Animal - Revelations Part 11

Animal - Revelations -

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"Where my waters at? C'mon, if you gonna do ya job, don't do it half a.s.s," the third bodyguard said to Lizzy. "And while you at it; pour two more shots of whatever my man right here is drinking."

Lizzy opened her mouth to say something, but thought better of it. She knew the man's group had been in the club spending thousands and if she offended him she could very well loose her job. Painfully biting her tongue, she went off to get the shots and the waters.

"I appreciate that, but you don't have to. I ain't broke," Animal told him.

"Chill out, kid. n.o.body is trying to call you broke, I dig your style and wanted to treat you to a drink, that's all," the third bodyguard told him.

Lizzy came back and placed the bottles of water and two shots on the bar top, along with a bill and walked away.

The third bodyguard picked up the bill and balled it up. "You see what I mean about doing a half a.s.s job?" he tossed the crumbled slip of paper behind the bar. "I told her to put it on my man's tab, but she acting like she don't hear me. Dumb a.s.s broad. But f.u.c.k all that, let's have a quick toast so I can get back. To my man. . . . say, what's your name kid?"

"Tech," Animal lied. It was the first name that popped into his head.

The third bodyguard let the name roll around in his head. "With a name like Tech, you must be about that life."

Animal shrugged. "I know how to handle myself pretty good in a tight situation."

"I hear you talking. To my man, Tech," he hoisted the shot gla.s.s. Animal and the third bodyguard touched and they both threw back the shots. "It was good meeting you, Tech," he extended his hand.

"Good meeting you too, fam." When Animal went to shake the third bodyguard's hand, he purposely knocked over a discarded beer bottle, spilling what was left of the beer on the third bodyguard's outfit. "d.a.m.n, my bad."

"You clumsy little," the third bodyguard jumped back, trying to wipe the beer from his clothes with his hands.

The third bodyguard called Animal everything but a child of G.o.d, while trying to clean himself up. He was more concerned about his expensive s.h.i.+rt than the drinks, and for a few seconds he took his eyes off the bottle. That was all the time Animal needed. He slipped the remaining syringe from his pocket quickly jammed it through each water bottle top, ejecting the liquid.

"n.i.g.g.a, you just ruined a five hundred dollar s.h.i.+rt," the third bodyguard continued.

"I'm really sorry. Let me pay for it," Animal offered. He reached in his pocket and the third bodyguard took a cautious step back, fearing Animal would spill something else on him.

"I don't want nothing from your clumsy a.s.s but to stay away from me," the third bodyguard s.n.a.t.c.hed the Grey Goose and both water bottles from the bar. "And to think I was about to invite your clown a.s.s over to our section," he shook his head and walked away.

Animal watched at the third bodyguard went back over to his group, and animatedly tried to explain why he had come back wet. The third bodyguard continued with his war story, placing the Grey Goose on the table and giving the waters to his comrades. From the way everyone was laughing and looking in Animal's direction, the third bodyguard had no doubt spun the tale to where Animal ended up looking like a clown, but it didn't matter. The incident had served its purpose. After seeing how tight George's security was, Animal knew drugging him and getting him out would've been near impossible, so he came up with the alternative plan of drugging his security. Being that he had to split the sedative between the two of them he had no idea how affective it would be, but all he needed was a window of opportunity. If they slipped, even for a second, he could take them . . . or so he hoped.

Animal walked over to the short gla.s.s wall that overlooked the main area, and leaned on his elbows, scanning the crowd. Abel was right where he was supposed to be, making sure they had a clear path out. He found Ashanti on the other side, stalking to a girl. Ashanti must've felt that he was being watched, because he suddenly looked up. Animal flashed ten fingers, letting him know it was going down in ten minutes. Ashanti nodded, and excused himself from the girl to take his position.

Now that the pieces were in place, Animal needed to set the tumblers in motion. He pulled out his cell phone and hit a b.u.t.ton, then waited and watched. The sour bodyguard had just opened one of the bottles of water and taken a big gulp, when the caller on the other end of Animal's phone picked up. "In about ten minutes I need a distraction, but it's gonna have to be a big one."

"You sure about this?" Cain asked, looking at Red Sonja like she was crazy.

"He says he needs a distraction. What's a better distraction than a stampede?" Sonja pulled a Mac 11 from the floor of the backseat.

Cain turned down the block of the club, where they had dropped Animal and the others off, and slowed the car down as they pa.s.sed. Red Sonja leaned out the window, eyes locked on the crowd of people standing on the line waiting to get in. One of the bystanders spotted Sonja hanging out the window with the gun, and moved to alert the club security, but it was already too late.

The loud retort of the Mac 11 woke up the whole block. Sonja swept the gun across the front of the club, shattering windows and sending people scattering. She was careful not to hit any of the civilians standing outside, but couldn't speak for anybody unfortunate enough to be standing on the other side of the gla.s.s. When they'd originally set out, they agreed to keep casualties to a minimum, but Sonja needed to get off. She was a ball of anger and the rattling of the gun in her hands was the only thing that seemed to soothe her. By the time Sonja was done, several dead bodies littered the sidewalk and the club was thrown into total chaos.

"d.a.m.n, now that's how you create a f.u.c.king diversion!" Cain said excitedly. He was so animated that the Denali swerved and nearly sideswiped a parked car.

"Calm your a.s.s down and pay attention to the road," Sonja barked. "Spin back around the block. They should be coming out with George any second now."

Watching Red Sonja sitting there, holding a smoking machine gun, made Cain smile inwardly. Up until then he hadn't cared for her much, but now he was on the fence. She was just as nuts as he was and it kind of turned him on.


ANIMAL LEANED AGAINST THE RAILING, watching and waiting. The night was winding down and George looked nice and faded. He would likely be making his exit soon. It took a while for the affects of the sedatives to kick in, but they did . . . at least with one of the bodyguards. The smaller of the two had gone from standing at his post to sitting on the arm of the chair. Every few seconds he would wipe the sweat from his face with a napkin. The sour bodyguard was still on his feet. Outside of the fact that he was now leaning against the wall instead of standing upright were the only signs that the sedative had even hit him at all. Whether it had hit him or not, Animal would have to make his move.

His cell phone vibrated, drawing his attention away from George and his group. He looked down at the screen and saw Sis flash across the screen. It was Kahllah's fifth time calling, no doubt to check on their progress. Animal had been preoccupied with his scheming the last few times she called, so she was probably getting nervous. He figured he'd better pick up just to tell her that things were okay before she ended up hopping a flight to New York. He was just about to answer the phone, when he heard the sound of gla.s.s breaking, followed by the unmistakable tatter of gunfire. Kahllah would have to wait. It was game time.

The whole club was thrown into a panic. People were trampling each other trying to get to the exits. Animal saw Abel press himself against the wall, and draw his gun. He looked confused and agitated, and for a minute Animal thought he would bolt with the rest of the crowd, but Abel held his position, and guarded their exit. Ashanti was right, he was a good soldier.

Animal could also see Ashanti moving in and out of the crowd, getting closer to the stairs that led to the VIP. The bouncer had his back to Ashanti, trying to help with crowd control. Ashanti rolled up behind him and clubbed him in the head with something, before vanis.h.i.+ng again, swallowed by the crowd. Animal had lost sight of Ashanti, but he wasn't worried. He knew his friend would be there when and if he needed him. Now it was time s.n.a.t.c.h the prize.

Frightened partygoers and employees alike surged towards the steps, trying to get out of the VIP. n.o.body knew where the shots were coming from and it didn't matter. When someone was shooting, you moved. It was a zoo, which was a good thing for Animal because it would make his job easier. He would be a needle in a haystack.

George's bodyguards were immediately on their feet with their guns drawn when they heard the shooting. The first bodyguard, the one with the sour face, moved on sluggishly, shoving a path through the crowd, while the other two flanked George. They were trying to get him to the VIP stairs and out of the club. Animal held his gun at his side, sliding in and out of the crowd, stalking his prey and inching ever closer. He was so close to George that he could smell the fear coming off him.

Animal raised his gun, taking aim at the head of the bodyguard who was bringing up the rear, the same loudmouth who had brought him a shot. Seeing him go down would shock them long enough for Animal to take out the other two bodyguards then make off with George. His finger caressed the trigger, communicating to it what he needed done and the precise time to do it. At the same time he pulled the trigger, one of the fleeing partygoers stumbled into him and sent the shot wild.

All eyes were now on Animal, including those of George and his bodyguards. Animal let off another shot, but ended up hitting an innocent bystander who had accidentally stepped into his line of fire. The bodyguards returned fire, forcing Animal to scramble backward, firing back. Animal dove behind the bar just as a hail of bullets tore through it. He kept his head down, crawling into the furthest corner of the bar, while trying not to get shot. Animal's hand slipped in something wet, and he almost lost his balance. He looked at his hand and noticed that it was slick with blood. His eyes followed the trial of blood, and though he feared he knew what he would find, his mind still wasn't prepared for it. Laying on her side, just under where the register sat, was Lizzy. Her eyes stared at Animal, but did not see him. There was a gaping hole in her forehead, which was leaking blood and brain matter over her face and onto the floor. Another life had been taken because of him and two more kids would have to grow up without a parent. At that point there wasn't much Animal could do, besides make sure his kids didn't have to grow up the same way. He would mourn Lizzy after he completed the mission.

George's bodyguards had him trapped like a rat. Animal pressed his back to the bar, and kept his gun ready. At any moment he expected the gunners to come over and try and finish him, but he had something for them when they did. When a few seconds pa.s.sed without him being swooped in on, he spared a careful glance over the top of the bar. He was just in time to see George and his crew making their way down the steps. If they made it to the main area, it was over. There was no way they'd be able to take them in such a thick crowd.

Animal bounded over the bar and gave chase. The sour bodyguard lumbered down the stairs, knocking people out of his way, while the second one protected George. His legs were shaky and it looked like he would pitch over at any minute, but he held tight to his gun. As soon as Animal made to take a step down, the third bodyguard, opened fire on him.

"I show you my hospitalities and this is how you do me?!" the third bodyguard fired shot after shot at Animal. Thankfully he was drunk and a poor shot.

Animal popped up and returned fire. He hit the third bodyguard twice in the chest, sending him spilling over the railing and down to the main floor. While he had been busy with the third bodyguard, George and the remaining two were just reaching the main floor. There would be no way Animal could get to them in time. Thankfully, he wouldn't have to.

"You need some help, Blood?" Ashanti walked up on the sour faced bodyguard who was leading the pack. He jammed his gun under the bigger man's chin and pulled the trigger, and put his brains on the ceiling. Just as Animal had predicted, his friend was there when he needed him most.

The second bodyguard raised his gun, trying desperately to defend George and get them out alive, but his movements were sluggish and he had trouble collecting his thoughts. It took a great bit of effort, but he was finally able to point the gun at Animal. "Don't come any closer," he slurred.

Animal's dark eyes drank him in. Even with the gun, he knew the bodyguard was frightened. "You can have the long walk," Animal nodded to the exit, "or the long kiss," he brandished his gun. "Pick your poison."

The second bodyguard knew it was a hopeless situation, but he'd rather take his chances against the killers rather than having to go back and tell Lilith he had let something happen to her baby boy. Either road he took would've lead to his death, but at least with the young man he would've died quickly. Lilith would draw it out, making sure he suffered. "f.u.c.k it," he said and took a shot at Animal.

Animal moved just as the bullet sailed past his ear, nicking his face. Animal was fortunate because had it not been for the affects of the sedative, he'd have been dead. Animal fired on the move, striking the second bodyguard in the hip, sending him down and knocking the gun out of his hand. He ignored the pain in his hip and tried desperately to retrieve his weapon. His fingertips had just grazed the handle of the gun, when Animal's booted foot came down, breaking several bones in his hand. The second bodyguard howled in pain, clutching his hand. He rolled over onto his back and found himself looking up the barrel of Animal's gun.

"Let's hope you make better choices in your next life than you did in this one," Animal told him before firing two shots into his face, ending him.

George found himself trapped between the two killers. He thought about attempting to bribe them, but from the looks of the two young men, this wasn't about money. They were killers. George didn't know either man and had no idea what they wanted with him, but he was willing to bet that it had something to do with his mother. George loved his mother dearly, but had no taste for the lifestyle she had condemned them to, which is why he put distance between himself and his family whenever he could. All he wanted to do was drink, smoke, count money and sleep with beautiful women. He was not a gangster, but always wound up guilty by a.s.sociation. Things were looking grim for George, until an angel of mercy intervened.

Animal felt the blow before he actually saw who had thrown it. A fist slammed into his chin so hard that his teeth rattled, and his eyes watered. When his vision cleared, he found a five-foot five obstacle standing between him and George. She was a pet.i.te looking young girl, but with the force of the punch she'd hit Animal with, it was obvious that she was no lightweight. She was dressed in a simple blue jumpsuit and flat shoes. Long black dreads spilled around her face and shoulders, while over-sized dark covered most of her face. She danced on the b.a.l.l.s of her feet like a boxer, thick lips pulled back in a sneer, challenging Animal.

Animal snarled, "Okay, b.i.t.c.h. I got what you need."

When Animal went to raise his gun, the girl slapped the back of his hand, causing the gun to go off and a slug hit the floor between her legs. She grabbed his wrist in one hand and the gun in the other, and twisted slightly, dislodging the barrel of the gun from the stock and tossing it away. She followed up by slapping Animal twice across the face, before shoving him back with a palm to the chest. She took a defensive stance, fingers bared like claws, waiting for Animal to make his next move.

Animal was caught off guard by the skilled attack. The girl was good, he had to give her that. But he was no slouch either. Animal faked high and went low, slamming his fist into the girl's rib cage. He regretted it when his knuckles made contact with whatever she was wearing under her jump suit. It was like punching steel. She leapt into the air and locked her legs around Animal's waist, while wrapping one arm around his neck. While holding onto him for dear life, she delivered elbow after elbow to his head, attempting to knock him out.

"b.i.t.c.h, get off my homie," Ashanti grabbed the girl by her dreads and pulled her off Animal. Normally he wouldn't have put his hands on a woman, but they didn't have time to be chivalrous about it. With all the ruckus they'd caused it'd only be a matter of minutes before the police responded and were on the scene. It'd be best if they were gone by the time that happened.

The girl spun like a helicopter, breaking Ashanti's hold. She threw a punch, which to her surprise he blocked, and followed with one of his own, knocking her off. She came back with a kick to Ashanti's ribs, and when he went to block it, she found an opening. She grabbed his wrist and turned it until the point where she heard it crack, and relieved him of his gun. She viciously stomped the back of Ashanti's leg, dropping him to one knee. She placed the gun to Ashanti's skull and forced his head up so that she was looking him in the eyes. She wanted to see the moment of his death, as she did with all her victims. When their eyes locked it was as if someone had thrown a bucket of cold water on her. It was impossible.

Something heavy slammed into the girl's back, knocking her across the room and sending her cras.h.i.+ng into a table. The force of the impact knocked the gun loose from her hand. She looked up and saw that Animal had regained his second wind, and was picking up the gun. She spared Ashanti one last glance before hurling a chair at Animal. Animal covered his face against the chair, and that split second he'd taken his eyes off the girl was all that she needed to vanish.

"You good?" Animal helped Ashanti to his feet.

"I think so," Ashanti checked himself over. "Where's George?"

"He made a run for it during the fight. If we hurry up, we might be able to catch him before he makes it too far," Animal started towards the fire exit, but no sooner than he had gotten to it, it came bursting open and several uniformed officers came rus.h.i.+ng in. they quickly surrounded Animal and Ashanti with their guns drawn.

"Drop the guns and let me see your hands," a red faced officer with a buzz cut pointed his gun at Animal.

"Don't make me tell you again," the officer reinforced. His hand gripped his gun tightly, looking for a reason to discharge his weapon.

Ashanti looked like he wanted to go for it, but a look from Animal told him to stand down and do as the police ordered. There were only four of them, but Animal was sure there was a small army of blue soldiers not far behind them. Even if they weren't outgunned, these were still cops. To kill a street n.i.g.g.a carried a heavy sentence, but to murder a law enforcement agent carried the needle. Reluctantly, Animal tossed his gun to the ground and got on his knees, and Ashanti reluctantly did the same.

Kneeling, Animal and Ashanti gave each other dumbfounded looks. For all the crimes they had committed in the streets, all the years of dirt they'd gotten away with, it seemed like poetic justice that they would get knocked off for trying to do something good. Animal thought of the wife he would never see again and the kids he would never get a chance to know and it made his heart heavy. In his head he could hear Gucci's voice warning him not to go, but he didn't listen. His d.a.m.nable sense of n.o.bility had f.u.c.ked him once again. Animal thought about all the things he had overcome in life, just to go out like this. Another street n.i.g.g.a caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Animal was numb as the officers placed handcuffs on him. He had promised himself a long time ago that he would never feel the uncomfortable touch of the silver bracelets ever again, but here he was. He cast a glance over at Ashanti, whose face wore a look of utter disappointment. He was a young man, and would never get to grow to be an old one . . . at least not on the streets. True to his word, he had given his life for Animal.

As the cop was pulling Animal to his feet by his arm, he told him, "This is a fine mess you boys have gotten yourself into," he looked around at the damaged property and dead bodies. "You're going to prison for a long time behind this," he said proudly.

"Not on my watch," someone called out.

Animal hit the floor just before the first bullet ripped through the cop's face. Abel stalked across the room, firing both his .22 and the forgotten gun of one of the bodyguards. His face was twisted into a mask of hatred, and his eyes cold. The police tried to return fire, but he was relentless in his press. After seeing two of theirs go down, the other two retreated, screaming into their radios for back up.

"My n.i.g.g.a, right on time as always," Ashanti said proudly. Abel didn't respond, he just stood there with a dumbstruck expression on his face. "Abel?"

"They saw my face," Abel said, as if the realization of what he had done just set in. "I killed a cop and they saw my face. I'm going to the chair for this."

"n.o.body is going to the chair. I'm going to get you all out of this, I promise," Animal a.s.sured him.

"You d.a.m.n well better, since it was you who got us into it," Abel shot back.

Even if Animal wanted to argue the point, he couldn't because Abel was right. He had gotten them all into it, and it would be up to him to get them out. He wasn't yet sure how, but if there was a way, he would find it.

"Man, y'all can argue this s.h.i.+t later. For now, let's get the f.u.c.k outta here before we're all sporting new jewelry," Ashanti motioned to the handcuff hanging from his wrist.

Animal, Ashanti and Abel made hurried steps through the kitchen and out the back door. When they got outside they took off running for the avenue to meet Cain and Sonja. When they came out the mouth of the alley, they expected to find their comrades waiting, but instead they found nothing. The Denali was nowhere to be found. Police cars were coming onto the block from all directions, swooping in on the club. n.o.body had noticed Animal and his crew yet, but it wouldn't be long before someone pointed them out. Soon the block would be shut down and there'd be no escape.

"Where the f.u.c.k are they?" Animal looked around frantically.

George stumbled out of the club, breathing like he had just run a marathon. It was two whole blocks before he felt comfortable enough to slow down. He had barely escaped with his life, which was more than he could say for his bodyguards. He had gotten used to the trio and they would be hard to replace, but not as hard to replace as he would've been. George wasn't sure what kind of s.h.i.+t his mother had gotten him into and he didn't intend to stick around and find out.

Family Business Protocol dictated George get to one of the safe houses and report immediately to his brother, but he was too rattled to bother with protocol. George wasn't even going back to his hotel to get his clothes; he was hopping in a taxi to the airport and getting on the next available flight out of New York. Once he was safely in the taxi he would call home and find out from his mother exactly what she had gotten him into this time.

George risked venturing out onto the avenue to try and flag a taxi. When he spotted a car that looked like it was slowing down, he began waving his hand frantically. When he got closer he realized that it wasn't a taxi, but an SUV. He was leery, but knew that in New York regular cars were also used as taxis, they were called Gypsy cabs. He would've preferred a yellow cab, but a gypsy would do. So long as he could get to the airport. As George neared the vehicle, he squinted, trying to see inside. Through the car's high beams, he could make out two people in the front seat. He wasn't a native New Yorker, but George knew that cab drivers didn't usually ride two-deep, not even gypsy cabs.

The warning bell went off in George's head just as the driver stepped on the gas. George took off running as the Denali barreled down on him. He tried running on the sidewalk, hoping that it would deter the driver, but it didn't. The Denali jumped the curb and slammed into George, sending him flying through the window of a delicatessen.

While they were waiting for Animal and the others, Cain spotted George trying to get out of Dodge. He expected to see his comrades on George's heels, but when they never surfaced he figured something was wrong. He and Sonja debated as to whether to follow George or wait for Animal and the others. They eventually opted to go after George and double back when they'd gotten him under wraps.

Cain hopped out of the car and walked causally around to the curb. He stepped through the broken gla.s.s and sat George up. George seemed to be dazed so Cain slapped him a few time until he was lucid. "Can you walk?"

"I think my leg is broken, man," George clutched his ruined leg. It was bent at a very uncomfortable looking angle.

"Then hobble on your good one," Cain pulled him to his feet, and draped George's arm around his shoulder for support, while he half dragged him to the car. People looked on in shock as Cain stuffed him into the back of the Denali, and proceeded to bind his wrists and ankles with duct tape. Cain seemed not to notice them.

"Please, you gotta take me to a hospital," George pleaded. In addition to his leg being broke, he felt like the truck had caved all his ribs in.

Cain leaned in to whisper to George. "If my brother doesn't come out of that place in one piece the only place you'll be going is h.e.l.l. I don't give a f.u.c.k who your mama is or whose kid she's trying to kidnap. If something has happened to my family, you're meat," he slammed the back of the truck shut.

"You f.u.c.king idiot, why did you hit him with the car? You could've killed him and we need him alive," Sonja barked once Cain was back behind the wheel.

Cain shrugged. "I could've killed him, but he's still breathing, ain't he?"

Sonja shook her head. "I swear, f.u.c.king with you street is gonna get me and my baby killed."

Cain turned his eyes to her. "It's us street that are the only thing keeping you and that kid alive, and we're doing it for free. If I were you, I'd try being a little more thankful and less of a b.i.t.c.h. Now let's get back to the spot so we can find out what the h.e.l.l is going on with our people," he told her, putting the car in gear and pulling out into traffic as if nothing had happened.

Animal and the others decided that ride or not, they were getting the h.e.l.l away from the crime scene, so they took off on foot. Animal and Ashanti drew more than their share of attention, running through midtown with handcuffs on. People screamed and pointed at the fugitives.

One brave soul tried to play hero, tackling little Ashanti to the ground and trying to hold him until the police arrived. It would cost him dearly. Abel walked up behind the man as he and Ashanti struggled, and blew his brains out in front of a few dozen witnesses. It didn't matter to him at that point. After what he'd done in the club, he'd be a hunted man for all his day and he seriously doubted the police would give him the benefit of a fair trail after killing two of their own.

The gunshots attracted the attention of two beat-walkers who happened to be across the street. "Stop . . . police!" one of them screamed. Abel responded by sending a hail of bullets at them.

"Let's go!" Abel barked, helping Ashanti to his feet.

The three of them took off running, with the police hot on their heels. It seemed like every block they pa.s.sed, more people joined the chase. Soon they had a mob of police and citizens behind them. They had crossed 59th street and were heading for Central Park. If they could make it, they still had a chance to loose them under the cover of the dark park, but this was not to be. A police cruiser cut off their path, and two officers spilled out with their guns drawn. Between the cruiser and the mob, they were trapped.

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