The Resources Of Quinola Part 22

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All The devil!

Fontanares Ah! I must keep watch upon my tongue or one word will throw me into the clutches of the Inquisition! No glory can recompense me for such sufferings as these!

Coppolus (to Carpano) Shall we have it sold?

Fontanares But to be worth anything, the machine must be finished, and one piece of it is wanting, of which the model is before you. (Coppolus and Carpano consult together.) Two hundred sequins more would be required for its completion.


The same persons, Quinola (disguised as a fantastic old man), Monipodio (fancifully dressed), the landlord of the Golden Sun.

The Landlord of the Golden Sun (pointing to Fontanares) Senor, that is he.

Quinola And so you have lodged the grandson of General Fontanares in a stable!

The republic of Venice will set him in a palace! My dear boy, let me embrace you. (He steps up to Fontanares.) The most n.o.ble republic has learned of your promises to the king of Spain, and I have left the a.r.s.enal at Venice, over which I preside, in order that--(aside to Fontanares) I am Quinola.

Fontanares Never was an ancestor restored to life more opportunely--

Quinola In what a miserable condition I find you!--Is this then the antechamber of glory!

Fontanares Misery is the crucible in which G.o.d tests our strength.

Quinola Who are these people?

Fontanares Creditors and workmen clamoring for their wages.

Quinola (to the landlord) Rascal of a landlord, is this the dwelling-place of my grandson?

The Landlord Certainly, your excellency.

Quinola I have some knowledge of the laws of Catalonia, and I shall send for the magistrate to put these rogues in prison. You may call down the bailiffs upon my grandson, but keep to your own houses, you blackguards! (He fumbles in his pocket.) Stay! Now go and drink my health. (He throws money among them.) Come to me later on and you shall be paid.

The Workmen Long live his excellency! (Exeunt.)

Quinola (to Fontanares) Our last doubloon! But it was a good bluff.


The same persons, without the host and the workmen.

Quinola (to the two tradesmen) As for you, my good fellows, you seem to be made of better stuff, and by the intervention of a little money we can come to a settlement.

Coppolus Yes, we shall then, your excellency, be at your service.

Quinola Do I see here, my son, that famous invention about which Venice is so excited? Where is the plan, the elevation, the section, the working drawings of the machine?

Coppolus (to Carpano) He knows all about it, but we must get further information before advancing anything.

Quinola You are an amazing man, my son! Like Columbus, you will yet have your day. (He kneels.) I thank G.o.d for the honor He had done our family.

(To the merchants) Two hours from this I will pay you.

(Exeunt Coppolus and Carpano.)


Quinola, Fontanares and Monipodio.

Fontanares What will be the result of this imposture?

Quinola You were tottering on the brink of an abyss, and I rescued you.

Monipodio It was well impersonated! But the Venetians have abundance of money, and in order to obtain three months' credit, we must throw dust into the eyes of the creditors, and this is the most expensive kind of dust.

Quinola Didn't I tell you that there was a treasure coming? Well it's here now.

Monipodio Coming of its own accord?

(Quinola a.s.sents with a nod.)

Fontanares His effrontery terrifies me.


The same persons, Mathieu Magis and Don Ramon.

Mathieu Magis I have brought Don Ramon to you, for I wish to do nothing without his sanction.

Don Ramon (to Fontanares) Senor, I am delighted at this opportunity of sharing the work of so eminent a man of science. We two will be enabled to bring your invention to the highest perfection.

Quinola Senor knows mechanics, ballistics, mathematics, dioptrics, catoptrics, statistics?

Don Ramon Indeed I do. I have purchased many valuable treatises.

Quinola In Latin?

Don Ramon No, in Spanish.

Quinola No true philosopher, senor, writes in anything but Latin. There is a danger that science may be vulgarized. Do you know Latin?

Don Ramon Yes, senor.

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