The History Of Painting In Italy Volume Vi Part 77

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---- The same. Of _Mantuan Letters and Arts_, in two discourses. Mantua, 1774, 4to. iv. 31, 85.

Bevilacqua, Ippolito. _Memoirs of the Life of the Painter Gio. Bettino Cignaroli._ Verona, 1771, 8vo. iii. 380.

Bianconi. _See Guida_ of Milan and of Bologna.

---- The same. _Letter on a Miniature of Simon da Siena_, in second vol. of Sienese Letters, by P. della Valle, i. 392.

Bibiena, da, Ferdinando Galli. _Directions for young Students of Civil Architecture._ Bologna, 1725, 8vo. The same, with new additions, 1731, 8vo.

2 vols. Ed. of Parma was in 1711. v. 272.

Boni, Ab. Mauro. _On the painting of a Banner of the Fraternity of S. Maria di Castello, and on other works executed in Friuli by Gio. da Udine._ Udine, 1797, 8vo. iii. 249.

---- Cav. Onofrio. _Eulogy on the Cav. Pompeo Batoni._ Rome, 1787, 8vo. ii.


Borghini, Raffaello. _Il Riposo._ Florence, 1584, 8vo.; and again with annotations, 1730, 4to. Cited, _Preface_, x.x.xii. i. 231, _et seq._

Borsieri, Girolamo. _See Morigia._ Milan, 1619, 8vo.

Boschini, Marco. _La Carta del Navegar Pittoresco._ Venice, 1660, 4to.

Cited often in book i. of volume iii. Noticed, p. 52. The plan of this work, iii. 260. His verses, v. 427.

Boschini. _See Guida_ of Venice and of Vicenza.

Bottari, Monsig. Gio. _Notes to the Lives of Vasari._ The edition made use of is that commenced at Leghorn, and continued at Florence in seven volumes, 8vo. from 1767 to 1772. Cited in _Pref._ x.x.xiii. and often throughout the work. Its scope and merit, i. 242. Not approved, i. 17, 165, 179, 181, 183, 264, 410, ii. 40, 363, iv. 101, 153, 215, 224, 234, v. 35.

---- The same. _Notes to the Letters on Painting._ _Pref._ xx. i. 240, 432.

---- The same. _Dialogues on the Fine Arts._ Lucca, 1754, 8vo. ii. 7.

Brandolese, Pietro. _Testimonianze intorno alla Patavinita di Andrea Mantegna._ Padua, 1805, 8vo. iii. 70.

---- _Doubts as to the Existence of the Painter Giovanni Vivarino da Murano, newly confirmed, and refutation of a pretended authority to support it._ Padua, 1807, 8vo. iii. 22.

Bugati, Dottor Gaetano. _Historical and critical Notices of the Reliques and Wors.h.i.+p of S. Celso Martire._ Milan, 1782, 4to. iv. 208.

Bure, Guillaume Francois de, _Bibliographie Instructive_, vol. viii. 8vo.

Paris, 1763, 1782. i. 141.


Cambrucci. _History MS. of Feltre._ iii. 78.

Campi, Cav. Ant. _Le Cronache di Cremona_, 1575, fol.; and again at Milan, 1645, 4to. iv. 155, 159, 173, 184.

Carducci, Vincenzio. _De las Excelencias de la Pintura._ _Baldinucci_; or a _Dialogue on Painting, its definition, origin, and essence._ Madrid, 1633, 4to. i. 267.

Carrari, Vincenzo. _Oration and Verses by several hands on the Death of Luca Longhi._ Ravenna, 1681, 4to. iv. 103.

Castiglione, Fr. Sabba. _Recollections, or Directions._ Venice, 1555, 4to.

iv. 248.

_Catalogue of the existing Pictures and Paintings in the Casa Colonna._ Rome, 1783, 8vo. ii. 268, and in the Index.

_Catalogue of the Pictures, Drawings, and Books, which treat of the Art of Design, from the Gallery of the late Count Algarotti, in Venice, drawn up by the Architect Antonio Selva_, 8vo. iii. 315, v. 260.

---- Ercolani. _Verses and Prose written on a Series of excellent Paintings in possession of Signor Marco Filippo Ercolani, Prince of the Empire._ A work of the painter Jacopo Alessandro Calvi. Bologna, 1780, 4to. iii. 16, and often in vol. v.

---- _of Pictures now in possession of D. Gio. Dottor Vianelli, Canon of the Cathedral of Chioggia_. Venice, 1790, 4to. v. 193, 415, and in the Index I.

_Diary of the years 1720 and 1721, written by Rosalba Carriera; ill.u.s.trated and published by the same Vianelli._ Venice, 1793, 4to. v. 255.

Cavazzone, Francesco. _Corona di grazie, favori, o miracoli della gloriosa Vergine Maria, fatti in Bologna, dove si tratta delle sue sante e miracolose immagini cavate dal suo naturale._ _MS._ with date 1606.

_Example of the n.o.ble Art of Design, &c._ _MS._ with date of 1612. They are recorded by Crespi in his _Felsina_, p. 18. v. 27, 196.

Caylus, Bachiliere, Cochin the younger, writers upon painting in caustic, v. 353.

Cellini, Benvenuto. _Two Treatises: one respecting the eight parts of the Goldsmith's Art; the other on matters connected with that of Sculpture, &c._ Florence, 1731, 4to. i. 110, 126, iv. 227, 240.

---- The same. _Life of Benvenuto Cellini, written by himself._ Cologne, without date (which is Naples, 1728. See Note on the works of Cocchi, who wrote the preface). i. 93, 168.

Cennini, Andrea. _Treatise on Painting._ _MS._ i. 89.

Christ, Jo. Frederic. _Dictionnaire des Monogrammes, Lettres Initiales, &c.

translated from the German, with additions._ Paris, 1750, 8vo. i. 128.

Cignaroli, Giambettino, a Veronese. _Series of Veronese Painters inserted in vol. iii. of the Cronaca dello Zagata; and MS. notes to the work of Pozzo on the Veronese Painters_. iii. 4.

Cittadella, Cesare. _Historical Catalogue of the Painters and Sculptors of Ferrara._ Ferrara, 1782, vol. iv. 8vo. v. 283, _et seq._

Civalli, P. Provincial of the Conventuali _Visita Triennale_, inserted in vol. xxv. of the _Antichita Picene_. iii. 29, v. 34.

Cochin, Charles Nicholas. _Voyage d'Italie, &c._ Paris, 1758, 3 vols. 8vo.

Lausanne, 1773, 3 vols. 12mo. Opinion on this work, pref. x.x.xvi. Cited, v.

305, and elsewhere.

Colucci, Ab. Giuseppe. _Antichita Picene._ Fermo, 21 vols. fol. 1792. ii.

8, 313, and elsewhere.

Combe, la, Mr. _Portable Dictionary of the Fine Arts._ Paris, 1752, 1754, 8vo. vols. ii. Pref. xxi. Corrected, iii. 113.

Comolli, Ab. _Inedited Life of Raffaello d'Urbino, ill.u.s.trated with notes._ Rome, 1791, 4to. 2d ed. ii. 51, 52.

Conca, D. Antonio. _Descrizione Odeporica della Spagna, &c._ 4 vols. Parma, 1793, _et seq._ 8vo. i. 178, and in the Index.

Condivi, Ascanio. _Life of Michelangiolo Bonarruoti._ Rome, 1553, 4to. i.

150, _et seq._

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