The History of Australian Exploration from 1788 to 1888 Part 58

The History of Australian Exploration from 1788 to 1888 -

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1863--C. C. Hunt and Ridley to the De Grey River.

1863--Colonists landed at the De Grey River, and settled on country discovered by Frank Gregory.

1863--Jardine, sen., formed the settlement of Somerset, Cape York.

1863--William Landsborough; in charge of the new towns.h.i.+p, Burketown, Gulf of Carpentaria.

1864-65--Jardine Brothers; overland to Somerset, on the west coast of Cape York.

1864--Colonel Finnis formed a settlement at Escape Cliffs.

1864--J. M'Kinlay on the Alligator River; searching for suitable site for a towns.h.i.+p; his last expedition.

1864--Duncan M'Intyre; from Paroo to the Gulf of Carpentaria; died there.

1864--C. C. Hunt; exploration east of York, Western Australia.

1865--G. W. Goyder; removed settlement of Escape Cliffs to Port Darwin.

1865--J. G. Macdonald; visited the Plains of Promise.

1864--Frederick Walker; marking a telegraph line from the back of Rockingham Bay to the Norman River, Gulf of Carpentaria.

1866-7--Sir George Strong Nares, in command of H.M.S. SALAMANDER; surveyed the eastern and north-eastern coasts of Australia and Torres Straits.

1869--John Forrest; first expedition to Lake Barlee.

1869--J. M'Dowall Stuart; died in England.

1870--John Forrest; travelled the Great Bight, from Perth to Adelaide.

1871--A. Forrest; took charge of a private expedition in search of new pastoral country.

1872--J. W. Lewis; round Lake Eyre to the Queensland border.

1872--Ernest Giles; first expedition; discovered Lake Amadeus--a large, dry, salt lake.

1872--William Hann; explorations to Charlotte Bay.

1873--Ernest Giles; second trip; death of Gibson; Gibson's Desert named.

1873--Major Warburton; crossed from Alice Springs, overland telegraph line, to the Oakover River, Western Australia.

1873--W. C. Gosse; in charge of Central and Western Exploration expedition from Alice Springs.

1874--Ross and son started from Peake Station, but failed in their endeavours to bridge the desert.

1874--John Forrest; from the Murchison to the overland telegraph line.

1874--John M'Kinlay; died at Gawler, South Australia.

1875--J. W. Lewis, formerly one of Warburton's party, and W. Beresford, were sent by the South Australian Government to survey the country about Lake Eyre.

1875-76--Ernest Giles; third and successful effort to reach Western Australia; returned to Peake Station.

1876--Gilbert M'Minn, and A. W. Sergison; to ascertain the course of the Katherine River.

1877--A. W. Sergison and R. Travers explored the country round the Daly and Fitzmaurice Rivers.

1877--Ross and Harvey; explorations in South Australia.

1876--W. 0. Hodgkinson; north-west expedition to the Diamantina and Mulligan.

1876--Phillip Saunders and Adam Johns; from Roeburn, Western Australia, to the overland telegraph line.

1878--Prout Brothers; looking for country across the Queensland border; never returned.

1878--N. Buchanan; excursion to the overland telegraph line, from Queensland border. Discovered Buchanan's Creek.

1878--Frank Scarr, surveyor, attempted to cross the line south of Buchanan's track; prevented by waterless belt of country; made north to Tennant's Creek Station.

1878-79--Ernest Favenc; in charge of the QUEENSLANDER Transcontinental Expedition, from Blackall to Powell's Creek Station, overland telegraph line.

1879--Alexander Forrest led an expedition from the De Grey River, Western Australia, to the overland telegraph line; discovered the Ord and Margaret Rivers.

1878-80--Winnecke and Barclay, surveyors; to determine the border lines of Queensland and South Australia.

1882-83--Ernest Favenc; coast rivers of the Gulf, particularly the Macarthur; then crossed to the overland telegraph line.

1883--O'Donnel and Carr Boyd; from the overland telegraph line to Kimberley District, Western Australia.

1883--M'Phee; east of Daly Waters.

1883--David Lindsay; explored Arnheim's Land.

1884-85--Harry Stockdale; from Cambridge Gulf to the Katherine Telegraph Station, overland telegraph line.

1884-5--Messrs. O'Donnel and party; from the Katherine Telegraph Station to the Kimberley District.

1888--Ernest Favenc; to examine the country on the Gascoyne and Murchison, starting from Geraldton, Western Australia.

The End

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