The Resources Of Quinola Part 11

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A vessel is at your service in the harbor.

Faustine No, my lord, the night of pleasure has wearied me, and a sail would prove too much. I am not obliged, like you, to be indefatigable; youth loves sleep, give me leave then to retire and take a little rest.

Don Fregose You never say anything to me but that your words contain some innuendo.

Faustine You ought to be grateful that I do not take you seriously!

(Exeunt Faustine, the Viceroy and Paquita.)


Avaloros, Quinola, Monipodio, Fontanares and Sarpi.

Sarpi (to Avaloros) It is too late for a sail.

Avaloros I do not care; I have won ten crowns in gold.

(Sarpi and Avaloros talk together.)

Fontanares (to Monipodio) Who is this person?

Monipodio It is Avaloros, the richest banker of Catalonia; he has bought the whole Mediterranean to be his tributary.

Quinola I feel my heart filled with tenderness towards him.

Monipodio Every one of us owns him as our master.

Avaloros (to Fontanares) Young man, I am a banker; if your business is a good one, next to the protection of G.o.d and that of the king, nothing is as good as that of a millionaire.

Sarpi (to the banker) Make no engagements at present. You and I together will easily be able to make ourselves masters of this enterprise.

Avaloros (to Fontanares) Very well, my friend, you must come to see me.

(Monipodio secretly robs him of his purse.)


Monipodio, Fontanares and Quinola.

Quinola (to Fontanares) Are you making a good beginning here?

Monipodio Don Fregose is jealous of you.

Quinola Sarpi is bent on defeating your enterprise.

Monipodio You are posing as a giant before dwarfs who are in power! Before you put on these airs of pride, succeed! People who succeed make themselves small, slip into small openings and glide inward to the treasure.

Quinola Glory? But my dear sir, it can only be obtained by theft.

Fontanares Do you wish me to abase myself?

Monipodio Yes, in order that you may gain your point.

Fontanares Pretty good for a Sarpi! I shall make an open struggle for it. But what obstacle do you see between success and me? Am I not on my way to the harbor to choose a fine galleon?

Quinola Ah! I am superst.i.tious on that point. Sir, do not choose the galley!

Fontanares I see no reason why I shouldn't.

Quinola You have had no experience! You have had something else to make discoveries about. Ah, sir, we are moneyless, without credit at any inn, and if I had not met this old friend who loves me, for there are friends who hate you, we should have been without clothes--

Fontanares But she loves me! (Marie waves her handkerchief at the window.) See, see, my star is s.h.i.+ning!

Quinola Why, sir, it is a handkerchief! Are you sufficiently in your right mind to take a bit of advice? This is not the sort of madonna for you; you need a Marchioness of Mondejar--one of those slim creatures, clad in steel, who through love are capable of all the expedients which distress makes necessary. Now the Brancadori--

Fontanares If you want me to throw the whole thing up you will go on talking like that! Bear that in mind; love gives the only strength I have. It is the celestial light that leads me on.

Quinola There, there, do not excite yourself.

Monipodio This man makes me anxious! He seems to me rather to be possessed by the machinery of love than by the love of machinery.


The same persons and Paquita.

Paquita (to Fontanares) My mistress bids me tell you, senor, that you must be on your guard.

You are the object of implacable hatred to certain persons.

Monipodio That is my business. You may go without fear through all the streets of Barcelona; if any one seeks your life, I shall be the first to know it.

Fontanares Danger! Already?

Paquita You have given me no answer for her.

Quinola No, my pet, people don't think about two machines at the same time; tell your divine mistress that my master kisses her feet. I am a bachelor, sweet angel, and wish to make a happy end.

(He kisses her.)

Paquita (slapping him in the face) You fool!

Quinola Oh, charming!

(Exit Paquita.)

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