The Poems of Goethe Part 131

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Glories that my flight first show'd to eye, When the wondrous steed my person bore

In one second through the realms on high.

Wisdom's trees, in cypress-order growing,

High uphold the golden apples sweet; Trees of life, their spreading shadows throwing,

Shade each blossoming plant, each flow'ry seat.

Now a balmy zephyr from the East

Brings the heavenly maidens to thy view; With the eye thou now dost taste the feast,

Soon the sight pervades thee through and through.

There they stand, to ask thee thy career:

Mighty plans? or dangerous b.l.o.o.d.y rout?

Thou'rt a hero, know they,--for Thourt here,

What a hero?--This they'll fathom out.

By thy wounds soon clearly this is shown,

Wounds that write thy fame's undying story; Wounds the true believer mark alone,

When have perish'd joy and earthly glory.

To chiosks and arbors thou art brought,

Fill'd with checkered marble columns bright; To the n.o.ble grape-juice, solace-fraught,

They the guest with kindly sips invite.

Youth! Thou'rt welcome more than e'er was youth

All alike are radiant and serene; When thou tak'st one to thine heart with truth,

Of thy band she'll be the friend and queen.

So prepare thee for this place of rest,

Never can it now be changed again; Maids like these will ever make thee blest,

Wines like these will never harm thy brain.



Or beasts there have been chosen four

To come to Paradise, And there with saints for evermore

They dwell in happy wise.

Amongst them all the a.s.s stands first;

He comes with joyous stride, For to the Prophet-City erst

Did Jesus on him ride.

Half timid next a Wolf doth creep,

To whom Mahomet spake "Spoil not the poor man of his sheep,

The rich man's thou mayst take."

And then the brave and faithful Hound,

Who by his master kept, And slept with him the slumbers sound

The seven sleepers slept.

Abuherrira's Cat, too, here,

Purrs round his master blest, For holy must the beast appear

The Prophet hath caress'd.



Six among the courtiers favour'd Fly before the Caesar's fury, Who would as a G.o.d be wors.h.i.+pp'd, Though in truth no G.o.d appearing, For a fly prevents him ever From enjoying food at table.

Though with fans his servants scare it, They the fly can never banish.

It torments him, stings, and troubles, And the festal board perplexes, Then returning like the herald Of the olden crafty Fly-G.o.d.

"What!"--the striplings say together-- "Shall a fly a G.o.d embarra.s.s?

Shall a G.o.d drink, eat at table, Like us mortals? No, the Only, Who the sun and moon created, And the glowing stars arch'd o'er us, He is G.o.d,--we'll fly!"--The gentle, Lightly shod, and dainty striplings Did a shepherd meet, and hide them, With himself, within a cavern.

And the sheep-dog will not leave them,-- Scared away, his foot all-mangled, To his master still he presses, And he joins the hidden party, Joins the favorites of slumber.

And the prince, whom they had fled from, Fondly-furious, thinks of vengeance, And, discarding sword and fire, Has them walled-up in the cavern, Walled-up fast with bricks and mortar.

But the others slumber ever, And the Angel, their protector, Gives before G.o.d's throne this notice "To the right and left alternate Have I ever cared to turn them, That their fair and youthful members Be not by the mould-damp injured; Clefts within the rocks I open'd, That the sun may, rising, setting, Keep their cheeks in youthful freshness."

So they lie there, bless'd by Heaven.

And, with forepaws sound and scatheless, Sleeps the dog in gentle slumber.

Years come round, and years fly onward, And the youths at length awaken, And the wall, which now had moldered, From its very age has fallen.

And Jamblika says,--whose beauty Far exceedeth all the others,-- When the fearful shepherd lingers:-- "I will run, and food procure you, Life and piece of gold I'll wager!"-- Ephebus had many a year now Own'd the teaching of the Prophet Jesus (Peace be with the Good One!)

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