Days of Heaven Upon Earth Part 52

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"Launch out into the deep" (Luke v. 4).

One of the special marks of the Holy Ghost in the Apostolic Church was the spirit Of boldness. One of the most essential qualities of the faith that is to attempt great things for G.o.d and expect great things from G.o.d, is holy audacity. Where we are dealing with a supernatural Being, and taking from Him things that are humanly impossible, it is easier to take much than little; it is easier to stand in a place of audacious trust than in a place of cautious, timid clinging to the sh.o.r.e. Like wise seamen in the life of faith, let us launch out into the deep, and find that all things are possible with G.o.d, and all things are possible unto him that believeth.

Let us to-day attempt great things for G.o.d, take His faith and believe for them and His strength to accomplish them.

The mercy of G.o.d is an ocean divine, A boundless and fathomless flood; Launch out in the deep, cut away the sh.o.r.e-line, And be lost in the fulness of G.o.d.

Oh, let us launch out in this ocean so broad, Where the floods of salvation o'erflow, Oh, let us be lost in the mercy of G.o.d, Till the depth of His fulness we know.


"According to the measure of the rule which G.o.d hath distributed" (II.

Cor. x. 13).

According to thy faith be it unto thee was Christ's great law of healing and blessing in His earthly ministry. This was what He meant when He said, "With what measure ye mete it shall be measured to you again." These mighty measures are limited by the the measures that we bring. G.o.d deals out His heavenly treasures to us in these glorious vessels, but each of us must bring our drinking cup, and according to its measure we shall be filled.

But even the measure of our faith may be a Divine one. Thank G.o.d, the little cup has become enlarged through the grace of Jesus, until from its bottom there flows a pipe into the great ocean, and if that connection is kept open we shall find that our cup is as large as the ocean and never can be drained to the bottom. For He has said to us, "Have the faith of G.o.d," and surely this is an illimitable measure.

Let us claim the mighty promise, Let us light the torches dim; Let us join the glorious chorus, Nothing is too hard for Him.


"I pray not for the world, but for them" (John xvii. 9).

How often we say we would like to get some strong spirit to pray for us, and feel so helped when we think they are carrying us in their faith. But there is One whose prayers never fail to be fulfilled and who is more willing to give them to us than any human friend. His one business at G.o.d's right hand is to make intercession for His people, and we are simply coming in the line of His own appointment and His own definite promise and provision, when we lay our burdens upon Him and claim His advocacy without doubt or fear. "Seeing then that we have a great High Priest that is pa.s.sed into the heavens, Jesus, the Son of G.o.d, let us come boldly to the throne of grace that we may find help in time of need."

Like a golden censer glowing, Filled with burning odors rare, All my heart is upward flowing, In a cloud of ceaseless prayer.

O'er the heavenly altar bending, Jesus interceding stands, All our prayers to heaven ascending, Reach the Father through His hands.


"To abide in the flesh is more needful for you, and having this confidence, I know that I shall abide" (Phil. i. 24, 25).

One of the most blessed things about divine healing is that the strength it brings is holy strength, and finds its natural and congenial outflow in holy acts and exercises.

Mere natural strength seeks its gratification in natural pleasures and activities, but the strength of Christ leads us to do as Christ would do, and to seek our congenial employment in His holy service.

The life of Christ in a human body saves it from a thousand temptations to self-indulgence and sin, and not only gives us strength for higher service, but also a desire for it, and puts into it a zest and spring which gives it double power.

Lord, help us to-day to claim Thy life and then give it for the help of others.

Have you found the branch of healing?

Pa.s.s it on.

Have you felt the Spirit's sealing, Pa.s.s it on.

'Twas for this His mercy sought you, And to all His fulness brought you, By the precious blood that bought you, Pa.s.s it on.


"He that abideth in Me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit for apart from Me ye can do nothing" (John xv. 5).

So familiar are the vine and the branches, it is not necessary to explain; only the branches and the vine are one. The vine does not say, I am the central trunk running up and you are the little branches; but I am the whole thing, and you are the whole thing. He counts us partakers of His nature. "Apart from Me ye can do nothing." The husband and the wife, and many more figures contribute to this marvelous Christ teaching, which has no parallel, no precedent in any other teaching under the sun; that Christ is the life of His people, and that we are absolutely linked with and dependent upon Him. All other systems teach how much man is and may become. Christianity shows how a man must lose all he is if he would come into full unity with Christ in His life.

Lord, help me this day to abide in Thee.

Oh! what a wonderful place Jesus has given to me!

Saved by His glorious grace, I may be even as He.


"Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree" (Isa. lv. 13).

Difficulties and obstacles are G.o.d's challenges to faith. When hindrances confront us in the path of duty we are to recognize them as vessels for faith to fill with the fulness and all-sufficiency of Jesus, and as we go forward, simply and fully trusting Him, we may be tested, we may have to wait and let patience have her perfect work, but we shall surely find at last the stone rolled away, and the Lord waiting to render unto us double for our time of testing, and fulfil the promise, "Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, instead of the brier the myrtle tree, and it shall be to the Lord for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off."

Oft there comes a wondrous message When my hopes are growing dim; I can hear it through the darkness, Like some sweet and far-off hymn.

Nothing is too hard for Jesus, No man can work like Him.

When my way is closed in darkness And my foes are fierce and grim, Still it sings above the conflict Like some glad, victorious hymn: Nothing is too hard for Jesus, No man can work like Him.


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