The Resources Of Quinola Part 6

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Monipodio (wrapped in a mantle, seated under the balcony of the Brancadori palace), Quinola (who glides forth cautiously like a thief, and brushes against Monipodio).

Monipodio Who is it dares to tread on my shoes?

Quinola (in ragged array) A gentleman, who does not wear any.

Monipodio That sounds like Lavradi.

Quinola Monipodio!--I thought that you had been--hanged!

Monipodio I thought that you had been beaten to death in Africa.

Quinola Alas, we have been beaten enough without going to Africa!

Monipodio And do you dare to show yourself here?

Quinola You seem comfortable enough here. As for me, I have the king's pardon in my pocket, and while I am waiting for my patent of n.o.bility I call myself Quinola.

Monipodio I suppose you stole your pardon?

Quinola Yes, from the king.

Monipodio And have you seen the king? (He sniffs at him.) You smell of poverty--

Quinola Like a poet's garret. And what are you doing?

Monipodio Nothing.

Quinola That is soon done; if it gives you any income, I would like to embrace your profession.

Monipodio I have been misunderstood, my friend! Hunted by our political enemies.

Quinola The judges, magistrates and police.

Monipodio It is necessary for a man to have a political party.

Quinola I understand you; from being the game you have become the hunter.

Monipodio What nonsense! I am always myself. I have merely come to an understanding with the viceroy. When one of my fellows has reached the end of his tether, I say to him: "Get off," and if he doesn't go, ah!

I hale him to justice--you understand!--That is not treachery is it?

Quinola It is prevision--

Monipodio And, by the bye, you have just come from court.

Quinola Listen. (Aside) Here is a man, the very one I want, knows everything in Barcelona. (Aloud) After what you have told me we ought to be friends.

Monipodio He who has my secret must be my friend--

Quinola You are as watchful here as if you were jealous. What is it? Come let us moisten our clay and wet our whistle with a bottle in some tavern; it is daybreak--

Monipodio Do you see how this palace is lit up for a feast? Don Fregose is dining and gaming at the house of Senora Faustine Brancadori.

Quinola Quite Venetian, Brancadori. 'Tis a rare name! She must be the widow of some patrician.

Monipodio She is twenty-two, subtle as musk, and governs the governor, and, let me tell you between ourselves, has already wheedled out of him all that he picked up under Charles V. in the wars of Italy. What comes from the flute--

Quinola The air takes. What is the age of the viceroy?

Monipodio He owns up to sixty years.

Quinola And yet they speak of first love! I know of nothing so terrible as last love; it strangles a man. I am happy that I have been brought up so far with unsinged wings! I might be a statesman--

Monipodio The old general is still young enough to employ me as a spy upon the Brancadori, while she pays me for her liberty; and--you can understand the joyous life I lead by making no mischief!

Quinola Now you want to know all, Old Curiosity, in order to place your thumb upon the throat of opportunity! (Monipodio nods a.s.sent.) Is Lothundiaz still alive?

Monipodio Yonder is his house, and this palace belongs to him; always grasping more and more property.

Quinola I had hoped to find the heiress her own mistress. My master is ruined!

Monipodio You bring back a master with you?

Quinola One who will bring me mines of gold.

Monipodio Could not I enter his service?

Quinola I am counting very much upon your co-operation here. Listen, Monipodio; we are going to change the face of the earth. My master has promised the king to make one of his finest vessels move through the water, without sails or oars, in the wind's eyes, more swiftly than the wind itself.

Monipodio (examining Quinola as he walks round him) Something has changed my friend.

Quinola Monipodio, please to remember that men like us must not be astonished at anything. Leave that to smaller people. The king has given us the s.h.i.+p, but without a doubloon to go and get her. We arrived here, therefore, with those two faithful companions of genius, hunger and thirst. A poor man who discovers a valuable idea has always seemed to me like a crumb of bread in a fish-pond; every fish takes a bite at him. We are likely to reach the goal of glory naked and dying.

Monipodio You are probably right.

Quinola One morning at Valladolid, my master was within an ace of divulging his secret to a philosopher who knew nothing of it. I warrant you, I showed that gentleman the door, with a dose of cudgel given with a good will.

Monipodio But how is it possible for us to gain a fortune honestly?

Quinola My master is in love. Now love forces a man to do as many foolish things as wise things. We two have first of all to protect our protector. My master is a philosopher who cannot keep accounts--

Monipodio Oh! my dear fellow, in choosing a master, you ought to have selected one--

Quinola Devotion and address count more with him than money; for money and favor to him are mere snares. I know him well; he will either give us or permit us to take enough to end our days in respectability.

Monipodio Ah! that is what I have dreamed of.

Quinola We must then use all our talents, which have been so far wasted, in carrying out this grand enterprise. We should have had a great deal of misfortune if the devil had not favored us.

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