The Wonders of the Invisible World Part 12

The Wonders of the Invisible World -

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_George Sinclare_, in his Book Ent.i.tuled, _Satans Invisible World discovered_,[29] has these Words, 'I am undoubtedly informed, that men and women in the High-lands can discern Fatality approaching others, by seeing them in the Waters or with Winding Sheets about them. And that others can lecture in a Sheeps shoulder-bone a Death within the Parish seven or eight Days before it come. It is not improbable but that such Preternatural Knowledge comes first by a Compact with the Devil, and is derived downward by Succession to their Posterity: Many such I suppose are Innocent, and have this sight against their Will and Inclination.'

Thus Mr. _Sinclare_, I concur with his supposal, that such Knowledge is originally from Satan, and perhaps the Effect of some old Inchantment.

There are some at this day in the World, that if they come into a House where one of the Family will die within a Fortnight, the smell of a dead Corpse offends them to such a degree, as that they cannot stay in that House. It is reported that near unto the Abby of St. _Maurice_ in _Burgundy_[30] there is a Fishpond in which are Fishes put according to the number of the Monks of that place; if any one of them happened to be sick, there is a Fish seen to Float and Swim above Water half dead, and if the Monk shall die, the Fish a few days before dieth. In some parts in _Wales_ Death-lights or Corps Candles (as they call them) are seen in the night time going from the House where some body will shortly die, and pa.s.sing in to the Church-yard. Of this, my Honoured and never to be forgotten Friend Mr. _Richard Baxter_,[31] has given an Account in his Book about Witchcrafts lately Published: what to make of such things, except they be the effects of some old Inchantment, I know not; nor what Natural Reason to a.s.sign for that which I find amongst the Observations of the _Imperial Academy_ for the Year 1687, _viz._ That in an Orchard where are choice _Damascen_ Plumbs, the Master of the Family being sick of a _Quartan Ague_, whilst he continued very ill, four of his Plumb-trees instead of Damascens brought forth a vile sort of yellow Plumbs: but recovering Health, the next Year the Tree did (as formerly) bear Damascens again; but when after that he fell into a fatal Dropsie, on those Trees were seen not Damascens, but another sort of Fruit. The same Author[32] gives Instances of which he had the certain knowledge, concerning Apple-trees and Pear-trees, that the Fruit of them would on a sudden wither as if they had been baked in an Oven, when the owners of them were mortally sick. It is no less strange that in the Ill.u.s.trious Electoral[33] House of _Brandenburg_ before the Death of some one of the Family Feminine Spectres appeared: [34]and often in the Houses of Great men, Voices and Visions from the Invisible World have been the Harbingers of Death. When any Heir in the Wors.h.i.+pful Family of the _Breertons_ in _Ches.h.i.+re_ is near his Death, there are seen in a Pool adjoyning, Bodies of Trees swimming for certain days together, on which Learned _Cambden_[35] has this note, _These and such like things are done either by the Holy Tutelar Angels of Men, or else by the Devils, who by G.o.ds Permission mightily shew their Power in this Inferiour World._ As for Mr. _Sinclare's_ Notion that some Persons may have a _second Sight_, (as 'tis termed) and yet be themselves Innocent, I am satisfied that he judgeth right; for this is common amongst the _Laplanders_, who are horribly addicted to Magical Incantations: They bequeath their _Daemons_ to their Children as a Legacy, by whom they are often a.s.sisted (like Bewitched Persons as they are) to see and do things beyond the Power of Nature. An Historian who deserves Credit, relates,[36] that a certain _Laplander_ gave him a true and particular Account of what had happened to him in his Journey to _Lapland_; and further complained to him with Tears, that things at great distance were represented to him, and how much he desired to be Delivered from that Diabolical Sight, but could not; this doubtless was caused by some Inchantment. But to proceed to what I intend; the Eyes of Persons by reason of Inchanting Charms, may not only see what others do not, but be under such power of Fascination, as that things which are not, shall appear to them as real: The Apostle speaks of _Bewitched Eyes_, _Gal.

3.1._ and we know from Scripture, that the Imaginations of men have by Inchantments been imposed upon; and Histories abound with very strange Instances of this Nature: The old Witch _Circe_ by an Inchanted Cup caused _Ulysses_ his Companions to imagine themselves to be turned into Swine; and how many Witches have been themselves so bewitched by the Devil, as really to believe that they were transformed into Wolves, or Dogs, or Cats. It is reported of _Simon Magus_,[37] that by his Sorceries he would so impose on the Imaginations of People, as that they thought he had really changed himself into another sort of Creature.

_Opollonius_ of _Tyana_ could out do _Simon_ with his Magick: The great _Bohemian_ Conjurer _Zyto_[38] by his Inchantments, caused certain Persons whom he had a mind to try his Art upon, to imagine that their Hands were turned into the Feet of an Ox, or into the Hoofs of a Horse, so that they could not reach to the Dishes before them to take any thing thence; he sold Wisps of Straw to a Butcher who bought them for Swine; that many such prestigious Pranks were played, by the unhappy _Faustus_, is attested by _Camerarius_, _Wyerus_, _Voetius_, _Lavater_, and _Lonicer_.

There is newly Published a Book (mentioned in the _Acta Eruditorum_) wherein the Author [39](_Wiechard Valva.s.sor_) relates, that a _Venetian_ Jew instructed him (only he would not attend his Instructions) how to make a Magical Gla.s.s which should represent any Person or thing according as he should desire. If a Magician by an Inchanted Gla.s.s can do this, he may as well by the help of a Daemon cause false _Idaeas_ of Persons and Things to be impressed on the Imaginations of bewitched Persons; the Blood and Spirits of a Man, that is bitten with a Mad-Dog, are so envenomed, as that strange Impressions are thereby made on his Imagination: let him be brought into a Room where there is a Looking-Gla.s.s, and he will (if put upon it) not only say but swear that he sees a Dog, tho' in truth there is no Dog it may be within 20 Miles of him; and is it not then possible for the Dogs of h.e.l.l to poyson the Imaginations of miserable Creatures, so as that they shall believe and swear that such Persons hurt them as never did so? I have heard of an Inchanted Pin, that has caused the Condemnation and Death of many scores of innocent Persons. There was a notorious _Witchfinder_ in _Scotland_, that undertook by a Pin, to make an infallible Discovery of suspected Persons, whether they were Witches or not, if when the Pin was run an Inch or two into the Body of the accused Party no Blood appeared, nor any sense of Pain, then he declared them to be Witches; by means hereof my Author tells me no less then 300 persons were Condemned for Witches in that Kingdom. This b.l.o.o.d.y Jugler after he had done enough in _Scotland_, came to the Town of _Berwick_ upon _Tweed_; an honest Man now living in _New-England_ a.s.sureth me, that he saw the Man thrust a great Bra.s.s Pin two Inches into the Body of one, that some would in that way try whether there was Witchcraft in the Case or no: the accused Party was not in the least sensible of what was done, and therefore in danger of receiving the Punishment justly due for Witchcraft; only it so happened, that Collonel _Fenwick_ (that worthy Gentleman, who many years since lived in _New-England_) was then the Military Governour in that Town; he sent for the Mayor and Magistrates advising them to be careful and cautious in their proceedings; for he told them, it might be an Inchanted Pin, which the Witchfinder made use of: Whereupon the Magistrates of the place ordered that he should make his Experiment with some other Pin as they should appoint: But that he would by no means be induced unto, which was a sufficient Discovery of the Knavery and Witchery of the Witchfinder. There is a strange Diabolical Energy goeth along with _Incantations_. If _Balak_ had not known that he would not have sent for _Balaam_, to see whether he could inchant the Children of _Israel_. The Scripture intimates that Inchantments will keep a Serpent from biting, _Eccles. 10.11._ A Witch in _Sweedland_ confessed, that the Devil gave her a wooden Knife; and that if she did but touch any living thing with that Knife, it would die immediately: And that there is a wonderful Power of the Devil attending things inchanted, we have confirmed by a prodigious Instance in Major _Weir_, a _Scotch_ Man: That wretched Man was a perfect Prodigy; a Man of great Parts; esteemed a Saint, yet lived in secret Uncleanness with his own Sister for thirty four Years together: After his wickedness was discovered, he did not seem to be troubled at any of his Crimes, excepting that he had caused a poor Woman to be publickly whipped, because she reported that she had seen him committing b.e.s.t.i.a.lity; which thing was true, only the Woman could not prove it. This horrid Creature, if he had his _Inchanted Staff_ in his Hand could pray to admiration, and do extraordinary things, as is more amply related in the Postscript to Mr. _Sinclares_ his Book before mentioned: But if he had not his Inchanted Rod to lean upon, he could not transform himself into an Angel of Light: But by all these things we may conclude, that it is not impossible, but that a guilty Conjurer, that so he may render himself the less suspected, may by his Magical Art and Inchantment, cause innocent Persons to be represented as afflicting those whom the Devil and himself are the Tormentors of.

Arg. 5. _The Truth we affirm is so evident, as that many Learned and Judicious Men have freely subscribed unto it._

The memorable Relation of the Devils a.s.suming the shape of an innocent Citizen in _Zurick_, is in the Judgment of that great Divine _Lud Lavater_, of weighty Consideration: And he declares, that he does therefore mention it, that so Judges might be cautelous in their Proceedings in Cases of this nature, inasmuch as the Devil does often in that way intangle innocent Persons, and bring them into great Troubles.

His Words are, [40]_Hanc Historiam ideo recito, ut Judices, in hujusmodi, Casibus cauti sint: Diabolus enim hac via saepe innocentibus insidiatur._ He confirms what he saith by reciting a Pa.s.sage out of _Alertus Granzius_, who writes that the Devil was seen in the shape of a n.o.bleman to come out of the Empress's Chamber: But to clear her Innocency, she (according to the superst.i.tious _Ordeals_ then in fas.h.i.+on) walked blindfold over a great many of glowing hot Irons without touching any of them. _Voetius_ in his [41]Disputation of _Spectres_ proposeth that Question, whether the Devil may not untruly personate a G.o.dly Man, and answers in the Affirmative: And withal adds, that it is a sufficient Argument (_ad hominem_) to answer the Papists with their own Histories, which give Instances of Satan's appearing in the Figure of Saints, nay of Christ himself. And in his Discourse concerning the _Operations of Daemons_[42] he has the like _Problem_, whether the Devil may not possibly put on the shape of a true Believer, a real Saint, not only of such as are dead, but still living, and answers, _Quidni?_ Why not? It is true Popish _Casuists_[43] do generally incline to the Negative in this Question: Nevertheless, the Instance of _Germa.n.u.s_, who saw a Company of honest People represented by the Devil, as if they had been feasting together, when they were really asleep in their Beds, does a little puzzle them, so as that they are necessitated to take up with this Conclusion, [44]_That by an extraordinary Permission of G.o.d, innocent Persons may be represented by Satan in the Nocturnal Conventicles of Witches:_ And if so, much more as afflicting bewitched Persons. _Delrio_ giveth an account of an innocent Monk, whose Reputation was indangered by a _Daemon's_ appearing in his shape. He writes more like a Divine than Jesuits use to do, when he saith that, [45]_It is not absolutely to be denied, but that the Devils may exhibite the Forms of innocent Persons, if G.o.d permit it, who when he does permit it, usually by some Providence discovers the Fraud of the Devils, that so the Innocent may be vindicated, or if not, it is to bring them to repentance for some Sin, or to try their Patience._ It is rare to see such Words dropping from the Pen of a Jesuit: As for Protestant Writers, I cannot call to mind one of any Note, that does deny the Possibility of the Affirmative, in the Question before us. Dr. _Henkelius_ has lately [46]published a learned and elaborate Discourse concerning the right Method of curing such as are obsessed with _Cacodaemons_, in which he a.s.serts, that _Satan may possibly a.s.sume the Form of innocent and pious Persons, that so he might thereby destroy their Reputations, and expose them to undue Punishments._ As for our _English_ Divines, there are not many greater _Casuists_ than Mr. _Perkins_; nor do I know any one that has written on the Case of Witchcraft with more Judgment and Clearness of Understanding: He has these Words,[47] "If a Man being dangerously sick and like to die upon suspicion, will take it on his death, that such an one has bewitched him, it is an allegation which may move the Judge to examine the Party, but it is of no moment for Conviction." The like is a.s.serted by [48]Mr. _Cooper_, Mr. _Bernard_, (once a famous Minister at _Batcomb_ in _Somerset_) his Book called _A Guide to Grand Jury-men in Cases of Witchcraft_, is a solid and wise Treatise. What his Judgment was in the Case now under debate, we may see, _pag._ 209, 210. where his Words are these; "An Apparation of the Party suspected, whom the Afflicted in their Fits seem to see, is a great suspicion; yet this is but a presumption, tho' a strong one, because these Apparitions are wrought by the Devil, who can represent to the Phansie such as the Parties use to fear, in which his representation he may well lye as in his other Witness: For if the Devil can represent to the Witch a seeming _Samuel_, saying, I see G.o.ds ascending out of the Earth, to beguile _Saul_, may we not think he can represent a common ordinary Person, Man or Woman unregenerate, tho' no Witch to the Phansie of vain Persons, to deceive them and others that will give Credit to the Devil." Thus Mr. _Bernard_.

As for the Judgment of the Elders in _New-England_, so far as I can learn, they do generally concur with Mr. _Perkins_, and Mr. _Bernard_.

This I know, that at a Meeting of Ministers at _Cambridge_, _August 1.

1692._ where were present seven elders besides the President of the _Colledge_, the Question then discoursed on, was, _Whether the Devil may not sometimes have a Permission to represent an innocent Person as tormenting such as are under Diabolical Molestations?_ The Answer which they all concurred in, was in these words, _viz._ _That the Devil may sometimes have a Permission to represent an innocent Person as tormenting such as are under Diabolical Molestations; but that such things are rare and extraordinary, especially when such Matters come before Civil Judicatures:_ And that some of the most eminent Ministers in the Land, who were not at that Meeting are of the same Judgment, I am a.s.sured: And I am also sure, that in Cases of this nature the _Priest's Lips should keep Knowledge, and they should seek the Law at his Mouth_, _Mal. 2.7._

Arg. 6. _Our own Experience has confirmed the Truth of what we affirm._

I have in another Book given an account concerning _Elizabeth Knap_ of _Groton_, who complained that a Woman as eminent for Piety as any in that Town, did appear to her, and afflict her: But afterwards she was satisfied that that Person never did her any harm, but that the Devil abused them both. About two Years ago, a bewitched Person in _Chelmsford_ in her Fits, complained that a worthy good Man, a near Relation of hers did afflict her: So did she likewise complain of another Person in that town of known integrity and Piety.

I have my self known several of whom I ought to think that they are now in Heaven, considering that they were of good Conversation, and reputed Pious by those that had the greatest Intimacy with them, of whom nevertheless, some complained that their Shapes appeared to them, and threatned them: Nor is this answered by saying, we do not know but those Persons might be Witches: We are bound by the Rule of Charity to think otherwise: And they that censure any, meerly because such a sad Affliction as their being falsly represented by Satan has befallen them, do not do as they would be done by. I bless the Lord, it was never the portion allotted to me, nor to any Relation of mine to be thus abused: But no Man knoweth what may happen to him, since _there be just Men unto whom it happeneth according to the Work of the Wicked_, _Eccles. 8.14._ But what needs more to be said, since there is one amongst our selves whom no Man that knows him, can think him to be a Wizzard, whom yet some bewitched Persons complained of, that they are in his Shape tormented: And the Devils have of late accused some eminent Persons.

It is an awful thing which the Lord has done to convince some amongst us of their Error: This then I declare and testifie, that to take away the Life of any one, meerly because a _Spectre_ or Devil, in a bewitched or possessed Person does accuse them, will bring the Guilt of innocent Blood on the Land, where such a thing shall be done: Mercy forbid that it should, (and I trust that as it has not it never will be so) in _New-England_. What does such an Evidence amount unto more than this: Either such an one did afflict such an one, or the Devil in his likeness, or his Eyes were bewitched.

The things which have been mentioned make way for, and bring us unto the second Case, which is to come under our Consideration, _viz._

_If one bewitched is struck down at the Look or cast of the Eye of another, and after that recovered again by a Touch from the same Person, Is not this an infallible Proof, that the Person suspected and complained of is in League with the Devil?_

_Answer;_ It must be owned that by such things as these Witchcrafts and Witches have been discovered more than once or twice: And that an ill Fame, or other Circ.u.mstances attending the suspected Party, this may be a Ground for Examination; but this alone does not afford sufficient Matter for Conviction: As _Spectres_ or _Devils_ appearing in the Shapes of Men that have been murdered, declaring that they were murdered by such Persons and in such a place, may give just occasion to the Magistrate for Enquiry into the Matter: One great Witch-Advocate[49]

confesseth, that by this means Murders have been brought to light; yet that alone, if other Circ.u.mstances did not concur, would not by the Law of G.o.d take away the Life of any Man. If my Reader pleaseth, he shall hear what old Mr. _Bernard_ of _Batcomb_ saith to a Case not unlike to this, and the former: His Words are these,[50] 'The naming of the suspected in their Fits, and also where they have been, and what they have done here or there, as Mr. _Throgmorton's_ Children could do, and that often and ever found true; this is a great Presumption: yet is this but a Presumption, because this is only the Devils Testimony, who can lie, and that more often than speak Truth. Christ would not allow his Witness of him in a point most true; nor St. _Paul_ in the due Praises of him and _Sylas_; his Witness then may not be received as sufficient in case of ones Life: He may accuse an Innocent, as I shewed before in Mr. _Edmund's_ giving over his Practice to find Stollen Goods; and Satan we read would accuse _Job_ to G.o.d himself to be an Hypocrite, and to be ready to be a Blasphemer, and he is called the Accuser of the Brethren.

Albeit, I cannot deny but this has very often proved true, yet seeing the Devil is such an one as you heard, Christian Men should not take his Witness, to give in Verdict upon Oath, and so swear that the Devil has therein spoken the Truth; be it far from good men to confirm any Word of the Devil by Oath, if it be not an evident Truth without the Devil's Testimony, who in speaking the Truth, has a lying Intent, and speaks some Truths of things done, which may be found to be so, that he may wrap with them some pernicious Lye, which cannot be tried to be true, but must rest upon his own testimony to ensnare the Blood of the Innocent.' Thus Mr. _Bernard_ resolved the Case above sixty Years ago; and truly in my Opinion like a Wise and Orthodox Divine, what he says, reacheth both this and the former Case. Dr. _Cotta_ (a Learned Physician) in his Book, about _The Tryal of Witchcraft, shewing the true and right Method of the Discovery, with a Confutation of Erroneous ways_ (which Book he dedicates to the Right Honourable Sir _Edward Cook_, Lord Chief Justice of _England_,)[51] He discourses concerning _Exploration of Witches by the touch of the Witch curing the touched bewitched_, and sheweth the Fallibility and Vanity of that way of Tryal, tho' he had often seen Persons bewitched in that way immediately delivered from the present Fit or Agony which was upon them: But he taketh it to be a Diabolical Miracle. He argueth thus,[52] 'No Man can doubt but that the Vertue wherewith this touch was indued, is supernatural: If it be so, How can man to whom nothing is simply possible that is not natural be justly reputed an Agent therein? If he cannot be esteemed in himself any possible or true Agent, then it remaineth that he can only be interested therein as an Accessary in Consent, or as a Servant unto a Superior Power: If that Superior Power be the Devil, the least reasonable doubt, whether the Devil alone, or with the Consent or Contract of the suspected Person has produced that wonderful effect; with what Religion or Reason can any Man incline rather to credit the Devil's mouth in the Bewitched, than to pity the Accused, and believe them against the subtility of a deceitful Devil: If the Devil by Divine Permission may cause supernatural Concomitances and Consequences to attend the natural Actions of Men without their allowance, as is manifest in possessed Persons, how is it reasonable and just that the Impositions of the Devil should be imputed unto any Man: And (saith he) G.o.d forbid that the Devil's Signs and Wonders, nay his Truths should become any legal Allegations or Evidences in Law. We may therefore conclude it unjust, that the forenamed miraculous Effect by the Devil wrought and imputed by the Bewitched, should be esteemed an infallible mark against any Man, as therefore convinced for that the Devil and the Bewitched have so decyphered him!' Thus that Learned Man. But to the Case in hand, I have several things to offer.

1. _It is possible that the Persons in Question may be possessed with Cacodaemons:_ That bewitched Persons are many times really possessed with evil Spirits, is most certain. And as Mr. _Perkins_ observes, no Man can prove but that Witchcraft might be the Cause of many of those Possessions, which we read of in the Gospel: And that Devils have been immitted into the Bodies of miserable Creatures by Magicians and Witches, Histories and Experience do abundantly testifie. _Hierom_[53]

relates concerning a certain Virgin, that a young Man, whose Amours she despised, prevailed with a Magician to send an evil Spirit into her, by means whereof she was strangely besotted. 'Tis reported[54] of _Simon Magus_, that after he had used an h.e.l.lish Sacrifice, to be revenged of some that had called him a great Witch, he caused infernal Spirits to enter into them. Many confessing Witches have acknowledged, that they were the Cause of such and such Persons being possessed of evil Angels, as [55]_Thyraeus_ and others have observed: Now no Credit ought to be given to what _Daemons_ in such as are by them obsessed shall say. Our Saviour by his own unerring Example has taught us not to receive the Devil's Testimony in any thing. The Papists are justly condemned for bringing Diabolical Testimony to confirm the Principles of their Religion. _Peter Cotton_ the Jesuite[56] enquired of the Devil in a possessed Person, what was the clearest Scripture to prove Purgatory. At the time when _Luther_ died, all the possessed People in the _Netherlands_ were quiet: The Devils in them, said the Reason was, because _Luther_[57] had been a great Friend of theirs, and they owed him that respect as to go as far as _Germany_ to attend his Funeral.

Another time when there was a talk of some Ministers of the Reformed Religion, the Devils in the Obsessed laughed and said, they were not at all afraid of them, for the _Calvinists_ and they were very good Friends. The Jesuits insult with these Testimonies as if they were Divine Oracles: But the Father of Lyes is never to be believed: He will utter twenty great truths to make way for one lye: He will accuse twenty Witches, if he can but thereby bring one innocent Person into trouble: He mixeth Truths with Lyes, that so those truths giving credit unto lyes, Men may believe both, and so be deceived: And whereas some say, that the Persons in question are only bewitched and not possessed, let it be considered that possessed Persons are called _Energumens_ from #ERGOMAI# _Agitor_: They whose Bodies are preternaturally agitated, so as to be in danger of being thrown into the Fire, or into the Water, though they may be bewitched, are undoubtedly possessed with _Daemons_, _Mark 9.22, 25._ Learned Men[58] give it as a most certain sign of Possession, when the afflicted Party can see and hear that which no one else can discern any thing of, and when they can discover [59]secret things, _Acts 6.16._ past, or future, [60]as a possessed Person in _Germany_ foretold the War which broke out in the Year, 1546.

And when the Limbs of miserable Creatures, are bent and disjointed so as could not possible be without a Luxation of Joints, were it not done by a preternatural Hand, and yet no hurt raised thereby that argueth Possession. Also, when Persons are by the Devil cast into Fits, in the which they speak of things, that afterwards they have no remembrance of,[61] or, if they are by cruel Devils tortured, so as to cause horrendous Clamours in the distressed Sufferers, that's another sign of Obsession by evil Spirits: If all these things concur in the Persons concerning where the Question is, we may conclude them to be _Daemoniacks_: And if so, no _Juror_ can with a safe Conscience look on the Testimony of such, as sufficient to take away the Life of any Man.

2. _Falling down by the cast of an Eye proceeds not from a natural, but an arbitrary Cause;_[62] not from any Poyson in the Eye of the Witch, but from the Agency of some _Daemon_: The opinion of Fascination by the Eye is an old Fable, and (saith Mr. _Perkins_) as fond as old.

_Pliny_[63] speaks of a People that killed folks by looking on them; and he adds, that they had two Apples in each Eye: and _Tully_ writes of women who had two Apples in one Eye that always did mischief with their meer looks; so _Ovid_, _Pupula duplex fulminat._ And _Plutarch_[64]

writes that some persons have such a Poyson in their Eyes, as that their Friends and Familiars are Fascinated thereby; nay he speaks of one that Bewitched himself sick by looking on his own Face in a Gla.s.s: Others write of Fascination by a meer Prolation of Words; and for ought I know, there may be as much Witchery in the Tongue as there is in the Eye.

_Sennertus_[65] has discovered the Superst.i.tion of these Fancies; Sight does not proceed from an Emission of Rays from the Eye, but by a reception of the visible Species; and if it be (as Philosophers conclude) an innocent Action and not an Emission of optick Spirits, so that sight as such, does receive something from the Object, and not act upon it, the Notion of Fascination by the Eye is unphilosophical: It is true, that sore Eyes will affect those that look upon them, _Dum spectant Oculi Laesos, Leduntur & ipsi_, for which a natural Reason is easily to be a.s.signed; but if the Witches Eyes are thus infected with a natural Contagion, Whence is it, that only Bewitched Persons are hurt thereby? If the vulgar Error concerning the _Basilisks_ killing with the Look of his Poysonful Eye were a Truth, whatever person that Serpent cast his Eye upon would be poysoned. So if Witches had a physical Venom in their Eyes, others as well as Fascinated Persons would be sensible thereof; there is as much Truth in this fancy of Physical Venom in the Eye of a Witch, as there is in what _Pliny_[66] and others relate concerning the _Thibians_, _viz._ that they have two Apples in one Eye, and the Effigies of an Horse in the other Eye; and that they are a people that cannot be drowned.

3. _As for that which concerns the Bewitched Persons being recovered out of their Agonies by the Touch of the suspected Party, it is various and fallible._

For sometimes the afflicted Person is made sick, (instead of being made whole) by the Touch of the Accused; sometimes the Power of Imagination is such, as that the Touch of a Person innocent and not accused shall have the same effect. It is related in the Account of the Tryals of Witches at _Bury_ in _Suffolk_ 1664, during the time[67] of the Tryal, there were some Experiments made with the Persons afflicted, by bringing the accused to touch them, and it was observed that by the least Touch of one of the supposed Witches, they that were in their Fits, to all mens Apprehension wholly deprived of all Sense and Understandings, would suddenly shriek out and open their Hands.

Mr. Serjeant _Keeling_ did not think that sufficient to Convict the Prisoners, for admitting that the Children were in truth Bewitched, yet (saith he) it cannot be applyed to the Prisoners upon the Imagination only of the Parties afflicted; for if that might be allowed, no Person whatsoever can be in safety, for perhaps they might fancy another Person who might altogether be innocent in such matters: To avoid this Scruple it was privately desired by the Judge, that some Gentlemen there in Court would attend one of the distempered Persons in the farther part of the Hall, whilst she was in her Fits, and then to send for one of the Witches to try what would happen, which they did accordingly. One of them was conveyed from the Bar, and brought to the Afflicted Maid. They put an Ap.r.o.n before her Eyes, and then another person (not the Witch) touched her, which produced the same effect, as the Touch of the Witch did in the Court. Whereupon the Gentlemen returned much unsatisfied.

_Bodin_[68] relates, that a Witch who was Tryed at _Nants_, was commanded by the Judges to touch a Bewitched person, a thing often practised by the Judges of _Germany_ in the _Imperial Chamber_. The Witch was extreamly unwilling, but being Compelled by the Judges, she cryed out, _I am undone;_ and as soon as ever she touched the Afflicted person, the Witch fell down dead, and the other recovered. That horrid Witch of _Salisbury_, _Ann Bodenham_[69] who had been Servant to the Notorious Conjurer Dr. _Lamb_, could not bear the sight of one that was Bewitched by her. As soon as ever she saw the Afflicted Person, she ran about shrieking, and crying, and roaring after an hideous manner, that the Devil would tear her in pieces, if that person came near her. And whilst the Witch was in such Torment, the Bewitched was at ease. By these things we see, that the Laws and Customs of the Kingdom of darkness, are not always and in all places the same.

And it is good for men to concern themselves with them as little as may be.

I think there is weight in Dr. _Cotta's_[70] Argument, _viz._

_That the Gift of healing the Sick and Possessed, was a special Grace and Favour of G.o.d, for the Confirmation of the Truth of the Gospel, but that such a Gift should be annexed to the Touch of Wicked Witches, as an infallible sign of their guilt, is not easie to be believed._ It is a thing well known, that if a person possessed by an Evil Spirit, is (as oft it so happens) never so outragious whilst a good man is Praying with and for the Afflicted, let him lay his hand on them, and the Evil Spirit is quiet. I hope this is no evidence of any Covenant, or voluntary Communion between the Good Man that is Praying and the Evil Spirit; no more does the Case before us evince any such thing.

4. _There are that Question the Lawfulness of the Experiment._ For if this healing power in the Witch is not a Divine but a Diabolical Gift, it may be dangerous to meddle too much with it. If the Witch may be ordered to touch afflicted Persons in order to their healing or recovery out of a sick Fit, why may not the Diseased Person be as well ordered to touch the Witch for the same cause? And if to touch him, why not to scratch him and fetch Blood out of him, which is but an harder kind of touch? But as for this Mr. _Perkins_ doubts not to call it a _Practice of Witchcraft_. It is not safe to meddle with any of the Devils Sacraments or Inst.i.tutions; _For my own part, I should be loath to say to a Man, that I knew or thought was a Witch, do you look on such a Person, and see if you can Witch them into a Fit, and there is such an afflicted Person do you take them by the Hand, and see if you can Witch them well again. If it is by vertue of some Contract with the Devil that witches have Power to do such things, it is hard to conceive how they can be bid to do them, without being too much concerned in that h.e.l.lish Covenant._ I take it to be (as elsewhere[71] I have expressed) a solid Principle, which the Learned _Sennertus_ insists on, _viz._ _That they who force another to do that which he cannot possibly do, but by vertue of a Compact with the Devil, have themselves implicitely Communion with the Diabolical Covenant._ The Devil is pleased and honoured when any of his Inst.i.tutions are made use of; this way of discovering Witches, is no better than that of putting the Urine of the afflicted Person into a Bottle, that so the Witch may be tormented and discovered: The Vanity and Superst.i.tion of which practice I have formerly shewed, and testified against. _There was a Conjurer his name was +Edward Drake+[72] who taught a Man to use that Experiment for the Relief of his afflicted Daughter, who found benefit thereby;_ But we ought not to practice Witchcraft to discover Witches, nor may we make use of a _White healing Witch_ (as they call them) to find out a _Black and b.l.o.o.d.y one_. And how did men first come to know that Witches would be discovered in such ways as these, which have been mentioned? If Satan himself were the first Discoverer (as there is reason to believe) the experiment must needs have deceit in it. See Dr. Willet on _Exod. 7._ _Quest. 9._ And such Experiments better become Pagans or Papists than Professors in _New-England_; whereas 'tis pleaded, that such things are practised by the Judges of the Imperial Chamber, I reply, that those Judges (as _Bodin_ relates, _Lib. 3. Daemon. Cap. 6._) have required suspected Witches to p.r.o.nounce over the afflicted persons, these words, _I bless thee in the Name of the Father, &c._ upon which they have immediately recovered; but is the dark day come upon us, that such Superst.i.tions as these shall be practised in _New-England_: The Lord Jesus forbid it. See _Baldwin's_ Testimony against the Practice of the _Camera Imperialis_, Cas. Consc. L. 3. c. 3. p. 634.

5. _If the Testimony of a bewitched or possessed Person, is of validity as to what they see done to themselves, then it is so as to others, whom they see afflicted no less than themselves:_ But what they affirm concerning others, is not to be taken for Evidence. Whence had they this Supernatural Sight? It must needs be either from Heaven or from h.e.l.l: If from Heaven, (as _Elisha's_ Servant, and _Balaam's_ a.s.s could discern Angels) let their Testimony be received: But if they had this Knowledge from h.e.l.l, tho' there may possibly be truth in what they affirm, they are not legal Witnesses: For the Law of G.o.d allows of no Revelation from any other Spirit but himself, _Isa. 8.19._ It is a Sin against G.o.d to make use of the Devil's help to know that which cannot be otherwise known: And I testifie against it, as a great Transgression, which may justly provoke the Holy One of _Israel_, to let loose Devils on the whole Land, _Luke 4.35._ See Mr. _Bernard's_ Guide to Juries in Cases of Witchcraft, p. 136, 137, 138. And _Brockmand_, _Theol. de Angelis_, p.

227. Altho' the Devil's Accusations may be so far regarded as to cause an enquiry into the truth of things, _Job 1.11, 12. & 2.5, 6._ yet not so as to be an Evidence or Ground of Conviction: The Persons, concerning whom the Question is, see things through Diabolical Mediums; on which account their Evidence is not meer humane Testimony; and if it be in any part Diabolical, it is not to be owned as Authentick; for the Devil's Testimony ought not to be received neither in whole nor in part.

6. I am told by credible Persons, who say it is certainly true, that a bewitched Person has complained that she was cast into Fits by the Look of a Dog; and that she was no more able to bear the sight of that Dog, than of the Person whom she accused as bewitching her: And that thereupon the Dog was shot to death: This Dog was no Devil; for then they could not have killed him. I suppose no one will say that Dogs are Witches: It remains then that the casting down with the Look is no infallible sign of a Witch.

7. It has always been said, that it is a difficult thing to find out Witches: But if the Representation of such a Person as afflicting, or the Look or Touch be an infallible proof of the guilt of Witchcraft in the Persons complained of, 'tis the easiest thing in the World to discover them; for it is done to our hand, and there needs no enquiry into the Matter.

8. _Let them say this is an infallible Proof, produce any Word out of the Law of G.o.d which does in the least countenance that a.s.sertion:_ The Word of G.o.d instructs Jurors and Judges to proceed upon clear humane Testimony, _Deut. 35.30._ But the Word no where giveth us the least Intimation, that every one is a Witch, at whose look the bewitched Person shall fall into Fits; nor yet that any other means should be used for the discovery of Witches, than what may be used for the finding out of Murderers, Adulterers, and other Criminals.

9. Sometimes Antipathies in Nature have strange and unaccountable Effects. I have read of a Man that at the sight of his own Son, who was no Wizzard would fall into Fits. There are that find in their Natures an averseness to some Persons whom they never saw before, of which they can give no better an account than he in _Martial_, concerning _Sabidius_.

_Non Amo te Sabidi, nec possum dicere quare._

That some Persons at the Sight of Bruit-Creatures, Cats, Spiders, _&c._ nay, at the sight of Cheeses, Milk, Apples, will fall into Fits, is too well known to be denied. _Pensingius_ in his Learned Discourse _De Pulvere Sympathetico_, p. 128. saith, there was one in the City of _Groning_ that could not bear the sight of a Swine's Head: And that he knew another who was not able to look on the Picture thereof. _Amatus Lusita.n.u.s_ speaks of one that at the sight of a Rose would swoon away: This proveth that the falling into a Fit at the sight of another is not always a sign of Witchcraft. It may proceed from Nature, and the Power of Imagination.

To conclude; Judicious _Casuists_[73] have determined, that to make use of those _Media_ to come to the Knowledge of any Matter, which have no such power in them by Nature, nor by Divine Inst.i.tution is an Implicit going to the Devil to make a discovery: Now there is no natural Power in the Look or Touch of a Person to bewitch another; nor is this by Divine Inst.i.tution the means whereby Witchcraft is discovered: Therefore it is an unwarrantable Practice.

We proceed now to the third Case proposed to Consideration; If the things which have been mentioned are not infallible Proofs of Guilt in the accused Party, it is then Queried, _Whether there are any Discoveries of this Crime, which Jurors and Judges may with a safe Conscience proceed upon to the Conviction and Condemnation of the Persons under Suspicion?_

Let me here premise Two things,

1. The Evidence in this Crime ought to be as clear as in any other Crimes of a Capital nature. The Word of G.o.d does no where intimate, that a less clear Evidence, or that fewer or other Witnesses may be taken as sufficient to convict a Man of Sorcery, which would not be enough to convict him were he charged with another evil worthy of Death, _Numb.

35.30._ if we may not take the Oath of a distracted Person, or of a possessed Person in a Case of Murder, Theft, Felony of any sort, then neither may we do it in the Case of Witchcraft.

2. Let me premise this also, that there have been ways of trying Witches long used in many Nations, especially in the dark times of Paganism and Popery, which the righteous G.o.d never approved of. But which (as judicious Mr. _Perkins_ expresseth it in plain _English_) were invented by the Devil, that so innocent Persons might be condemned, and some notorious Witches escape: Yea, many Superst.i.tious and Magical experiments have been used to try Witches by: Of this sort is that of scratching the Witch, or seething the Urine of the Bewitched Person, or making a Witch-cake with that Urine: And that tryal of putting their Hands into scalding Water, to see if it will not hurt them: And that of sticking an Awl under the Seat of the suspected Party, yea, and that way of discovering Witches by tying their Hands and Feet, and casting them on the Water, to try whether they will sink or swim: I did publickly bear my Testimony against this Superst.i.tion in a Book printed at _Boston_ eight Years past.

I hear that of late some in a Neighbour Colony have been playing with this Diabolical invention: It is to be lamented, that in such a _Land of Uprightness_ as _New-England_ once was, a Practice which Protestant Writers generally condemn as sinful, and which the more sober and learned Men amongst Papists themselves have not only judged unlawful, but (to express it in their own terms) to be no less than a _Mortal Sin_, should ever be heard of. Were it not that the coming of Christ to judge the Earth draweth near, I should think that such Practices are an unhappy Omen that the Devil and Pagans will get these dark Territories into their Possession again: But that I may not be thought to have no reason for my calling the impleaded Experiment into Question, I have these things further to alledge against it.

1. It has been rejected long agone, by Christian Nations as a thing Superst.i.tious and Diabolical: In _Italy_ and _Spain_ it is wholly disused; and [74]in the _Low-Countries_, and in _France_, where the Judges are Men of Learning. In some parts of _Germany_ old _Paganism_ Customs are observed more than in other Countries, nevertheless all the [75]_Academies_ throughout _Germany_ have disapproved of this way of Purgation.

2. The Devil is in it, all Superst.i.tion is from him; and when Secret things, or latent Crimes, are discovered by superst.i.tious Practices, some Compact and Communion with the Devil is the Cause of it, as _Austin_[76] has truly intimated; and so it is here; for if a Witch cannot be drowned, this must proceed either from some natural Cause, which it doth not, for it is against Nature for Humane Bodies, when Hands and Feet are tied, not to sink under the Water: Besides, they that plead for this Superst.i.tion, say that if Witches happen to be condemned for some other Crime and not for Witchcraft, they will not swim like a Cork above Water, which Cause sheweth that the Cause of this Natation is not _Physical_: And if not, then either it must proceed from a Divine Miracle to save a Witch from drowning; or lastly, it must be a diabolical Wonder: This superst.i.tious Experiment is commonly known by the Name of, _The Vulgar Probation_, because it was never appointed by any lawful Authority, but from the Suggestion of the Devil taken up by the rude Rabble: And some [77]learned Men are of Opinion, that the first _Explorator_ (_being a white Witch_) did explicitely covenant with the Devil, that he should discover latent Crimes in this way: And that it is by Virtue of that first Contract that the Devil goeth to work to keep his Servants from sinking, when this Ceremony of his ordaining is used.

Moreover, we know that _Diabolus est Dei Simia_, the Devil seeks to imitate Divine Miracles. We read in Ecclesiastical Story, that some of the Martyrs when they were by Persecutors ordered to be drowned, prov'd to be immersible: This Miracle would the Devil imitate in causing Witches, who are his Martyrs, not to sink when they are cast into the Waters.

3. This way of Purgation is of the same nature with the old _Ordeals_ of the Pagans. If Men were accused with any Crime, to clear their innocency, they were to take an hot Iron into their Hands, or to suffer scalding Water to be poured down their Throats, and if they received no hurt thereby they were acquitted. This was the Devil's Invention, and many times (as the Devil would have it) they that submitted to these Tryals suffered no inconvenience. Nevertheless, it is astonis.h.i.+ng to think what innocent Blood has been shed in the World by means of this _Satanical_ device. Witches have often (as [78]_Sprenger_ observes) desired that they might stand or fall by this Tryal by hot Iron, and sometimes come off well: Indeed, this _Ordeal_ was used in other Cases, and not in Cases of Witchcraft only: And so was the _Vulgar Probation_ by casting into the Water practiced upon Persons accused[79]

with other Crimes as well as that of Witchcraft: How it came to be restrained to that of Witchcraft I cannot tell; it is as supernatural for a Body whose Hands and Feet are tied to swim above the Water, as it is for their Hands not to feel a red hot Iron. If the one of these _Ordeals_ is lawful to be used, then so is the other too: But as for the fiery _Ordeal_ it is rejected and exploded out of the World; for the same reason then the tryal by Water should be so.

4. It is a tempting of G.o.d when Men put the Innocency of their Fellow-Creatures upon such tryals; to desire the Almighty to shew a Miracle to clear the Innocent, or to convict the Guilty is a most presumptuous tempting of him. Was it not a Miracle when _Peter_ was kept from sinking under the Water by the Omnipotency of Christ? As for Satan, we know that his Ambition is to make his Servants believe that his Power is equal to G.o.d's, and that therefore he can preserve whom he pleaseth.

I have read[80] of certain Magicians, who were seen walking on the Water: If then guilty Persons shall float on the Waters, either it is the Devil that causes them to do so, (as no doubt it is) and what have Men to do to set the Devil on work; or else it is a Divine Miracle, like that of _Peter's_ not sinking, or that of the Iron that swam at the Word of _Elisha_. And shall Men try whether G.o.d will work a Miracle to make a discovery? If a Crime cannot be found out but by Miracle, it is not for any Judge on Earth to usurp that Judgment which is reserved for the Divine Throne.

5. This pretended Gift of Immersibility attending Witches, is a most fallible deceitful thing; for many a Witch has sunk under the Water.

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