Shadow Warriors: Breaking Point Part 20

Shadow Warriors: Breaking Point -

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Gabe dropped the socks on the floor. Getting up, he moved to her hips, sliding his hands slowly around her waist. "I'll bet I did it more times than you." He held her slumberous gaze.

"I lost count," Bay admitted, feeling his roughened fingers slide down between her skin and the waistband. He slowly unb.u.t.toned her slacks. Her abdomen tightened in antic.i.p.ation of his touch. The sound of the zipper came next and his hand slipped beneath the material, her flesh taut as he pulled the slacks downward off her hips. As he brought the slacks over her thighs, he stopped, brushed each one with several provocative kisses. Bay strained, her curved thighs tensing as he would lick a spot on the inside of each one and then kiss it tenderly before moving on. The slacks dropped beside the bed.

Bay's lower body grew needy and damp as his lips traced a slow, fiery path inward on each of her thighs. She ached for his continued touch, his mouth rasping across her sensitized flesh. Her fingers curled into the silky fabric and she moaned. Gabe followed the line of her silken panties, his tongue probing beneath the material. She wanted so much more of him.

He followed the curve of the cloth, pus.h.i.+ng it aside, lips caressing her. Bay's breath jammed in her chest, her entire lower body erupting with heat, a cramping pain clenching down through her womb. She reached out, her fingers grazing his powerful shoulder.

Gabe felt her fingers dig into his flesh and he smiled to himself. He was going to please her first until she was restless with hunger, making sure she was ready for him. With his hands, he continued to kiss her and feel her tense with antic.i.p.ation. All his fiery dreams of undressing her were going to come true tonight. She was incredibly responsive and his heart soared. She purred his name, trying to arch closer to his mouth teasing her. Never had he wanted to please a woman as much as he did Bay. Gabe wanted to give back all the kindness and compa.s.sion she effortlessly bestowed on others with her touch and voice. Tonight, it was her turn to receive. And he was just the man to give her that gift because he loved her more than anything he'd ever loved in his life.

Bay's breathing quickened as he lifted his head. He eased her thighs apart, settling down between them, holding her pleading, hungry gaze. His fingers slid across her sensitive skin. He leaned over, gently nipped the inside of her thigh and then used his tongue to soothe the area. Every time, he would hear her gasp with pleasure, her hands reaching out for him, gripping his shoulders. The sound of Bay's breathing, the feel of her fingers digging frantically into his shoulder, crying out for him, made him grit his teeth. The pain of his erection pressed against his jeans.

His fingers lingered and traced across the seam of her panties as they curved to the juncture of her thighs met. Her back arched as his lips slowly moved closer to her warm, wet core. She gripped his shoulder, pleading with him, wanting more of him. Just seeing Bay's eyes close, her lips parted in antic.i.p.ation, made him feel good. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s rose and fell sharply beneath the red tee she wore. Dreams do come true.... He pulled away just enough to draw the silky panties downward and off her long, firm legs.

He smiled down at Bay as he eased her to the edge of the bed. He knelt down on the floor, opening her to him. Her eyes were wild-looking, hungry, and she was trembling. He whispered kisses across her belly, stopping, licking her salty flesh. Gabe felt her entire lower body contract, her strong thighs clenching at his shoulders. He could hear her breathing turning ragged, her voice hoa.r.s.e, calling his name. He slid his roughened fingertips across the curve of her taut thighs, spreading her wider, leaning down and whispering kisses against her secret place. Bay uttered a distressed sound deep in her throat, pressing herself against his mouth, wanting more. Much more. He slowed and deepened his sweet, focused strategy upon her, feeling her lush body responding to his desire. The sweet, musky scent of her made him groan. He inhaled her, his erection throbbing.

Bay restlessly squirmed, wanting more of his touch, wanting him inside her. She could no longer lie still beneath his exploratory, teasing ministrations. As his tongue moved slowly in a maddening circle around her core, she cried out in frustration and need. Eyes tightly shut, her entire body convulsed with the force of those slow, wet patterns he wove with his mouth and tongue. She lost awareness of everything except Gabe cheris.h.i.+ng her, opening her, touching her. Loving her.

And when he eased his fingers into her, she made a hoa.r.s.e sound, her hips thrusting upward and enveloping him. Bay felt as if she'd lost her mind, moving restlessly, held prisoner with his strong hands holding her thighs open, holding her until she whimpered his name. Her body ached and felt as if on fire. She could feel the building o.r.g.a.s.m as Gabe moved and rocked her with his mouth on the hardened, swollen pearl. More sounds of distress tore from her lips as he brought her to that point where her body simply imploded, contracting violently into wild, scalding ripples. Her body arched in spasms, her head rearing back, a scream of pleasure tearing out of her. Wave after fiery wave of scorching heat roared through her. In seconds, Bay felt floating in a cauldron of incredible and intense fire as it embraced her. Gabe continued to caress her, milking her body of everything it had hidden within it, widening the circle of flames throbbing through her pelvic region, her cries hoa.r.s.e with pleasure as she surrendered utterly to him in every way.

Gabe watched a rose flush spread across her trembling, damp lower body all the way up to her cheeks. Easing up, he saw her b.r.e.a.s.t.s taut, the nipples jutting against the tee she wore. Her eyes were dazed. She was lost in the rapture he'd helped create within her. There wasn't anything more powerful, better feeling to Gabe than being able to please her. He wasn't done. He'd just begun.

Holding Bay's drowsy gaze, he smiled as he repositioned her on the bed. Although he was still dressed, he straddled her midsection, his knees against her hips. Leaning down, he whispered against her lips, "I love you, baby. And I'm going to show you just how much...." He deepened the kiss, giving her a taste of his need for her, their tongues moving and touching each other in a slow, burning dance.

Sliding his hands beneath the tee, Gabe was careful to barely skim the area of the bruise on the left side of her rib cage. Bay wore no bra, just a silky white camisole beneath the tee. He eased off the tee, then threaded his fingers through her soft hair. Gabe leaned down and began to place light kisses down the length of her slender neck. He added small nips here and there. Each time, she reacted, her hips pressing upward against his powerful erection. Arousal glinted in her eyes. Gabe lavished the valley between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s with his mouth and tongue. Her nipples stood hard against the silky material. How long had he wanted to touch them?

In moments, Gabe brought the camisole over her head, leaving her naked beneath him. Her breath was chaotic as he stroked her left shoulder his hands enclosed the softness of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. He kissed the valley between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and Gabe could feel the pounding of her heart beneath his exploring mouth. Bay gasped as his thumb moved languidly across the first harden peak.

She moaned his name, her entire body arching and pressing her hips against the rough denim enclosing his erection. Gabe placed his lips over the first nipple, teasing it. Bay cried out, her hips twisting beneath his as he suckled her. She was like hot, silky ribbons flowing in his hands as he licked the second nipple and then gently closed his teeth around it. The wetness of his mouth, the puckered tension of the nipple, made her go wild. Bay gripped his upper arms, her hips writhing, bucking beneath his own.

Gabe lifted his head and met her l.u.s.t-filled eyes. There was silent pleading in them. She wanted him. All of him. Bay's finger dug into the tight flesh of his upper arms, lips parting, wanting him to kiss her. Gabe did not want to disappoint her and he curved his mouth powerfully against her own. They met and fused explosively with each other. Months of loneliness, aching for each other, fired their hunger that had waited so long to be ignited. The shattering heat rolled through both of them, melting them into each other.

Her hands shook as she forced the material of his T-s.h.i.+rt up across his chest and tried to get it off his shoulders. He broke their wet, clinging kiss, sat up and pulled it off. It didn't take much to stand, push the shoes off his feet, get rid of his jeans and his briefs. There was no mistaking his need of her once he was completely divested of his clothes as he came back to her side.

Bay turned, rolling to his right, her hands strong and guiding as she pulled him on top of her. With a heated smile, Gabe resisted her efforts.

"Not yet, baby. You're ready again, aren't you?"

She made a m.u.f.fled sound of frustration, trying to urge him on top of her. He silenced her by taking her mouth, gently biting her lower lip and then using his tongue to soothe it. "Open your eyes," he rasped.

Bay dragged her eyes open, her body hungry and wanting Gabe, the hard gleam in his dark green eyes more animal than man. She felt his male power, absorbed it and was now meeting the man whose love for her burned in his eyes and branded her wildly pounding heart.

His voice was thick, almost a growl, as he kissed her flushed cheek, her temple and damp brow. "Baby, you're coming first. You'll always be first in my life." He splayed out his hands across her shoulders, gently pus.h.i.+ng her back into the tangle of sheets and covers. Need was clearly written in her eyes, the pout of her parted lips, her fingers gripping his thickly muscled biceps.

"Please... Gabe...I need you, oh, how I need you," she whispered in anguish.

"It's the sweetest compliment a man can ever have from his woman." His voice was roughened with hunger. "You're my woman, Bay. You were from the first moment I saw you, and you knew it, too." Gabe smiled a little, watching her wet lips part. "And more than anything, I want to give you pleasure and I'm going to do something about it right now," he growled, moving his hand down across her damp torso, his fingers spreading out across her abdomen. He slid his hand slowly downward where her thighs met, placed a tender kiss on her mouth and took her ragged breath deep into his lung. "You're mine..." he grated against her mouth.

Curving his fingers across her mound of silky hair, he eased her thighs open just enough. Every muscle in Bay's body tightened. She trembled violently as he moved his fingers until he slowly circled the slick, hot opening. He heard her give a small cry, shuddering, her hips arching against his hand, her body begging for him to explore her further once again. He felt powerful, humbled by her incredibly sensitive body against the palm of his hand. Gabe waited, wanting the need in her to double and then triple as he continued to move in gentle, exploratory motion.

He slid his other hand beneath her shoulder blades, bringing her body closer to him. Lips closing over the peak of her nipple, he teethed it just enough to bring her excruciating pleasure. A cry tore from her lips. And then he slid his fingers deep inside her. She went wild and frantic, her entire body writhing as he went deeper.

He found the sweet spot within her and an animallike sound clawed out of her throat, her head thrown back. She was incredibly sensitive and he could feel her entire body contract around him as he gave her the pressure and the pleasure she needed.

Her cries were hoa.r.s.e, her body straining against him as he continued to draw out her release. Finally, Gabe felt her sag against him, exhausted. He eased out of her, lifting his head to see Bay's cheeks were stained pink, eyes closed, a soft, trembling smile across her mouth.

Never had Gabe felt so humbled as right now. No woman had ever given the gift of herself like this unless there was something far deeper, more bonding between them than just having s.e.x. Loving her and Bay loving him in return afforded Gabe the ultimate trust. It made him want to cry for joy. He'd never felt this before. She was his. And now he was going to brand her with his essence, take her, love her until she swooned from so much pleasure that she melted away in his arms.

Gabe eased over her, his erection pressing deeply against her belly. He made sure to distribute his weight evenly so she wasn't crushed beneath him. Looking into Bay's eyes, he saw a dreamy quality in them. Gabe caressed her gently, slid his large hand beneath her hips, preparing to enter her. As they kissed, he settled his knees between her thighs. If Gabe thought she was going to be shy about this, he was mistaken.

She thrust her hips upward, her damp, warm body surrounding him, drawing him deeply into herself. A groan rolled through him and he clenched the covers on either side of her head. Above all, he didn't want to hurt Bay. He couldn't live with himself if he hurt her in any way. He could feel the fiery beat of her heart against his. The beautiful sounds emanating from her throat increased each time he slid more deeply into her welcoming body.

"I don't want to hurt you," Gabe said raggedly, watching her, seeing the wildness starting to build.

Bay rolled her head from side to side. "Gabe, you can't hurt me. I need you. Please...stay inside me...stay..."

Gabe wasn't sure. She was so d.a.m.n tight and small that he knew he could hurt her. She cried out as he held her captive, his large hand angling her hips so he could begin to move her into oblivion with him. His mouth was cajoling, giving, taking. Her breath came in shallow gasps as he went deeper, carrying her with him to exquisite worlds he'd never experienced before. Finally, their hips met, fused and burned, and he was fully inside her, a part of her. His control was shredding by the second. Could he hang on? Could he give Bay one more gift before he came?

She was insistent, gripping his hips, pulling at him frantically, trying to urge him to move with her. Finally, once he was sure he hadn't hurt Bay, he thrust hard, stroking into her, feeling her begin to tense, her back curving into a taut bow as he plunged as deeply as he could go.

Her body suddenly spasmed and contracted around him. Bay tore her mouth from his, arching as the first rippling explosion occurred deep within her. A tearing cry spilled from her lips as Gabe increased the pressure and the pleasure for her. Bay's lashes shuttered closed and he could feel the continuing releases pulse through her, squeezing him like a fist. White-hot ripples of searing fire consumed her. His body was sleek and wet, sliding against hers.

They became this primal union, their hearts thundering against each other. Her hands opened and closed spasmodically against his tense, sweaty shoulders. And just when Gabe thought he could take no more, he released his control, gritting his teeth, straining hard against her softer, yielding body. Heat scalded him. With her hands gripping his hips, she moved fearlessly against him, his hands curling into fists on either side of the pillow where her head lay. Gabe suddenly relaxed, his weight settling against her, his brow against hers.

Hot, moist breath flowed hotly across Bay's cheek. Time ceased and she languished with Gabe in a haze of fire, pleasure and satisfaction. He came off her just enough to slide his arm beneath her neck, drawing her upward against him. Bay felt as if she had been torn loose from every earthly mooring she'd ever had. Her body glowed hotly, still rippling with intense pleasure in the aftermath, still feeling Gabe inside her, their love finally fused with each other.

Bay lingered in a boiling cauldron of intense gratification. His hand outlined her damp hip and gently stroked her outer thigh. Never had she been so well loved. And it was love, Bay realized in her wandering, ripe and fulfilled senses. Gabe had whispered that he loved her. As he eased off her, he brought her fully against him, their legs entangled with each other. Bay didn't want Gabe to leave her; the sense of joy and fulfillment still flowed through her, fueled by so many emotions she'd had to control until now. His arm came around her shoulder, keeping her in place; his other large hand splayed out across her hips, pressing her tightly against him, a prisoner to his pa.s.sion.

She rested her head on Gabe's arm, feeling his heart racing against her own. Happiness flooded her being, and all Bay could do was lie along his length and simply savor him as a man who had loved her so thoroughly and completely that she continued to float in the dark, sensual magic of his arms and body.


BAY AWOKE SLOWLY. Her nostrils flared, drawing in the musky and male scent of Gabe as she lay curled up in his arms. Her body glowed even now. Opening her eyes, Bay saw light filtering in around the drapes. Her gaze drifted to Gabe as he slept. His hair, although short, was mussed. His beard had grown, the hollows of his cheeks more p.r.o.nounced, giving him a look of the warrior he was. His mouth made her lower body contract with need. Incredibly strong, beautiful lips that had loved her so thoroughly she was still floating even now. It was impossible not to touch Gabe, feel her hand move across his powerful chest, tangle her fingers slowly through the soft, dark hair. There were scars hidden beneath the hair and she could feel the ridges of old wounds beneath her fingertips. He'd suffered so much pain that it hurt her. Bay wished she could take those memories of the pain away from him. Leaning upward, she placed a lingering kiss on Gabe's chest where his heart lay.

Gabe stirred. For once, he didn't snap wide-awake. He felt Bay's long, firm body curving against his and her small but beautiful b.r.e.a.s.t.s pressed against his chest. As she nestled her belly against his hardening erection, her firm, slender legs tangled and captured his. Her breath was warm against his chest, feathering across it, his flesh sensitized. Her long fingers slid through his chest hair. Wasn't this what he'd dreamed about for so d.a.m.n long? Exactly this kind of intimacy with Bay? Yes. Gabe captured her hand and laid it against his heart, letting her know he was awake. Outside, the morning was a promise of blue skies and suns.h.i.+ne for Christmas Day.

As Gabe pulled her more tightly against him, Bay nestled her head against his shoulder. His muscles in his chest wall tightened beneath her exploration. "Merry Christmas," she whispered near his ear, closing her eyes.

"It couldn't be better," he agreed thickly, kissing her silky, curled hair. The tendrils tickled his mouth, nose and cheek. He inhaled her feminine scent and felt himself wanting her all over again. Hearing Bay's softened sigh, her lips caressing his jaw and neck, Gabe groaned. She wanted him. It was so easy to bring her on top of him, her knees settling against his hips. Her hair was mussed, a beautiful golden-brown frame around her face. Her blue eyes were still drowsy with sleep, but he saw the l.u.s.t banked in them, too.

Reaching up, Gabe drew her down to his mouth. As he grazed her lips and rasped, "I love you, Bay. I love you so d.a.m.n much it hurts." She had no idea what she was doing to him, branding him with her mouth, tongue and hands, her hips moving suggestively to let him know just how much she wanted him.

Gabe's guttural voice awakened her body and senses. His mouth cherished hers and Bay felt him slip deep within her. She was more than ready for him, relaxing against him with an utter moan of pleasure. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were teased by the hair across his chest. His mouth drew fire from hers and she responded wildly to the moment, lost in the heat and haze of his thrusting body and commanding mouth.

If she thought her body had been satiated from last night's torrid lovemaking, Bay was surprised. Within minutes, Gabe had brought her to full o.r.g.a.s.m once more. Whatever they shared, it was electric, spontaneous and primal. As Gabe's hands settled across her hips, thrusting against her, she felt a series of explosions rocket throughout her. All she could do was cry out as the scalding waves plunged outward through her like a tsunami. She was consumed by the pleasure, burned by it. Face pressed against his, her breath chaotic, Bay felt him stiffen and groan. His male body became galvanized, encompa.s.sing her as she felt him release deep within her.

Closing her eyes, Bay could do nothing but rest weakly on Gabe afterward, feeling his thudding heart against her own. She smiled tremulously, lifting her hand to caress his stubbled cheek. Words were useless. She lay there absorbing their mutual heat, their love and his hands cheris.h.i.+ng her. Never had she experienced such happiness, such powerful love with any man.

THE NEXT TIME Bay awoke, the sun was s.h.i.+ning brightly around the drapes. She found herself alone in the bed and still wrapped in a sensual haze created by their lovemaking earlier this morning. When had Gabe left her side? Automatically, Bay slid the palm of her hand across the sheet where he'd lain before. It was cool to her touch. The door was partially open and she could hear Christmas music wafting down the hall. Her heart filled with joy, Bay thought she might die from happiness. She heard soft footfalls coming down the hall toward the bedroom. It had to be Gabe.

Sitting up, the sheet pooling around her hips, she watched as Gabe eased the door open and looked in. He was dressed in a red T-s.h.i.+rt, dark green cargo pants and a pair of black boots. To Bay, he looked magnificent, the clothes simply showing off his primal, powerful body to perfection. She gave him a drowsy smile. "Yes, the dead actually do arise," she murmured wryly. He held two cups of coffee in his hands.

Grinning, Gabe sauntered in and sat down beside her. "You slept well," he teased, handing her a cup of steaming coffee.

"I had good reason to," Bay whispered, taking the cup and looking deep into Gabe's clear green eyes. She saw happiness in them. She hoped he saw the happiness reflected in hers. "Thanks...this was so sweet of you."

"I felt you wake up." Gabe enjoyed watching her sip the coffee, her upper body naked, beautiful and already making him hard, wanting her all over again. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were perfect. Her nipples rose pink. And he'd tasted them last night and this morning, lavis.h.i.+ng his attention upon them. He wanted to taste her again and feel her nipples harden once more in his mouth.

Tilting her head, she said, ""

Shrugging, Gabe said, "Over the years I've developed a strong sixth sense. It never leads me wrong. I was out in the kitchen and I felt you stir, decided to make some fresh coffee and welcome you back into the world of the living."

Bay warmed beneath his very male smile, her body already reacting heatedly to the arousal in his eyes. "My mother had that very same kind of intuition with my father. They were so in love and in tune with each other." She sighed softly. "I always dreamed of having that same kind of magical connection with the man I fell in love with."

"You do. It just comes naturally between us, Bay." Gabe threaded his fingers through her hair, taming some of the softly curled strands and easing them away from her flushed cheek.

"Mmm," she purred, closing her eyes. "All you have to do is look at me and I want you. And when you touch me-" her eyes opened, watching him "-I just want you all over again."

His predatory look made her go hot with longing. Gabe wasn't arrogant about being a consummate lover. No, he was humble and that touched her heart. He wanted to please her. He'd controlled himself to bring her along with him. How did she get so lucky?

"I think we need a small time-out." He didn't want one, but Gabe never wanted Bay to feel pressured in any way. He always felt women were his equal, not beneath him, not secondary, as his father had treated his mother.

"Maybe you're right." She smiled a little wickedly. "Well, at least for the next hour, maybe? What time is it?"

"Ten-thirty," he said, grinning. "With the exception of making love with me twice, you probably slept a solid eleven hours." His voice lowered, his expression growing solemn. "You needed that deep, healing sleep, Bay. You still need a lot of rest to catch up in the coming weeks."

Pus.h.i.+ng several curls away from her face, she murmured, "I feel completely rejuvenated, Gabe, not exhausted." Reaching out, Bay grazed his shaven cheek with her fingertips. "Thanks to you." She whispered, "I have never had a man love me like you did. I still feel like I'm floating in some other world." She held his narrowing gaze. "You are incredible, Gabe." She laughed a little shyly. "If I'd known how good we'd be together, I don't think I could ever have kept my hands off you in Afghanistan."

He gave an amused look and caught her hand, kissing it. "Remember? I had six months of dreaming of what I was going to do to you when you got home."

Laughing softly, Bay said, "Your dreams were far more creative than mine."

"We'll compare notes over the coming days," Gabe promised, releasing her hand. The glint in her eyes told him she was more than ready to live out her dreams with him. He'd never felt stronger or more powerful as a man than right then, drowning beneath her drowsy blue gaze. Bay was open, trusting and Gabe always knew where he stood with her. She trusted him with her life, with her body, and most important, with her huge, giving heart.

"I feel like a lazybones," Bay admitted, setting the cup on the bed stand. "I need a shower."

"Go ahead. I was cutting up some red-and-green peppers to celebrate Christmas in our omelet once you got up." He stood. "And Santa Claus left you something under the tree. So don't take too long."

There was a sparkle in his eyes, that male mouth of his twitching with humor as he stood up. "Really?"


She felt as if she was his woman, and she loved this idea. Of being owned in a loving way by this incredible warrior and man. She saw him leave as quietly as he'd come.

Pulling the sheet and cover aside, Bay stood up and stretched. Her heart sang with joy. As she padded into the large bathroom, she felt as if she were walking on clouds, not on the cool ceramic tiles.

Half an hour later, Bay went into the living room. Gabe was in the kitchen prepping their omelets. As she stepped over to the tree, she saw a large wrapped gift and a smaller one beneath.

Turning, she said, "I have something I made for you." Moving to the living room Bay opened her dark green duffel bag. She crouched down, she rummaged through it until she found what she was looking for. "Ah, here it is!" she said triumphantly. Lifting out the huge, wrapped package, she grinned over at him.

Gabe saw the package in her arms. "No wonder your duffel felt so d.a.m.n heavy." He saw her flush, her eyes dancing with happiness.

"I just got it finished two weeks before I left. I called the SEAL team chief at Bravo and asked if he had any Christmas wrapping paper. You know chiefs have everything." She laughed a little.

"Christmas wrapping." Gabe shook his head. "SEALs have two of everything," he murmured, grinning.

"That was nice of him to give it to you."

"It was," Bay agreed, setting the package beneath the tree. "He knew I'd been with your team." Straightening, she added, "He told me I was a little SEAL sister, and I thought that was so sweet of him."

Eyebrows raised, Gabe said, "That was a real compliment from him. Your reputation preceded you. We're a very small community and everyone knows everyone else. No one was supposed to talk about you, though. You were top secret."

"Well," she said with a slight smile, "he said he and Chief Doug Hampton spoke. I guess Doug asked him to sort of watch over me, even though I had been rea.s.signed to the Special Forces team in that village. I went all mushy inside when he told me that."

Gabe gave her a steady look. "SEALs always take care of their own, their families, Bay. I'm sure that's why Doug alerted him to the fact that you were in harm's way. Top secret or not," he added with a grin. He'd have to thank Doug the next time he saw him. A good chief in a platoon made everyone rise to that bar of morals and values, and there was no one finer than Doug Hampton as far as Gabe was concerned. He had Bay's back, and Gabe was grateful.

She pushed her fingers through her drying hair, the strands beginning to curl as she looked at the two gifts he had for her beneath the tree. "I didn't get you very much, Gabe..." she called over her shoulder.

"Don't worry about it." He held her soft gaze. "There isn't anything else I'll ever want, baby. You're my gift."

Touched to almost the point of tears, Bay wandered into the kitchen, set her mug down on the island and turned to Gabe. He had a butcher knife in hand, chopping up the colorful peppers. Drawing her arms around his waist, she pressed her cheek against his back and whispered, "I love you, Gabe. I don't think I told you that last night or this morning...but I wanted you to remember that I do." Releasing him as he laid down the butcher knife and turned around, Bay caught his burning look, her body instantly responding.

Gabe eased her into his arms. He groaned as she fell against him, all her softness against his angled hardness. Nuzzling her cheek, kissing her brow and nose, he said, "I know you love me. You can't share what we had last night or this morning and not love each other, Bay. It's about trust, and trust only comes with real love."

Bay sighed, content to rest her head against his shoulder. "You're so much more than I ever realized, Gabe."

"So are you, baby. You're an amazing, angelic creature come to earth to save this sorry-a.s.sed SEAL from a life of loneliness."

She lifted her head, meeting his darkening green eyes. "Funny, I was going to say something similar to you, how you've saved me. And you have, a number of times, literally." Raising her hand, Bay grazed his recently shaven cheek. "You're a warrior, Gabe, but that's only one facet of you. You're like a diamond with so many other facets. I'm hungry to explore you, find out everything I can possibly know about you as a man, the human being...."

Leaning down, Gabe skimmed her lips with a tender kiss. "Baby, I intend to spend the rest of my life on this earth exploring you."

She trembled in his arms as his rasping breath flowed across her mouth. The man was so d.a.m.n sensual and s.e.xy. "You hid yourself pretty darn well over there in Afghanistan."

He kissed her and then released her. "I had to. There was no other choice." Gabe placed all the ingredients in an awaiting bowl of eggs mixed with milk. He walked over to the sink and washed off his hands. Drying them on a towel, he said, "You don't have that capacity to hide, Bay. You're so d.a.m.n open and trusting. Everyone saw how kind you were to them, to others. The guys in my platoon saw the same thing I did-an incredible healer among us. You have no idea how your presence lifted all of us. And when you smiled, I saw all the guys melt beneath you. So did I. And there wasn't one of us that didn't want to be in the aura of your sunlight. Just by walking into the room, you made us all feel better." He lifted an eyebrow and added, "And I'm not saying that in a s.e.xual manner, either. There are just some people in life, Bay, that have a special quality within them to lift even the sorriest son of a b.i.t.c.h after a rotten day. I know you're not aware of how you touch people, baby, but take my word for it, you do. My platoon is a bunch of barely tamed animals, but you tamed them with just your smile, your thoughtfulness and your ability to sincerely listen to them when they needed someone to talk with, to confide in." Gabe shook his head and finished up his duties with the vegetables. Wiping his hands, he saw tears in her eyes. "I'm so G.o.dd.a.m.n lucky, Bay, I don't know quite how to absorb it all. I often wondered what you saw in me. You could have had your pick of any man on this earth."

Bay walked into his arms, absorbing his strength and tenderness as he embraced her and gently took her mouth. Their lips lingered against each other and she closed her eyes, wanting to simply melt into this man who had made her heart and body sing. "You don't see yourself, either," she reminded him, her voice breathy. "You were the only SEAL there who saw me. Really saw me. There's something equally special about you, Gabe." Her eyes glinted. "And I'm just like you. I want to spend the rest of my life exploring every possible facet of you. I have a hunch I'll never be bored." She grinned.

Gabe eased away even though he wanted to lift Bay into his arms and take her straight to his bedroom. "What we share, baby, is special. We're lucky and we both know it."

Stepping out of his arms, Bay felt herself trembling inwardly with want of Gabe all over again. "Every day is going to be so special, Gabe." Already, Bay began to think that too soon, she was going to have to leave him. Again.

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