The History Of Painting In Italy Volume Vi Part 8

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Bicchierai, Antonio, painted at Rome in 1730. _Guida di Roma._ ii. 306.

Bicci, di, Lorenzo, a Florentine, d. about 1450. _Vasari._ i. 65.

---- Neri, his son. _Vasari._ i. 65.

Bigari, Vittorio, a Bolognese, b. 1692, d. 1776. _Guida di Bologna._ v.


Bigatti, Galeazzi, Minelli, Scholars of Cignani. _Crespi._ v. 254.

Bigi, Felice, of Parma; according to Orlandi, a Roman, taught at Verona about 1680. _Orlandi._ iii. 388.

Bigio, Marco, a Sienese, flourished about 1530. _Della Valle._ i. 435.

---- _see_ Brazze.

Bigolaro, _see_ Bernardi.

Bilia, della, Gio. Batista, of Citta di Castello, lived towards the middle of the sixteenth century. _Vasari._ ii. 165.

Bilivert, Gio., a Florentine, b. 1576, d. 1644. _Baldinucci._ i. 286.

Bimbi, Bartolom., a Florentine, b. 1648, d. about 1725. _Roy. Gall._ i.


Bissolo, Franc., a Venetian, flourished about 1520. _Zanetti._ iii. 62.

Bissoni, Gio. Bat., a Paduan, d. 1636, aged 60. _Ridolfi._ iii. 299.

Bitino, painted at Rimini in 1407. _MS._ v. 40.

Bittonte, or Il Ballerino, Gio., of Vicenza, d. 1678, aged 45. _Melchiori._ iii. 314.

Bizzelli, Gio., a Florentine, pupil to Alessandro Allori. _Borghini._ b.

1556. _Orlandi._ i. 257.

Blaceo, Bernardino, of Friuli, painted in 1540. _Renaldis._ His work at S.

Lucia di Udine bearing date 1553. _MS._ iii. 134.

Blanseri, Vittorio, of Turin, d. 1775, aged about 40. _MS._ v. 486.

Bles, de, _see_ Civetta.

Boccaccino, Boccaccio, of Cremona, painted about 1496, d. aged 58.

_Vasari._ About 1518. _Zaist._ At S. Vincenzo is one of his paintings, bearing date 1516. _Oretti, Memorie._ iv. 155.

---- Camillo, his son, painted in 1527, d. 1546. _Zaist._ iv. 163.

---- Franc., d. old, about 1750. _Zaist._ iv. 197.

Bocchi, Faustino, a Brescian, b. 1659, living in 1718. _Orlandi._ d. about 1742. _MS._ _Carbone presso l'Oretti._ iii. 341.

Bocciardo, Clemente, a Genoese, called Clementone, d. at Pisa, about 1658, aged 38. _Soprani._ v. 413.

---- Domenico, di Finale, in the Genovese, d. 1746, aged about 60. _Ratti._ v. 439.

Bocatis, Gio. di Camerino, painted in 1447. _Mariotti._ ii. 19.

Boetto, Giovenal, di Fossano. Notices of him from 1642 to 1682. _Della Valle._ v. 472.

Bologhino, or rather Bolgarino, Bartolommeo, a Siennese, scholar of Pietro Laurati. _Vasari._ i. 398.

Bologna, da, or Bolognese, M. Domenico, painted in Cremona about 1537.

_Guida di Cremona._ v. 53.

---- Ercole, flourished about 1450. _Malvasia._ v. 23.

---- Franco, painted in 1313. _MS._ v. 12.

Bologna, da, Galante, pupil to Lippo Dalmasio. _Vasari._ v. 22.

---- Guido, painted in 1280. _Malvasia._ v. 6.

---- Giovanni, an ancient painter, _Zanetti._ v. 19.

---- Jacopo di Paolo, or Avanzi, painted in 1384. _Malvasia._ In the _Oretti Memorie_ is cited the register of S. Procolo, where he painted in 1418. v. 18. _See_ Avanzi.

---- Lattanzio, _see_ Mainardi.

---- Lorenzino, _see_ Sabbatini.

---- Lorenzo, perhaps a Venetian, painted in 1368. _Ercolani Catalogue._ v.


---- Maso, painted in 1404. _Orlandi._ v. 20.

---- Orazio, and Pietro di Jacopo. The first flourished in 1445. _Guida di Bologna._ v. 19.

---- Pellegrino, _see_ Tibaldi.

---- Severo, painted about 1460. _Malvasia._ v. 22.

---- Simone, called da' Crocifissi, painted in 1377. _Malvasia._ v. 17.

---- Ventura. His paintings from 1197 until 1217. _Malvasia._ v. 6.

---- Vitale, called dalle Madonne, painted in 1345. _Malvasia._ v. 13.

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