The Resources Of Quinola Part 30

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Fontanares Us! Us!

Faustine Contradict me not, Alfonso! I have conquered all that is yours; do not refuse me your heart! You will never gain a love more devoted, more submissive, more full of sympathy than mine; for at last you shall become the great man that you deserve to be.

Fontanares Your audacity astounds me. (He shows the letter.) With a sum of money guaranteed me here I am once more the sole arbiter of my destiny. When the king sees the character and the results of my work, he will cancel that marriage, which has been obtained by violence. And my love for Marie is such that I can wait till then.

Faustine Fontanares, if I love you distractedly, it is perhaps because of that delightful simplicity, which is the badge of genius--

Fontanares (aside) Her smile freezes me to the heart.

Faustine That gold you speak of--is it already in your possession?

Fontanares It is here.

Faustine And would I have let them give that to you, if I thought you would ever receive it? To-morrow you will find all your creditors standing between you and the possession of that sum, which you owe to them.

What can you accomplish without gold? Your struggle will begin over again! But your work, O great, but simple man, has not been dispersed in fragments; it is all mine; my instrument, Mathieu Magis, has acquired possession of it. I hold it at my feet, in my palace. I am the only one who would not rob you either of your glory, or of your fortune, for what would this be, but to rob myself?

Fontanares It is you, then, cursed Venetian woman!

Faustine Yes--since the moment you insulted me, upon this spot, I have directed everything; it is at my bidding that Magis, and Sarpi, and your creditors, and the landlord of the Golden Sun, and the workmen have acted! But ah! How great a love underlay this simulated hatred. Tell me, have you never been roused from your slumber by a falling teardrop, the pearl of my repentance, while I was gazing at you with admiration--you--the martyr that I wors.h.i.+ped?

Fontanares No! you are not a woman--

Faustine Ah! There is more than woman, in a woman who loves as I do.

Fontanares And, as you are not a woman, I could kill you.

Faustine What of that, provided it were your hand that did it? (Aside) He hates me!

Fontanares I am seeking for--

Faustine Is it anything I can find for you?

Fontanares --A punishment great enough for your crime.

Faustine Can there be any punishment which a woman who loves can feel? Come, try me.

Fontanares You love me, Faustine. Am I all of life to you? Do you really make my grief your own?

Faustine One pang of yours becomes a thousand pangs to me!

Fontanares If then I die, you will die also. 'Tis plain, therefore, although your life is not worthy to be set against the love that I have lost, my course is taken.

Faustine Ah!

Fontanares With crossed arms I will await the day of my arrest. At the same stroke the soul of Marie and my soul shall rise to heaven.

Faustine (flinging herself at the feet of Fontanares) O Alfonso! Here, at your feet, I will remain till you have promised me--

Fontanares Leave me, shameless courtesan! (He spurns her.)

Faustine You have spoken this openly and in public; but remember, men oftentimes insult that which they are destined eventually to adore.


The same persons and Don Fregose.

Don Fregose Silence! Wretched journeyman! I refrain from transfixing your heart with my sword, only because I intend you to pay more dearly for this insult.

Faustine Don Fregose! I love this man; whether he makes of me his slave or his wife, my love shall be the aegis of his life.

Fontanares Am I to be the victim of fresh persecutions, my lord? I am overwhelmed with joy. Deal me a thousand blows; they will be multiplied a thousand fold, she says, in her heart. I am ready!


The same persons and Quinola.

Quinola Sir!

Fontanares And you also have betrayed me; you!

Quinola Off goes Monipodio, wafted towards Africa with recommendations on his hands and feet.

Fontanares What of that?

Quinola Under the pretext of robbing you, I have concealed in a cellar a second machine, for I took care that two should be made, while we only paid for one.

Fontanares Thus it is that a true friend renders despair impossible. (He embraces Quinola.) (To Fregose) My lord, write to the king and build, overlooking the harbor, an amphitheatre for two hundred thousand spectators; in ten days I will fulfill my promise, and Spain shall behold a s.h.i.+p propelled by steam in the face of wind and waves. I will wait until there is a storm that I may show how I can prevail against it.

Faustine (to Quinola) You have manufactured a machine--

Quinola No, I have manufactured two, as a provision against ill-luck.

Faustine What devils have you called in to a.s.sist you?

Quinola The three children of Job: Silence, Patience and Perseverance.

(Exeunt Fontanares and Quinola.)


Faustine and Don Fregose.

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