The Poems of Goethe Part 11

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Now I leave this cottage lowly,

Where my love hath made her home, And with silent footstep slowly

Through the darksome forest roam, Luna breaks through oaks and bushes,

Zephyr hastes her steps to meet, And the waving birch-tree blushes,

Scattering round her incense sweet.

Grateful are the cooling breezes

Of this beauteous summer night, Here is felt the charm that pleases,

And that gives the soul delight.

Boundless is my joy; yet, Heaven,

Willingly I'd leave to thee Thousand such nights, were one given

By my maiden loved to me!



TOGETHER at the altar we In vision oft were seen by thee,

Thyself as bride, as bridegroom I.

Oft from thy mouth full many a kiss In an unguarded hour of bliss

I then would steal, while none were by.

The purest rapture we then knew, The joy those happy hours gave too,

When tasted, fled, as time fleets on.

What now avails my joy to me?

Like dreams the warmest kisses flee,

Like kisses, soon all joys are gone.



HALF vex'd, half pleased, thy love will feel, Shouldst thou her knot or ribbon steal; To thee they're much--I won't conceal;

Such self-deceit may pardon'd be; A veil, a kerchief, garter, rings, In truth are no mean trifling things,

But still they're not enough for me.

She who is dearest to my heart, Gave me, with well dissembled smart, Of her own life, a living part,

No charm in aught beside I trace; How do I scorn thy paltry ware!

A lock she gave me of the hair

That wantons o'er her beauteous face.

If, loved one, we must sever'd be, Wouldst thou not wholly fly from me, I still possess this legacy,

To look at, and to kiss in play.-- My fate is to the hair's allied, We used to woo her with like pride,

And now we both are far away.

Her charms with equal joy we press'd, Her swelling cheeks anon caress'd, Lured onward by a yearning blest,

Upon her heaving bosom fell.

Oh rival, free from envy's sway, Thou precious gift, thou beauteous prey.

Remain my joy and bliss to tell!



DRINK, oh youth, joy's purest ray From thy loved one's eyes all day,

And her image paint at night!

Better rule no lover knows, Yet true rapture greater grows,

When far sever'd from her sight.

Powers eternal, distance, time, Like the might of stars sublime,

Gently rock the blood to rest, O'er my senses softness steals, Yet my bosom lighter feels,

And I daily am more blest.

Though I can forget her ne'er, Yet my mind is free from care,

I can calmly live and move; Unperceived infatuation Longing turns to adoration,

Turns to reverence my love.

Ne'er can cloud, however light, Float in ether's regions bright,

When drawn upwards by the sun, As my heart in rapturous calm.

Free from envy and alarm,

Ever love I her alone!


----- TO LUNA.

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