Manowa Chapter 190

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Chapter 190 - Let's Consult That existence has mesmerized all life since prehistoric times.

If asked why they like t.i.ts, people would say it was because there is a peak. are dreams and hope. And men live for the sake of grasping those dreams. t.i.ts are supposed to be elastic and soft. But there are b.r.e.a.s.t.s that run contrary to the dreams of those men. No, it's unclear whether or not they can be called They are such a thing.

They are what is called tiny b.r.e.a.s.t.s, flat, washboards, etc. They have lost their original meaning and certainly can't be rubbed. Those protuberances can't be gazed at for enjoyment. If so, are they a disappointing thing?...... Nay.

Tiny b.r.e.a.s.t.s are a new dream, a new love that people have obtained.

The slight prominences, high sensitivity from being small, and the face of a girl who is ashamed of being small. The two small pink peaks on a perfectly level surface are a new frontier. An eternal paradise.

The Tonfa User Angus fired his Tonfa Kick at the men who were talking so pa.s.sionately. The men groaned and collapsed as they were kicked in their stomachs. And no one stopped it. They thought they were revolting.

「I didn't want to let those incomprehensible brats come close.」

「Truly. Aniki's tonfa handling was splendid as ever.」

「Having a tonfa was completely meaningless. It was the best.」

「Hey, you're making me shy?」

Angus and the others left with those words.

「What was that?」

Kazane had been overcome with surprise by the scene in front of her and spoke that brief comment.

「That group was saved by you. They said that since you seemed to be concerned about not having b.r.e.a.s.t.s, they would speak pa.s.sionately and spread the word about small b.r.e.a.s.t.s not being inferior and create a world where n.o.body had to be ashamed about having tiny b.r.e.a.s.t.s.」

「That's excessively needless a.s.sistance!?」

It was a pointlessly grand plan. Facing that group who had collapsed from the Tonfa Kicks would be unpleasant, and since Kazane had fulfilled her original purpose of finding out what had happened after they subjugated the Crystal Dragon, she decided to leave immediately. After that, she certainly thought that it might be nice if there was such a future. She was going to become big later so it was irrelevant to her, but she thought it would be necessary for Emily.

In addition, when Kazane left she muttered「I'm still in my growth period,」and she couldn't realize that Eibra was thinking (my 10 year old daughter is taller and has a bigger chest) as he saw her off.

◎ Dongol City, Dyne Hotel

「Mm, that was splendid Tonfa handling.」

「Ossan is also quite capable, aren't you? Few guys can avoid my Tonfa Punch.」

「But Aniki's Tonfa Dive was also amazing.」

「I thought the tonfas wouldn't be useful, but it was just as I thought. As expected of Aniki, you're an outrageous person.」

「Hey now, don't praise me so much. It's embarra.s.sing, dammit.」

After Kazane went shopping for a few things and entered the hotel lobby, Angus, his followers, Jinrai, and Yumika were there.

(Why are you getting along well!!!!!!!)

Kazane screamed in her mind, but there was nothing to be done.

「Mm, Kazane? Did you return just now?」

And her return was spotted by Jinrai. She wanted to silently pa.s.s by, but it couldn't be helped.

「Ye, yeah. I went shopping for a bit.」

「Oh, is this small person the rumored Ogre Killing Princess?」

「Ooh, it's just like we heard. Incredible.」

「Certainly. There's no difference from the rumors...」

The three people's gazes were clearly pointed at Kazane's chest. It went without saying that their gazes were dyed with pity instead of l.u.s.t. Angus softly said tiny b.r.e.a.s.t.s, but she didn't worry about it. She didn't care anymore.

「Uu, please treat me well. I'm Kazane.」

「I'm the Tonfa User Angus. Calling me Onii-san is fine!」

「I'm Aniki's companion, Doppo.」

「I'm George. Best regards.」

Doppo, George. The two people had rat-like facial features. There should be no problem with that, yet she had an uncertain feeling about their names.

「We met during training some time ago. We fought one battle, and he had tremendous skill.」

Jinrai said.

「It was a narrow victory for master, and I was completely defeated even with Dragonoidization.」

Tehehe... Yumika laughed. (Seriously?!) Kazane thought, but she didn't think those two people would joke when it came to fighting. It was unbelievable, but the strange man in front of her was also strong.

「What are you saying? Your spear handling was splendid. If I didn't have these tonfa it would have been dangerous.」

「Jeez. Even if I devoted myself wholeheartedly to the tonfa, would I be able to reach that level?」

Yumika was looking at Angus with a respectful gaze.

「Hey, don't fall in love.」

「Wow, Aniki. Your Tonfa Shoulder Throw was the best.」

「Miss Yumika was also amazing. That spear and tonfa (LOL) exchange, serious respect.」

After Doppo and George fanned the flames, Yumika was embarra.s.sed and said「Jeez, stop already.」It seemed fellow strong warriors could communicate with each other.

「Your group isn't at all like we heard, are you? I guess rumors can't be relied on.」

So saying, Angus also sniffled「Heh.」

While watching that situation with a lukewarm gaze, Kazane said she would go to her room and left that place. Laughter could be heard behind her. Ah, this feeling of alienation... Kazane thought as she returned to her room.

There was an encounter with those strange people in Dongol city, and the next day Kazane and the others headed for their next planned destination Olboa City without incident. However, although it should have been a smooth journey, the expressions of Kazane and Yumika weren't refreshed. That was because they hadn't been able to contact Yuuko-nee since the day before.

◎ Hyvern Dukedom, Dragon Road, Toward Olboa City

「It might be bad.」

Kazane so broached the subject as they travelled along the『Dragon Road』which connected the capital city Deer South with the Konron Mountains, which held the East Dragon Village Zegan.

According to Kazane's story, yesterday evening a『Heart, dangerous. Seven Deadly Sins, super dangerous. Coming. Black devils』email (Jinrai and the others were told it was a writing transmission magic) came. When Louise asked why they didn't find such a considerably suggestive sentence suspicious,

「No, 30 minutes before『I'm going to prepare a reverse prank after this』message came, so we thought it was some kind of joke.」

Kazane replied, never imagining that message was about setting up a Flame Pillar magic circle for the devil that was impersonating General Dios.

「We replied right away, but we still haven't received a response.」

Yumika next to Kazane replied. The contents of their replies were secret. They couldn't say they were about bowel movements.

「Is not receiving a response a rare thing?」

Tiara couldn't quite understand email and asked.

The main communication method for human beings of that era was letters, and it was normal for that exchange to take several weeks to several months. For military purposes, the transmission of highly important information, etc., there were also other means like the Flying Dragon Service, but for ordinary citizens, and even for royalty and n.o.bles, daily communication with immediate responses was so far outside of that world's common sense that they didn't even desire it.

「I generally exchange around 10 a day?」


Everyone but Naoki had surprised expressions after Kazane and Yumika's reply.

The dumbfounded Louise replied「You were communicating with each other so frequently.」

By the way, while there were also serious emails like about the state of progress of the Acc.u.mulator, they were mostly messages like『Good morning. I'm a little sleepy』『I'm also really tired』,『This pasta is a little soft』『I want to slurp some』. Louise and the others being even more surprised when they heard that was natural. There was a difference in culture too large to call a generation gap.

In any case, if they sorted the circ.u.mstances, Yuuko-nee (they knew she wasn't dead due to the function of the Window) was currently in a situation where she couldn't reply for some reason, and if they a.s.sumed the contents of the email were serious, there were two things that couldn't be overlooked, and Louise spoke.

「Thinking straightforwardly, it means devils are aiming at That, right?」

Kazane and Yumika could only nod after Louise's words. Why did they think it was about a bowel movement? It could be said they were paying the price for usually only exchanging trivial messages.

Although what Kazane and the others could do was unchanged anyway. They could only move forward, along with Benzel riding his dragon mount Raiel in the sky to the side. Including today, it would take four days for them to reach Drums City. It looked like it was going to be a stressful journey.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

t.i.tle: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Two Handed Sword『Black Fang』, Adhesion Sword『Gum』, Spell Dagger, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Acc.u.mulator, White Magic Acc.u.mulator

Level : 31

Health: 114

Magic Power: 205+420

Strength: 55+10

Agility: 48+4

Endurance: 31

Wisdom : 62

Dexterity : 39

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』

Skill : 『Warrior's Memory』『Night Vision』『Crus.h.i.+ng Blow』『Dog's Sense of Smell』『Golem Maker: Lv3』『Rush』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material s.h.i.+eld: Lv2』『Information Link』『Optical Camouflage』『Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Placement』『Thunder Chariot』『St.u.r.dier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Fabricated Coercion』『Stone Minotaur』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『s.p.a.ce Expansion』『Pseudo-silver Creation』『Poison Claw』

Kazane:「I've sent around 100 emails to Yuuko-nee, but there's no reply.」

Yumika:「It's too late now, but we should have registered Yohan-san as a party member. We might have been able to use him to get in contact.」

Kazane:「We didn't do it with Ao-san either. Ah, jeez, what a mistake.」

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