Ossian in Germany Part 19

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Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Litteraturgeschichte. N. F. Vol. 10.

Weimar. pp. 11750, 385418: Lenz' ubersetzungen aus dem Englischen. Von Karl H. Clarke. III. Die Ossianubersetzung. Pope-Yarrows Ufer. pp.

40613: Ossian.

Cf. Iris, 17756.

@1897.@ Englische Studien. Vol. 23. Leipzig. pp. 366401: Ossian in der schonen Litteratur Englands bis 1832. Ossian in der Dichtung der sogenannten 'Englischen Romantiker.' Von Br. Schnabel. Cf. _supra_.


Beschnitt, Johannes: Ossian.-Song for male chorus, text by W. Dunker.

Brahms, Johannes: Darthula's Grabgesang. Op. 42, No. 3. Text by Herder (cf. Volkslieder, 1779).

Gesang aus Fingal, von Ossian.

Ditters von Dittersdorf, Karl: Das Madchen von Cola, ein Gesang Ossians.

(Leipzig, 1795.) Review: Neue allg. deutsche Bibl., Anhang zum 1. bis 28. Bande, i, p. 204 (1797).

Gade, Niels Wilhelm: Nachklange von Ossian. Ouverture fur Orchester. Op.

1. (Won the prize offered by the Musical Society of Copenhagen in 1841). Fur Militarmusik bearbeitet von Albert Thomas; fur Pianoforte und Violine arrangirt von Friedrich Hermann; etc.

Comala. Dramatisches Gedicht nach Ossian. Op. 12. A cantata for soli, chorus and orchestra. Translated into English by J. C. D.

Parker, Dwight's Journal of Music, 1877.

Gottschalk, Louis Moreau: Marsch der Geister Ossians. (Marche de Nuit.) Op. 17.

Kastner, Johann Georg: Oskar's Tod, grosse Oper in vier Akten.

(Stra.s.sburg, 1833.) Subject from Temora, Bk. i, pp. 30811 (not from Fingal, as stated in Riemann's Opern Handbuch).

Kunzen, Friedrich Ludwig Aemilius: Ossians Harfe. An opera composed for the Danish stage in 1799. Text by Jens Baggesen.

Lowe, Johann Carl Gottfried: Gesang Ossians. Alpin's Klage um Morar. Op.

94. From The Songs of Selma, p. 210, last l.p. 211, l. 34.

MendelssohnBartholdy, Felix: Fingal's Hohle. Ouverture.

Reichardt, Johann Friedrich: Lieder der Liebe und Einsamkeit. 2. Theil.

Leipzig, 1804. Contains a few Ossianic songs. Cf. Gurlitt, 1805.

Schubert, Franz: Ossians Gesange fur eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des PianoForte. A number of Ossianic songs with the following t.i.tles: Die Nacht. Cronnan. Kolma's Klage. Loda's Gespenst. s.h.i.+lric und Vinvela. Der Tod Oscars. Ossian's Lied nach dem Falle Nathos'. Das Madchen von Inistore.

Seckendorff, Karl Siegmund Freiherr von: Darthulas Grabesgesang. Text by Herder (cf. Volkslieder, 1779). Cf. Volks und andere Lieder, ... In Musik gesetzt von Siegmund Freyherrn von Seckendorff. Dritte Sammlung.

Dessau, 1782, pp. 2631.

Dauras Trauer. Text in rimed quatrains by Seckendorff. Cf. _op.

cit._, Vol. 1, Weimar, 1779, pp. 124, and cp. _supra_, p. 45.

Weber, Bernhard Anselm: Sulmalla, ein lyrisches Duodrama mit Ch.o.r.en.

Text by Karl Alexander Harklots. (Berlin, 1802.)

Zumsteeg, Johann Rudolf: Ossian's Sonnengesang. Text by F. W. von Hoven, cf. _supra_, p. 21.

Ossian auf Slimora. Notice in Schubart's Chronik, 1790, ii, p. 774.

Colma. Text from Goethe's translation in Werthers Leiden. (Leipzig, 1801.) Cf. Deutsche Rundschau, Vol. 74, p. 430.

(Ossian. Eine Sammlung von Volksliedern und Compositionen neuerer Meister fur gemischten Chor. Published by C. F. Kahnt Nachf., Leipzig, 1867. A collection of German folksongs, etc., containing no Ossianic songs whatsoever.)


Harnisch, Carl: Bildliche Darstellungen in Arabeskenform zu Ossians Gedichten. [Berlin], 1835. Six drawings ill.u.s.trating scenes from CathLoda, Comala, Lathmon, Fingal (2), and Temora. Cf. Nagler, KunstlerLexicon, Vol. 5, pp. 5645.

Krafft, Peter: Ossian. A painting representing the blind bard led by Malvina, "am brandenden Meeresufer sein Schwanenlied in die Saiten brausend." Cf. Nagler, KunstlerLexicon, Vol. 7, p. 153. An etching from this painting was made by Ignaz Rungaldier. A cut appeared in Aglaja.

Taschenbuch fur das Jahr 1824. Wien.

Rehberg, Friedrich: Ossian und Malvina. A drawing "recently exhibited at Berlin" (Gurlitt, 1804).

Ruhl, Johann Christian: Ossian's Gedichte in Umrissen. Erfunden und radirt von J. C. Ruhl. Bildhauer in Ca.s.sel. 1. Heft. St. Petersburg, Penig und Leipzig, 1805. 2. Heft. St. Petersburg und Penig, 1806. 3. und letztes Heft. St. Petersburg, Penig und Leipzig, 1807. Cf. Nagler, KunstlerLexicon, Vol. 14, pp. 303. Advance Notice: Intelligenzblatt der Jenaischen Allg. Lit.Zeitung, 1805, i, p. 68. REVIEWS: Journal des Luxus und der Moden, 1805 (April), pp. 2101; 1806 (October), pp. 6402; 1808, pp. 18890. Allg. Lit.Zeitung, 1806, ii, pp. 3714; 1807, iii, pp. 5589; 1808, iv, pp. 7502. Bibl. der redenden und bildenden Kunste.

Leipzig. Vol. 2, ii, pp. 38894 (1806). Der Neue Teutsche Merkur, 1807, i, pp. 2006 (by Justi, cf _supra_, p. 47); 1807, iii, pp. 23942 (by Justi). An advance description of the entire collection appeared in Justi's Hessische Denkwurdigkeiten, Marburg, 1805, Vol. 4, i, pp. 4638.

Runge, Philipp Otto: Eight very large pictures in ill.u.s.tration of CathLoda, two to ill.u.s.trate the Death of Comhal and the Birth of Fingal (son of Comhal), and three pensketches (in outline) of Fingal, Oscar, and Ossian. Cp. _supra_, p. 47.

Weitsch, Friedrich Georg (Matthias): Comala. A large heroic painting, representing bards singing the praise of Comala by torchlight. Exhibited at the Berlinische Kunstausstellung of 1802. For A. W. v. Schlegel's criticism, cf. _supra_, p. 44. No. 2, Vol. 1, of the Tablettes d'un Amateur des Arts, Berlin, contains La Mort de Comala, a sketch after the painting by Weitsch, together with a description of the painting and the argument of the episode in Ossian.

Tod der Borminna, nach Ossian's Dichtung. A pendant to the above.

Cf. Allg. Deutsche Biog., Vol. 41, pp. 62930; Nagler, KunstlerLexicon, Vol. 21, pp. 26870.

Taschenbuch fur Damen auf das Jahr 1802. Herausgegeben von Huber, Lafontaine, Pfeffel, und andern. Mit Kupfern. Tubingen. 1. Kupfer: Malvina, in the midst of her companions, lamenting the death of Oscar.

Cf. Croma. Notice: Neue allg. deutsche Bibl., Vol. 73, ii, p. 522 (1802). 3. Kupfer: Colma's discovery of the bodies of her lover and her brother on the beach. Cf. the song of the unfortunate Colma, The Songs of Selma, p. 209, ll. 26 ff.

Among the CommissionsArtikel of the LandesIndustrieComptoir at Weimar cited in the IntelligenzBlatt des Neuen Teutschen Merkurs for April, 1805 (p. 67), mention is made of an engraving ill.u.s.trating Ossian's Dichtungen. "Ein grosses, reich komponirtes Blatt, gemalt von F[rancois]

Gerard, gestochen von J[ean] G.o.defroy in Paris." G.o.defroy's engraving was exhibited at the Paris Salon in 1804. A criticism of the engraving, by Goethe, had appeared in the Jenaische Allg. Lit.Zeitung, January, 1805, on pp. viiviii of the supplement: Weimarische Kunstausstellung vom Jahre 1804....

[For a notice of the scheme said to have been broached in Kingussie for an exhibition of paintings ill.u.s.trating the poems of Ossian, cf.

Saunders, _op. cit._, pp. 2367.]

[For a notice of a painting of Lamderg and Gelchossa (cf. Fingal, Bk. v, pp. 2578) in the Art Gallery of Yale University (by Col. John Trumbull), cf. Donald G. Mitch.e.l.l, English Lands, Letters and Kings, 1895, Vol. 3, p. 221.



--1. General Considerations upon the Reception of the Ossianic Poems in Germany.

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