The Notes Part 11

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Wormser, Rene A. (18961981): Counsel for a congressional committee commissioned to investigate tax-exempt foundations that were allegedly working-through education, government, and media-to turn America into a socialist nation. (18961981): Counsel for a congressional committee commissioned to investigate tax-exempt foundations that were allegedly working-through education, government, and media-to turn America into a socialist nation.


With thanks to my wife, Anne Brinkley; and my a.s.sistant, Sara Haji, of Austin, Texas.

To John Heubusch, who took the time to share his thoughts. To Nancy Reagan. To my friends Bob Barnett, Tim Duggan, Jonathan Burnham, Fred Ryan, and Joanne Drake.

And to James A. Baker III, a great source of wisdom, for all the encouragement.

-Douglas Brinkley

Index The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific pa.s.sage, please use the search feature of your e-book reader.

Acton, John Dalberg, Lord, 54Acts, Book of, 100Adam and Eve, 251Adams, John, 34Adams, Samuel, 9Adenauer, Konrad, 185adolescence, 226, 241advancement, 155advice, 218, 220Aesop, 58African Americans, 58Alford, Henry, 67America:greatness, 7879ideal, 38loving, 2728promise of, 33, 55American Indian, 223American Revolution, 65Amiel, Henri Frederic, 145anarchy, 3, 6, 42, 58Anderson, Maxwell, 16670anti-busing campaign, 179Antigone, 119Antonius, Marcus, 156Aptheker, Herbert, 56Aristophanes, 72Aristotle, 158Army, U.S., 6667Aspasia, 91atheists, 202Athens, 97Australia, 8bad ideas, 159barbarian, 78Barden, Graham, 186bargains, 232Bastiat, Claude-Frederic, 1920, 43, 9293Belloc, Hilaire, 78Benton, William, 137Bill of Rights, 60Booth, William, 93borrowers, 24bosses, 253, 260bourgeois, 48Bradford, Ralph, 1045Brasco, Frank, 199200Brezhnev, Leonid, 23435Briggs, Mario, 199200Brownfield, Alan C., 86Browning, Robert, 146budget, balancing of, 1617, 18, 257buffalo, 221bugs, electronic surveillance, 189, 214bureaucracy, 19, 40, 44, 93, 1034, 228Burke, Edmund, 39, 87Burns, James McGregor, 13233Burton, Richard, 190Bush, George H. W., 248Bush, George W., 248California, 178campus riots (1960s), 57Cantor, Eddie, 145capital punishment, 161capitalism, 40, 56, 87, 133, 136Carnegie, Dale, 150Chambers, Whittaker, 8, 115character, 12, 41, 43, 155, 157, 170charity, 164, 171see also welfare system, welfare state welfare system, welfare stateChesterton, Gilbert K., 17071children, 198, 204, 207, 210, 224, 225, 229, 242, 246, 250, 258Chinese proverb, 80, 146Christians, 73Churchill, Winston, 15, 3940, 69, 74, 8889, 131, 154, 243Cicero, Marcus, 18, 9091, 13132, 155cities, violence in, 85citizens.h.i.+p:accountability, 1045responsible, 22City Upon a Hill, 7civil liberty, 7Civil War, U.S., 67civilization, 35, 51, 8687, 100decline of, 8, 110coercion, 72, 82Cold War, 73Colossians, Epistle to, 161Commager, Henry Steele, 10communication, 158, 251communism, 25, 38, 48, 49, 56, 77, 129, 136, 180Communist Party USA, 49, 73compa.s.sion, 206computers, 194Conant, James, 94confidence, 196Confucius, 14546, 156confusion, 80Congress, U.S., 3, 13, 60, 189, 234, 246conscience, 155, 200, 205conservatism, 18, 185Const.i.tution, U.S., 56, 10, 25, 26, 42, 54, 60abuse of, 83misconstruction of, 9, 60presidential powers and, 1415Coolidge, Calvin, 23, 44corruption, 222costrophobia, 246Cotton, John, 53courts, 26credit, 204crime, 102, 190, 222, 254criticism, 150, 152, 173, 194, 226, 242crowd control, 253Cub Scouts, 28Czechoslovakia, 131debt, public, 109deceit, 160Declaration of Independence, 34, 61, 124defense, 23, 70deficits, 1617, 22democracy, 6, 74, 97, 132, 143Democrats, 179, 184, 191demonstrations, public, 101Demosthenes, 71Denning, Alfred "Tom," Lord, 54despotism, 4, 9destiny of man, 88d.i.c.kinson, John, 118dictators.h.i.+p, 15, 97dieting, 191diplomacy, 4849disability, 96disadvantages, overcoming, 14546disagreement, 171discipline, 242doctors, 209, 21617, 231, 240duty, 88, 89, 154, 263Eban, Abba, 80Ecclesiastes, Book of, 160Eckerman, Johann Peter, 79economists, 192economy and economics, 11, 2324, 190planned vs. unplanned, 103virtue of, 109Eden, 222Edison, Thomas A., 220education, 83, 86, 9495, 99, 158, 17778, 211, 225federal control of, 21, 18586Einstein, Albert, 230Eisenhower, Dwight D., 70electric chair, 102emanc.i.p.ation, 58Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 141employment, 41enemy, 252equality, 55, 133error, prevalence of, 79estate, progressive, 24Etienne, Henry, 217evil, 59, 161exaggeration, 191, 196excellence, 170existence, 73Exodus, Book of, 161experience, 210, 239expertise, reliance on, 19faith, 17071Federalist Papers, 57Federalists, 6finances, 26fis.h.i.+ng, 191, 200, 230flattery, 203, 204fools, 160Ford, Gerald, 23435foreign aid, 18, 13132, 255foreign policy, 13233, 134forgetfulness, 197forgiveness, 17071, 211, 252Frankl, Viktor, 164free enterprise, 15, 22, 25, 40, 149, 255free markets, 910, 103freedom, 1045; see also see also liberty libertyfreedom from want, 85freedom of choice, 33, 60, 61, 62freedom of the individual, 51freedom of religion, 28freedom of the press, 1314, 35, 36friends.h.i.+p, 83frugality, of government, 1213, 14, 109Fulbright, J. William, 10, 129future, 117Gandhi, Mohandas, 151Garfield, James A., 150Gates, Frederick, 9495gathering storm, 74gentlemen, 142Gladstone, William, 25gla.s.s houses, 237goals, 164, 206G.o.d, 7, 77, 93, 115, 116, 119, 120, 122, 124, 125, 165, 16667Goebbels, Joseph, 101Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 79, 147Goldwater, Barry, 183Gompers, Samuel, 4546, 62, 95, 109government, 197, 256, 257accountability of, 252governmentbra.s.siere compared to, 229cost of, 93expansion of, 19, 2021, 37, 41, 53, 55, 83, 92, 207, 249forms of, 15frugality of, 1213, 14, 109local, 44limitation of, 41moral obligations of, 12as necessary evil, 59popular morality and, 7879, 91, 1045powers of, 4, 11, 41proper role of, 12, 13, 14, 21, 3536, 38, 41, 42, 43, 52, 55, 82, 92relief, 16representative, 15government spending, 203financing of, 26reduction of, 59, 216grace, 161greatness, 78, 142, 162Greece, ancient, 1112Gromyko, Andrey, 134guests, 247, 250Hall, Gus, 73Hamilton, Alexander, 11, 8081Hand, Billings Learned, 102, 171Hannah, John, 185happiness, 38, 165harmony, 147Harris, Sydney, 150Hawley, Mark, 28healthcare, socialized, 98Henning, Jack, 178Henry, Patrick, 11718, 149heroism, 141Hill, Benjamin H., 55history, 92, 130, 246Hitler, Adolf, 96Ho Chi Minh, 129Holland, Josiah Gilbert, 16364Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 59honesty, 159, 195honor, 89, 157Hoover, Herbert, 60Hoover, J. Edgar, 102, 182hope, 8, 166, 17071horse sense, 201housewife, 233human nature, 247Hutchins, Robert M., 21Ibn Khaldoun, 90ideas, 159, 205ignorance, 35, 193impeachment, 11income tax, 245, 251indecisiveness, 199individuals:responsibility of, 52security of, 5infamy, 23, 106inflation, 21, 23, 184, 197, 218, 228, 233, 246, 249, 256influence, 215initiative, 89, 95insanity, 207insurance, for public employees, 178intelligence services, 69Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 98, 252interruptions, 217investment, 23Irish Blessing, 121Isaiah, Book of, 123, 124Jackson, Henry, 179James, H. Thomas, 186Jay, John, 130Jefferson, Thomas, 1114, 35, 58, 68, 8184, 109, 116, 124, 130, 14748Jews, 9899jobs, 17Johnson, Hiram, 106Johnson, Lyndon B., 180Judges, Book of, 101judgment, 162, 216judiciary, overreaching by, 11, 26, 60justice, 84, 143, 241Kennedy, John F., 17, 53, 70, 89, 185Khrushchev, Nikita, 49, 73killing, 161Kissinger, Henry, 241Krock, Arthur, 22labor, 14, 87, 95, 96, 100Labor Party, 40labor union, 4546Lafayette, Marquis de, 68, 85laissez-faire, 94law, rule of, 84, 85laws, 8081, 105lawyers, 13, 1078legislation, 19Lenin, Vladimir, 23, 4748, 72, 13334Levinson, Sam, 228Lewis, C. S., 86liberalism, 38, 77liberty, 13, 2728, 3362, 6667, 83, 110, 116, 117, 118, 124, 133, 143, 23435ignorance and, 35Lieber, Francis, 7lies, lying, 142, 160, 189, 191, 196life expectancy, 232Lincoln, Abraham, 1415, 60, 8788, 11819, 15254, 254, 258literature, 242Los Angeles, Calif., 106Los Angeles Times, 106lotteries, 81Louis, Joe, 145love, 147, 17071, 237loyalty, 88, 135luck, 162, 245MacArthur, Douglas, 71Macaulay, Thomas, 42, 110, 157MacLean, Alistair, 166Madison, James, 57Magee, John Gillespie, Jr., 122magician, 260malice, 74Manuilsky, Dmitriy, 136Mao Zedong, 129, 147marriage, 147, 196, 208, 236, 240marriage, 240Marshall, Henry, 14546martial law, 27McCracken, Paul, 2324, 103McCulloch, John Ramsay, 104McGovern, George, 17883Medicare, 243middle age, 212, 213, 237military might, 70, 137Mill, John Stuart, 36, 3536, 66misery, 39, 40moderation, 144, 198Mollenhoff, Clark, 99monarchy, 15, 101money, 204, 212, 23031, 244, 260Montesquieu, 15Montessori, Maria, 173morality, 12, 7879, 91, 95, 1045, 116, 119, 149, 154, 156, 16869, 171moral stamina and courage, 1045Moulton, John Fletcher, Lord, 100movies, 248Muhlenberg, Peter, 65Mundt, Karl, 182Munich pact, 131music, 80Muskie, Edmund, 254Mussolini, Benito, 51National Education a.s.sociation, 94National Socialism, n.a.z.i Party, 50, 96newspapers/press, 1314Nguyen Van Thieu, 180, 181Nixon, Richard M., 181, 182Numbers, Book of, 120old age, 146, 155, 158, 202, 214, 217, 223, 236, 249organized labor, 22Ortega y Ga.s.set, Jose, 8687Otis, Harrison Gray, 106outer s.p.a.ce, 103Paine, Thomas, 59parable, 101Pascal, Blaise, 162past, 117patience, 162patriotism, 135Paul, Randolph E., 2425peace, 70Peloponnesian War, 72Penn, William, 91, 119people:civic responsibility of, 5, 1045, 156morality of, 7879, 91, 1045Pericles, 156Petain, Philippe, 151Peterson, Wilfred A., 165philanthropy, 95Pius XII, Pope, 38, 7778planning, 152poem, 111poise, 215poland, 27political power, of people vs. elite, 1112politics, politicians, 154, 171, 227, 235, 244, 255, 256, 261and courage of convictions, 150hypocrisy in, 7population, representation and, 18485post office, 218poverty, the poor, 62, 1034, 105, 219, 222, 228power, 53, 159Pravda, 135 135prejudice, 91president:powers of, 3, 10, 1415public opinion and, 29principles, 82private enterprise, see see free enterprise free enterpriseprivate property, 21, 87procrastination, 192profits, 95propaganda, 47, 86, 135property, 87prosperity, 5, 227protest, protests, 144, 179, 202Proverbs, Book of, 160public debt, 1213, 18, 2324, 109public employees:insurance for, 178strikes by, 89public opinion, 29, 79, 8384, 88, 101, 153public sentiment, 87publicity, 262Randall, H. S., 110Rangers Prayer, 121Rauschenbusch, Walter, 45Read, Leonard, 21, 97, 15859Reagan, Ronald, ixxvii, 130reason, 84, 109reform, 57regulation, 55religion, 83, 11525freedom of, 28theatre as, 16669representation, proportional, 18485representative government, 15republicanism, 57Republicans, 184responsibility, 164retaliation, 130, 180revolution, 47, 92Revolutionary War, 65Rockefeller, John D., 94Rogers, Will, 26, 1078Rome, ancient, 1112, 110Romulo, Phil, 59Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 1617, 19, 89Russia, 136, 137Russian joke, 234Russian roulette, 217Ruth, Babe, 145sacrifice, 8, 151Saint Peter, 235Santa Claus, 255savings/savers, 2324schools, private, 94Schreiner (poet), 160Scottish ballad, 158SDS, 57security, of individuals, 5sedition, 85self-control, 157self-preservation, 74, 81self-reliance, 1056, 151, 156Seneca, Lucius, 155, 172Shaw, George Bernard, 43sins, 214slavery, 36, 58, 67, 69Slichter, Sumner, 25Smith, Adam, 149Smith, Al, 14546Social Security, 243socialism, 38, 3940, 43, 45, 49, 51, 56, 77, 94, 97, 108, 133, 136, 17778, 185socialized medicine, 98Socrates, 91soldiers, 6667, 71Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 137Sophocles, 119Sorensen, Theodore, 29sovereignty, 9Soviet Union, 49, 132, 134, 137, 199, 23435Sparta, 91Spencer, Herbert, 1056Stalin, Joseph, 4849State, 2021States' rights, 5, 9, 11statistics, 189Statue of Liberty, 46Sternlieb, George, 1034strikes, by public employees, 89students, 211success, 216, 217, 218, 224Sun-Tzu, 69Supreme Court, U.S., 125power of, 3Talmud, 157taxes, taxation, 6, 2425, 81, 90, 102, 107, 109, 111, 183, 192, 219, 232, 233, 245, 251, 252, 256equality of, 20, 104and foreign aid, 13132reduction of, 17, 59, 184and spending, 59taxpayer, 233Taylor, Elizabeth, 190"Teacher" (Mollenhoff), 99technology, 201, 252teenagers, 262television, 211, 212, 236Texas, 248theatre, 16670Thessalonians, Second Epistle to, 100Thomas, Norman, 108, 184thought, power of, 162time, wasting of, 214Tocqueville, Alexis de, 6, 3637Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, 92trains, 221treason, 85, 90truth, 8, 79, 145, 150tyranny, 44Tytler, Alexander Fraser, 97underdeveloped nation, 241unions, 4546United Nations, 254United States, as protector of small nations, 8USSR, 137utopia, 184values, 86verbosity, 153, 262victory, 71Vietnam War, 18082violence:and government, 92necessity of, 72urban, 85virtue, 15virtues, 163, 167Voltaire, 197votes, 216"Wanted" (Holland), 16364war, 6574, 84, 91Warren, Earl, 18485Was.h.i.+ngton, George, 68, 8485, 116, 172, 218, 248, 250wealth, redistribution of, 2425, 197, 219, 256Weber, Louise E., 47Webster, Daniel, 36, 3536, 42, 7879welfare system, welfare state, 16, 18, 22, 50, 62, 95, 96, 1034, 1056, 223, 228, 256Williams, Jack, 163Willkie, Wendell, 172Wilson, Woodrow, 18, 41Winthrop, John, 7wisdom, 146, 157, 160Wolfe, Thomas, 33, 61women, 196, 199, 207, 213, 232, 234, 236, 237, 238, 240, 244, 263work, 100, 203, 205, 212, 214, 220, 224, 23031, 252World War II, 74Wormser, Rene A., 17778youth, 91, 210, 211, 217, 223, 226, 239, 248, 262zealots, 148

About the Editor

DOUGLAS BRINKLEY is a professor of history at Rice University. He is the editor of is a professor of history at Rice University. He is the editor of The Reagan Diaries The Reagan Diaries and the author of and the author of The Wilderness Warrior The Wilderness Warrior, The Great Deluge The Great Deluge, and The Quiet World The Quiet World.

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