The History Of Painting In Italy Volume Vi Part 44

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Milanesi, Filippo and Carlo, painters of the fifteenth century. _Lomazzo._ iv. 223.

Milani, Giulio Cesare, a Bolognese, b. 1621, d. aged 57. _Orlandi._ v. 164.

---- Aureliano, his nephew, b. 1675, d. 1749, at Rome. _Crespi._ v. 233.

Milano, da, Agostino, scholar of Suardi. _Lomazzo._ iv. 181.

---- Andrea, living in 1495. _Zanetti._ iv. 233.

---- another Andrea da Milano, _see_ Solari.

---- Francesco, was living in 1540. _Federici._ iii. 185.

---- Gio., painted in 1370. _Vasari._ i. 60, iv. 211.

Milocco, Antonio, of Turin, a painter of this age. _Pitture d'Italia._ v.


Minga, del, Andrea, a Florentine, was living in 1568. _Vasari._ i. 264.

Mini, Antonio, a Florentine, pupil of Bonarruoti. _Vasari._ i. 179.

Miniati, Bartol., a Florentine a.s.sistant of Rosso. _Vasari._ i. 209.

Miniera, Biagio, of Ascoli, d. 1755, aged 58. _Guida di Ascoli._ ii. 288.

Minniti, Mario, a Syracusan, b. 1577, d. 1640. _Hakert._ ii. 320.

Minorello, Franc., di Este, d. 1657, aged 33. _Guida di Padova_, iii. 308.

Minozzi, Bernardo, a Bolognese, b. 1699, d. 1769. _Guida di Bologna._ v.


Minzocchi, Franc., called Il Vecchio di S. Bernardo, of Forli. _Vasari._ d.

1574, upwards of 61. _Carte Oretti._ v. 84.

---- Pietro Paolo, his son, v. 85.

---- Sebastiano, another son, his painting of 1593, _ib._

Mio, de, Gio., di Vicenza, perhaps surnamed _Fratina_, painted in 1556.

_Zanetti._ iii. 170.

Miozzi, Niccolo and Marcantonio, of Vicenza, lived about 1670. _Guida di Rovigo._ iii. 314.

Miradoro, Luigi, called Il Genovesino, painted in 1647. _Zaist._ One of his works is at S. Imerio, bearing date 1651. _Oretti, Mem._ iv. 197.

Mirandola, Domenico, a Bolognese, scholar of the Caracci. _Malvasia._ Interred at S. Tommaso di Mercato in Bologna, 1612. _Oretti, Mem._ v. 197.

Mirandolese, _see_ Paltronieri, _see_ Perracini.

Mireti, Girolamo, a Paduan, by Vasari called Moretto. His notices, 1423 and 1441. _MS._ iii. 68.

Miretto, Gio., a Paduan, perhaps brother, or relative of the preceding.

_See Notizia Morelli._ iii. 13.

Miruoli, Girolamo, of Romagna, according to _Vasari_, or Bologna. _Masini._ d. about 1570. _Guida di Bologna._ v. 62.

Misciroli, Tommaso, da Faenza, called Il Pittor Villano, d. 1699, aged 63.

_Orlandi._ v. 201.

Mitelli, Agostino, b. in the Bolognese in 1609, d. 1660. _Crespi._ i. 311, v. 210, 440.

---- Giuseppe, his son, b. 1634, d. 1718. _Zanotti._ v. 212, 213.

Mocetto, Girol., a Venetian, painted in 1484. _MS._ iii. 59.

Modanino, il, _see_ Mazzoni.

Modena, da, Barnaba, painted in 1377. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 34, v. 451.

---- Niccoletto, his engravings from 1500 to 1515. _Tiraboschi._ i. 122, iv. 37.

---- Pellegrino, _see_ Munari.

---- Tommaso, painted in 1352. _Tiraboschi._ i. 87, iv. 33.

Modigliana, di, Francesco, di Forli. _Guida di Rimini._ Lived about 1600.

v. 86.

Modonino, Gio. Batista, d. about 1656. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 69.

Moietta, Vincenzio, da Caravaggio, flourished at Milan about 1500.

_Morigia._ iv. 234.

Mola, Gio. Batista, a Frenchman, a scholar of Albano. _Malvasia._ d. 1661, aged 45. _Oretti. Register of the Chiesa delle Lame._ v. 139.

Mola, Pierfrancesco, of the Luganese district, or of the diocese of Como, b. 1612, d. 1668. _Pa.s.seri._ Or b. at Coldre, 1621, d. 1666. _Pascoli_, and _Maiette Descriz._ ii. 216, iv. 326, v. 139.

Molinaretto, _see_ Dalle Piane.

Molinari, Ant., a Venetian, was employed in 1727. _Melch._ iii. 351.

---- Gio. Batista, his father, b. 1636. _Melchiori._ _ib._

---- Gio. di Savigliano, scholar of Beaumont, b. 1721, d. 1793. _Vernazza._ v. 486.

Mombasilio, Cav., painted at Turin about 1675. _See Pitture d'Italia._ v.

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