A Monograph on the Sub-class Cirripedia Part 39

A Monograph on the Sub-class Cirripedia -

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1. _Scalpellum ornatum_, (female, magnified seven times.)

1_a'._ _Scalpellum ornatum_, Upper latus, viewed internally.

1_b'._ _Scalpellum ornatum_, Scutum of full-grown specimen, viewed internally, much magnified.

(_a._) Depression for the adductor muscle.

(_b._) Depression for the reception of the male.

1_c'._ _Scalpellum ornatum_, cutum of half-grown specimen, viewed internally, much magnified, on same scale with fig. 1 _b'_.

The depression (_b_) for the reception of the male is here seen, in almost the first stage of formation.

1_d'._ _Scalpellum ornatum._ An imaginary section through the cavity (_x_) in which the male is lodged.

(_a._) Section of the sh.e.l.l of the scutum of the female.

(_b._) A layer of chitine h.o.m.ologous with the sh.e.l.l, and _partially_ lining the scutum.

(_c._) The inner lining (of chitine) of the sack of the female.

(_d._) A double fold of corium.

2. _Scalpellum rutilum_, (magnified two and a half times).

2_a'._ _Scalpellum rutilum_, Internal view of scutum, enlarged.

(_a._) Depression for the adductor muscle.

(_b._) Cavity for the reception of the male.

2_b'._ _Scalpellum rutilum_, External view of carina.

2_c'._ _Scalpellum rutilum_, Section across middle of carina.

3. Complemental Male of _Scalpellum Peronii_, greatly magnified.

4. Complemental Male of _Scalpellum villosum_, greatly magnified.

(_a'._) Natural size.

4, _a, b, c._ Ditto, valves separated.

(_a._) Scutum.

(_b._) Tergum.

(_c._) Carina.

5. Complemental Male of _Scalpellum rostratum_, a restored figure, greatly magnified. Scutum and rudimentary carina correct.

6. _Scalpellum Peronii_, one and a half the natural size.

(_a._) Rostrum a little more enlarged, front view of.

7. _Scalpellum rostratum_, magnified six times.

(_a._) Rostrum, front view of.

8. _Scalpellum villosum_, magnified one and a half the natural size.

8_a_, _b._ _Scalpellum villosum_

(_a._) Internal view of rostrum.

(_b._) Internal view of sub-rostrum.



1. _Pollicipes cornucopia_, (one and a half nat. size.)

1_a._ _Pollicipes cornucopia_, internal view of valves.

2. _Pollicipes polymerus_, (one and a half nat. size.)

2_a._ _Pollicipes polymerus_, internal view of valves.

3. _Pollicipes mitella_, nat. size.

3_a'._ _Pollicipes mitella_, nat. size, internal views of

(_a._) Scutum, and of

(_b._) Tergum, showing articular fold.

3_b'._ _Pollicipes mitella_, Internal view of other valves, in a small specimen, showing the manner in which the valves of the lower whorl overlap each other.

(_a._) Upper latera.

(_b._) Carina,

(_c._) Sub-carina, both viewed a little obliquely.

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