A Library Primer Part 24

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B Author. For photographs of paintings give one important name.

For photographs of sculpture give sculptor's name, where known.

For photographs of architecture give name of city followed by country in parentheses. London (Eng.)

C t.i.tle. For photographs of painting and sculpture use short, catch t.i.tle, bringing, where possible, the important name first.

For photographs of architecture, make first word a word descriptive of the kind of building: Temple of Mars; Cathedral of Notre Dame; Basilica of S. Paolo.

D Gallery. This column is used for sculpture and painting only. Enter official name of gallery under name of city, followed by country in parentheses, and separated by hyphen: London (Eng.)-National Gallery; Paris (France)-Louvre.

E Photographer and place of publication. Use the last name of publisher, followed by name of city abbreviated. Alinari, Fio.; Braun, Pa.; Hanfstaengl, Mun.

F Date. The high grade photographs have the date of their publication on the mount.

G Publisher's number. To be found on all prints.

H Process. State whether silver print, platinotype, carbon (give color b. for black, br. for brown, g. for gray), autotype, collotype, etc.

I Size of print. Give size in centimeters, giving width first.

J Size of mount. Use the following notation:

F for size measuring 22x28 inches, and upwards.

Q for size measuring 18x22 inches up to 22x28.

O for size measuring 14x18 inches up to 18x22.

D for all sizes under O.

K Cost. Give cost of imported prints in foreign money; give total of bill in American money.

L Cost of mounting.

M Remarks. This column will be found useful for date of remounting prints.

Enter all prints in the order of the publisher's bill.

Write the accession number on the back of mount (see under Labeling) and on author card.

II. Card cataloging

Photographs of paintings and sculpture should be entered under the following heads: A, Author, B, t.i.tle, C, Gallery, D, School of painter or sculptor.

Use Library Bureau card, no. 33r.

A Author card. This should show, a, author's name, dates of birth and death, and school; b, t.i.tle of work; c, Kind of work; d, Gallery; e, Imprint; f, Accession number; g, Cla.s.sification or storage number.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Painting card; author, with full name to precede list of words.

1 Giorgione, II. (Giorgio _Barbarelli_) called.

1477-1511. _Italian-Venetian_


Aa Enter author on first blue line between red lines, under his best known name, even if a nickname, giving full name with nicknames and their translations after it, in parentheses. Give dates of birth and death in parentheses, followed by name of the school to which the artist belonged. Make cross-references from all forms under which the author might be looked for.

(It will be found convenient to give all this data on one card, to precede the list of the artist's works, using on all following cards the first, or well-known name, only.)

[Ill.u.s.tration: Painting card; author, showing t.i.tle of work, kind of work, gallery, etc.

2 Q Giorgione, II.

G43h _Holy Family_. _Easel-picture_.


Naya, Venice. 993. Silver, 27x35cm.


Ab Write the t.i.tle on second blue line, at the right of red lines.

Make it as brief as possible, using the important name in it, first.

Christ, Baptism of; Christ, Betrayal of; Virgin Mary, Coronation of; St John, Birth of; St Peter, Martyrdom of.

Ac Indicate after the t.i.tle whether it is an easel-picture, fresco, statue, relief, or a part of a larger work.

Ad Give on fourth blue line, at left of red lines, the official name of gallery, preceded by city, with country in parentheses. London (Eng.)-National Gallery.

Ae Give the imprint on fifth blue line, beginning at the right of red lines: name of photographer, place of publication, date, number of print, process, size of print in cm., bottom by height.

B t.i.tle card. This card should show, a, t.i.tle, b, Author.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Painting card; t.i.tle, with different authors and galleries.

Holy Family. See _Buonarotti_. Florence (It.)-Palazzo Uffizi.

Q-G43h _Giorgigne II_. Venice (It.)-Palazzo Giovanelli.

_Ghirlandaio II_. Florence (It.)-Palazzo Uffizi.


Ba Give on first blue line, beginning at the left of red lines, a full t.i.tle, but as in Ab make the important name or word the first word.

Christ, Baptism of; Christ, Betrayal of; St John, Birth of; Portrait of Pope Julius.

Bb Give on second blue line, between red lines, the one well known or important author's name; the first one used in Aa.

The t.i.tle card becomes in most cases a series card, since the t.i.tle of an often-represented subject attracts to itself many names of artists.

In such cases arrange the authors' names alphabetically, in columns, and against them write the names of the galleries where the works are to be found. Give cla.s.s and author number in blue ink at the left.

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