The Wonders of the Invisible World Part 11

The Wonders of the Invisible World -

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All Considered according to the Scriptures, History, Experience, and the Judgment of many Learned MEN.

By _Increase Mather_, President of _Harvard_ Colledge at _Cambridge_, and Teacher of a Church at _Boston_ in _New England_.

PROV. xxii. xxi.

_----That thou mightest Answer the Words of Truth, to them that send unto thee._

_Efficiunt Daemones, ut quae non sunt, sic tamen, quasi sint, conspicienda hominibus exhibeant._ _Lactantius_ Lib. 2. _Inst.i.t._ Cap. 15. _Diabolus Consulitur, c.u.m iis mediis utimur aliquid Cognoscendi, quae a Diabolo sunt introducta._ _Ames Cas. Cons._ L. 4.

Cap. 23.

Printed at _Boston_, and Re-printed at _London_, for John Dunton, at the _Raven_ in the _Poultrey_. 1693.


_So Odious and Abominable is the Name of a Witch, to the Civilized, much more the Religious part of Mankind, that it is apt to grow up into a Scandal for any, so much as to enter some sober cautions against the over hasty suspecting, or too precipitant Judging of Persons on this account. But certainly, the more execrable the Crime is, the more critical care is to be used in the exposing of the Names, Liberties, and Lives of Men (especially of a G.o.dly Conversation) to the imputation of it. The awful hand of G.o.d now upon us, in letting loose of evil Angels among us to perpetrate such horrid Mischiefs, and suffering of h.e.l.l's Instruments to do such fearful things as have been scarce heard of; hath put serious persons into deep Musings, and upon curious Enquiries what is to be done for the detecting and defeating of this tremendous design of the grand Adversary: And, tho' all that fear G.o.d are agreed, +That no evil is to be done, that good may come of it+; yet hath the Devil obtained not a little of his design, in the divisions of Reuben, about the application of this Rule._

_That there are Devils and Witches, the Scripture a.s.serts, and experience confirms, That they are common enemies of Mankind, and set upon mischief, is not to be doubted: That the Devil can (by Divine Permission) and often doth vex men in Body and Estate, without the Instrumentality of Witches, is undeniable: That he often hath, and delights to have the concurrence of Witches, and their consent in harming men, is consonant to his native Malice to Man, and too lamentably exemplified: That Witches, when detected and convinced, ought to be exterminated and cut off, we have G.o.d's warrant for, +Exod. 22.18.+ Only the same G.o.d who hath said, +thou shalt not suffer a Witch to live+; hath also said, +at the Mouth of two Witnesses, or three Witnesses shall he that is worthy of Death, be put to Death: But at the Mouth of one Witness, he shall not be put to Death+, +Deut. 17.6.+ Much debate is made about what is sufficient Conviction, and some have (in their Zeal) supposed that a less clear evidence ought to pa.s.s in this than in other Cases, supposing that else it will be hard (if possible) to bring such to condign Punishment, by reason of the close conveyances that there are between the Devil and Witches; but this is a very dangerous and unjustifiable tenet. Men serve G.o.d in doing their Duty, he never intended that all persons guilty of Capital Crimes should be discovered and punished by men in this Life, though they be never so curious in searching after Iniquity. It is therefore exceeding necessary that in such a day as this, men be informed what is Evidence and what is not. It concerns men in point of Charity; for tho' the most s.h.i.+ning Professor may be secretly a most abominable Sinner, yet till he be detected, our Charity is bound to Judge according to what appears: and notwithstanding that a clear evidence must determine a case; yet presumptions must be weighed against presumptions, and Charity is not to be forgone as long as it has the most preponderating on its side. And it is of no less necessity in point of Justice; there are not only Testimonies required by G.o.d, which are to be credited according to the Rules given in his Word referring to witnesses: But there is also an Evidence supposed to be in the Testimony, which is throughly to be weighed, and if it do not infallibly prove the Crime against the person accused, it ought not to determine him guilty of it; for so a righteous Man may be Condemned unjustly. In the case of Witchcrafts we know that the Devil is the immediate Agent in the Mischief done, the consent or compact of the Witch is the thing to be Demonstrated._

_Among many Arguments to evince this, that which is most under present debate, is that which refers to something vulgarly called +Spectre Evidence+, and a certain sort of Ordeal or trial by the sight and touch.

The Plea to justifie the convictive Evidence in these, is fetcht from the Consideration of the Wisdom and Righteousness of G.o.d in Governing the World, which they suppose would fail, if such things were permitted to befal an innocent person; but it is certain, that too resolute conclusions drawn from hence, are bold usurpations upon spotless +Sovereignty+: and tho' some things if suffered to be common, would subvert this Government, and disband, yea ruine Humane Society; yet G.o.d doth sometimes suffer such things to evene, that we may thereby know how much we are beholden to him, for that restraint which he lays upon the Infernal Spirits, who would else reduce a World into a Chaos.

That the Resolutions of such Cases as these is proper for the Servants of Christ in the Ministry cannot be denied; the seasonableness of doing it now, will be justified by the Consideration of the necessity there is at this time of a right Information of men's Judgments about these things, and the danger of their being misinformed._

_The Reverend, Learned, and Judicious Author of the ensuing Cases, is too well known to need our Commendation: All that we are concerned in, is to +a.s.sert our hearty Consent to, and Concurrence with the substance of what is contained in the following Discourse+: And, with our hearty Request to G.o.d, that he would discover the depths of this h.e.l.lish Design; direct in the whole management of this Affair; prevent the taking any wrong steps in this dark way; and that he would in particular Bless these faithful Endeavours of his Servant to that end, we Commend it and you to his Divine Benediction._

William Hubbard.

Samuel Phillips.

Charles Morton.

James Allen.

Michael Wigglesworth.

Samuel Whiting, _Sen._ Samuel Willard.

John Baily.

Jabez Fox.

Joseph Gerrish.

Samuel Angier.

John Wise.

Joseph Capen.

Nehemiah Walter.



The First Case that I am desired to express my Judgment in, is this, _Whether it is not Possible for the Devil to impose on the imaginations of Persons Bewitched, and to cause them to Believe that an Innocent, yea that a Pious person does torment them, when the Devil himself doth it; or whether Satan may not appear in the Shape of an Innocent and Pious, as well as of a Nocent and Wicked Person, to Afflict such as suffer by Diabolical Molestations?_

The Answer to the Question must be Affirmative; Let the following Arguments be duely weighed in the Ballance of the Sanctuary.

_Argu. 1._ There are several Scriptures from which we may infer the Possibility of what is Affirmed.

1. We find that the _Devil by the Instigation of the Witch at Endor appeared in the Likeness of the Prophet Samuel_. I am not ignorant that some have a.s.serted that, which, if it were proved, would evert this Argument, _viz._ that it was the true and not a delusive _Samuel_ which the Witch brought to converse with _Saul_. Of this Opinion are some of the Jewish Rabbies[1] and some Christian Doctors[2] and many late Popish Authors[3] amongst whom _Cornel. a Lapide_ is most elaborate. But that it was a _Daemon_ representing _Samuel_ has been evinced by learned and Orthodox Writers: especially [4]_Peter Martyr_, [5]_Balduinus [6]Lavater_, and our incomparable _John Rainolde_. I shall not here insist on the clearing of that, especially considering, that elsewhere I have done it: only let me add, that the Witch said to _Saul_, _I see Elohim_, i. e. _A G.o.d_; (for the whole Context shows, that a single Person is intended) _Ascending out of the Earth_. _1 Sam. 28.13._ The Devil would be Wors.h.i.+pped as a G.o.d, and _Saul_ now, that he was become a _Necromancer_, must bow himself to him. Moreover, had it been the true _Samuel_ from Heaven reprehending _Saul_, there is great Reason to believe, that he would not only have reproved him for his sin, in not executing Judgment on the _Amalekites_; as in Ver. 18. But for his Wickedness in consulting with Familiar Spirits: For which Sin it was in special that he died. _2 Chron. 10.13._ But in as much as there is not one word to testify against that Abomination, we may conclude that it was not real _Samuel_ that appeared to _Saul_: and if it were the Devil in his likeness, the Argument seems very strong, that if the Devil may appear in the form of a Saint in Glory, much more is it possible for him to put on the likeness of the most Pious and Innocent Saint on Earth.

There are, who acknowledge that a _Daemon_ may appear in the shape of a G.o.dly Person, _But not as doing Evil_. Whereas the Devil in _Samuel's_ likeness told a pernicious Lye, when he said, _Thou hath disquieted me._ It was not in the Power of _Saul_, nor of all the Devils in h.e.l.l, to disquiet a Soul in Heaven, where _Samuel_ had been for Two years before this Apparition. Nor did the _Spectre_ speak true, when he said, _Thou and thy Sons shall be with me:_ Tho' _Saul_ himself at his Death went to be with the Devil, his Son _Jonathan_ did not so. Besides, (which suits with the matter in hand) the Devil in _Samuels_ shape confirmed _Necromancy_ and _Cursed Witchery_. He that can in the likeness of Saints encourage Witches to Familiarity with h.e.l.l, may possibly in the likeness of a Saint afflict a Bewitched Person. But this we see from Scripture, Satan may be permitted to do.

And whereas it is objected, that the Devil may appear indeed in the form of Dead Persons, but that he cannot represent such as are living; The contrary is manifest. No Question had _Saul_ said to the Witch, bring me _David_ who was then living, she could as easily have shown living _David_ as dead _Samuel_, as easily as that great Conjurer of whom [7]_Wierus_ speaks, brought the appearance of _Hector_ and _Achilles_, and after that of _David_ before the Emperour _Maximilian_.

And that evil Angels have sometimes appeared in the likeness of living absent persons, is a thing abundantly confirmed by History.

[8]_Austin_ tells us of one that went for resolution in some intricate Questions to a Philosopher, of whom he could get no Answer; but in the Night the Philosopher comes to him, and resolves all his Doubts. Not long after, he demanded the reason why he could not answer him in the Day as well as in the Night; The Philosopher professed he was not with him in the Night, only acknowledged that he dreamed of his having such conversation of his Friend, but he was all the time at home, and asleep.

_Paulus_ and _Palladius_ did both of them profess to _Austin_, that one in his shape, had divers times, and in divers places appeared to them: [9]_Thyreus_ mentions several Apparitions of absent living persons, which happened in his time, and which he had the certain knowledge of. A Man that is in one place cannot (_Autoprosopos_) at the same time be in another. It remains then that such _Spectres_ are Prodigious and Supernatural, and not without Diabolical Operation. It has been Controverted among Learned Men, whether innocent Persons may not by the malice and deluding Power of the Devil be represented as present amongst Witches at their dark a.s.semblies. The mentioned _Thyreus_ says, that the Devil may, and often does represent the forms of Innocent Persons out of those Conventions, and that there is no Question to be made of it, but as to his natural Power and Art he is able to make their shapes appear amongst his own Servants, but he supposeth the Providence of G.o.d will not suffer such an Injury to be done to an Innocent Person. With him [10]_Delrio_, and _Spineus_ concur. But in his _Lucerna Inquisitorum_ (a Book which I have not yet seen) defends the Affirmative in this Question. _Bins Fieldius_ in his Treatise, concerning the Confession of Witches, inclines to the Negative, only [11]he acknowledges _Dei extraordinaria Permissione posse Innocentes sic representari._ And he that shall a.s.sert, that Great and Holy G.o.d never did nor ever will permit the Devil thus far to abuse an Innocent Person, affirms more than he is able to prove. The story of _Germa.n.u.s_ his discovering a Diabolical illusion of this nature, concerning a great number of Persons that seemed to be at a Feast when they were really at home and asleep, is mentioned by many Authors. But the particulars insisted on, do sufficiently evince the Truth of what we a.s.sert, _viz._ That the Devil may by Divine Permission appear in the shape of Innocent and Pious Persons. Nevertheless, It is evident from another Scripture, _viz._ that in _2 Cor. 11.14._ _For Satan himself is transformed into an Angel of Light._ He seems to be what he is not, and makes others seem to be what they are not. He represents evil men as good, and good men as evil. The Angels of Heaven, (who are the Angels of Light) love Truth and Righteousness, the Devil will seem to do so too; and does therefore sometimes lay before men excellent good Principles and exhort them (as he did _Theodore Maillit_) to practise many things, which by the Law of Righteousness they are obliged unto, and hereby he does more effectually deceive. Is it not strange, that he has sometimes intimated to his most devoted servants, that if they would have familiar Conversation with him, they must be careful to keep themselves from enormous Sins, and pray constantly for Divine Protection? But so has he transformed himself into an Angel of Light, as [12]_Boissardus_ sheweth. He has frequently appeared to Men pretending to be a good Angel, so to _Anatolius_ of old; and the late instances of [13]Dr. _Dee_ and _Kellet_ are famously known. How many deluded _Enthusiasts_ both in former and latter times have been imposed on by Satans appearing visibly to them, pretending to be a good Angel. And moreover, he may be said to transform himself into an _Angel of Light_, because of his appearing in the Form of _Holy Men_, who are the _Children of Light_, yea in the shape and habit of Eminent Ministers of G.o.d. So did he appear to Mr. _Earl_ of _Colchester_ in the likeness of Mr. _Liddal_ an Holy Man of G.o.d, and to the _Turkish Chaous_ Baptized at _London_, _Anno 1658._ pretending to be Mr. _Dury_ an Excellent Minister of Christ. And how often has he pretended to be the Apostle _Paul_ or _Peter_ or some other celebrated Saint? Ecclesiastical Histories abound with Instances of this nature.

Yea, sometimes he has transfigured himself into the Form of Christ. It is reported that he appeared to [14]St. _Martin_ Gloriously arrayed, as if he had been Christ. So likewise to [15]_Secundellus_, and to another Saint, who suspecting it was Satan, transforming himself into an _Angel of Light_ had this expression, _If I may see Christ in Heaven it is enough, I desire not to see him in this World_; whereupon the _Spectre_ vanished. It has been related of _Luther_, that after he had been Fasting and Praying in his Study, the Devil come pretending to be Christ, but _Luther_ saying, _away thou confounded Devil, I acknowledge no Christ but what is in my Bible_, nothing more was seen. Thus then the Devil is able (by Divine Permission) to Change himself into what form or figure he pleaseth,

_Omnia transformat sese in miracula rerum._

A Third Scripture to our purpose is that, in _Rev. 12.10._ where the Devil is called the _Accuser of the Brethren_. Such is the malice and impudence of the Devil, as that he does accuse good Men, and that before G.o.d, and that not only of such Faults as they really are guilty of, he accused _Joshua_ with his filthy Garments, when through his Indulgence some of his Family had transgressed by unlawful Marriages, _Zach. 3.23._ with _Ezra. 10.18._ but also with such Crimes, as they are altogether free from. He represented the Primitive Christians as the vilest of men, and as if at their Meetings they did commit the most nefandous Villanies that ever were known; and that not only Innocent, but Eminently Pious Persons should thro' the malice of the Devil be accused with the Crime of Witchcraft, is no new thing. Such an Affliction did the Lord see meet to exercise the great _Athanasius_ with[16] only the Divine Providence did wonderfully vindicate him from that as well as from some other foul Aspersions. The _Waldenses_ (altho' the Scriptures call them _Saints_, _Rev. 13.7._) have been traduced by Satan and by the World as horrible Witches; so have others in other places, only because they have done extraordinary things by their Prayers: It is by many Authors related, that a City in _France_ was molested with a Diabolical _Spectre_, which the People were wont to call _Hugon_; near that place a number of Protestants were wont to meet to serve G.o.d, whence the Professors of the true reformed Religion were nic-named _Hugonots_, by the Papists, who designed to render them before the World, as the Servants and Wors.h.i.+ppers of that _Daemon_, that went under the name of _Hugon_. And how often have I read in Books written by Jesuits, that _Luther_ was a Wizard, and that he did himself confess that he had familiarity with Satan! Most impudent Untruths! nor are these things to be wondered at, since the Holy Son of G.o.d himself was reputed a _Magician_, and one that had Familiarity with the greatest of Devils. The Blaspheming Pharisees said, _he casts out the Devils thro' the Prince of Devils_, _Matth. 9.34._ There is then not the best Saint on Earth (Man or Woman) that can a.s.sure themselves that the Devil shall not cast such an Imputation upon them.

_It is enough for the Disciple that he be as his Master, and the Servant as his Lord: If they have called the Master of the House Beelzebub, how much more them of his Household_, _Matth. 10.25._ It is not for men to determine how far the Holy G.o.d may permit the wicked one to proceed in his Accusations. The sacred story of _Job_ giveth us to understand, that the Lord whose ways are past finding out, does for wise and holy Ends suffer Satan by immediate Operation, (and consequently by Witchcraft) greatly to afflict innocent Persons, as in their Bodies and Estates, so in their Reputations. I shall mention but one Scripture more to confirm the Truth in hand: It is that in _Eccles. 9.2, 3._ where it is said, _All things come alike to all, there is one event to the Righteous and to the Wicked, as is the Good, so is the Sinner, this is an evil amongst all things under the Sun, that there is one Event happeneth to all._ And in _Eccles. 7.15._ 'tis said, _There is a just man that perisheth in his Righteousness._

From hence we infer, that there is no outward Affliction whatsoever but may befal a good Man; now to be represented by Satan as a Tormentor of Bewitched or Possessed Persons, is a sore Affliction to a good man. To be tormented by Satan is a sore Affliction, yet nothing but what befel _Job_, and a Daughter of _Abraham_, whom we read of in the Gospel: To be represented by Satan as tormenting others, is an Affliction like the former; the Lord may bring such extraordinary Temptations on his own Children, to afflict and humble them, for some Sin they have been guilty of before him. A most wicked Person in St. _Ives_, got a Knife, and went with it to a Ministers House, designing to stab him, but was disappointed; afterwards Conscience being awakened, the Devil appears to this Person in the Shape of that Minister, with a Knife in his hand exhorting to Self-murder: Was not here a Punishment suitable to the Sin which that Person had been guilty of? Perhaps some of those whom Satan has represented as committing Witchcrafts, have been tampering with some foolish and wicked Sorceries, tho' not to that degree, which is Criminal and Capital by the Laws both of G.o.d and Men; for this Satan may be permitted so to scourge them; or it may be, they have misrepresented and abused others, for which cause the Holy G.o.d may justly give Satan leave falsely to represent them.

Have we not known some that have bitterly censured all that have been complained of by bewitched Persons, saying it was impossible they should not be guilty; soon upon which themselves or some near Relations of theirs, have been to the lasting Infamy of their Families, accused after the same manner, and Personated by the Devil! Such tremendous Rebukes on a few, should make all men to be careful how they joyn with Satan in Condemning the Innocent.

Arg. 2. _Because it is possible for the Devil in the Shape of an innocent Person to do other mischiefs._ As for those who acknowledge that Satan may personate a pious Person, but not to do mischief, their Opinion has been confuted by more than a few unhappy Instances. Mr.

_Clark_[17] speaks of a Man that had been an Atheist, or a Sadduce, not believing that there are any Devils or any (to us) invisible World; this Man was converted, but as a Punishment of his Infidelity, evil Angels did often appear to him in the Shape of his most intimate Friends, and would sometimes seduce him into great Inconveniences. It has been elsewhere, and but now noted, that a _Daemon_ in the shape of excellent Mr. _Dury_ appeared to the _Turkish Chaos_, _Anno. 1658._ to disswade him from prosecuting his desires of Baptism into the Name of Christ: Also to Mr. _Earle_ in the likeness of his Friends, to discourage him from doing things lawful and good. A mult.i.tude of _Jews_ were once deluded by a Person pretending to be _Moses_ from Heaven, and that if they would follow him they should pa.s.s safe through the Sea (as did their Fathers of old through the Red Sea) whereby great numbers of them were deceived and perished in the Waters. [18]Learned and judicious Men have concluded that this _Moses Creensis_ was a _Daemon_, transforming himself into _Moses_: And that the Devil has frequently appeared[19] in the shape of famous Persons to the end that he might seduce Men into Idolatry, (a Sin equal to that of Witchcraft) no Man that has made it his Concern to enquire into things of this nature can be ignorant. Many Examples of this kind are collected by Mr. _Bromhall_ in his _Treatise of Spectres, and the cunning Devil, to strengthen Men in their wors.h.i.+pping of Saints departed:_ And by Mr. _Bovet_ in his _Pandemonium_. It is credibly reported that the Devil in the likeness of a faithful Minister (as St. _Ives_ before mentioned, near _Boston_ in _Lincolns.h.i.+re_) came to one that was in trouble of Mind, telling her the longer she lived, the worse it would be for her; and therefore advising her to Self-murder: An eminent Person still living had the account of this Matter from Mr. _Cotton_ (the famous Teacher of both _Bostons_.) He was well acquainted with that Minister, who related to him the whole Story, with all the Circ.u.mstances of it: For Mr. _Cotten_ was so affected with the Report, as to take a Journey on purpose to the Town where this happened, that so he might obtain a satisfactory account about it, which he did. Some Authors say, that a _Daemon_ appeared in the form of _Sylva.n.u.s_ (_Hierom's_ Friend) attempting a dishonest thing, the Devil thereby designing to blast the Reputation of a famous Bishop. I have in another Book mentioned that celebrated Instance concerning an honest Citizen in _Zurick_ (the Metropolis of _Helvetia_) in whose shape the Devil appeared, committing an abominable Fact (not fit to be named) very early in the Morning, seen by the Prefect of the City, and his Servant; they were amazed to behold a Man of good Esteem for his Conversation, perpetrating a thing so vile and abominable; but going from the _Spectre_ in the Field, to the Citizen's House in the Town, they found him at home, and in his Bed, nor had he been abroad that Morning, which convinced them, that what they saw was an Illusion of the Devil: This Pa.s.sage is mentioned as a thing known and certain by _Lavater_ in his Treatise of _Spectres_,[20] who was a most learned and judicious Preacher in that City. Our _Juel_ saith of him, that he must ingeniously confess, that he never understood _Solomon's Proverbs_ until _Lavater_ expounded them to him: That Book of his _De Spectris_ hath been published in _Latin_, High and Low _Dutch_, _French_, _Italian_.

The learned _Zanchy_[21] speaks highly of it, professing that he had read it both with Pleasure and Profit. _Voetius_[22] takes notice of that pa.s.sage which we have quoted out of _Lavater_ as a thing memorable.

Some Popish Authors argue, That the Devil cannot personate an innocent Man as doing an act of Witchcraft, because then he might as well represent them as committing Theft, Murder, _&c._ And if so, there would be no living in the World: But I turn the Argument against them, he may (as the mentioned Instances prove) personate honest Men as doing other Evils; and no solid Reason can be given why he may not as well personate them under the Notion of Witches, as under the Notion of Thieves, Murderers, and Idolaters: As for the Objection, that then there would be no living in the World, we shall consider it under the next Argument.

Arg. 3. _If Satan may not represent one that is not a Covenant Servant of his, as afflicting those that are bewitched or possessed, then it is either because he wants Will, or Power to do this, or because G.o.d will never permit him thus to do._ No man but a Sadduce doubts of the ill will of Devils; nothing is more pleasing to the Malice of those wicked Spirits than to see Innocency wronged: And the Power of the Enemy is such, as that having once obtained a Divine Concession to use his Art, he can do this and much more than this amounts unto: We know by Scripture-Revelation, that the Sorcerers of _Egypt_ caused many untrue and delusive [23]Representations before _Pharaoh_ and his Servants.

_Exod. 7.11, 22._ and _8.7._ And we read of the working of Satan in all Power and Signs, and lying Wonders. _2 Thess. 2.9._ His Heart is beyond what the wisest of Men may pretend unto: He has perfect skill in Opticks, and can therefore cause that to be visible to one, which is not so to another, and things also to appear far otherwise then they are: He has likewise the Art of Limning in the Perfection of it, and knows what may be done by Colours. It is an odd pa.s.sage[24] which I find in the _Acta Eruditorum_, printed by _Lipsick_, that about Thirty-two Years ago an indigent Merchant in _France_ was instructed by a _Daemon_, that with Water of _Borax_ he might colour Taffities, so as to cause them to glister and look very gay: He searcheth into the Nature, Causes, and Reasons of things, whereby he is able to produce wonderful effects. So that if he does not form the Shape of an innocent Person as afflicting others, it is not from want of either will or power. They that affirm, that G.o.d never did, nor ever will permit him thus to do, alledge that it is inconsistent with the Righteousness and Providence of G.o.d, in governing Humane Affairs thus to suffer Men to be imposed on: It must be acknowledged[25] that the Divine Providence has taken care, that the greatest part of Mankind shall not be left to unavoidable Deception, so as to be always abused by the mischievous Agents of h.e.l.l, in the Objects of plain Sence: But yet it is not for sinful and silly Mortals to prescribe Rules to the most High in his Government of the World, or to direct him how far he may permit Satan to use his power: I am apt to think that there are some amongst us, who if they had lived in _Job's_ days, and seen the Devil tormenting of him, and heard him complaining of being scared with Dreams, and terrified with Night-visions, they would have joined with his uncharitable Friends in censuring him as a most guilty Person: But we should consider, that the most high G.o.d doth sometimes deal with Men in a way of absolute Sovereignty, performing the thing which is appointed for them, and many such things are with him: If he does destroy the _perfect with the wicked, and laugh at the tryal of the innocent_, (_Job 9.22, 23._) Who shall enter into his Councils! who has given him a Charge over the Earth! or who has disposed the whole World! Men are not able to give an account of his ordinary Works, much less of his secret Counsels, and the dark Dispensations of his Providence: They do but darken Counsel by Words without Knowledge when they undertake it: If we are not able to see how this or that can stand with the Righteousness of him that governs the World, shall we say that the Almighty will pervert Judgment? or that he that governs the Earth hateth Right? Shall we condemn him that is most just? But whereas 'tis objected; where is Providence? And how shall Men live on the Earth, if the Devil may be permitted to use such Power? I demand, where was Providence, when Satan had Power to cause Sons of _Belial_ to lye and swear away the Life of innocent _Naboth_, laying such Crimes to his charge as he was never guilty of? And what an Hour of Darkness was it?

How far was the Power of h.e.l.l permitted to prevail, when Christ the Son of G.o.d was accused, condemned, and hanged for a Crime that he never was guilty of? That was the strangest Providence that has happened since the World began, and yet in the Issue the most glorious: We must therefore distinguish between what does ordinarily come to pa.s.s by the Providence of G.o.d, and things which are extraordinary: It is not an usual thing for a _Naboth_ to have his Life taken from him by false Accusations, or for an _Athanasius_ or a _Susanna_ to be charged, and perhaps brought before Courts of Judicature for Crimes of which they were altogether innocent.

But if we therefore conclude, that such a thing as this can never happen in the World, we shall offend against the Generation of the Just: It is not ordinary for Devils to be permitted to reveal the secret Sins of Men; yet this has been done more than once or twice: Nor is it ordinary for _Daemons_ to steal Money out of Mens Pockets, and Purses, or Wine and Cyder out of their Cellars. Yet some such Instances have there been amongst our selves. It is not usual for Providence to permit the Devil to come from h.e.l.l and to throw Fire on the tops of Houses, and to cause a whole Town to be burnt to Ashes thereby; there would (it must be confessed) be no living in the World, if evil Angels should be permitted to do thus when they had a mind to it; nevertheless, Authors worthy of Credit, tell us, that this has sometimes happened. Both _Erasmus_[26]

and _Carda.n.u.s_ write that the Town of _Schiltach_ in _Germany_, was in the Month of _April_, 1533. set on fire by a Devil, and burnt to the ground in an Hour's s.p.a.ce: 'Tis also reported by _Sigibert_, _Aventinus_ and others, that some Cottages and Barns in a Town called _Bingus_ were fired by a wicked _Genius_; that spiteful _Daemon_ said it was for the Impieties of such a Man whom he named, that he was sent to molest them: The poor Man to satisfie his Neighbours, who were ready to Stone him, carried an hot Iron in his Hand, but receiving no hurt thereby, he was judged to be innocent. It is not ordinary for a Devil upon the dying Curse of a Servant, to have a Commission from Heaven to tear and torment a b.l.o.o.d.y cruel Master; yet such a thing may possibly come to pa.s.s. There is a fearful Story to this purpose, in the account of the _Bucuneers_ of _America_,[27] wherein my Author relates that a Servant, who was _Spirited_ or _Kidnapt_ (as they call it) into _America_, falling into the Hands of a Tyrannical Master, he ran away from him, but being taken and brought back, the hard-hearted Tyrant lashed him on his naked Back, until his Body ran in an entire stream of Blood; to make the Torment of this miserable Creature intolerable, he anointed his Wounds with Juice of Lemon mingled with Salt and Pepper, being ground small together, with which torture the miserable Wretch gave up the Ghost, with these dying Words, _I beseech the Almighty G.o.d, Creator of Heaven and Earth, that he permit a wicked Spirit, to make thee feel as many Torments before thy Death, as thou hast caused me to feel before mine:_ Scarce four days were past after this horrible Fact, when the Almighty Judge gave Permission to the Father of Wickedness to possess the Body of that cruel Master, and to make him lacerate his own Flesh until he died, belike surrendring his Ghost into the Hands of the infernal Spirit, who had tormented his Body: But of this Tragical Story enough.

To proceed, Is it not usual for Persons after their Death to appear unto the Living: But it does not therefore follow, that the great G.o.d will not suffer this to be: For both in former and latter Ages, Examples thereof have not been wanting: No longer since than the last Winter, there was much discourse in _London_ concerning a Gentlewoman, unto whom her dead Son (and another whom she knew not) had appeared: Being then in _London_, I was willing to satisfie my self, by enquiring into the Truth of what was reported; and on _Febr. 23. 1691._ my Brother (who is now a Pastor to a Congregation in that City) and I discoursed the Gentlewoman spoken of; she told us, that a Son of hers, who had been a very civil young Man, but more airy in his Temper than was pleasing to his serious Mother, being dead, she was much concerned in her Thoughts about his Condition in the other World; but a Fortnight after his Death he appeared to her, saying, _Mother you are solicitous about my Spiritual Welfare; trouble your self no more, for I am happy_, and so vanished; should there be a continual Intercourse between the Visible and Invisible World, it would breed Confusion. But from thence to infer, that the great Ruler of the Universe will never permit any thing of this nature to be, is an inconsequent Conclusion; it is not usual for Devils to be permitted to come and violently carry away persons through the Air, several miles from their Habitations: Nevertheless, this was done in _Sweedland_ about twenty Years ago, by means of a cursed Knot of Witches there. And a learned Physician now living, giveth an account of several Children, who by Diabolical Frauds were stollen from their Parents, and others left in their room: And of two, that in the night-time a Line was by invisible Hands put about their Necks, with which they had been strangled, but that some near them happily prevented it. _V. Germ. Ephem. Anno 1689._ pag. 51. 516.

Let me further add here; It has very seldom been known, that Satan has Personated innocent Men doing an ill thing, but Providence has found out some way for their Vindication; either they have been able to prove that they were in another place when that Fact was done, or the like. So that perhaps there never was an Instance of any innocent Person Condemned in any Court of Judicature on Earth, only through Satans deluding and imposing on the Imaginations of Men, when nevertheless, the Witnesses, Juries, and Judges, were all to be excused from blame.

Arg. 4. _It is certain both from Scripture and History, that Magicians by their Inchantments and h.e.l.lish Conjurations, may cause a false Representation of Persons and Things._ An inchanted eye shall see such things as others cannot discern; it is a thing too well known to be denied, that some by rubbing their eyes with a bewitched Water, have immediately thereupon seen that which others could not discern; and there are Persons in the World, who have a strange _Spectral sight_. Mr.

_Glanvil_[28] speaks of a Dutchman that could see Ghosts which others could perceive nothing of. There are in _Spain_ a sort of men whom they call _Zahurs_, these can see into the Bowels of the Earth; they are able to discover Minerals and hidden Treasures; nevertheless, they have their extraordinary sight only on _Tuesdays_ and _Fridays_, and not on the other days of the Week. _Delrio_ saith, that when he was at _Madrid_, _Anno Dom. 1575._ he saw some of these strange sighted Creatures. Mr.

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