Notes On The Kiowa Sun Dance Part 2

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III. (In preparation.)

Volume XXII.

I. Contributions to the Archaeology of Mammoth Cave and Vicinity, Kentucky. By N. C. Nelson. Pp. 1-73, and 18 text figures. 1917. Price, $.75.

II. Chronology in Florida. By N. C. Nelson. Pp. 75-103, and 7 text figures. 1918. Price, $.25.

III. Archaeology of the Polar Eskimo. By Clark Wissler. Pp. 105-166, 33 text figures, and 1 map. 1918. Price, $.50.

IV. The Trenton Argillite Culture. By Leslie Spier. Pp. 167-226, and 11 text figures. 1918. Price, $.50.

V. (In preparation.)

Volume XXIII.

I. Racial Types in the Philippine Islands. By Louis R. Sullivan, Pp.

1-61, 6 text figures, and 2 maps. 1918. Price, $.75.

II. The Evidence Afforded by the Boskop Skull of a New Species of Primitive Man (_h.o.m.o capensis_). By R, Broom. Pp. 33-79, and 5 text figures. 1918. Price, $.25.

III. Anthropometry of the Siouan Tribes. By Louis R. Sullivan. Pp.

81-174, 7 text figures, and 74 tables. 1920. Price, $1.25.

IV. (In press.)

Volume XXIV.

I. Myths and Tales from the San Carlos Apache. By Pliny Earle G.o.ddard.

Pp. 1-86. 1918. Price, $.75.

II. Myths and Tales from the White Mountain Apache. By Pliny Earle G.o.ddard. Pp. 87-139. 1919. Price, $.50.

III. San Carlos Apache Texts. By Pliny Earle G.o.ddard. Pp. 141-367. 1919.

Price, $2.50.

IV. White Mountain Apache Texts. By Pliny Earle G.o.ddard. Pp. 369-527.

1920. Price $2.00.

Volume XXV.

I. Myths and Traditions of the Crow Indians. By Robert H. Lowie. Pp.

1-308. 1918. Price, $3.00.

II. (In preparation.)

Volume XXVI.

I. The Aztec Ruin. By Earl H. Morris. Pp. 1-108, and 73 text figures.

1919. Price, $1.00.

II. (In press.)

Volume XXVII.

I. Pueblo Bonito. By George H. Pepper. Pp. 1-490. Plates I-XII, and 155 text figures. 1920. Price $3.50.


[1] Methvin, J. J., _Andele, or The Mexican-Kiowa Captive_. _A Story of Real Life among the Indians_ (Louisville, Kentucky, 1899).

[2] Scott, Hugh Lenox, "Notes on the Kado, or Sun Dance of the Kiowa"

(_American Anthropologist_, N. S., vol. 13, pp. 345-379, 1911). The phonetic system used in the present paper is that of the "Phonetic Transcription of Indian Languages" (_Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections_, vol. 66, no. 6, 1916), 2-7.

[3] Mooney, James, "Calendar History of the Kiowa Indians" (_Seventeenth Annual Report_, _Bureau of American Ethnology_, part 1, pp. 129-445, Was.h.i.+ngton, 1911), 385.

[4] Lowie, R. H., "Societies of the Kiowa" (this series, vol. 11), 847; Mooney, 325, 338.

[5] Mooney, 253, states the contrary.

[6] Mooney, 240; Plate LXIX shows a model (see Scott, 349).

[7] This coupling of purchase with inheritance is strictly comparable to the Hidatsa bundle (this volume, 416-417).

[8] Scott, 369, 373.

[9] If this is more than a general taboo against women handling sacred objects, it has its parallel in a similar Crow bias (this volume, 13).

[10] Mooney, 241, 323, 324.

[11] Mooney, 239.

[12] Mooney, 279, 343.

[13] Lowie, 842.

[14] Lowie, 843.

[15] Compare, Battey, Thomas C., _The Life and Adventures of a Quaker among the Indians_ (Boston, 1876) 185.

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