al-Qaeda carried out their operational orders and gave him the pretext to make his move.

Military in Place Prior to 9-11 In early September, 2001 years of military planning came together just in time for September 11th. In a giant exercise code-named Operation Swift Sword, 23,000 British troops had ma.s.sed in Oman. Coinciding with Operation Swift Sword, 2 US carrier battle groups arrived right on time in the Gulf of Arabia, just 10 miles off the Pakistani coast. Simultaneously, more than 17,000 US troops rendezvoused with 23,000 NATO troops in Egypt for Operation Bright Star.

The entire military force was in place before the first pa.s.senger jet slammed into the World Trade Center (sources: Fox News, CNN, The Observer). Then, on the 19th of May, 2002 the White House put out a press release saying that the President had papers on his desk that would set in motion an attack on the Taliban and al-Qaeda (Was.h.i.+ngton Post, May 20, 2002).

Jeb Bush Declares Martial Law on September 7, 2001 On the homefront, President Bush's brother, Florida Governor Jeb Bush signed an unprecedented emergency State Executive Order (01-261) laying out new guidelines for setting up military rule (martial law) in Florida. Governor Jeb Bush signed his Executive Order on September 7, 2001 despite the fact that there were no major natural or man-made disasters at the time of its drafting.

"I hereby declare that a state of emergency exists in the state of Florida...The Authority to suspend the effect of any statute or rule governing the conduct of state business, and further authority to suspend the effect of any order or rule of any government ent.i.ty...The authority to seize and utilize any and all real or personal property as needed to meet this emergency...The authority to order the evacuation of any or all persons from any location in the State...The authority to regulate the return of the evacuees to their home comunities...I hereby order the Adjutant General to activate the Florida National Guard for the duration of this emergency." ~Florida Governor Jeb Bush, September 7, 2001, (a.s.sociated Press, September 9, 2001, State of Florida Website Listing State Executive Orders)

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