The Poems of Goethe Part 40

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Thou to-day in joy hast drown'd.


Why, young orphan, all this wailing?

"Would to heaven that I were dead!

For my guardian's craft prevailing

Soon will make me beg my bread."

Knowing well the rascal genus,

Into court I dragg'd the knave; Fair the judges were between us,

And the maiden's wealth did save.


Surely we for wine may languis.h.!.+

Let the b.u.mper then go round!

For all sighs and groans of anguish

Thou to-day in joy hast drown'd.


To a little fellow, quiet,

Unpretending and subdued, Has a big clown, running riot,

Been to-day extremely rude.

I bethought me of my duty,

And my courage swell'd apace, So I spoil'd the rascal's beauty,

Slas.h.i.+ng him across the face.


Surely we for wine may languis.h.!.+

Let the b.u.mper then go round!

For all sighs and groans of anguish

Thou to-day in joy hast drown'd.


Brief must be my explanation,

For I really have done nought.

Free from trouble and vexation,

I a landlord's business bought.

There I've done, with all due ardour,

All that duty order'd me; Each one ask'd me for the larder,

And there was no scarcity.


Surely we for wine may languis.h.!.+

Let the b.u.mper then go round!

For all sighs and groans of anguish

Thou to-day in joy hast drown'd.


Each should thus make proclamation

Of what he did well to-day!

That's the match whose conflagration

Should inflame our tuneful lay.

Let it be our precept ever

To admit no waverer here!

For to act the good endeavour,

None but rascals meek appear.


Surely we for wine may languis.h.!.+

Let the b.u.mper then go round!

For all sighs and groans of anguish

We have now in rapture drown'd.


Let each merry minstrel enter,

He's right welcome to our hall!

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