The Resources Of Quinola Part 28

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Fontanares You must at least tell me, how are you going to effect this?

Quinola No, senor, if you knew my secret, all would be ruined; you are a man of talent, and a man of talent is always simple as a child.



(The setting represents the drawing-room in Senora Brancadori's palace.)

Faustine (alone) The hour is come, to which all my efforts for the last fourteen months have been looking for fulfillment. In a few moments Fontanares will see that Marie is forever lost to him. Avaloros, Sarpi and I have lulled the genius to forgetfulness, and have brought the man up to the very day when his experiment was to have taken place, so that he stands helpless and dest.i.tute. Oh! how totally is he in my power, just as I had wished! But does a person ever change from contempt to love?

No, never. Little does he know that for a twelvemonth I have been his adversary, and the misfortune is, that when he does know he will hate me! But hatred is not the opposite of love, it is merely the obverse of the golden coin. I shall tell him everything; I shall make him hate me.


Faustine and Paquita.

Paquita Senora, your orders have been most exactly carried out by Monipodio.

Senorita Lothundiaz has just been informed by her duenna, of the peril which threatens Senor Fontanares this evening.

Faustine Sarpi must be here by this time. Tell him I wish to speak to him.

(Exit Paquita.)


Faustine (alone) We must baffle the plans of Monipodio. Quinola fears he has received the order to get rid of Fontanares; it is too bad that there should be ground for such a fear.


Faustine and Don Fregose.

Faustine Your arrival is timely, senor, I wish to ask a favor of you.

Don Fregose Say, rather, that you wish to confer one on me.

Faustine Monipodio must disappear from Barcelona--yea, and from Catalonia, within two hours; send him to Africa.

Don Fregose What has he done to you?

Faustine Nothing.

Don Fregose Well, what is your reason.

Faustine Simply because--You understand?

Don Fregose Your wish shall be obeyed. (He writes.)


The same persons and Sarpi.

Faustine Have you made the necessary preparations, cousin, for your immediate marriage with Marie Lothundiaz?

Sarpi I have, and her good father has taken care that the contract should be ready.

Faustine That is well! Send word to the convent of the Dominicans. The rich heiress will freely consent to be wedded to you at midnight; she will accept any conditions, when she sees (whispering to Sarpi) Fontanares in the hands of justice.

Sarpi I quite understand, and the only thing now is to have him arrested. My good fortune seems invincible! And--I owe it all to you. (Aside) What instrument is there more powerful than the hatred of a woman!

Don Fregose Sarpi, see that this order is strictly carried out and with no delay.

(Exit Sarpi.)


The same persons excepting Sarpi.

Don Fregose And what of your own marriage?

Faustine My lord, I can think of nothing at present except the coming banquet; you shall have my answer this evening. (Fontanares appears.) (Aside) Oh, there he comes! (To Fregose) If you love me, leave me a while.

Don Fregose Alone with him?

Faustine Yes, so I desire.

Don Fregose After all he loves no one but his Marie Lothundiaz. (Exit.)


Faustine and Fontanares.

Fontanares The palace of the king of Spain is not more splendid than yours, senora, and you here display all the pomp of royalty.

Faustine Listen to me, dear Fontanares.

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