The History of the Fabian Society Part 20

The History of the Fabian Society -

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The printing of the author's name in italics signifies that the tract was adopted and probably amended by the Society and that it was issued without the author's name. In the other cases the author's name is given in the tract, and as a rule the tract was approved for publication as a whole: a star to the author's name signifies "not a member of the Society."



1. Why are the Many Poor? 4 pp. _W.L. Phillips_.

2. A Manifesto. 4 pp. _G. Bernard Shaw_.


3. To Provident Landlords and Capitalists: A Suggestion and a Warning.

4 pp. _G. Bernard Shaw_.


4. What Socialism Is. 12 pp. Mrs. C.M. Wilson and others.


5. Facts for Socialists. 16 pp. _Sidney Webb_.

6. The True Radical Programme (Fabian Parliamentary League). 12 pp.

_G. Bernard Shaw_.


7. Capital and Land. 16 pp. _(Sir) Sydney Olivier_.


8. Facts for Londoners. 56 pp. _Sidney Webb_.

9. An Eight Hours Bill. 16 pp. _Do._

10. Figures for Londoners. 4 pp. _Do_.


11. The Workers' Political Programme. 20 pp. _Sidney Webb_.

12. Practical Land Nationalisation. 4 pp. _Do_.

13. What Socialism Is. 4 pp. _Bernard Shaw_.

14. The New Reform Bill. 20 pp. _J.F. Oakeshott and others_.

15. English Progress towards Social Democracy. 16 pp. Sidney Webb.

16. A Plea for an Eight Hours Bill. 4 pp. _Sidney Webb_.

17. Reform of the Poor Law. 20 pp. Sidney Webb.

18. Facts for Bristol. 20 pp. _(Sir) Hartmann W. Just_.

19. What the Farm Labourer Wants. 4 pp. _Sidney Webb_.

20. Questions for Poor Law Guardians. 4 pp. _S.W. Group_.

21. Questions for London Vestrymen. 4 pp. _C. Foulger_.

22. The Truth about Leasehold Enfranchis.e.m.e.nt. 4 pp. _Sidney Webb_.


23. The Case for an Eight Hours Bill. 16 pp. _Sidney Webb_.

24. Questions for Parliamentary Candidates. 4 pp. _Do_.

25. Questions for School Board Candidates. 4 pp. _Do_.

26. Questions for London County Councillors. 4 pp. _Do_.

27. Questions for Town Councillors. 4 pp. _Rev. C. Peach_.

28. Questions for County Council Candidates (Rural). 4 pp. _F. Hudson_.

29. What to Read. 48 pp. _Graham Wallas_ (1st edition). (Fifth edition, 1910, not included in the series.)

30. The Unearned Increment. 4 pp. _Sidney Webb_.

31. London's Heritage in the City Guilds. 4 pp. _Sidney Webb_.

32. The Munic.i.p.alisation of the Gas Supply. 4 pp. _Do_.

33. Tramways. 4 pp. _Do_.

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