Beowulf Part 4

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--Herebeald--.--Eldest son of Hrethel, the Geatish king, and brother of Higelac. Killed by his younger brother Haethcyn.--34_43; 34_47.

--Heremod--.--A Danish king of a dynasty before the Scylding line. Was a source of great sorrow to his people.--14_64; 25_59.

--Hereric--.--Referred to as uncle of Heardred, but otherwise unknown.--31_60.

--Hetwars--.--Another name for the Franks.--33_51.

--Healfdene--.--Grandson of Scyld and father of Hrothgar. Ruled the Danes long and well.--2_5; 4_1; 8_14.

--Heardred--.--Son of Higelac and Hygd, king and queen of the Geats.

Succeeds his father, with Beowulf as regent. Is slain by the sons of Ohthere.--31_56; 33_63; 33_75.

--Heathobards--.--Race of Lombards, of which Froda is king. After Froda falls in battle with the Danes, Ingeld, his son, marries Hrothgar's daughter, Freaware, in order to heal the feud.--30_1; 30_6.

--Heatholaf--.--A Wylfing warrior slain by Beowulf's father.--8_5.

--Heath.o.r.emes--.--The people on whose Breca is cast by the waves during his contest with Beowulf.--9_21.

--Heorogar--.--Elder brother of Hrothgar, and surnamed 'Weoroda Raeswa,'

Prince of the Troopers.--2_9; 8_12.

--Hereward--.--Son of the above.--31_17.

--Heort--, --Heorot--.--The great mead-hall which King Hrothgar builds. It is invaded by Grendel for twelve years. Finally cleansed by Beowulf, the Geat. It is called Heort on account of the hart-antlers which decorate it.--2_25; 3_32; 3_52.

--Hildeburg--.--Wife of Finn, daughter of Hoce, and related to Hnaef,--probably his sister.--17_21; 18_34.

--Hnaef--.--Leader of a branch of the Danes called Half-Danes. Killed in the struggle at Finn's castle.--17_19; 17_61.

--Hondscio--.--One of Beowulf's companions. Killed by Grendel just before Beowulf grappled with that monster.--30_43.

--Hoce--.--Father of Hildeburg and probably of Hnaef.--17_26.

--Hrethel--.--King of the Geats, father of Higelac, and grandfather of Beowulf.--7_4; 34_39.

--Hrethla--.--Once used for Hrethel.--7_82.

--Hrethmen--.--Another name for the Danes.--7_73.

--Hrethric--.--Son of Hrothgar.--18_65; 27_19.


--Hreosna-beorh--.--A promontory in Geat-land, near which Ohthere's sons made plundering raids.--35_18.

--Hrothgar--.--The Danish king who built the hall Heort, but was long unable to enjoy it on account of Grendel's persecutions. Marries Wealhtheow, a Helming lady. Has two sons and a daughter. Is a typical Teutonic king, lavish of gifts. A devoted liegelord, as his lamentations over slain liegemen prove. Also very appreciative of kindness, as is shown by his loving grat.i.tude to Beowulf.--2_9; 2_12; 4_1; 8_10; 15_1; etc., etc.

--Hrothmund--.--Son of Hrothgar.--18_65.

--Hrothulf--.--Probably a son of Halga, younger brother of Hrothgar.

Certainly on terms of close intimacy in Hrothgar's palace.--16_26; 18_57.

--Hrunting--.--Unferth's sword, lent to Beowulf.--22_71; 25_9.

--Hugs--.--A race in alliance with the Franks and Frisians at the time of Higelac's fall.--35_41.

--Hun--.--A Frisian warrior, probably general of the Hetwars. Gives Hengest a beautiful sword.--18_19.

--Hunferth--.--Sometimes used for Unferth.

--Hygelac--, --Higelac--.--King of the Geats, uncle and liegelord of Beowulf, the hero of the poem.--His second wife is the lovely Hygd, daughter of Haereth. The son of their union is Heardred. Is slain in a war with the Hugs, Franks, and Frisians combined. Beowulf is regent, and afterwards king of the Geats.--4_6; 5_4; 28_34; 29_9; 29_21; 31_56.

--Hygd--.--Wife of Higelac, and daughter of Haereth. There are some indications that she married Beowulf after she became a widow.--28_37.

--Ingeld--.--Son of the Heathobard king, Froda. Marries Hrothgar's daughter, Freaware, in order to reconcile the two peoples.--29_62; 30_32.

--Ingwins--.--Another name for the Danes.--16_52; 20_69.

--Jutes--.--Name sometimes applied to Finn's people.--17_22; 17_38; 18_17.

--Lafing--.--Name of a famous sword presented to Hengest by Hun.--18_19.

--Merewing--.--A Frankish king, probably engaged in the war in which Higelac was slain.--40_29.

--Naegling--.--Beowulf's sword.--36_76.

--Offa--.--King of the Angles, and son of Garmund. Marries the terrible Thrytho who is so strongly contrasted with Hygd.--28_59; 28_66.

--Ohthere--.--Son of Ongentheow, king of the Swedes. He is father of Eanmund and Eadgils.--40_35; 40_39.

--Onela--.--Brother of Ohthere.--36_15; 40_39.

--Ongentheow--.--King of Sweden, of the Scylfing dynasty. Married, perhaps, Elan, daughter of Healfdene.--35_26; 41_16.

--Oslaf--.--A Dane of Hnaef's party.--18_24.

--Ravenswood--.--The forest near which Haethcyn was slain.--40_31; 40_41.

--Scefing--.--Applied (1_4) to Scyld, and meaning 'son of Scef.'


--Scyld--.--Founder of the dynasty to which Hrothgar, his father, and grandfather belonged. He dies, and his body is put on a vessel, and set adrift. He goes from Daneland just as he had come to it--in a bark.--1_4; 1_19; 1_27.

--Scyldings--.--The descendants of Scyld. They are also called Honor-Scyldings, Victory-Scyldings, War-Scyldings, etc. (See 'Danes,'

above.)--2_1; 7_1; 8_1.

--Scylfings--.--A Swedish royal line to which Wiglaf belonged.--36_2.

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