The Poems of Goethe Part 35

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To a.s.sert I'm able, Where, with wine and harmony,

I may thump the table.

Wonder not, my dearest friends,

What 'tis gives me pleasure; For of all that earth e'er lends,

'Tis the sweetest treasure.

Therefore solemnly I swear,

With no reservation, That maliciously I'll ne'er

Leave my present station.

Now that here we're gather'd round,

Chasing cares and slumbers, Let, methought, the goblet sound

To the bard's glad numbers!

Many a hundred mile away,

Go those we love dearly; Therefore let us here to-day

Make the gla.s.s ring clearly!

Here's His health, through Whom we live!

I that faith inherit.

To our king the next toast give,

Honour is his merit, 'Gainst each in-- and outward foe

He's our rock and tower.

Of his maintenance thinks he though,

More that grows his power.

Next to her good health I drink,

Who has stirr'd my pa.s.sion; Of his mistress let each think,

Think in knightly fas.h.i.+on.

If the beauteous maid but see

Whom 'tis I now call so, Let her smiling nod to me:

"Here's my love's health also!"

To those friends,--the two or three,--

Be our next toast given, In whose presence revel we,

In the silent even,-- Who the gloomy mist so cold

Scatter gently, lightly; To those friends, then, new or old,

Let the toast ring brightly.

Broader now the stream rolls on,

With its waves more swelling, While in higher, n.o.bler tone,

Comrades, we are dwelling,-- We who with collected might,

Bravely cling together, Both in fortune's suns.h.i.+ne bright,

And in stormy weather.

Just as we are gather'd thus,

Others are collected; On them, therefore, as on us,

Be Fate's smile directed!

From the springhead to the sea,

Many a mill's revolving, And the world's prosperity

Is the task I'm solving.



I HAVE loved; for the first time with pa.s.sion I rave!

I then was the servant, but now am the slave;

I then was the servant of all: By this creature so charming I now am fast bound, To love and love's guerdon she turns all around,

And her my sole mistress I call.

l've had faith; for the first time my faith is now strong!

And though matters go strangely, though matters go wrong,

To the ranks of the faithful I'm true: Though ofttimes 'twas dark and though ofttimes 'twas drear, In the pressure of need, and when danger was near,

Yet the dawning of light I now view.

I have eaten; but ne'er have thus relish'd my food!

For when glad are the senses, and joyous the blood,

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