A. Lincoln_ A Biography Part 43

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"G.o.d be praised" John W. Forney to ALJune 14, 1863, ALPLC. John W. Forney to ALJune 14, 1863, ALPLC.

"timely, wise" Edwin D. Morgan to ALJune 15, 1863, ALPLC. Edwin D. Morgan to ALJune 15, 1863, ALPLC.

"covered all essential ground" Roscoe Conkling to AL, June 16, 1863, ALPLC. Roscoe Conkling to AL, June 16, 1863, ALPLC.

"There are few" Nicolay and Hay, 7:349. Nicolay and Hay, 7:349.

"The Publication Society" Francis Lieber to AL, June 16, 1863, ALPLC. Francis Lieber to AL, June 16, 1863, ALPLC.

"Allow me to express" David Lod to ALJune 14, 1863, ALPLC. David Lod to ALJune 14, 1863, ALPLC.

"phraseology calculated" AL to Matthew Birchard and Others, June 29, 1863, AL to Matthew Birchard and Others, June 29, 1863, CW, CW, 3:303-05. For a discussion of Lincoln's "public persuasion" in the Corning and Birchard public letters, see Philip Shaw Paludan, 3:303-05. For a discussion of Lincoln's "public persuasion" in the Corning and Birchard public letters, see Philip Shaw Paludan, The Presidency of Abraham Lincoln The Presidency of Abraham Lincoln (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1994), 199-202. (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1994), 199-202.

"sacrifice of their dignity" Matthew Birchard to AL, July 1, 1863, ALPLC. Matthew Birchard to AL, July 1, 1863, ALPLC.

"his poor mite" AL to Joseph Hooker, June 16, 1863, AL to Joseph Hooker, June 16, 1863, CW, CW, 6:281. 6:281.

"I have some painful intimations" AL to Joseph Hooker, May 14, 1863, AL to Joseph Hooker, May 14, 1863, CW, CW, 6:217. 6:217.

"Have you already" AL to Joseph Hooker, May 7, 1863, AL to Joseph Hooker, May 7, 1863, CW, CW, 6:201. 6:201.

"Do the Richmond papers" AL to John A. Dix, May 11, 1863, AL to John A. Dix, May 11, 1863, CW, CW, 6:210. 6:210.

"The fall of Vicksburg" Ulysses S. Grant to Halleck, May 24, 1863, cited in Smith, Ulysses S. Grant to Halleck, May 24, 1863, cited in Smith, Grant, Grant, 252-53. 252-53.

"Whether Gen. Grant shall" AL to Isaac N. Arnold, May 26, 1863, AL to Isaac N. Arnold, May 26, 1863, CW, CW, 6:230. 6:230.

"I do not think our enemies" Thomas, Thomas, Robert E. Lee, Robert E. Lee, 279. 279.

always realistic Stephen W. Sears, Stephen W. Sears, Gettysburg Gettysburg (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2003), 12-14. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2003), 12-14.

their greatest loss Robertson, Robertson, Stonewall Jackson, Stonewall Jackson, 727-36. 727-36.

South's belief that G.o.d Daniel W. Stowell, "Stonewall Jackson and the Providence of G.o.d," Daniel W. Stowell, "Stonewall Jackson and the Providence of G.o.d," Religion and the American Civil War, Religion and the American Civil War, ed. Randall M. Miller, Harry S. Stout, and Charles Reagan Wilson (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), 187-207. ed. Randall M. Miller, Harry S. Stout, and Charles Reagan Wilson (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), 187-207.

"I wish to lose no time" AL to John W. Forney, May 13, 1863, AL to John W. Forney, May 13, 1863, CW, CW, 6:214. 6:214.

"to pitch into his rear" Joseph Hooker to AL, June 5, 1863, ALPLC. Joseph Hooker to AL, June 5, 1863, ALPLC.

"I would not take any risk" AL to Joseph Hooker, June 5, AL to Joseph Hooker, June 5, CW, CW, 6:249. 6:249.

"I would not go South" AL to Joseph Hooker, June 10, 1863, AL to Joseph Hooker, June 10, 1863, CW, CW, 6:257. 6:257.

"If the head of Lee's army" AL to Joseph Hooker, June 14, 1863, AL to Joseph Hooker, June 14, 1863, CW, CW, 6:273. 6:273.

"Scary rumors abroad" Welles, Welles, Diary, Diary, June 14, 1863, 328. June 14, 1863, 328.

"looks like defensive merely" AL to Joseph Hooker, June 16, June 16, 1863, AL to Joseph Hooker, June 16, June 16, 1863, CW, CW, 6:280,282. 6:280,282.

Lincoln made a mistake Thomas and Hyman, Thomas and Hyman, Stanton, Stanton, 273. 273.

"the President in a single remark" Welles, Welles, Diary, Diary, June 26, 1863, 348. June 26, 1863, 348.

"observed in Hooker" Welles, Welles, Diary, Diary, June 28, 1863, 351. June 28, 1863, 351.

Meade later wrote his wife Freeman Cleaves, Freeman Cleaves, Meade of Gettysburg Meade of Gettysburg (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1960), 123-24. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1960), 123-24.

Meade led his Pennsylvania troops Ibid., 103-15. Ibid., 103-15.

"Have you any reports" AL to Darius N. Couch, June 24, 28, AL to Darius N. Couch, June 24, 28, CW, CW, 6:293, 299. 6:293, 299.

"The people of New Jersey" Joel Parker to AL, June 29, 1863 Joel Parker to AL, June 29, 1863 CW, CW, 6:311-12. 6:311-12.

"I really think the att.i.tude" AL to Joel Parker, June 30, 1863, AL to Joel Parker, June 30, 1863, CW, CW, 6:311-12. 6:311-12.

The strike came sooner Sears, Sears, Gettysburg, Gettysburg, 142-44, 162-63. 142-44, 162-63.

"I entered this place" John Buford to Alfred Pleasanton, June 30, 1863, John Buford to Alfred Pleasanton, June 30, 1863, OR, OR, vol. 27, pt. 1,923. vol. 27, pt. 1,923.

deployed his horse soldiers James M. McPherson, James M. McPherson, Hallowed Ground: A Walk at Gettysburg Hallowed Ground: A Walk at Gettysburg (New York: Crown Journeys, 2003), 18-21. (New York: Crown Journeys, 2003), 18-21.

"meeting engagement" Sears speaks of the meeting engagement; see Sears speaks of the meeting engagement; see Gettysburg, Gettysburg, 168. 168.

had been involved in an accident Randall, Randall, Mary Lincoln, Mary Lincoln, 324. 324.

"Our task is not yet" George G. Meade to Army of the Potomac, July 7, 1863, George G. Meade to Army of the Potomac, July 7, 1863, CW, CW, 6:318. 6:318.

By the end of May 1863 For a description of the siege and surrender of Vicksburg, see Smith, For a description of the siege and surrender of Vicksburg, see Smith, Grant, Grant, 252-56. 252-56.

"is such to cover that Army" AL, "Announcement of News from Gettysburg," July 4, 1863, AL, "Announcement of News from Gettysburg," July 4, 1863, CW, CW, 6:314. 6:314.

"How long ago is it" AL, "Response to a Serenade," July 7, 1863, AL, "Response to a Serenade," July 7, 1863, CW, CW, 6:319-20. 6:319-20.

"The enemy should be pursued" Henry C. Halleck to George G Meade, July 14, 1863, Henry C. Halleck to George G Meade, July 14, 1863, CW, CW, 6:328. 6:328.

I do not believe AL to George G Meade, July 14, 1863, AL to George G Meade, July 14, 1863, CW, CW, 6:327. 6:327.

"I do not remember" AL to Ulysses S. Grant, July 13, 1863, AL to Ulysses S. Grant, July 13, 1863, CW, CW, 6:326. 6:326.

"I believe it is a resource" AL to Ulysses S. Grant, August 9, 1863, AL to Ulysses S. Grant, August 9, 1863, CW, CW, 6:374. 6:374.

"I never met with a man" Frederick Dougla.s.s, "Emanc.i.p.ation, Racism, and the Work Before Us: An Address Delivered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania," December 4, 1863, Frederick Dougla.s.s, "Emanc.i.p.ation, Racism, and the Work Before Us: An Address Delivered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania," December 4, 1863, Frederick Dougla.s.s Frederick Dougla.s.s 3:606-7. 3:606-7.

"I have given the subject" Ulysses S. Grant to AL, August 23, 1863, ALPLC. Grant's reply probably did not reach Lincoln before he had sent off his letter to Conkling on August 27. He determined to add the insights from Grant to the letter he had already sent to Conkling. Thus, on August 31, Lincoln wrote to Conkling yet again, asking that he insert the following paragraph. Ulysses S. Grant to AL, August 23, 1863, ALPLC. Grant's reply probably did not reach Lincoln before he had sent off his letter to Conkling on August 27. He determined to add the insights from Grant to the letter he had already sent to Conkling. Thus, on August 31, Lincoln wrote to Conkling yet again, asking that he insert the following paragraph.

I know, as fully as one can know the opinions of others, that some of the commanders of our armies in the field, who have given us our most important successes, believe the emanc.i.p.ation policy, and the use of colored troops, const.i.tute the heaviest blow yet dealt to the rebellion; and that at least some of those important successes could not have been achieved when it was, but for the aid of black soldiers. Among the commanders holding these views are some who have never had any affinity with what is called abolitionism.

"It would be gratifying" James C. Conkling to AL, August 14, 1863, ALPLC. James C. Conkling to AL, August 14, 1863, ALPLC.

"Your letter of the 14th" AL to James C. Conkling, August 20, 1863, AL to James C. Conkling, August 20, 1863, CW, CW, 6:399 n. 1. At the lower left-hand corner of the telegram was a note, "Mr. C-Mr. Wilson got this in cipher." Mr. Wilson was the superintendent of the Eastern Division of the Illinois and Mississippi Telegraph Company. The note was signed simply "Operator." This notation suggested the desire to keep the movements of the president secret. 6:399 n. 1. At the lower left-hand corner of the telegram was a note, "Mr. C-Mr. Wilson got this in cipher." Mr. Wilson was the superintendent of the Eastern Division of the Illinois and Mississippi Telegraph Company. The note was signed simply "Operator." This notation suggested the desire to keep the movements of the president secret.

"For a moment the President" Nicolay and Hay, 7:379-380. Nicolay and Hay, 7:379-380.

"While it would afford" James C. Conkling to AL, August 21, 1863, ALPLC. James C. Conkling to AL, August 21, 1863, ALPLC.

"It would be very agreeable" AL to James C. Conkling, August 26, 1863, AL to James C. Conkling, August 26, 1863, CW, CW, 6:406. 6:406.

"I cannot leave here" AL to James C. Conkling, August 27, 1863, AL to James C. Conkling, August 27, 1863, CW, CW, 6:414. Word of the Conkling invitation triggered a similar invitation from New York. Benjamin Field, secretary of the Union State Committee of New York, telegraphed Lincoln on August 26 telling him of plans to hold "a ma.s.s convention" in Syracuse, also on September 3. Field asked that Lincoln send the New York convention "the same address" that he was sending to Illinois. Lincoln wrote to Field on August 29 telling him that he was sending by mail a copy of "the Springfield letter." 6:414. Word of the Conkling invitation triggered a similar invitation from New York. Benjamin Field, secretary of the Union State Committee of New York, telegraphed Lincoln on August 26 telling him of plans to hold "a ma.s.s convention" in Syracuse, also on September 3. Field asked that Lincoln send the New York convention "the same address" that he was sending to Illinois. Lincoln wrote to Field on August 29 telling him that he was sending by mail a copy of "the Springfield letter." CW, CW, 6:420. 6:420.

"I can always tell more" Stoddard, Stoddard, Inside the White House in War Times, Inside the White House in War Times, 129-30. 129-30.

"Further offensive prosecution" Ibid., 299. 299.

"There are those who" AL to James C. Conkling, AL to James C. Conkling, CW, CW, 6:415. 6:415.

"He is more an orator" Stoddard, Stoddard, Inside the White House in War Times, Inside the White House in War Times, 130. 130.

"The Letter was received" James C. Conkling to AL, September 4, 1863, ALPLC. James C. Conkling to AL, September 4, 1863, ALPLC.

" 'G.o.d Bless Abraham Lincoln!' 'G.o.d Bless Abraham Lincoln!' " " New York Tribune, New York Tribune, September 3, 1863. September 3, 1863.

"Thanks for your true" Charles Sumner to AL, September 7, 1863, ALPLC. Charles Sumner to AL, September 7, 1863, ALPLC.

"G.o.d Almighty bless you" Henry Wilson to AL, September 3, 1863, ALPLC. Henry Wilson to AL, September 3, 1863, ALPLC.

"Your letter to the Springfield Convention" John Murray Forbes to AL, September 7, 1863, John Murray Forbes to AL, September 7, 1863, Letters and Recolledions of John Murray Forbes, Letters and Recolledions of John Murray Forbes, ed. Sarah Forbes Hughes (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1899), 2:73. ed. Sarah Forbes Hughes (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1899), 2:73.

"for his recent admirable letter" Hay, Hay, Inside, Inside, September 10, 1863, 81. September 10, 1863, 81.

understood more than ever Donald, Donald, Lincoln, Lincoln, 458. 458.

CHAPTER 24. 24. A New Birth of Freedom: September 1863-March 1864 A New Birth of Freedom: September 1863-March 1864 Lincoln's public letters of 1863 AL, AL, The Letters of President Lincoln on Questions of National Policy The Letters of President Lincoln on Questions of National Policy (New York: H. H. Lloyd and Company, 1863). (New York: H. H. Lloyd and Company, 1863).

"Rising to the dignity" Henry Ward Beecher, Henry Ward Beecher, Independent, Independent, September 17, 1863. September 17, 1863.

"The conservative Republicans" "The Lounger," "The Lounger," Harper's Weekly, Harper's Weekly, August 29, 1863. August 29, 1863.

"It is something on the question" AL to Andrew Johnson, September 11, 1863, AL to Andrew Johnson, September 11, 1863, CW, CW, 6:440. 6:440.

"Unconditional Union men" Nicolay and Hay, 7:378. Nicolay and Hay, 7:378.

"You and your n.o.ble army Edwin M. Stanton to William S. Rosecrans, July 7, 1863, Edwin M. Stanton to William S. Rosecrans, July 7, 1863, OR, OR, vol. 23, pt. 2, 518. vol. 23, pt. 2, 518.

"You do not appear" William S. Rosecrans to Edwin M. Stanton, July 7, 1863, William S. Rosecrans to Edwin M. Stanton, July 7, 1863, OR, OR, vol. 23, pt. 2, 518. vol. 23, pt. 2, 518.

"There is great disappointment" Henry W. Halleck to William S. Rosecrans, July 24, 1863, Henry W. Halleck to William S. Rosecrans, July 24, 1863, OR, OR, vol. 23 pt. 2, 552. vol. 23 pt. 2, 552.

"turnpikes next to impossible" William S. Rosecrans to AL, August 1, 1863, ALPLC. William S. Rosecrans to AL, August 1, 1863, ALPLC.

"kind feeling for and confidence" AL to William S. Rosecrans, August 10, 1863, AL to William S. Rosecrans, August 10, 1863, CW, CW, 6:377-78. 6:377-78.

"Chickamauga is as fatal" Charles H. Dana to Edwin M. Stanton, September 20, 1863, in John E. Clark, Jr., Charles H. Dana to Edwin M. Stanton, September 20, 1863, in John E. Clark, Jr., Railroads in the Civil War: The Impact of Management on Victory and Defeat Railroads in the Civil War: The Impact of Management on Victory and Defeat (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2001), 142. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2001), 142.

"Go to Rosecrans" AL to Ambrose E. Burnside, September 21, 2 a.m., 11 a.m., AL to Ambrose E. Burnside, September 21, 2 a.m., 11 a.m., CW, CW, 6:469,470. 6:469,470.

"Well, Rosecrans has been whipped" Hay, Hay, Inside, Inside, September 27, 1863, 85. September 27, 1863, 85.

"If you are to do" September 25, 1863, September 25, 1863, CW, CW, 6:480-81. 6:480-81.

Lincoln signed the letter Bates, Bates, Lincoln in the Telegraph Office, Lincoln in the Telegraph Office, 202. 202.

hastily called midnight meeting Clark, Clark, Railroads in the Civil War, Railroads in the Civil War, 146-47. 146-47.

"you can't get one corps" Niven, Niven, Salmon P. Chase Papers, Salmon P. Chase Papers, 1:450-54. 1:450-54.

began moving to the railheads Clark tells this story well in Clark tells this story well in Railroads in the Civil War, Railroads in the Civil War, 141-212. 141-212.

"If we can hold Chattanooga" AL to William S. Rosecrans, October 4, 1863, AL to William S. Rosecrans, October 4, 1863, CW, CW, 6:498. 6:498.

"confused and stunned" Hay, Hay, Inside, Inside, October 24, 1863, 99. October 24, 1863, 99.

"I therefore think it is safer" AL to Edward Bates, November 29, 1862, AL to Edward Bates, November 29, 1862, CW, CW, 5:515-16. 5:515-16.

"I tell you frankly" AL to Samuel R. Curtis, January 2, 1863, AL to Samuel R. Curtis, January 2, 1863, CW, CW, 6:33-34. 6:33-34.

"a pestilent factional quarrel" AL to John M. Schofield, May 27, 1863, AL to John M. Schofield, May 27, 1863, CW, CW, 6:234. 6:234.

"It is very painful to me" AL to Charles D. Drake, et al., May 15, 1863, ALPLC. AL to Charles D. Drake, et al., May 15, 1863, ALPLC.

"Neither side pays" AL to Henry L. Blow, Charles D. Drake, and Others, May 15, 1863, AL to Henry L. Blow, Charles D. Drake, and Others, May 15, 1863, CW, CW, 6:218. 6:218.

a number of issues David Donald, David Donald, Lincoln, Lincoln, has an excellent discussion of the complicated Missouri story, 451-54. has an excellent discussion of the complicated Missouri story, 451-54.

central problem was emanc.i.p.ation William E. Gienapp, "Abraham Lincoln and the Border States," William E. Gienapp, "Abraham Lincoln and the Border States," Journal of the Abraham Lincoln a.s.sociation Journal of the Abraham Lincoln a.s.sociation 13 (1992): 36-37. 13 (1992): 36-37.

"postponing the benefits" the benefits" Hay, Hay, Inside, Inside, July 31, 1863, 68. July 31, 1863, 68.

"I express to you my profound conviction" William Parrish, William Parrish, Turbulent Partners.h.i.+p: Missouri and the Union, 1861-1865 Turbulent Partners.h.i.+p: Missouri and the Union, 1861-1865 (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1963), 160. (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1963), 160.

"all being for the Union" AL to Charles Drake and Others, October 5, 1863, AL to Charles Drake and Others, October 5, 1863, CW, CW, 6:500. 6:500.

"had no friends" Edward Bates to AL, October 22, 1863, ALPLC. Bates is making reference to a conversation "the other day" between him and Lincoln. Edward Bates to AL, October 22, 1863, ALPLC. Bates is making reference to a conversation "the other day" between him and Lincoln.

arrange furloughs Lhomas and Hyman, Lhomas and Hyman, Stanton, Stanton, 292-95. 292-95.

he felt "nervous" Welles, Welles, Diary, Diary, October 13, 1863, 469. October 13, 1863, 469.

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