The Notes Part 9

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Income tax-it's a fine for reckless thriving.


Communication-a fellow in a cafe to waiter: "I can't eat my soup." "Sorry I'll call the mgr." (same line) "I'll call the chef." (same line)-"what's the matter with it?"-"No spoon."


He wors.h.i.+pped the ground she walked on-about 35 acres of downtown Dallas.


If the IRS had to give money back if we weren't satisfied we might get better govt.


We work ourselves to death buying labor saving appliances.


It's easy to forgive an enemy if you know you can lick him.


People who tell you never let the little things bother you never tried sleeping with a mosquito in the room.


Good boss takes a little more than his share of the blame and little less than his share of the credit.


A desk is a wastebasket with drawers. desk is a wastebasket with drawers.


Rookie policeman in exam-asked how he would break up a crowd-"take up a collection."


Nothing like a vote in the U.N. to tell you who your friends used to be.


Increase in crime may be from want of pinching (not the pinch of want).


Muskie-Lincoln image. Wearing same suit. He & his pants never seem to sit down at the same time. When se sits his pants are already sitting there waiting for him.


U.S. like Santa Claus-both leave gifts all over the world & wind up holding the bag.


Most people would be glad to mind their own business if the govt. would give it back.


Campaign poster should read "Caution voting for this man may be hazardous to your health, wealth, & welfare."


The art of politics is making people like you no matter what it costs them.


People who think a tax boost will cure inflation are the same ones who believe another drink will cure a hangover.


Bible says "ask & it shall be given." Govt. says the same thing only Govt. has to take it away from someone else first.


Keeping a budget balanced is a lot like preserving virtue-you have to learn to say "no."


A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush but it's messier. bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush but it's messier.


Govt. is the wold's 2nd oldest prof. but it has a lot in common with the first-both solicit money & you get just about the same thing for it.


Father waking son-"Get up! When A. Lincoln was your age do you know what he was doing?" Son: "No but I know what he was doing when he was your age."


1st grader: Why does Daddy bring all that paper in his briefcase? Mom: Because he has so much to do at the office he can't finish it all. 1st grader: Why don't they put him in a slower group?


Some of us would like to know if a teacher can hit a child on the hands with a ruler. I say she doesn't have the right to-Maria. P.S. If my writing's bad it's because my hand is sore.


You are doing a terrific & outstanding job-I'm proud you were elected Gov. of Ohio. This proves anybody can be elected.


I am going to loose a tooth. My tchr. wants to pull it. I wont let her. I like it where it is-Nancy am going to loose a tooth. My tchr. wants to pull it. I wont let her. I like it where it is-Nancy [image]

My daddy says since you became Gov. many things have changed. 2 ice cream men used to come down our street but not any more. One of the trucks was pulled by a horse. Did you take him to a racetrack or just change the streets they go down?


Hywy. Dept.-signs be 7ft. above highway instead of 5. Raised signs at tremendous cost. Fed govt. would have lowered the pavement.


Magician-boy on stage-"never hv. seen you before"-"no daddy"


If money could talk-ask "what happened?"


Good exec. never puts off till tomorrow what ... can get someone else to do today.


Hold up man-note-teller "Got gun give money." She wrote "Kindly go to next window I'm on my lunch hour."


Play both ends against the taxpayer.


When come to parting of the ways-try to go both.


Practice pols. so that all paths of glories lead but to the gravy.


He is usually mistaken at the top of his voice.


Man of few words-never stops talking after he's used them.


The main prob. with teenagers is they are just like their parents were at that age.


Want some free newspaper publicity? Do something stupid.


They went beyond the call of duty-they wanted to get someplace where they couldn't hear it.


Woman home with pckg. Husband: "what did you buy?" W: "I don't know what it is." H: "Then why did you buy it?" W: "Because the man said you can't get them anymore."


Heard of a man still has 1st $? This man has stock he bought when the company's name was "General Candle."


Went for singing lessons said-"Don't know what to do with my hands when I sing." Have you tried holding them over your mouth.


U. Prof. of Eng. told cla.s.s he'd found one of the most elegant lines of poetry in the Eng. language. "Walk with light" (repeat). "Isn't that a wonderful thing to say to someone?" Cla.s.s agreed & asked who was ... poet. Prof: "Anonymous ... it's written on a sign at the corner of 9th & Main."


Visiting friend asked wealth, soc. leader why he stayed in such a small one horse town. He said: "Because I'm the horse."


Tchr: "Not only is he the worst behaved kid in school-he has a perfect attendance record."


Things could be worse-100 mil. Ams. don't have driver's licenses.

Glossary Acton, John Dalberg (18341902): English historian with an interest in the American federal system. His extensive library was given to the University of Cambridge. (18341902): English historian with an interest in the American federal system. His extensive library was given to the University of Cambridge.

Adams, Samuel (17221803): Second cousin to John Adams, politician in colonial Ma.s.sachusetts, and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. (17221803): Second cousin to John Adams, politician in colonial Ma.s.sachusetts, and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States.

Adams, John (17351826): a.s.sisted in drafting the Declaration of Independence. He was the second president of the United States, as well as a political theorist. (17351826): a.s.sisted in drafting the Declaration of Independence. He was the second president of the United States, as well as a political theorist.

Aesop (620564 BCE): Greek slave and storyteller whose well-known fables, like "The Boy Who Cried Wolf," are often used in the moral education of children. (620564 BCE): Greek slave and storyteller whose well-known fables, like "The Boy Who Cried Wolf," are often used in the moral education of children.

Amiel, Henri Frederic (18211881): Swiss poet and philosopher who traveled widely and taught moral philosophy in Geneva. He is known for his book (18211881): Swiss poet and philosopher who traveled widely and taught moral philosophy in Geneva. He is known for his book Journal Intime Journal Intime.

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