Ossian in Germany Part 15

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Reise durch Schottland, seine Inseln, Danemark und einen Theil von Deutschland. Aus der Englischen Handschrift ubersetzt von D. W. Soltau.

3 vols. Leipzig.

Translation of James Macdonald's Journey, etc., by Dietrich Wilhelm Soltau, 17451827.-Vol. 2, pp. 190223: An attempt to establish the authenticity of Macpherson's Ossian, for an estimate of which cf.

Der Neue Teutsche Merkur, 1808, iii, pp. 778.-pp. 2167: German translation of Ossian's Apostrophe to the Sun as recited in Gaelic by Hugh Macdonald. The original Gaelic version is given on pp.

3034.-The book also contains reflections on the times of Ossian, references to geographical localities connected with the bard, etc.

REVIEWS: Allg. Lit.Zeitung, 1808, iii, pp. 72942.

Neue Leipziger Literaturzeitung, 1808, iii, pp. 162832.

@1809.@ Der Neue Teutsche Merkur. i, pp. 826: Ueber die neue Uebersetzung Ossians von Hrn. Prof. Ahlwardt.

A letter from Ahlwardt to the Editor, dated Oldenburg, Nov. 28, 1808, with reference to his forthcoming translation.

Mithridates oder allgemeine Sprachenkunde ... von Johann Christoph Adelung. 2 vols. Berlin. Vol. 2, Anhang, pp. 10441: uber den Ossian.

Reprinted from Der Neue Teutsche Merkur, 1806, _q. v._

REVIEW: Allg. Lit.Zeitung, 1809, ii, p. 736.

@1810.@ Der Neue Teutsche Merkur. ii, pp. 1864: Oisian's Fionnghal.

Erster Gesang. Aus dem Gaelischen, im der Urschrift von C.

W. Ahlwardt.

Pp. 189: Preface by B[ottiger]. pp. 4664: Notes.

Pantheon. Eine Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaft und Kunst. Leipzig. Vol. 2, ii, pp. 24682: Oisian's Tighmora. Erster Gesang. Aus dem Gaelischen, im des Originals, von C. W. Ahlwardt.

Pp. 2468: Argument; pp. 27282: Notes.

Oisian's Apostrophe an die Sonne, im des Originals.

(Programm) von Christian Wilhelm Ahlwardt. Oldenburg. 8 pp.

Translation of Carthon, p. 163, l. 32p. 164, end. The Gaelic original is given opposite, pp. 67: Notes.

Jenaische Allgemeine LiteraturZeitung, iv, pp. 56198: Review of Jung's, Petersen's, and Schubart's Translations (1808).

Geschichte der Poesie und Beredsamkeit seit dem Ende des dreizehnten Jahrhunderts. Von Friedrich Bouterwek. 12 vols. Gottingen, 180119. Vol.

8, pp. 3703: Macpherson's Ossianische Gedichte.

Discusses chiefly the authenticity of the poems. Cp. Deutsches Museum, 1788.

@1811.@ Die Gedichte Ossian's. Aus dem Gaelischen im des Originals von Christian Wilhelm Ahlwardt. 3 vols. Leipzig.

The translation was made from the Gaelic original and not from Sinclair's Latin Interlinear version, as stated in Meyer's KonversationsLexikon, _sub_ Ossian.-Cf. _infra_, pp. 74, 126.-A two volume edition appeared in the same year. Cp. 1839, 1840, 1846, 1861.-for a criticism of compounds used by Ahlwardt, cf. Jacob Grimm, Kleinere Schriften, Vol. 6 (Berlin, 1882), pp. 712.

REVIEW: Leipziger LiteraturZeitung, 1812, i, pp. 56983.

uber Oisian's Fionnghal G[esang] i. v. 733. (Programm) von Christian Wilhelm Ahlwardt. Oldenburg. 8 pp.

P. 3: Introduction, pp. 47: On opposite pages the Gaelic original of Fingal, Bk. i, ll. 733, as given in the London edition of the original (1807) and the later recast of the bards as given on p. 190 of the Report of the Committee of the Highland Society (1805). A literal translation into German of both texts is given at the foot.

Handbuch der Englischen Sprache und Literatur ... von H. Nolte und L.

Ideler. Poetischer Theil. Dritte Auflage. Berlin.

Pp. 5316: Macpherson. pp. 5367: Morna. pp. 5389: Comal and Galvina. pp. 53946: The Songs of Selma.-Cf. 2d ed., 1802; 4th ed., 1832.

German translation by ? Huber.

In the Vorrede zur zweiten Ausgabe, Vol. 1, p. xiii, of Rhode's Translation (1817), also in Talvj's treatise (1840), p. 3, and elsewhere, mention is made of a translation by Huber, which I failed to discover.

[uber die Echtheit der Ossianischen Gedichte. Von Fink. Berlin.]

Mentioned in Meyer's KonversationsLexikon, _sub_ Ossian, and elsewhere. The author's name is Link and the treatise in question did not appear until 1843, _q. v._

@1812.@ Kosegarten's Dichtungen. 8 vols. Greifswald, 18123. Vol. 4, pp.

14589: Finan und Lorma. Ein Gesang des Ossian. pp. 190200: Umad und sein Hund. pp. 201204: Des Barden Abschied, pp. 2057: Fla' Innis. Die Insel der Seligen, pp. 20810: Die KildaKlage. pp. 2112: Ossian and Malvina. pp. 21331: Ossian's letztes Lied.

For the first three cf. Blumen, 1801; the sixth is given in the Blumen, pp. 1378, under the t.i.tle Fragment. The last is a free metrical translation of Berrathon, beginning, p. 374p. 376, l. 19; p. 380, l. 17p. 382, end.

Archiv fur Geographie, Historie, Staats und Kriegskunst. Dritter Jahrgang. Wien. pp. 1856: Ueber die Echtheit der Ossian'schen Gedichte.

A short essay referring particularly to the Report of the Highland Society and to Graham's Essay on the Authenticity of the Poems of Ossian (Edinburgh, 1807).

Deutsches Museum herausgegeben von Friedrich Schlegel. Wien. Vol. 1, pp.

16294: Ueber nordische Dichtkunst. Ossian, Die Edda, Sigurd und Shakspeare. Vom Herausgeber.

Pp. 16779: Discussion of the authenticity and era of the poems of Ossian. In Schlegel's sammtliche Werke, the essay is found on pp.

65108, Vol. 10 (Wien, 1825) of the first edition, and on pp. 5182, Vol. 8 (Wien, 1846) of the second edition.

REVIEW: Allg. Lit.Zeitung, 1814, pp. 1856.

@1814.@ Gottingische gelehrte Anzeigen. iii, pp. 18337: Review of The Poems of Ossian, in the original Gaelic ... London, 1807.

@1815.@ Gerstenbergs Vermischte Schriften von ihm selbst gesammelt und mit Verbesserungen und Zusatzen herausgegeben in drei Banden. Altona, 18156. Vol. 1, pp. 35354: Minona oder die Angelsachsen. Ein Melodrama.

Pp. 35378: Anmerkungen zur Minona. Cf. 1785, 1794.

@1817.@ Minerva. Taschenbuch fur das Jahr 1817. Leipzig. pp. 8691: Fingal und Agandekka. (Frei nach Ossian.) Von Buri. pp. 928: OinaMorul, das Madchen der Insel. (Frei nach Ossian.) Von Buri.

The first is a translation of Fingal, Bk. iii, p. 236, l. 6p. 238, l. 5, the second of OinaMorul. Both are by Christian Karl Ernst Wilhelm Buri, 17581820, in fiveline (trochaic pentameter) stanzas.

Erganzungsblatter zur Allgemeinen LiteraturZeitung. pp. 30510, 3136: Review of the Report of the Committee of the Highland Society, etc., 1805.

@18178.@ Ossians Gedichte. Rhythmisch ubersetzt von J. G. Rhode. Zweite verbesserte Ausgabe. 3 Theile, mit Kupfern und Vignetten. Berlin.

1st ed., 1800, _q. v._ Lowndes, Bibliographer's Manual, London (Bohn), Part vi, _sub_ Ossian, p. 1738, has 1808.

REVIEWS: Gott. gelehrte Anzeigen, 1818, i, p. 632.

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