The History Of Painting In Italy Volume Vi Part 74

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Viviani, Ottavio, a Brescian, a scholar of Sandrino. _Orlandi._ ii. 261, iii. 345.

---- Antonio, called Il Sordo d'Urbino, (others say of Ancona,) d. in the pontificate of Paul V. _Baglione._ ii. 189.

---- Lodovico, di Urbino, flourished 1650. _Guida di Urbino._ ii. 190.

---- il, _see_ Codagora.

Ulivelli, Cosimo, a Florentine, b. 1625, d. 1704. _R. Gall. of Flor._ i.


Voglar, Carlo, b. at Maestricht in 1653, d. at Rome in 1695. _Pascoli._ ii.


Volpati, Gio. Batista, di Ba.s.sano, a scholar of Novelli. _MS._ b. 1633, d.

1706. _Guida di Ba.s.sano._ iii. 315.

Volpi, Stefano, a Sienese, perhaps a scholar of Casolani. _See Il Pecci_, p. 51. i. 441.

Volterra, da, or Volterrano, _see_ Ricciarelli and Franceschini.

Voltolino, Andrea, a Veronese, d. 1718, aged 75. _Pozzo._ iii. 325.

Voltri, da, in the Genovese, Niccol, painted in 1401. _Soprani._ v. 359.

Volvino, author of the _Palliotto d'Oro_, Gold Pallium or Mantle, at Milan in the tenth century. iv. 208.

Vos, de, Martino, of Antwerp, d. at advanced age in 1604. _Sandrart._ iii.


Vovet, Simon, of Paris, d. 1649, aged 59. _Lacombe._ Or b. 1582, d. 1641.

_Abrege_, tom. iv. Or d. 1648, aged 53. _Bardon_, tom. ii. ii. 203, v. 393.

Urbani, Michelangiolo, a Cortonese, a painter upon gla.s.s, living in 1564.

_Lett. Pitt._, tom. iii. i. 227.

Urbanis, Giulio, di S. Daniello, painted in 1574. _MS._ iii. 133.

Urbano, Pietro, a Pistoiese, a scholar of Bonarruoti. _Vasari._ i. 179.

Urbinelli, b. at Urbino, lived in the seventeenth century. _Guida di Urbino._ ii. 197.

Urbini, or Urbino, Carlo, da Crema, made his will in 1585. _Tibald. di Vicenza._ iii. 336, iv. 288.

Urbino, di, Crocchia, a scholar of Raffaello. _Baldinucci._ ii. 117.

---- Gio. and Francesco, lived about 1575. _Conca._ ii. 190.

---- il Prete, _see_ Della Vite.

---- Raffaello, _see_ Sanzio. Terenzio, _see_ Terenzi.

Uroom, Enrico, called Enrico di Spagna, and, as appears, also Enrico delle Marine, b. at Haarlem in 1566. _Sandrart._ ii. 248.


Waals, G.o.dfrey, a German, scholar of _Soprani._ v. 394.

Wael, Cornelius, of Antwerp, painted at Genoa in 1665. _Soprani._ v. 394.

Wallint, Francesco, called Monsieur Studio. _MS._ ii. 330.

---- Juniore, his son. _ib._


Zaccagna, Turpino, a Cortonese, living in 1537. _Bottari._ i. 99.

Zacchetti, Bernardino, a Modenese, living in 1523. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 51.

Zacchia, Paolo, called Il Vecchio, of Lucca, painted in 1527. _MS._ i. 102.

---- il Giovane, the younger; he is called Lorenzo di Ferro Zacchia. _MS._ Lived in the sixteenth century. _ib._

Zaccolini, P. Matteo, a Theatine monk of Cesena, d. 1630, aged about 40.

_Baglione._ ii. 260, v. 95. _See_ the Second Index for his Ma.n.u.script Treatises. ii. 260.

Zaganelli, _see_ Da Cotignola.

Zagnani, Anton Maria, a Bolognese, living in 1689. _Crespi._ v. 205.

Zago, Santo, a Venetian, scholar of t.i.tian. _Ridolfi._ iii. 162.

Zais, Giuseppe, a Venetian, d. old about 1784. _MS._ iii. 385.

Zaist, Gio. Batista, a Cremonese, b. 1700, d. 1757. _Panni._ iv. 205.

Zamboni, Matteo, a Bolognese, scholar of Cignani, d. young. _Crespi._ v.


Zambono, Michele, a Venetian mosaic worker, flourished about 1505.

_Zanetti._ iii. 251.

Zampezzo, Gio. Batista, da Cittadella, in the Paduan district, d. 1700, aged 80. _Melchiori._ iii. 210.

Zampieri, Domenichino, a Bolognese, d. 1641, aged 60. _Bellori._ _Preface_, x.x.xiv. ii. 207, 398. v. 127.

Zanata, Gioseffo, a Milanese, living in 1718. _Orlandi._ iv. 315.

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