The Resources Of Quinola Part 18

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Faustine and Mathieu Magis.

Mathieu Magis I am told the senora has need of my poor services.

Faustine Pray tell me, who are you?

Mathieu Magis Mathieu Magis, a poor Lombard of Milan, at your service.

Faustine You lend money?

Mathieu Magis I lend it on good security--diamonds or gold--a very poor business.

Our losses are overwhelming, senora. And at present money seems actually to be asleep. The raising of maravedis is the hardest of farm-labor. One unfortunate deal carries off the profits of ten lucky strokes, for we risk a thousand doubloons in the hands of a prodigal for three hundred doubloons profit. The world is very unjust to us.

Faustine Are you a Jew?

Mathieu Magis In what sense do you mean?

Faustine In religion.

Mathieu Magis I am a Lombard and a Catholic, senora.

Faustine You disappoint me.

Mathieu Magis Senora would have wished--

Faustine I would have wished that you were in the clutches of the Inquisition.

Mathieu Magis Why so?

Faustine That I might be certain of your fidelity.

Mathieu Magis I keep many secrets in my strong box, senora.

Faustine If I had your fortune in my power--

Mathieu Magis You would have my soul.

Faustine (aside) The only way to gain this man's adherence is by appealing to his self-interest, that is plain. (Aloud) You lend--

Mathieu Magis At twenty per cent.

Faustine You don't understand what I mean. Listen; you are lending the use of your name to Senor Avaloros.

Mathieu Magis I know Senor Avaloros. He is a banker; we do some business together, but his name in the city stands too high and his credit in the Mediterranean is too sound for him to need the help of poor Mathieu Magis--

Faustine I see, Lombard, you are very cautious. If you wish to lend your name to promote an important business undertaking--

Mathieu Magis Is it smuggling?

Faustine What difference does it make? The question is, what would guarantee your absolute silence?

Mathieu Magis High profit.

Faustine (aside) This is a rare hunting dog. (Aloud) Very well, I am going to entrust you with a secret of life and death, for I purpose giving up to you a great man to devour.

Mathieu Magis My small business feeds on the great pa.s.sions of life; (aside) where there is a fine woman, there is a fine profit.

Curtain to the Second Act.



(The stage setting is the interior of a stable. Overhead are piles of hay; along the walls are wheels, tubes, shafts, a long copper chimney, a huge boiler. To the left of the spectator the Madonna is sculptured on a pillar. To the right is a table strewn with paper and mathematical instruments. Above the table hangs on the wall a blackboard covered with figures; by the side of the table is a shelf on which are onions, a water crock and a loaf. To the right of the spectator is a wide door, and to the left, a door opening on the fields. A straw bed lies by the side of the pillar at the feet of the Madonna. It is night-time.)

Fontanares and Quinola.

(Fontanares, in a black robe girded by a leathern belt, works at his table. Quinola is checking the various parts of the machine.)

Quinola Though you wouldn't think it, senor, I also have been in love! Only when I have once understood the woman, I have always bade her good-bye. A full pot and bottle, ah! these never betray, and moreover, you grow fat on them. (He glances at his master.) Pshaw! He doesn't even hear me. There are three more pieces ready for the forge. (He opens the door.) Here is Monipodio!


The same persons and Monipodio.

Quinola The last three pieces have come in. Bring the models and make duplicates of them, as a provision against accident.

(Monipodio beckons to Quinola from the pa.s.sage; two men make their appearance.)

Monipodio Carry these away, boys, and not a sound! Vanish like spectres. This is worse than theft. (To Quinola) He is dead and buried in his work.

Quinola He suspects nothing as yet.

Monipodio Neither they nor any one else suspect us. Each piece is wrapped up like a jewel and hidden in a cellar. But we need thirty ducats.

Quinola Zounds!

Monipodio Thirty rascals built like those fellows eat as much as sixty ordinary men.

Quinola Quinola and Company have failed, and I am a fugitive!

Monipodio From protests?

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